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Here are my answers:


> How would you explain what a vegan is to someone who didn't know?


" An individual who embraces all living beings within a circle of

compassion. This includes avoiding the use of animals and animal by

products in every way, as well as striving to do the most good when

purchasing consumer items. "


> You went to a friends house, who spent a long time making a " vegan "

meal just for you. Before you eat, you see one of the ingredients she

used is a product that has " whey " in it. What do you do?


I'd probably explain exactly what " whey " is, explain why it's not

vegan, and then offer to buy us all dinner and/or whip up some pasta

fast. Presumably at least part of the meal (salad, side dishes) are



> You notice a mosquito in your room just before you go to bed. It's

making an annoying noise and might bite you in the night. You have a

good shot at it. What do you do?


I'd say, " Get it, Ace, " to my dog, and let nature take its course.


> You have 10 mice in your house, peeing on your stuff, eating stuff

in your cupboards. Causing a riot. What do you do?


Seek an animal friendly solution, such as live traps. I'd also

restore my food stuff in better containers to discourage them.


> You go to a dinner with friends, and the main course and salad

are " vegan " except for a teaspoon of honey in each. What do you do?


Eat whatever side dishes are available that don't contain honey.


> You are making a vegan dinner for 8 non vegan friends at your

house. What do you make?


Delicious vegan food, making sure to include a variety: Old

standbys, like pasta and marinara, as well as something more exotic.


> Your mother in law or other relative asks you if you can do a big

favor and store a turkey in your fridge as hers is full of other

thanksgiving trimmings. What do you do?


Politely refuse but offer my parent's fridge as an alternative.


> Someone gives you a chocolate bar that has no dairy or egg, and is

from a good company. It is processed on a plant that processes milk

and may contain trace elements. Do you eat it?


No. I don't like chocolate anyway.

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How would you explain what a vegan is to someone who didn't know?


>a conscious way of living in accordance with, and not against, nature, based on compassion and sustainable development


You went to a friends house, who spent a long time making a "vegan" meal just for you. Before you eat, you see one of the ingredients she used is a product that has "whey" in it. What do you do?


>I'd eat it but point out the problem. I'd eat it because of the trouble they'd gone to and their good intentions.


You notice a mosquito in your room just before you go to bed. It's making an annoying noise and might bite you in the night. You have a good shot at it. What do you do?


>Try and chase it or something, or use some incense or that kind of thing to put it off.


You have 10 mice in your house, peeing on your stuff, eating stuff in your cupboards. Causing a riot. What do you do?


>get a cat


You go to a dinner with friends, and the main course and salad are "vegan" except for a teaspoon of honey in each. What do you do?


>eat it probably


You are making a vegan dinner for 8 non vegan friends at your house. What do you make?


>maybe some kind of curry. Definitely something not using tofu or something like that, real vegetables or pules.


Your mother in law or other relative asks you if you can do a big favor and store a turkey in your fridge as hers is full of other thanksgiving trimmings. What do you do?


>I'd let her if I had room. I ate meat for 20 years so i'm not squeamish abot it or anything. Plus I can't stop her eating meat so I don't see the point in not giving her a hand. I don't think it makes me an accessory to murder or anything :)


Someone gives you a chocolate bar that has no dairy or egg, and is from a good company. It is processed on a plant that processes milk and may contain trace elements. Do you eat it?


>yeah I'd take my chances.

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How would you explain what a vegan is to someone who didn't know?

strict vegetarian...the simplest approach is probably best!




You went to a friends house, who spent a long time making a "vegan" meal just for you. Before you eat, you see one of the ingredients she used is a product that has "whey" in it. What do you do?


Grasp at throat and scream "Are you trying to kill me!"

just kidding...

seriously...i'd have to apologize and tell i appreciate it all, really, but i can't eat it. and then explain why..then offer to make them something in return when they wanted...




You notice a mosquito in your room just before you go to bed. It's making an annoying noise and might bite you in the night. You have a good shot at it. What do you do?



make bat noises?


open a window to shoo it away....

luckily, no skeeters here to speak of



You have 10 mice in your house, peeing on your stuff, eating stuff in your cupboards. Causing a riot. What do you do?

1. cover and put food items in containers


2. hav-a-hart traps...

then move em down to an abandoned field down the street


You go to a dinner with friends, and the main course and salad are "vegan" except for a teaspoon of honey in each. What do you do?



wot sort of restaurant? or where is the place? wot sort of honey? normal everyday bee killin honey, er organic "i just stole the honey and didn't kill the bees" honey?

the salad has honey in it?? heck..just give salad greens and i'll figure something out

there is akmost ALWAYS an out..someway...somehow...unless they took you to McDonalds er something...


You are making a vegan dinner for 8 non vegan friends at your house. What do you make?




depends on their tastes, etc


mashed taters, now and zen unturkey, maybe vegan lasagna, all sorts of dishes..

we cook a vegan thanxfernuthin every year anyways..TWICE!..heh


Your mother in law or other relative asks you if you can do a big favor and store a turkey in your fridge as hers is full of other thanksgiving trimmings. What do you do?





no dead things in my fridge..sorry

i've lived with that long enough...

nope nope nope

they can respect my beliefs...

i wouldn't ask to store dead baby parts in their fridge....


