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Vegan Children

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well first off... I commend you for being able to have him as a boyfriend I dont think i could becuase i would be too judgemental. it must be hard.


secondly. There is A TON of research online and in books that you can find about the pros and cons to raising children vegan, vegetarian, and as carnivores. (A lot of interesting stuff about how cows milk is bad for children, etc.) You might want to do some research and present him with facts so your argument is more fact based then emotionally based. Also, when presenting an argument to somoene who doesnt feel the same way as you you should present both sides. Make sure he knows you did research about the cons to raising veggie and vegan kids.


Also. I have a new roommate moving in and she eats meat. She doesnt have hardly any possessions and no dishes or anything. I told her that she can eat meat off of my plates (and she must wash them with a different sponge) but she will have to have her own pans to cook the meat on. We dont have a dishwasher and having raw animals cooked on my pans would make me sick. Shes really understanding about it. The only time I have ever purchased meat was when I bought my friend a burrito from taco bell for taking me to the hospital. (I figured it was the least I could do for staying with me 6 hours). It all comes down to morals and what you feel comfortable with. If you dont feel comfortable buying meat groceries then dont.


As for him not "beleiving" in veganism it isnt a matter of beleiving or not. It exists. the end. He doesnt support it possibly becuase he doesnt know all the facts? I find that my friends who seem against the thought of veganism or vegetarianism I have asked them if they would let me "educate them" to give them a both sided argument and letting them know the facts as they are and then they can make their own decisions. Information is key in issues like this and a lot of people just dont have the information or dont have the will to seek it out. Maybe, if you feel strongly about it, ask him to have a session with you. Have an argument planned out, have pictures from peta, etc. and then maybe he will see where you are coming from and at least be able to sympathize and support your decision in being vegan, even if he doesnt think it is best for him..


You might also want to tell him that if he does beleive in humans eating meat becuase of the food chain or for any other reason. Let him know that you support his decision in that but reguardless of what we are "supposed to do" the conditions in which this is happening is foul. A lot of people i know think its ok to eat meat but disagree incredibly with the way it is done. the mass slaughtering and horrible conditions the animals are kept in. I find that to be a very powerful argument to my carnivore friends.


I remember this quote from a movie i saw one, "you cant change the world but you can make a dent."


I do have to say though, having a vegan boyfriend is amazing. It makes life so much easier and really gets us both into what we beleive so passionatly in.


Hope i helped you. I do have a 6 page paper i wrote for an english class in my first year of college on animal liberation with a huge amount of facts if you want it i would be happy to send it to you.






In a message dated 5/21/2004 9:54:23 PM Pacific Daylight Time, SamADemers writes:


In the car tonight I brought up something to my boyfriend that has been in my mind for awhile. I definitely want to raise my children...when i do have them...vegan. I said to him...the meat eater...hypathetically speaking, if we were to get married and have kids, how would you feel about me raising them vegan? i said and then when they are older, obviously they can make their own decisions. he said well why not raise them both ways and then they can decide when they are older. i think to raise them pure and with no animals in them, then that is the best way to do it, you can't take back what they once put inside of them. i think it is kind of, in some strange way, like piercings. i would never pierce my child's ears when they are younger. if they want them when they are older and can make their own decisions, then fine, but if i were to have that done to them, and then later in life they wish they never had them done, then they wouldn't have to worry about that. you can't undo what is already done.


he went out to say that there will be meat in the house, so it wouldn't be right to have it in the house, but they can't have it. and i told him that i wouldn't cook any meat and i wouldn't buy any meat. if he wanted it he would have to go to the store himself and cook it himself. he said fine, if that's the way, then it would be the same and i wouldn't buy any vegan foods. not meaning buy as in money, but just pick the stuff up, because obviously we would be sharing the money. but i said that it is not the same at all because i don't want to touch and look at that stuff, and i don't support it so i am not going to watch the money get wasted on it.


later he explained to me that he doesn't believe in veganism. he said that that is the reason why animals were put on this earth, not to just walk around and take up space. and then he told me that if he wanted to become vegan, he will do it on his own, he doesn't want me pushing him into it...which i never do, but because i started saying how i don't understand how he thinks it is fine to kill and torture animals just to satisfy your tastebuds he says that i shouldn't say it that way. out of sight, out of mind seems to be his motto.


we both have talk about wanting a farm and i asked him if he would eat the animals and he said no. he would just buy it, but keep the animals as pets. he said he would never kill any animal, but he still will eat them. and he says that while humans think they are on the top of the food chain, we aren't and that it is just a circle and that lions would eat us too. blah blah blah, long conversation.


very long conversation, went into pollution, and so many other things.


i love him to death, absolutely, i just wonder what people do in situations like this. when you marry a meat-eater, how do you deal with children, how do you solve...or try to solve the issue? i don't think i can watch my children eating animals.


also just a little thing before i go...if you reply to this, please don't say anything bad about my boyfriend, i guess i did present his case to be bad, but still i don't want to read anything bashing or anything like that on him. just incase anybody had an urge to, he is his own person. the thing is though...i could see him becoming a vegan evenutally...i'm not sure if that is a bad thing to assume. once he lets himself actually see what is going on, he tries to hide it and deny because i think he knows he will cut it all out of his life once he lets all the truth in.


