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fighting cravings AND MOROCCAN STEW RECIPE!

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Unfortunately, everyone I know can eat just about anything and not suffer.

So, I am always surrounded by the very foods I cannot eat. But, I do think

that continuing to study and research these foods and their negative

effects, as well as continuing to find good, simple safe recipes that are

flavorsome enough to get me through some of my cravings would help. Sugar,

wheat and dairy are so addictive! I've had no problem giving up

soy....caffeine isn't a problem either. But sugar is a huge problem, as is

wheat and dairy. Dairy alone or wheat alone are not so bad, I can really do

without them. BUT, when I crave something sweet, dairy and wheat are

usually involved. For instance, I had bubble tea the other day (has sugar

and milk), or if I crave a cookie, they have wheat and dairy and sugar. I

even have a dairy free gluten free bakery here in Seattle, and yet, I'll

still grab something more convenient and then suffer the consequences. The

cravings are really a problem when I am PMS-ing. The rest of the time, I

can resist for the most part. So I just need to learn how to get through

that week. I know alot of it is hormonal, so I am working on that aspect

with my naturopath. But in the meantime, it certainly is hard to resist

some things. I have been struggling with these dietary issues for just

under a year and I hope I can come to terms with it this year and really get

into a consistent healthy routine. I feel so much better when I don't eat

those foods, you would think that would be motivating enough??


I imagine if I had a family or friends who were in the same situation, it

would be easier, but as I said, everyone I know eats everything and

anything.....so it is really hard. I often have to cook two meals when I

cook for the people close to me, a normal meal for them, and something

slightly different for me (for instance, pasta for them, polenta for me) -

although, I have discovered some amazing vegetable based dishes and soups

that everyone enjoys. In fact, below is a great Moroccan Stew Recipe.


Thanks for the encouragement!







1/3 cup olive oil


3 cups coarsely chopped onion


2 garlic cloves, minced


1 tsp ground cumin


1 tsp turmeric


½ tsp cinnamon


¼ to 1 tsp cayenne


½ teaspoon paprika


1 cup sliced carrots


4 cups cubed butternut squash


3 cups cubed eggplant


1 green pepper, sliced in strips


4 cups sliced zucchini


2 large tomatoes, chopped


1 ½ cups cooked garbanzo beans


Pinch of saffron


¾ cup dried currants


¼ cup chopped fresh parsley




In large pot, heat olive oil and sauté the onions for 2 to 3 minutes. Add

the garlic and spices, stirring continuously. Add the vegetables in the

order given above, so that the starchier vegetables will cook the

longest. Sauté

after the addition of each vegetable until its color deepens. Stir in the

garbanzo beans, the saffron and the currants. There should be some liquid

at the bottom of the pot from cooking the vegetables. However, if the stew

is dry, add ½ cup of tomato juice, liquid from the garbanzo beans or water.




Cover the stew and simmer on low heat until all the vegetables are tender.




** I recommend serving this dish with basmati rice and marinated lamb (for

meat eaters) or maybe tofu.




On 2/6/07, Deborah Pageau <dpageau wrote:


> Sharon, the cravings do go away, it just takes time. Some people, it

> takes longer or shorter. It took years for my dairy cravings to go away, but

> I had NO trouble giving up meat. My husband was the other way around, he

> suffered cravings for meat for years, whereas for him, dairy hardly gave him

> any trouble. He actually had a bit of an aversion to dairy, so him, that was

> the easy part.


> All those substances that you crave contain addictive properties. What

> would help YOU develop the strength to avoid falling back into the trap of

> eating them? More study about their negative properties? Maybe having

> someone else going through similar changes who needs your support??


> Ideas?


> Deborah


> Seriously, why won't cravings go away??? I have cravings, and then I give

> in, and eat things I shouldn't, then get sick. It is hard because I have

> to

> avoid dairy, wheat, soy, sugar, etc. It is particularly hard at certain

> times in my cycle, when cravings really hit. I have yet figured out how to

> combat these cravings. Even when I eliminate these things from my diet for

> a while, there is always something that happens and triggers a craving. If

> any of you have discovered a way to kick cravings for good, please let me

> know!


> Thanks,

> Sharon

> .




