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Thanks Kate~

Yes, it was candida. I was tested for gestational diabetes and it came out

negative. My son was 7 lbs 3 oz so didn't seem like a gestational diabetes kid

to me. I have (had) severe candida. I have been treating it for two + years

now. It is very under control and now I am spending most of my time helping

others to do the same.


Thanks for your insight!





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> Hi Ina~

> I would love to share all I can with you. I am new


.... I went on birth control pills when I got married at

> age 26. I got deathly > ill after taking them for 3

years upon which I finally> figured out it was the pill


....And then my life completely> changed~not that having

a > baby doesn't just change you on it's own~but after


> son was born, my entire > body just shut down. I

blamed it on my weight... I gained a whoppin 60+ pounds

> during my pregnancy. I was > so proud of my new body

and the midwifes didn't say> anything because I had been

so " underweight " before.



Hi Sandy,


Very interesting post. Were you ever tested for

gestational diabets when pregnant?? For some reason it

is more common in very underweight women (and curiously

also in very overwieight women as well) who become

pregnant. Also that you gained a lot of weight no

matter what your pre-pregnant weight was is symptomatic.

A lot of women never know they have it during

pregnancy, but big weight gain is symptomatic and so is

feeling really crappy. But usually it disappears after

pregnancy. I have heard also that Candida flourishes

and is impossible to treat if diabetes is not under

control. Also birth control pills contribute to Candida

as the hormones become unbalanced. Also antibiotics can

be another cause as the balance of other natural and

necessary bacterias that control Candida are destroyed.

Candida also severely effects Cortisol levels. Candida

normally lives in the intestinal tract but can spread to

the vagina, heart, liver and lungs. I'm sure you know a

lot more about this since you are getting this under



It sounds like you really got hammered by almost all

of the worst effects of Candida.


Take care










Photos: High-quality 4x6 digital prints for 25¢


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Hello Fit Junkie,


I too suffer from CandinaSucks, and I have discovered something avaliable every

where and totally natural that works wonders for Candida. I am treating it now.


Ask at a natural food store for Oil of Oregano.


Its a little pricy, and a bear to take, I got it when I came down with an upper

respiratiry infection, it is anti viral and also works on the Candida.


I would like to know, however, what are the symptoms for Candida, then I will

have a better gage for when I have it under control or not...


Best to you,



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> Ask at a natural food store for Oil of Oregano.


OoO should only be used sparingly internally. It is a powerful anti microbe

and can be detrimental to pro biotics. For candida control, first eliminate

high glycemic foods and restore the intestinal flora with

acidopnilus/bifidus. Keep tho OoO and TeaTree in the medicine cabinet and

use it externally on athlete's foot and the like. Good grade OoO should be

cut 5 - 1 with olive oil before touching the skin as it could burn.



" Angela Grace " <angela_dreamer

<rawfood >

Tuesday, April 20, 2004 4:04 PM

Re: [Raw Food] Candida



> Hello Fit Junkie,


> I too suffer from CandinaSucks, and I have discovered something avaliable

every where and totally natural that works wonders for Candida. I am

treating it now.


> Ask at a natural food store for Oil of Oregano.


> Its a little pricy, and a bear to take, I got it when I came down with an

upper respiratiry infection, it is anti viral and also works on the Candida.


> I would like to know, however, what are the symptoms for Candida, then I

will have a better gage for when I have it under control or not...


> Best to you,


> Angel2Bright


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi Mary

believe you are correct when you say I need cleansing and healing...


You said


Therefore, your diet should be high in fiber and herbs


From what I have learned fiber is just as attractive to yeast as sugar.



What herbs do you suggest?



Thanks for your time.



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I cannot tell you specific herbs. I could give the

same herbal formulation to 10 persons and each would

react differently. What I can tell you is this:


1. We are all exposed to yeast daily. It is our

body's state of health at the time of exposure which

either allows the yeast to flourish or pass through.


2. Your former diet gave you the candida. To continue

on that diet feeds the yeast.


3. The sweetness of a fruit reveals the amount of

natural sugar in it. Grapes are the sweetest and most

alkaline of all fruits.


You want to choose those fibrous foods that have very

little natural sweetness. If you use this criteria,

you will have a large group to choose from. Squash

(all kinds), green peppers (orange, yellow, and red

are sweeter than green), bitter leafy greens, etc are

all examples. In general, root crops (potatoes, yams)

should be avoided as they are very starchy. However,

seeds, whole grains (that have not been ground into a

flour), and legumes would also be acceptable. Refined

grains are an absolute 'no'. Even whole grain

products (from 100% whole grains) should be minimized.


Yeast cannot thrive in lots of oxygen. Therefore, you

don't want to clog your body with non-fibrous food.

While you could eat lots of fish, you would not want

to eat large amounts of red meat and only minimal

amounts of pork and chicken. Because green drinks

promote the oxygenation of the body, you might want to

either make your own green drink or buy it ready made.

Wheat grass juice might be a bit strong but would do

the trick if you could handle it.


If you have access to an degreed herbalist (no someone

floating around in a health food store or someone

selling a company's products...such as Nature's

Sunshine,etc) go. An herbal formulation must be

specifically made for your personal needs. If you do

take such a formulation, you should start to feel

better almost immediately.


Many years ago, I discovered I had giardia. I had

backpacked for many years and must have picked it up

and then had it go into dormancy. When I went on a

watermellon fast for 10 days, it surfaced. I did not

want to take the conventional drugs. However, the law

states that giardia must be reported to the health

dept and treated with drug. The MD agreed to let me

treat it herbally for two weeks. Even though I am a

degreed herbalist, I did not attempt to treat it

myself but contacted another degreed herbalist. We

did get rid of the giardia in the designated 2 weeks!