(didn't mean to sound like a bitch at the end, i just don't know how people will reply, and just don't want to hear bad things, i'm sure you all know what i mean. )


Thanks a lot





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while i don't really know what kind of advice to give you, i do have to tell you that no one even thought to allow me to be vegan as a youth. from the potential child's perspective, i would advise your boyfriend to think about this strongly before developing a plan. it never even crossed my mom's mind to feed me in a vegan or vegetarian way until i told her my decision when i first made the connection at the age of eight. your children, because you are vegan, will know these things even earlier. you'll be the person who teaches them ethics, and they will be very angry if they discover you had been allowing (actually, forcing. an infant has no choice.) them to do something that YOU yourself know to be wrong. that could be very damaging. even though my earliest diet is one thing i'll never forget (and shall always wish had been different), i was still able to chalk my mom's folly up to ignorance on the subject,...but had she herself been vegan (or even vegetarian) and had still fed me animals,...i know we wouldn't have the relationship we have today. i wouldn't feel able to trust her. if your child grows into someone who has no problem eating meat, he or she is always able to begin of his/her own volition. but if your child, as the offspring and, thus, the student of a vegan parent (you are the role model), grows to believe as firmly as you do that killing other animals is wrong, you will have disappointed them far more deeply than should ever cut to the soul of a young person. even with my mother's central-ohio lack of thought about the real harm meat-eating does, i am always going to resent, on some level, her not allowing me to be completely pure and free of guilt-- i know that i ate animals. i wish i had never. your children are even more likely to feel betrayed because of the diet you live by. one more small note and then i shut up: whether or not you feed your children vegan foods, they will know that you're a vegan and they'll ask about that. once they learn the truth about your ethical concerns, they'll wonder why their father (again, the role model) does something with such obviously adverse effects to the animals involved and the environment. they may struggle with respect for him and his decision, and (if they were reared to eat meat) they'll be apalled that you could put such a moral boulder on their shoulders by letting them do what they learned from you is wrong. i hope i've been helpful.~~brii

>Samantha Demers <SamADemers > > > vegan children >Fri, 21 May 2004 21:40:57 -0700 (PDT) > >In the car tonight I brought up something to my boyfriend that has been in my mind for awhile. I definitely want to raise my children...when i do have them...vegan. I said to him...the meat eater...hypathetically speaking, if we were to get married and have kids, how would you feel about me raising them vegan? i said and then when they are older, obviously they can make their own decisions. he said well why not raise them both ways and then they can decide when they are older. i think to raise them pure and with no animals in them, then that is the best way to do it, you can't take back what they once put inside of them. i think it is kind of, in some strange way, like piercings. i would never pierce my child's ears when they are younger. if they want them when they are older and can make their own decisions, then fine, but if i were to have that done to them, and then later in life they wish they never had them done, then they wouldn't have to worry about that. you can't > undo what is already done. > >he went out to say that there will be meat in the house, so it wouldn't be right to have it in the house, but they can't have it. and i told him that i wouldn't cook any meat and i wouldn't buy any meat. if he wanted it he would have to go to the store himself and cook it himself. he said fine, if that's the way, then it would be the same and i wouldn't buy any vegan foods. not meaning buy as in money, but just pick the stuff up, because obviously we would be sharing the money. but i said that it is not the same at all because i don't want to touch and look at that stuff, and i don't support it so i am not going to watch the money get wasted on it. > >later he explained to me that he doesn't believe in veganism. he said that that is the reason why animals were put on this earth, not to just walk around and take up space. and then he told me that if he wanted to become vegan, he will do it on his own, he doesn't want me pushing him into it...which i never do, but because i started saying how i don't understand how he thinks it is fine to kill and torture animals just to satisfy your tastebuds he says that i shouldn't say it that way. out of sight, out of mind seems to be his motto. > >we both have talk about wanting a farm and i asked him if he would eat the animals and he said no. he would just buy it, but keep the animals as pets. he said he would never kill any animal, but he still will eat them. and he says that while humans think they are on the top of the food chain, we aren't and that it is just a circle and that lions would eat us too. blah blah blah, long conversation. > >very long conversation, went into pollution, and so many other things. > >i love him to death, absolutely, i just wonder what people do in situations like this. when you marry a meat-eater, how do you deal with children, how do you solve...or try to solve the issue? i don't think i can watch my children eating animals. > >also just a little thing before i go...if you reply to this, please don't say anything bad about my boyfriend, i guess i did present his case to be bad, but still i don't want to read anything bashing or anything like that on him. just incase anybody had an urge to, he is his own person. the thing is though...i could see him becoming a vegan evenutally...i'm not sure if that is a bad thing to assume. once he lets himself actually see what is going on, he tries to hide it and deny because i think he knows he will cut it all out of his life once he lets all the truth in. > >(didn't mean to sound like a bitch at the end, i just don't know how people will reply, and just don't want to hear bad things, i'm sure you all know what i mean. ) > >Thanks a lot >-Samantha > > > > > Domains - Claim yours for only $14.70/year Best Restaurant Giveaway Ever! Vote for your favorites for a chance to win $1 million!

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HI Samantha


Tricky situation. If your partner insists on having an all inclusive diet, point out that this should include whatever is considered a 'food' from anywhere in the world - including beetles, caterpillars, ants, dogs, cats, whatever, all the herbs and spices and vegetables he may or may not like, urine, etc. etc. Then ask him what his reasoning is that children should eat the meat items he has chosen to include in his diet, and his reasoning for not eating every item considered to be a food. It might be a way of getting him to actually think about what he is saying.