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In a message dated 2/6/2007 9:52:54 PM Eastern Standard Time,

sharon.cercone writes:



> I often have to cook two meals when I

> cook for the people close to me, a normal meal for them, and something

> slightly different for me (for instance, pasta for them, polenta for me) -


Sharon--I haven't had too much trouble cooking just one meal for my family

and staying GF and CF. What types of things will your family not eat that makes

you prepare a second meal? As to pasta, it is hard to find a good GF pasta.

They all tend to stick together and become gummy. Suggestions, anyone? Marilyn




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Empathizing with you! This may be more organization than is realistic (is

for me.) but can you get some decadent stuff from the gf bakery into your

freezer just before that time of the month so that it's right there and

convenient when the craving hits?






<lbilyeu lbilyeu





On Behalf Of Sharon Cercone

Tuesday, February 06, 2007 9:17 PM


fighting cravings AND MOROCCAN STEW RECIPE!





even have a dairy free gluten free bakery here in Seattle, and yet, I'll

still grab something more convenient and then suffer the consequences. The

cravings are really a problem when I am PMS-ing. The rest of the time, I

can resist for the most part. So I just need to learn how to get through

that week. I know alot of it is hormonal, so I am working on that aspect

with my naturopath.




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That is a good idea!! I never thought of that. I don't typical freeze

anything, but I think you are on to something! I think you are right being

organized and prepared will help. Thank you for this suggestion, I am

definitely going to make a habit of doing that!





On 2/7/07, Laurie Bilyeu <lauriebilyeu wrote:


> Sharon,


> Empathizing with you! This may be more organization than is realistic (is

> for me.) but can you get some decadent stuff from the gf bakery into your

> freezer just before that time of the month so that it's right there and

> convenient when the craving hits?


> Laurie


> <lbilyeu <lbilyeu%40uuma.org>>



> _____





[ <%40\


> On Behalf Of Sharon Cercone

> Tuesday, February 06, 2007 9:17 PM

> To:


> fighting cravings AND MOROCCAN STEW



> I

> even have a dairy free gluten free bakery here in Seattle, and yet, I'll

> still grab something more convenient and then suffer the consequences. The

> cravings are really a problem when I am PMS-ing. The rest of the time, I

> can resist for the most part. So I just need to learn how to get through

> that week. I know alot of it is hormonal, so I am working on that aspect

> with my naturopath.

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Glad to help-tell us if it work!






<lbilyeu lbilyeu





On Behalf Of Sharon Cercone

Wednesday, February 07, 2007 10:49 AM


Re: fighting cravings AND MOROCCAN STEW





That is a good idea!! I never thought of that. I don't typical freeze

anything, but I think you are on to something! I think you are right being

organized and prepared will help. Thank you for this suggestion, I am

definitely going to make a habit of doing that!




On 2/7/07, Laurie Bilyeu <lauriebilyeu@ <lauriebilyeu%40verizon.net>

verizon.net> wrote:


> Sharon,


> Empathizing with you! This may be more organization than is realistic (is

> for me.) but can you get some decadent stuff from the gf bakery into your

> freezer just before that time of the month so that it's right there and

> convenient when the craving hits?


> Laurie


> <lbilyeu (AT) uuma (DOT) <lbilyeu%40uuma.org> org

<lbilyeu%40uuma.org>> lbilyeu (AT) uuma (DOT) <lbilyeu%40uuma.org>



> _____


> Vegan-and-Gluten- <%40>

Free <%40>

> [Vegan-and-Gluten- <%40>

Free <%40>]

> On Behalf Of Sharon Cercone

> Tuesday, February 06, 2007 9:17 PM

> Vegan-and-Gluten- <%40>

Free <%40>

> fighting cravings AND MOROCCAN STEW



> I

> even have a dairy free gluten free bakery here in Seattle, and yet, I'll

> still grab something more convenient and then suffer the consequences. The

> cravings are really a problem when I am PMS-ing. The rest of the time, I

> can resist for the most part. So I just need to learn how to get through

> that week. I know alot of it is hormonal, so I am working on that aspect

> with my naturopath.

