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Green Tomato-Pear Chutney

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Green Tomato-Pear Chutney

Makes 10 to 12 pints


8 pounds unripe green tomatoes, firm and free of blemishes

2 tablespoon kosher salt

4 pounds firm-ripe pears

3 to 4 serranos or other small hot chili

1 garlic bulb, cloves separated, peeled and minced

2 tablespoons freshly pressed ginger

1 teaspoon chipotle powder

3 pounds brown sugar

4 cups apple cider vinegar

1 1/2 cups dried currants


Remove the stem core of each tomato and cut them into very thin slices, about

1/8-inch thick. Layer the tomatoes in a large nonreactive bowl or pan,

sprinkling a little salt over each layer and sprinkling all remaining salt over

the final layer. Cover and set aside in a cool place or the refrigerator



To finish the chutney, drain the tomatoes of all liquid that has gathered,

pressing firmly on the tomatoes to help release the water. Put the tomatoes in a

large nonreactive pot with a heavy bottom.


Peel and core the pears and cut them into 1/4-inch lengthwise slices. Add the

pears to pot with the tomatoes.


Use a very sharp knife to score each serrano, cutting all the way through from

the tip nearly to the stem end. Add the serranos, garlic, ginger, chipotle

powder, brown sugar, vinegar and currants. Do not stir yet.


Set the pot over a medium flame and bring the liquid to a boil. Reduce to very

low, cover the pan and simmer 30 minutes. Uncover and skim off any foam that has

formed. Use a very large spoon to fold the ingredients together gently.


Cover the pan and cook until the chutney is very thick, about 2 1/2 to 3 hours,

uncovering it and stirring it now and then. Be sure to have the heat very low so

the ingredients in the bottom of the pot are not scorched.


While the chutney cooks, sterilize 12 pint jars and their lids.


Ladle the hot chutney into the hot sterilized jars, leaving 1/4 inch of head

room at the top of each jar.


Add the seals and rings and process in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes.


Use tongs to transfer the processed jars of chutney to a tea towel and let cool.

Tap on top of each jar to be sure it has sealed correctly.


Store in a cool, dark cupboard for up to 1 year. Refrigerate after opening.



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