Apart from that I wuld agree with everything Ian has said.





Samantha Demers

Saturday, May 22, 2004 5:40 AM

vegan children


In the car tonight I brought up something to my boyfriend that has been in my mind for awhile. I definitely want to raise my children...when i do have them...vegan. I said to him...the meat eater...hypathetically speaking, if we were to get married and have kids, how would you feel about me raising them vegan? i said and then when they are older, obviously they can make their own decisions. he said well why not raise them both ways and then they can decide when they are older. i think to raise them pure and with no animals in them, then that is the best way to do it, you can't take back what they once put inside of them. i think it is kind of, in some strange way, like piercings. i would never pierce my child's ears when they are younger. if they want them when they are older and can make their own decisions, then fine, but if i were to have that done to them, and then later in life they wish they never had them done, then t! hey wouldn't have to worry about that. you can't undo what is already done.


he went out to say that there will be meat in the house, so it wouldn't be right to have it in the house, but they can't have it. and i told him that i wouldn't cook any meat and i wouldn't buy any meat. if he wanted it he would have to go to the store himself and cook it himself. he said fine, if that's the way, then it would be the same and i wouldn't buy any vegan foods. not meaning buy as in money, but just pick the stuff up, because obviously we would be sharing the money. but i said that it is not the same at all because i don't want to touch and look at that stuff, and i don't support it so i am not going to watch the money get wasted on it.


later he explained to me that he doesn't believe in veganism. he said that that is the reason why animals were put on this earth, not to just walk around and take up space. and then he told me that if he wanted to become vegan, he will do it on his own, he doesn't want me pushing him into it...which i never do, but because i started saying how i don't understand how he thinks it is fine to kill and torture animals just to satisfy your tastebuds he says that i shouldn't say it that way. out of sight, out of mind seems to be his motto.


we both have talk about wanting a farm and i asked him if he would eat the animals and he said no. he would just buy it, but keep the animals as pets. he said he would never kill any animal, but he still will eat them. and he says that while humans think they are on the top of the food chain, we aren't and that it is just a circle and that lions would eat us too. blah blah blah, long conversation.


very long conversation, went into pollution, and so many other things.


i love him to death, absolutely, i just wonder what people do in situations like this. when you marry a meat-eater, how do you deal with children, how do you solve...or try to solve the issue? i don't think i can watch my children eating animals.


also just a little thing before i go...if you reply to this, please don't say anything bad about my boyfriend, i guess i did present his case to be bad, but still i don't want to read anything bashing or anything like that on him. just incase anybody had an urge to, he is his own person. the thing is though...i could see him becoming a vegan evenutally...i'm not sure if that is a bad thing to assume. once he lets himself actually see what is going on, he tries to hide it and deny because i think he knows he will cut it all out of his life once he lets all the truth in.


(didn't mean to sound like a bitch at the end, i just don't know how people will reply, and just don't want to hear bad things, i'm sure you all know what i mean. )


Thanks a lot




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Hi Samantha


It seems to me, you have hope your boyfriend will turn to a vegan diet, so it could all resovle itself for the best.

Sounds like you have some weaning to do with him first before you have kids or while you have them.


Good luck with it.





Saturday, May 22, 2004 5:40 AM

vegan children


In the car tonight I brought up something to my boyfriend that has been in my mind for awhile. I definitely want to raise my children...when i do have them...vegan. I said to him...the meat eater...hypathetically speaking, if we were to get married and have kids, how would you feel about me raising them vegan? i said and then when they are older, obviously they can make their own decisions. he said well why not raise them both ways and then they can decide when they are older. i think to raise them pure and with no animals in them, then that is the best way to do it, you can't take back what they once put inside of them. i think it is kind of, in some strange way, like piercings. i would never pierce my child's ears when they are younger. if they want them when they are older and can make their own decisions, then fine, but if i were to have that done to them, and then later in life they wish they never had them done, then t! hey wouldn't have to worry about that. you can't undo what is already done.


he went out to say that there will be meat in the house, so it wouldn't be right to have it in the house, but they can't have it. and i told him that i wouldn't cook any meat and i wouldn't buy any meat. if he wanted it he would have to go to the store himself and cook it himself. he said fine, if that's the way, then it would be the same and i wouldn't buy any vegan foods. not meaning buy as in money, but just pick the stuff up, because obviously we would be sharing the money. but i said that it is not the same at all because i don't want to touch and look at that stuff, and i don't support it so i am not going to watch the money get wasted on it.


later he explained to me that he doesn't believe in veganism. he said that that is the reason why animals were put on this earth, not to just walk around and take up space. and then he told me that if he wanted to become vegan, he will do it on his own, he doesn't want me pushing him into it...which i never do, but because i started saying how i don't understand how he thinks it is fine to kill and torture animals just to satisfy your tastebuds he says that i shouldn't say it that way. out of sight, out of mind seems to be his motto.


we both have talk about wanting a farm and i asked him if he would eat the animals and he said no. he would just buy it, but keep the animals as pets. he said he would never kill any animal, but he still will eat them. and he says that while humans think they are on the top of the food chain, we aren't and that it is just a circle and that lions would eat us too. blah blah blah, long conversation.


very long conversation, went into pollution, and so many other things.


i love him to death, absolutely, i just wonder what people do in situations like this. when you marry a meat-eater, how do you deal with children, how do you solve...or try to solve the issue? i don't think i can watch my children eating animals.


also just a little thing before i go...if you reply to this, please don't say anything bad about my boyfriend, i guess i did present his case to be bad, but still i don't want to read anything bashing or anything like that on him. just incase anybody had an urge to, he is his own person. the thing is though...i could see him becoming a vegan evenutally...i'm not sure if that is a bad thing to assume. once he lets himself actually see what is going on, he tries to hide it and deny because i think he knows he will cut it all out of his life once he lets all the truth in.