> Visit

> <

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> ;_ylc=X3oDMTJkaTBlY2tsBF




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Well, I don't have a family....I am a single gal. But when I cook for my

friends, I typically try to make something a little more exciting for them -

because my restrictions are so well, restrictive. Although, I have found

some great, tasty recipes that suit me and my friends, but sometimes I want

to venture out of the dairy free, soy free, gluten free world to make

something for them. I am definitely having a hard time learning to bake

dairy and gluten free.....things don't come out tasting very good. But I

will keep experimenting!


And you are right, it is hard to find good gf pasta, I don't mind rice

pasta, but there is a distinct difference and most people prefer regular

pasta, and I don't blame them.



On 2/7/07, sahmomof8 <sahmomof8 wrote:


> In a message dated 2/6/2007 9:52:54 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> sharon.cercone <sharon.cercone%40gmail.com> writes:


> > I often have to cook two meals when I

> > cook for the people close to me, a normal meal for them, and something

> > slightly different for me (for instance, pasta for them, polenta for me)

> -

> >

> Sharon--I haven't had too much trouble cooking just one meal for my family


> and staying GF and CF. What types of things will your family not eat that

> makes

> you prepare a second meal? As to pasta, it is hard to find a good GF

> pasta.

> They all tend to stick together and become gummy. Suggestions, anyone?

> Marilyn



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> As to pasta, it is hard to find a good GF pasta.

> They all tend to stick together and become gummy.

> Suggestions, anyone?


Get Tinkyada with the added bran. Make sure you use LOTS of water (get

a bigger pot), don't overcook, drain and then rinse in cold water. I

never have problems with sticking and it's good the next day or in a

cold pasta salad as well as hot that night.

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If they stick together it sounds like you are trying to cook them like wheat

pasta. Be sure to read package instructions for cooking methods and to

watch them until you get used to the different cooking time and temps

needed. Some rice noodles need only to be soaked in boiling water to be

ready to use.


If you like al dente pasta, you have to be very careful about not over

boiling rice and corn especially.




On 2/7/07, K Oland <oland.k wrote:


> > As to pasta, it is hard to find a good GF pasta.

> > They all tend to stick together and become gummy.

> > Suggestions, anyone?


> Get Tinkyada with the added bran. Make sure you use LOTS of water (get

> a bigger pot), don't overcook, drain and then rinse in cold water.





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I printed your stew recipe to try--loooks yummy! I have had a sweet

tooth all my life and have just recently tamed it. What helped, and

what has helped with my other food addictions, was to have a good

substitute at hand. I used to keep chocolates in my my desk drawer--

now it's raisins, nuts, and boomi bars (awesome gf snack bars made of

dried fruit, nut, and grain). I get some carob honey peanut cubes and

almond butter-based, rice syrup sweetenened " rice krispie bars " from

my natural foods store. Fresh gooey dates are great. Silk soy yogurts.

A frozen gf waffle with fruit spread, agave, or pure maple syrup.

Give yourself something sweet when you desperately crave it, but make

it a better sweet than what you'd pick up at a convenience store, and

keep your eyes on the prize of being free from addiction. While

making the transition off sugar I slipped at times, but then I just

told myself, " It's o.k.--begin again. " After awhile, fresh fruit took

on a whole new character. Suddenly it was super sweet and completely

satsifying! This week I attended a birthday party and ate a

clementine while everybody else had cake. Didn't miss the cake a bit.

In fact, it looked repulsive in a way. I thoroughly enjoyed my fruit.

A glass of fruit juice is now very, very sweet to me. Coffee was hard

for me to give up but it was causing stomach problems. Switching to

black tea in the morning was not too difficult to do. With dairy,

using the soy substitutes has been helpful. I especially like the

tofutti cream cheese substitute on my gf waffle in the morning (with

fruit spread on top). Dramatically changing our diets is very

difficult work, which is why many people do not even attempt it. Even

though we may struggle to achieve our goals, at least we're trying!

We can give ourselves a pat on the back for that.