Someone gives you a chocolate bar that has no dairy or egg, and is from a good company. It is processed on a plant that processes milk and may contain trace elements. Do you eat it?

yeah..unfortunately, 99% of chocolate bars in the US are generally processed on equipment that has used dairy....

same with many soy milks....

it sux..

tho..i stopped drinkin white wave products a loong time ago...i would have some of their stuff, and always feel ill afterwards...turns out they got bought out by Dean Foods, big ol dairy/meat company, and processed the stuff on their equipment...at least the soy milks and fake egg nogs...

so..dunno if that had anything to do with it..but...


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"Plus I can't stop her eating meat so I don't see thepoint in not giving her a hand. I don't think it makes me an accessory tomurder or anything :)"



LOL! That's funny. No matter how far you have gone on the wrong road, turn back. -Turkish proverbFact: Each gallon of gas used by a car contributes almost 20 pounds of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. A single car driving 1,000 miles a month adds up to 120 tons of CO2 annually. Fact: One crop of hemp grown on one acre of land produces the same amount of pulpable fiber as one acre of 20 year old trees.


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heh, yeah I was pleased with myself for that little quip :)

I can just picture it as an episode of Murder She Wrote or something.


Surya Burdick [californiagnomes]11 November 2003 16:28 Subject: re:questions

"Plus I can't stop her eating meat so I don't see thepoint in not giving her a hand. I don't think it makes me an accessory tomurder or anything :)"



LOL! That's funny. No matter how far you have gone on the wrong road, turn back. -Turkish proverbFact: Each gallon of gas used by a car contributes almost 20 pounds of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. A single car driving 1,000 miles a month adds up to 120 tons of CO2 annually. Fact: One crop of hemp grown on one acre of land produces the same amount of pulpable fiber as one acre of 20 year old trees.



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  • 3 years later...

Is there such a thing as gluten free pickle relish that does not have

peppers in it?


Can you make relish by mashing regular pickles?


What brand of mustard is gluten free?


What is paprika made of? Since it is red, I am thinking peppers and/or





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These are good question. I can help with a couple.


#2) I don't see why not. You might want to add

some other goodies in there too, but it should work.


#4) Paprika is a ground pepper. My local farmers

market actually sells the fresh pepper. It's long

and green->red, depending on ripeness. Here's more:









, " dhsellers "

<dhsellers wrote:


> Is there such a thing as gluten free pickle relish that does not have

> peppers in it?


> Can you make relish by mashing regular pickles?


> What brand of mustard is gluten free?


> What is paprika made of? Since it is red, I am thinking peppers and/or

> tomatoes?


> Thanks,

> Danielle


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the company I work for (www.allergygrocer.com) sells a dijon and a yellow

mustard which are ceritifed gluten-free but technically all products made

with vinegar are considered gluten-free.


Some are more likely to be made with corn based vinegar than others, but in

n. america corn is far cheaper than wheat so it's the most likely to be used

for producing vinegars and commerical relishes, mustards, ketchips, etc.




On 9/14/07, Erin <truepatriot wrote:


> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paprika>> Can you make relish by mashing

> regular pickles?


> > What brand of mustard is gluten free?





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Thanks, Erin. Well Paprika is out for me. I am allergic to nightshade veggies.

Thanks for the info.







Erin <truepatriot


Friday, September 14, 2007 12:29:41 PM

Re: questions
















These are good question. I can help with a couple.




#2) I don't see why not. You might want to add


some other goodies in there too, but it should work.




#4) Paprika is a ground pepper. My local farmers


market actually sells the fresh pepper. It's long


and green->red, depending on ripeness. Here's more:




http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Paprika






http://www.vegandon elight.com




Vegan-and-Gluten- Free@ .com, " dhsellers "


<dhsellers@. ..> wrote:




> Is there such a thing as gluten free pickle relish that does not have


> peppers in it?




> Can you make relish by mashing regular pickles?




> What brand of mustard is gluten free?




> What is paprika made of? Since it is red, I am thinking peppers and/or


> tomatoes?




> Thanks,


> Danielle




















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On 9/14/07, Brenda-Lee Olson <shalomaleichemacademy wrote:


> the company I work for (www.allergygrocer.com) sells a dijon and a

> yellow

> mustard which are ceritifed gluten-free but technically all products made

> with vinegar are considered gluten-free.


> Some are more likely to be made with corn based vinegar than others, but

> in

> n. america corn is far cheaper than wheat so it's the most likely to be

> used

> for producing vinegars and commerical relishes, mustards, ketchips, etc.


> BL


> On 9/14/07, Erin <truepatriot <truepatriot%40metrocast.net>>

> wrote:

> >

> > <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paprika>> Can you make relish by mashing

> > regular pickles?

> >

> > > What brand of mustard is gluten free?

> >



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Thank you for the information.

Have a great day.




Brenda-Lee Olson <shalomaleichemacademy


Friday, September 14, 2007 7:56:46 PM

Re: Re: questions














the company I work for (www.allergygrocer. com) sells a dijon and a



mustard which are ceritifed gluten-free but technically all products made


with vinegar are considered gluten-free.




Some are more likely to be made with corn based vinegar than others, but in


n. america corn is far cheaper than wheat so it's the most likely to be used


for producing vinegars and commerical relishes, mustards, ketchips, etc.








On 9/14/07, Erin <truepatriot@ metrocast. net> wrote:




> <http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Paprika>> Can you make relish by mashing


> regular pickles?




> > What brand of mustard is gluten free?







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