(didn't mean to sound like a bitch at the end, i just don't know how people will reply, and just don't want to hear bad things, i'm sure you all know what i mean. )


Thanks a lot




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I haven't posted here in eons, but I must or feel I

must now ;=) For some reason - ahhh the magic of the

written word - books, if you can get someone to read

the one you want ;=) - are often as forceful an

argument as example or even more so. (Verbal arguments

don't seem to work as well - people enjoy hearing

themselves speak too much and are planning what they

are going to say next while *you* are speaking.)


As for John Robbins' excellent book, I have to second

Craig's suggestion. My dh and I were ovo-lacto veg,

and my dh was only veg, I think, because I thought it

a good idea all these years. We got Robbins' book

along with a bunch of others from the library

(cookbooks, the like) and he picked it up, read it,

and said he'd not ingest another animal product and

started to work on convincing me ;=) (Fine by me, btw

- I don't much like eggs and dairy gives me a



So yes, do read it, leave it around for the bf to

read, etc., recommend chapters. all that. It just

might work. Otherwise, I think you have a bit of a

problem, and it's not just about the kids, you know?


All best luck,


Pat in Montreal


>>check out the book by John Robbins " the food

revolution "

it has some very insightful messages to meat eater

about plant based


hope this helps you

all the best








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so, is he/u x-tian??

nothing is on this planet fer the express purpose of being food fer something else..

thats puttin the cart in front of the horsey....

animals exist to

a. survive

b. breed

in very simplistic terms...


later he explained to me that he doesn't believe in veganism. he said that that is the reason why animals were put on this earth, not to just walk around and take up space.

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If we have to wonder why animals were put here..maybe fertilizing the soil, spreading seeds, keeping virues away that might otherwise be harmful to us but not to the animal,..would we have learnt to fly if it wasn't for birds and flying insects, there is a host of reasons why animals exist....eating them should be last thing you would think they exist for....Ok if you found yourself caught up in the wilderness with no food around or were born into a depraved sub-human type culture, then maybe you might think to use animals as food...but not in this day and age, this is 3004 not 2004!!



later he explained to me that he doesn't believe in veganism. he said that that is the reason why animals were put on this earth, not to just walk around and take up space.

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hey jenn


i would be interested in reading your paper. thanks


< Maybe, if you feel strongly about it, ask him to have a session with you. Have an argument planned out, have pictures from peta, etc.>

i have done this before, but he doesn't want to see anything or really hear about it because he thinks it's me trying to push my beliefs on him. he also sayds that why would anyone want to look at that or hear about...so then why do you support it? he and i are different in so many ways, but we get along perfectly and have an incredible connection, it's strange but great how we can be together.


xjenisveganx wrote:




well first off... I commend you for being able to have him as a boyfriend I dont think i could becuase i would be too judgemental. it must be hard.


secondly. There is A TON of research online and in books that you can find about the pros and cons to raising children vegan, vegetarian, and as carnivores. (A lot of interesting stuff about how cows milk is bad for children, etc.) You might want to do some research and present him with facts so your argument is more fact based then emotionally based. Also, when presenting an argument to somoene who doesnt feel the same way as you you should present both sides. Make sure he knows you did research about the cons to raising veggie and vegan kids.


Also. I have a new roommate moving in and she eats meat. She doesnt have hardly any possessions and no dishes or anything. I told her that she can eat meat off of my plates (and she must wash them with a different sponge) but she will have to have her own pans to cook the meat on. We dont have a dishwasher and having raw animals cooked on my pans would make me sick. Shes really understanding about it. The only time I have ever purchased meat was when I bought my friend a burrito from taco bell for taking me to the hospital. (I figured it was the least I could do for staying with me 6 hours). It all comes down to morals and what you feel comfortable with. If you dont feel comfortable buying meat groceries then dont.


As for him not "beleiving" in veganism it isnt a matter of beleiving or not. It exists. the end. He doesnt support it possibly becuase he doesnt know all the facts? I find that my friends who seem against the thought of veganism or vegetarianism I have asked them if they would let me "educate them" to give them a both sided argument and letting them know the facts as they are and then they can make their own decisions. Information is key in issues like this and a lot of people just dont have the information or dont have the will to seek it out. Maybe, if you feel strongly about it, ask him to have a session with you. Have an argument planned out, have pictures from peta, etc. and then maybe he will see where you are coming from and at least be able to sympathize and support your decision in being vegan, even if he doesnt think it is best for him..


You might also want to tell him that if he does beleive in humans eating meat becuase of the food chain or for any other reason. Let him know that you support his decision in that but reguardless of what we are "supposed to do" the conditions in which this is happening is foul. A lot of people i know think its ok to eat meat but disagree incredibly with the way it is done. the mass slaughtering and horrible conditions the animals are kept in. I find that to be a very powerful argument to my carnivore friends.