, " Sharon Cercone "

<sharon.cercone wrote:


> Unfortunately, everyone I know can eat just about anything and not


> So, I am always surrounded by the very foods I cannot eat. But, I

do think

> that continuing to study and research these foods and their negative

> effects, as well as continuing to find good, simple safe recipes

that are

> flavorsome enough to get me through some of my cravings would

help. Sugar,

> wheat and dairy are so addictive! I've had no problem giving up

> soy....caffeine isn't a problem either. But sugar is a huge

problem, as is

> wheat and dairy. Dairy alone or wheat alone are not so bad, I can

really do

> without them. BUT, when I crave something sweet, dairy and wheat


> usually involved. For instance, I had bubble tea the other day

(has sugar

> and milk), or if I crave a cookie, they have wheat and dairy and

sugar. I

> even have a dairy free gluten free bakery here in Seattle, and yet,


> still grab something more convenient and then suffer the

consequences. The

> cravings are really a problem when I am PMS-ing. The rest of the

time, I

> can resist for the most part. So I just need to learn how to get


> that week. I know alot of it is hormonal, so I am working on that


> with my naturopath. But in the meantime, it certainly is hard to


> some things. I have been struggling with these dietary issues for


> under a year and I hope I can come to terms with it this year and

really get

> into a consistent healthy routine. I feel so much better when I

don't eat

> those foods, you would think that would be motivating enough??


> I imagine if I had a family or friends who were in the same

situation, it

> would be easier, but as I said, everyone I know eats everything and

> anything.....so it is really hard. I often have to cook two meals

when I

> cook for the people close to me, a normal meal for them, and


> slightly different for me (for instance, pasta for them, polenta

for me) -

> although, I have discovered some amazing vegetable based dishes and


> that everyone enjoys. In fact, below is a great Moroccan Stew



> Thanks for the encouragement!


> Sharon





> 1/3 cup olive oil


> 3 cups coarsely chopped onion


> 2 garlic cloves, minced


> 1 tsp ground cumin


> 1 tsp turmeric


> ½ tsp cinnamon


> ¼ to 1 tsp cayenne


> ½ teaspoon paprika


> 1 cup sliced carrots


> 4 cups cubed butternut squash


> 3 cups cubed eggplant


> 1 green pepper, sliced in strips


> 4 cups sliced zucchini


> 2 large tomatoes, chopped


> 1 ½ cups cooked garbanzo beans


> Pinch of saffron


> ¾ cup dried currants


> ¼ cup chopped fresh parsley




> In large pot, heat olive oil and sauté the onions for 2 to 3

minutes. Add

> the garlic and spices, stirring continuously. Add the vegetables in


> order given above, so that the starchier vegetables will cook the

> longest. Sauté

> after the addition of each vegetable until its color deepens. Stir

in the

> garbanzo beans, the saffron and the currants. There should be some


> at the bottom of the pot from cooking the vegetables. However, if

the stew

> is dry, add ½ cup of tomato juice, liquid from the garbanzo beans

or water.




> Cover the stew and simmer on low heat until all the vegetables are





> ** I recommend serving this dish with basmati rice and marinated

lamb (for

> meat eaters) or maybe tofu.




> On 2/6/07, Deborah Pageau <dpageau wrote:

> >

> > Sharon, the cravings do go away, it just takes time. Some

people, it

> > takes longer or shorter. It took years for my dairy cravings to

go away, but

> > I had NO trouble giving up meat. My husband was the other way

around, he

> > suffered cravings for meat for years, whereas for him, dairy

hardly gave him

> > any trouble. He actually had a bit of an aversion to dairy, so

him, that was

> > the easy part.

> >

> > All those substances that you crave contain addictive properties.


> > would help YOU develop the strength to avoid falling back into

the trap of

> > eating them? More study about their negative properties? Maybe


> > someone else going through similar changes who needs your


> >

> > Ideas?

> >

> > Deborah

> >

> > Seriously, why won't cravings go away??? I have cravings, and

then I give

> > in, and eat things I shouldn't, then get sick. It is hard because

I have

> > to

> > avoid dairy, wheat, soy, sugar, etc. It is particularly hard at


> > times in my cycle, when cravings really hit. I have yet figured

out how to

> > combat these cravings. Even when I eliminate these things from my

diet for

> > a while, there is always something that happens and triggers a

craving. If

> > any of you have discovered a way to kick cravings for good,

please let me

> > know!

> >

> > Thanks,

> > Sharon

> > .

> >

> >

> >

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  • 2 weeks later...



Time has passed.did anything work?