I remember this quote from a movie i saw one, "you cant change the world but you can make a dent."


I do have to say though, having a vegan boyfriend is amazing. It makes life so much easier and really gets us both into what we beleive so passionatly in.


Hope i helped you. I do have a 6 page paper i wrote for an english class in my first year of college on animal liberation with a huge amount of facts if you want it i would be happy to send it to you.






In a message dated 5/21/2004 9:54:23 PM Pacific Daylight Time, SamADemers writes:


In the car tonight I brought up something to my boyfriend that has been in my mind for awhile. I definitely want to raise my children...when i do have them...vegan. I said to him...the meat eater...hypathetically speaking, if we were to get married and have kids, how would you feel about me raising them vegan? i said and then when they are older, obviously they can make their own decisions. he said well why not raise them both ways and then they can decide when they are older. i think to raise them pure and with no animals in them, then that is the best way to do it, you can't take back what they once put inside of them. i think it is kind of, in some strange way, like piercings. i would never pierce my child's ears when they are younger. if they want them when they are older and can make their own decisions, then fine, but if i were to have that done to them, and then later in life they wish they never had them

done, then they wouldn't have to worry about that. you can't undo what is already done.


he went out to say that there will be meat in the house, so it wouldn't be right to have it in the house, but they can't have it. and i told him that i wouldn't cook any meat and i wouldn't buy any meat. if he wanted it he would have to go to the store himself and cook it himself. he said fine, if that's the way, then it would be the same and i wouldn't buy any vegan foods. not meaning buy as in money, but just pick the stuff up, because obviously we would be sharing the money. but i said that it is not the same at all because i don't want to touch and look at that stuff, and i don't support it so i am not going to watch the money get wasted on it.


later he explained to me that he doesn't believe in veganism. he said that that is the reason why animals were put on this earth, not to just walk around and take up space. and then he told me that if he wanted to become vegan, he will do it on his own, he doesn't want me pushing him into it...which i never do, but because i started saying how i don't understand how he thinks it is fine to kill and torture animals just to satisfy your tastebuds he says that i shouldn't say it that way. out of sight, out of mind seems to be his motto.


we both have talk about wanting a farm and i asked him if he would eat the animals and he said no. he would just buy it, but keep the animals as pets. he said he would never kill any animal, but he still will eat them. and he says that while humans think they are on the top of the food chain, we aren't and that it is just a circle and that lions would eat us too. blah blah blah, long conversation.


very long conversation, went into pollution, and so many other things.


i love him to death, absolutely, i just wonder what people do in situations like this. when you marry a meat-eater, how do you deal with children, how do you solve...or try to solve the issue? i don't think i can watch my children eating animals.


also just a little thing before i go...if you reply to this, please don't say anything bad about my boyfriend, i guess i did present his case to be bad, but still i don't want to read anything bashing or anything like that on him. just incase anybody had an urge to, he is his own person. the thing is though...i could see him becoming a vegan evenutally...i'm not sure if that is a bad thing to assume. once he lets himself actually see what is going on, he tries to hide it and deny because i think he knows he will cut it all out of his life once he lets all the truth in.


(didn't mean to sound like a bitch at the end, i just don't know how people will reply, and just don't want to hear bad things, i'm sure you all know what i mean. )


Thanks a lot




heart,jen.To send an email to -

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thanks everyone for the things you said about my situation with my boyfriend. of course, we will not be having children any time soon, i am only 18 and he is just 22. but it has been on my mind and i know will continue to be for awhile.


i am going to check out that book that craig suggested...thanks...and try other things that others have mentioned in doing/saying.


he has never met a vegan before me, i'm sure he must have had vegetarian friends, but i don't recall him having any now. it is probably just me hoping and wishing...but i can see him in the future becoming a vegan...well at least a vegetarian. he already eats a lot of vegan food and he likes it all. actually now he buys soy milk for himself! tofu he isn't crazy about, but that is the only thing...oh and vegan cheese. he likes tofu more than vegan cheese. but if he were to eliminate cheese from his diet, he'll just forget what it tastes like and grow to like the vegan cheese. : )


hey i got my mother to eat a vegan diet, and i didn't even push her...so i think eventually he will open his eyes more and more and make the better decision.


thanks again everybody

-Samanthamonpjones <simonpjones wrote:


Hi Samantha


It seems to me, you have hope your boyfriend will turn to a vegan diet, so it could all resovle itself for the best.

Sounds like you have some weaning to do with him first before you have kids or while you have them.


Good luck with it.





Saturday, May 22, 2004 5:40 AM

vegan children


In the car tonight I brought up something to my boyfriend that has been in my mind for awhile. I definitely want to raise my children...when i do have them...vegan. I said to him...the meat eater...hypathetically speaking, if we were to get married and have kids, how would you feel about me raising them vegan? i said and then when they are older, obviously they can make their own decisions. he said well why not raise them both ways and then they can decide when they are older. i think to raise them pure and with no animals in them, then that is the best way to do it, you can't take back what they once put inside of them. i think it is kind of, in some strange way, like piercings. i would never pierce my child's ears when they are younger. if they want them when they are older and can make their own decisions, then fine, but if i were to have that done to them, and then later in life they wish they never had them done, then t! hey

wouldn't have to worry about that. you can't undo what is already done.


he went out to say that there will be meat in the house, so it wouldn't be right to have it in the house, but they can't have it. and i told him that i wouldn't cook any meat and i wouldn't buy any meat. if he wanted it he would have to go to the store himself and cook it himself. he said fine, if that's the way, then it would be the same and i wouldn't buy any vegan foods. not meaning buy as in money, but just pick the stuff up, because obviously we would be sharing the money. but i said that it is not the same at all because i don't want to touch and look at that stuff, and i don't support it so i am not going to watch the money get wasted on it.


later he explained to me that he doesn't believe in veganism. he said that that is the reason why animals were put on this earth, not to just walk around and take up space. and then he told me that if he wanted to become vegan, he will do it on his own, he doesn't want me pushing him into it...which i never do, but because i started saying how i don't understand how he thinks it is fine to kill and torture animals just to satisfy your tastebuds he says that i shouldn't say it that way. out of sight, out of mind seems to be his motto.


we both have talk about wanting a farm and i asked him if he would eat the animals and he said no. he would just buy it, but keep the animals as pets. he said he would never kill any animal, but he still will eat them. and he says that while humans think they are on the top of the food chain, we aren't and that it is just a circle and that lions would eat us too. blah blah blah, long conversation.


very long conversation, went into pollution, and so many other things.


i love him to death, absolutely, i just wonder what people do in situations like this. when you marry a meat-eater, how do you deal with children, how do you solve...or try to solve the issue? i don't think i can watch my children eating animals.


also just a little thing before i go...if you reply to this, please don't say anything bad about my boyfriend, i guess i did present his case to be bad, but still i don't want to read anything bashing or anything like that on him. just incase anybody had an urge to, he is his own person. the thing is though...i could see him becoming a vegan evenutally...i'm not sure if that is a bad thing to assume. once he lets himself actually see what is going on, he tries to hide it and deny because i think he knows he will cut it all out of his life once he lets all the truth in.


(didn't mean to sound like a bitch at the end, i just don't know how people will reply, and just don't want to hear bad things, i'm sure you all know what i mean. )


Thanks a lot




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Hi Samantha,

My wife is an onmivore, and she knows that I do not approve, but at the same time she shares my life/house for better and for worse, and so I have to accept that our beliefs are different, and yes she does have meat in the fridge.

Our two kids have been vegetarian since birth, but as they are fusy eaters, had to give in to being vegan, or they wouldnt eat anything!

The oldest is now 10, and is mad about animals, and when she asks the obvious questions about where mammys dinner comes from I tell her as she is old enough to rationally understand the implications. I have also told her that if she ever wants to try a meat product , then I would not stop her or give her a big guilt trip, but I would be dissapointed.

No two relationships are the same and no two children are the same, so basically all the advice in the world doesn`t add up to a hill of beans ( as my colonial cousins would say). All you can do is follow what is true to your heart, and be the best person that you can be.

Sorry for rambling again,

No help at all,

The Valley Vegan....Samantha Demers <SamADemers wrote:


In the car tonight I brought up something to my boyfriend that has been in my mind for awhile. I definitely want to raise my children...when i do have them...vegan. I said to him...the meat eater...hypathetically speaking, if we were to get married and have kids, how would you feel about me raising them vegan? i said and then when they are older, obviously they can make their own decisions. he said well why not raise them both ways and then they can decide when they are older. i think to raise them pure and with no animals in them, then that is the best way to do it, you can't take back what they once put inside of them. i think it is kind of, in some strange way, like piercings. i would never pierce my child's ears when they are younger. if they want them when they are older and can make their own decisions, then fine, but if i were to have that done to them, and then later in life they wish they never had them done, then they

wouldn't have to worry about that. you can't undo what is already done.


he went out to say that there will be meat in the house, so it wouldn't be right to have it in the house, but they can't have it. and i told him that i wouldn't cook any meat and i wouldn't buy any meat. if he wanted it he would have to go to the store himself and cook it himself. he said fine, if that's the way, then it would be the same and i wouldn't buy any vegan foods. not meaning buy as in money, but just pick the stuff up, because obviously we would be sharing the money. but i said that it is not the same at all because i don't want to touch and look at that stuff, and i don't support it so i am not going to watch the money get wasted on it.


later he explained to me that he doesn't believe in veganism. he said that that is the reason why animals were put on this earth, not to just walk around and take up space. and then he told me that if he wanted to become vegan, he will do it on his own, he doesn't want me pushing him into it...which i never do, but because i started saying how i don't understand how he thinks it is fine to kill and torture animals just to satisfy your tastebuds he says that i shouldn't say it that way. out of sight, out of mind seems to be his motto.


we both have talk about wanting a farm and i asked him if he would eat the animals and he said no. he would just buy it, but keep the animals as pets. he said he would never kill any animal, but he still will eat them. and he says that while humans think they are on the top of the food chain, we aren't and that it is just a circle and that lions would eat us too. blah blah blah, long conversation.


very long conversation, went into pollution, and so many other things.


i love him to death, absolutely, i just wonder what people do in situations like this. when you marry a meat-eater, how do you deal with children, how do you solve...or try to solve the issue? i don't think i can watch my children eating animals.


also just a little thing before i go...if you reply to this, please don't say anything bad about my boyfriend, i guess i did present his case to be bad, but still i don't want to read anything bashing or anything like that on him. just incase anybody had an urge to, he is his own person. the thing is though...i could see him becoming a vegan evenutally...i'm not sure if that is a bad thing to assume. once he lets himself actually see what is going on, he tries to hide it and deny because i think he knows he will cut it all out of his life once he lets all the truth in.