<lbilyeu lbilyeu





On Behalf Of Sharon Cercone

Wednesday, February 07, 2007 10:49 AM


Re: fighting cravings AND MOROCCAN STEW





That is a good idea!! I never thought of that. I don't typical freeze

anything, but I think you are on to something! I think you are right being

organized and prepared will help. Thank you for this suggestion, I am

definitely going to make a habit of doing that!




On 2/7/07, Laurie Bilyeu <lauriebilyeu@ <lauriebilyeu%40verizon.net>

verizon.net> wrote:


> Sharon,


> Empathizing with you! This may be more organization than is realistic (is

> for me.) but can you get some decadent stuff from the gf bakery into your

> freezer just before that time of the month so that it's right there and

> convenient when the craving hits?


> Laurie


> <lbilyeu (AT) uuma (DOT) <lbilyeu%40uuma.org> org

<lbilyeu%40uuma.org>> lbilyeu (AT) uuma (DOT) <lbilyeu%40uuma.org>



> _____


> Vegan-and-Gluten- <%40>

Free <%40>

> [Vegan-and-Gluten- <%40>

Free <%40>]

> On Behalf Of Sharon Cercone

> Tuesday, February 06, 2007 9:17 PM

> Vegan-and-Gluten- <%40>

Free <%40>

> fighting cravings AND MOROCCAN STEW



> I

> even have a dairy free gluten free bakery here in Seattle, and yet, I'll

> still grab something more convenient and then suffer the consequences. The

> cravings are really a problem when I am PMS-ing. The rest of the time, I

> can resist for the most part. So I just need to learn how to get through

> that week. I know alot of it is hormonal, so I am working on that aspect

> with my naturopath.

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Hi Laurie,


Well, I think I am addicted to sugar in a sense, so I am trying to get a

handle on that before the next wave of cravings. But I am definitely going

to keep some gf/df snacks on hand for when the cravings hit. Sugar is a

powerful thing!! Any tips of beating these addictions? I think I might

need to do a cleanse soon. That is what has worked for me in the past.


Thanks for checking in!!!





On 2/22/07, Laurie Bilyeu <lauriebilyeu wrote:


> Sharon,


> Time has passed.did anything work?


> Laurie


> <lbilyeu <lbilyeu%40uuma.org>>



> _____





[ <%40\


> On Behalf Of Sharon Cercone

> Wednesday, February 07, 2007 10:49 AM

> To:


> Re: fighting cravings AND MOROCCAN STEW



> That is a good idea!! I never thought of that. I don't typical freeze

> anything, but I think you are on to something! I think you are right being

> organized and prepared will help. Thank you for this suggestion, I am

> definitely going to make a habit of doing that!


> Sharon


> On 2/7/07, Laurie Bilyeu <lauriebilyeu@ <lauriebilye

> u%40verizon.net>

> verizon.net> wrote:

> >

> > Sharon,

> >

> > Empathizing with you! This may be more organization than is realistic

> (is

> > for me.) but can you get some decadent stuff from the gf bakery into

> your

> > freezer just before that time of the month so that it's right there and

> > convenient when the craving hits?

> >

> > Laurie

> >

> > <lbilyeu (AT) uuma (DOT) <lbilyeu% <lbilyeu%25>40uuma.org> org

> <lbilyeu%40uuma.org>> lbilyeu (AT) uuma (DOT) <lbilyeu% <lbilyeu%25>

> 40uuma.org>

> org<lbilyeu%40uuma.org>

> >

> > _____

> >

> > Vegan-and-Gluten- <%40>

> Free <Free%40>

> <%40>

> > [Vegan-and-Gluten- <%40grou

> ps.com>

> Free <Free%40>

> <%40>]

> > On Behalf Of Sharon Cercone

> > Tuesday, February 06, 2007 9:17 PM

> > Vegan-and-Gluten- <%40>

> Free <Free%40>

> <%40>

> > fighting cravings AND MOROCCAN STEW


> >

> > I

> > even have a dairy free gluten free bakery here in Seattle, and yet, I'll

> > still grab something more convenient and then suffer the consequences.

> The

> > cravings are really a problem when I am PMS-ing. The rest of the time, I

> > can resist for the most part. So I just need to learn how to get through

> > that week. I know alot of it is hormonal, so I am working on that aspect

> > with my naturopath.

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