(didn't mean to sound like a bitch at the end, i just don't know how people will reply, and just don't want to hear bad things, i'm sure you all know what i mean. )


Thanks a lot




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that did help a lot. people are all saying negative things about it, and i just don't really believe it. i don't see real bad things happening for us. we are both mature adults, and are really different from one another, but that hasn't stopped us yet. relationships are all about compromising, and i'm willing to do that...i won't compromise my veganism...but i won't force him into it. you can't always have everything your own way. i'm just glad he is in my life, and i shouldn't be greedy and ask for me. i love him for who he is, and it's good that he doesn't just change that quickly anyways. i know i wouldn't be able to feed my children meat at all, but i wouldn't forbid them to eat it if they had to. i think forbidding just makes a person want to do it more. temptation is a bitch. you're family seems to have a good life and you two did a good job with your different lifestyles.



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Hi Samantha


i know i wouldn't be able to feed my children meat at all, but i wouldn't forbid them to eat it if they had to. i think forbidding just makes a person want to do it >


I can't think of any circumstance where anyone would had to eat meat.. lost in the wild somewhere out of desperation..I could sympathize under those circumstances... But you don't think that type of situation would come about for your children do you?






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Hey Simon


no i'm sure my children won't NEED to eat meat, but i'm wouldn't be telling them never to eat it. i know my father never told me never to drink, i could if i wanted to, it was never something i had to sneek around and do. i have done it before, but i choose not to though, and i think the way he brought me up helped me. a lot of people were always taught never to do that and that it was so wrong, then as they got older they did it a lot. i am going to inform my children all about, and hopefully they will stick with the way i raised them, and do what is right, but if they decide not to, then that is their decision, and i will love them no matter what. however, i can't see them turning into meat-eaters after fully knowing all about what goes on. but if they want to try meat, i don't want them to do it behind my back, and hide it from me, and not want to admit it to me because they think i would flip out and get very mad with them. i just

would hope they wouldn't continue to do it. but i can only show them things, i can't force them.


-Samanthasimonpjones <simonpjones wrote:


Hi Samantha


i know i wouldn't be able to feed my children meat at all, but i wouldn't forbid them to eat it if they had to. i think forbidding just makes a person want to do it >


I can't think of any circumstance where anyone would had to eat meat.. lost in the wild somewhere out of desperation..I could sympathize under those circumstances... But you don't think that type of situation would come about for your children do you?





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Hi Samantha,


I'm sure children given the right info..would make the right choice.





Samantha Demers

Wednesday, May 26, 2004 12:20 AM

Re: vegan children


Hey Simon


no i'm sure my children won't NEED to eat meat, but i'm wouldn't be telling them never to eat it. i know my father never told me never to drink, i could if i wanted to, it was never something i had to sneek around and do. i have done it before, but i choose not to though, and i think the way he brought me up helped me. a lot of people were always taught never to do that and that it was so wrong, then as they got older they did it a lot. i am going to inform my children all about, and hopefully they will stick with the way i raised them, and do what is right, but if they decide not to, then that is their decision, and i will love them no matter what. however, i can't see them turning into meat-eaters after fully knowing all about what goes on. but if they want to try meat, i don't want them to do it behind my back, and hide it from me, and not want to admit it to me because they think i would flip out and get very mad with them. i ! just would hope they wouldn't continue to do it. but i can only show them things, i can't force them.


-Samanthasimonpjones <simonpjones wrote:


Hi Samantha


i know i wouldn't be able to feed my children meat at all, but i wouldn't forbid them to eat it if they had to. i think forbidding just makes a person want to do it >


I can't think of any circumstance where anyone would had to eat meat.. lost in the wild somewhere out of desperation..I could sympathize under those circumstances... But you don't think that type of situation would come about for your children do you?





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  • 2 years later...

Hi, I found this site from the Christian vegan group. I posted this

there also. I am new here. We are Christians and within the past year

have gone from the baisic american diet, to not eating at fast food

establishments, to just eating 'right'. I found that if I left meat

out I felt better, physically and mentally because of the cruelty

involved in it. So eventually I gave up all animal products. (My

husband is another story, he wont change his diet at all. I have the

advantage of being the one who shops and cooks though, so he does



I am having a hard time with my 7 year old. Getting her to eat things

other than just spaghetti, cheesburger, hot dog and bread. (because

she is a little delayed in her speech I have made some dietary

changes like no milk products) I have changed her bread and pasta to

gluten free, any meat I have exchanged for soy or veggie dogs.

(although I question where the soy came from, GM or Non GM beans) I

cannot get her to eat a vegetable unless it is a french fry. (which I

wont do any more) We never drank soda. What she calls soda is spring

water with a slice of lemon.

She helps me make carrot and orange juices but wont drink the carrot

juice, only the orange juice. I actually got her to put her tongue on

the carrot to taste it, as well as the orange but she wont eat them.

I did, however, manage to sneak some cooked light colored veggies

into a loaf of bread I made and she ate it.


Does anyone have any ideas that will help?

Thanks, Teresa

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It is really easy to puree some veggies and mix it into spagetti sauce. She

will never know it is there.







Dan & Teresa

Friday, February 16, 2007 5:18 AM

Vegan Children



Hi, I found this site from the Christian vegan group. I posted this

there also. I am new here. We are Christians and within the past year

have gone from the baisic american diet, to not eating at fast food

establishments, to just eating 'right'. I found that if I left meat

out I felt better, physically and mentally because of the cruelty

involved in it. So eventually I gave up all animal products. (My

husband is another story, he wont change his diet at all. I have the

advantage of being the one who shops and cooks though, so he does



I am having a hard time with my 7 year old. Getting her to eat things

other than just spaghetti, cheesburger, hot dog and bread. (because

she is a little delayed in her speech I have made some dietary

changes like no milk products) I have changed her bread and pasta to

gluten free, any meat I have exchanged for soy or veggie dogs.

(although I question where the soy came from, GM or Non GM beans) I

cannot get her to eat a vegetable unless it is a french fry. (which I

wont do any more) We never drank soda. What she calls soda is spring

water with a slice of lemon.

She helps me make carrot and orange juices but wont drink the carrot

juice, only the orange juice. I actually got her to put her tongue on

the carrot to taste it, as well as the orange but she wont eat them.

I did, however, manage to sneak some cooked light colored veggies

into a loaf of bread I made and she ate it.


Does anyone have any ideas that will help?

Thanks, Teresa







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My guys used to be really picky about veggies too. I used to make

pancakes with finely grated parsnips (same color so they couldn't

pick them out). Pureed veggies in tomato sauce worked well too, then

eventually I tried making pasta sauces from different vegetables

altogether (no tomato, to many tummy aches) so I would use sweet

potatoes blended with broth and seasonings and maybe other cooked

veggies, maybe throw in some tofu, whatever was around.

If you're daughter likes baked goods you could try different veggie

breads and muffins (I still make lots of those), finely grated

zucchini, carrot, parsnip, mashed sweet potato, butternut

squash....or what ever you like. Start with small amounts and build

over time.

And how about oven roasted potatoes and maybe add some other roasted

veggies to it for her to try(and maybe hubby will like them too).

Good luck,



, " Dan & Teresa "

<mcheretic wrote:


> Hi, I found this site from the Christian vegan group. I posted


> there also. I am new here. We are Christians and within the past


> have gone from the baisic american diet, to not eating at fast


> establishments, to just eating 'right'. I found that if I left


> out I felt better, physically and mentally because of the cruelty

> involved in it. So eventually I gave up all animal products. (My

> husband is another story, he wont change his diet at all. I have


> advantage of being the one who shops and cooks though, so he does

> benefit).


> I am having a hard time with my 7 year old. Getting her to eat


> other than just spaghetti, cheesburger, hot dog and bread.


> she is a little delayed in her speech I have made some dietary

> changes like no milk products) I have changed her bread and pasta


> gluten free, any meat I have exchanged for soy or veggie dogs.

> (although I question where the soy came from, GM or Non GM beans)


> cannot get her to eat a vegetable unless it is a french fry.

(which I

> wont do any more) We never drank soda. What she calls soda is


> water with a slice of lemon.

> She helps me make carrot and orange juices but wont drink the


> juice, only the orange juice. I actually got her to put her tongue


> the carrot to taste it, as well as the orange but she wont eat


> I did, however, manage to sneak some cooked light colored veggies

> into a loaf of bread I made and she ate it.


> Does anyone have any ideas that will help?

> Thanks, Teresa


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I've been thinking about veggies and children also. It's a hard thing and it

sounds to me like you're doing a great job of shifting your families eating

patterns, Theresa! Here's some things I thought of:


1. In our house the eating mantra is, " Taste buds change. " I've been

saying it since ds was tiny. When he doesn't like something, I respond " what

a shame! Tomatoes are such wonderful food! Well, don't worry. Taste buds

Change! Maybe you'll like it some other time! " Sure enough, he consistently

will retry food he never liked before. Sometimes we get a new food,

sometimes we don't. It's all very cheerful and celebrative.

2. Start with strengths. Potatoes are good food. How about oven fries,

with very little oil? Then how about different color potatoes-like the blue

ones-just for variety. If she'll try blue ones, maybe she'll try orange ones


3. How about lots of sauce? Our favorite for dipping raw veggies is

Brianna's Poppy seed dressing. It's sweet and really can change the taste of

the veggies.

4. Food is an adventure, not a chore. I make new dishes on a whim

(trying to find new vegetables also), put it on the table saying " I have no

idea if we'll like this, but let's try! " No power struggles, just

exploration. Sometimes I don't like the very dish he does like. (and if

he'll eat a new vegetable, I'll fix the stuff I don't like as much.)

5. Does she go with you to the grocery store? Letting her be curious

about what all those things are might be motivation to try them. There's a

produce store in Watertown MA called Russo's that, I swear, has every

variety of edible plant in the world (ok, I exaggerate). The amazing variety

has led us to try some things we'd never have tried otherwise. I wish we

could go there more often.


Good luck!






<lbilyeu lbilyeu




> cannot get her to eat a vegetable unless it is a french fry.

(which I

> wont do any more) > Does anyone have any ideas that will help?

> Thanks, Teresa








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