Sometimes, a drug is necessary so that you can then

get your body on the right tract. A friend had had

bouts of giardia all her life as her mother had had

heart surgery when pregnant with my friend. She

needed the nystatin to kill the existing yeast so she

could get on with all the dietary changes she needed

to make. Only you can decide if you want to go this



After I was diagnosed with interstitial pneumonitis

(from the formaldehyde poisoning), all the MDs wanted

to put me on prednizone. I refused. I was lucky to

have a pulmonologist that would continue to treat me

even though I refused convention treatment. Not all

MDs will.






--- The Mitcheners <spiritfire wrote:


> Hi Mary

> believe you are correct when you say I need

> cleansing and healing...


> You said


> Therefore, your diet should be high in fiber and

> herbs


> From what I have learned fiber is just as attractive

> to yeast as sugar.

> Yikes


> What herbs do you suggest?



> Thanks for your time.


> KAthy








Mary, Luvie, Ranger, & the flying brigade


A smile is a silent 'hello'.


owner of


'The Fully Trained Working Dog'


'Avian Health: Holistic Approach'


'Yoga for Therapy'.












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This information has been extremely helpful to me as well. Althoug I do not kow

for sure, I have suspected candida growth in my body due to a high level of

antibiotics over a year ago. I have been drinking Barely Max, lemon water,

taking flax seed oilo, and vitamin B-12. It seems like it has made a

difference, but I guess it could be a placebo effect.


mary <marymassung wrote:



I cannot tell you specific herbs. I could give the

same herbal formulation to 10 persons and each would

react differently. What I can tell you is this:


1. We are all exposed to yeast daily. It is our

body's state of health at the time of exposure which

either allows the yeast to flourish or pass through.


2. Your former diet gave you the candida. To continue

on that diet feeds the yeast.


3. The sweetness of a fruit reveals the amount of

natural sugar in it. Grapes are the sweetest and most

alkaline of all fruits.


You want to choose those fibrous foods that have very

little natural sweetness. If you use this criteria,

you will have a large group to choose from. Squash

(all kinds), green peppers (orange, yellow, and red

are sweeter than green), bitter leafy greens, etc are

all examples. In general, root crops (potatoes, yams)

should be avoided as they are very starchy. However,

seeds, whole grains (that have not been ground into a

flour), and legumes would also be acceptable. Refined

grains are an absolute 'no'. Even whole grain

products (from 100% whole grains) should be minimized.


Yeast cannot thrive in lots of oxygen. Therefore, you

don't want to clog your body with non-fibrous food.

While you could eat lots of fish, you would not want

to eat large amounts of red meat and only minimal

amounts of pork and chicken. Because green drinks

promote the oxygenation of the body, you might want to

either make your own green drink or buy it ready made.

Wheat grass juice might be a bit strong but would do

the trick if you could handle it.


If you have access to an degreed herbalist (no someone

floating around in a health food store or someone

selling a company's products...such as Nature's

Sunshine,etc) go. An herbal formulation must be

specifically made for your personal needs. If you do

take such a formulation, you should start to feel

better almost immediately.


Many years ago, I discovered I had giardia. I had

backpacked for many years and must have picked it up

and then had it go into dormancy. When I went on a

watermellon fast for 10 days, it surfaced. I did not

want to take the conventional drugs. However, the law

states that giardia must be reported to the health

dept and treated with drug. The MD agreed to let me

treat it herbally for two weeks. Even though I am a

degreed herbalist, I did not attempt to treat it

myself but contacted another degreed herbalist. We

did get rid of the giardia in the designated 2 weeks!


Sometimes, a drug is necessary so that you can then

get your body on the right tract. A friend had had

bouts of giardia all her life as her mother had had

heart surgery when pregnant with my friend. She

needed the nystatin to kill the existing yeast so she

could get on with all the dietary changes she needed

to make. Only you can decide if you want to go this



After I was diagnosed with interstitial pneumonitis

(from the formaldehyde poisoning), all the MDs wanted

to put me on prednizone. I refused. I was lucky to

have a pulmonologist that would continue to treat me

even though I refused convention treatment. Not all

MDs will.






--- The Mitcheners <spiritfire wrote:


> Hi Mary

> believe you are correct when you say I need

> cleansing and healing...


> You said


> Therefore, your diet should be high in fiber and

> herbs


> From what I have learned fiber is just as attractive

> to yeast as sugar.

> Yikes


> What herbs do you suggest?



> Thanks for your time.


> KAthy








Mary, Luvie, Ranger, & the flying brigade


A smile is a silent 'hello'.


owner of


'The Fully Trained Working Dog'


'Avian Health: Holistic Approach'


'Yoga for Therapy'.












Win a $20,000 Career Makeover at HotJobs





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I think I should also proofread my responses. Sorry!



Tonya Cline <clinetonya wrote:


This information has been extremely helpful to me as well. Althoug I do not kow

for sure, I have suspected candida growth in my body due to a high level of

antibiotics over a year ago. I have been drinking Barely Max, lemon water,

taking flax seed oilo, and vitamin B-12. It seems like it has made a

difference, but I guess it could be a placebo effect.


mary <marymassung wrote:



I cannot tell you specific herbs. I could give the

same herbal formulation to 10 persons and each would

react differently. What I can tell you is this:


1. We are all exposed to yeast daily. It is our

body's state of health at the time of exposure which

either allows the yeast to flourish or pass through.


2. Your former diet gave you the candida. To continue

on that diet feeds the yeast.


3. The sweetness of a fruit reveals the amount of

natural sugar in it. Grapes are the sweetest and most

alkaline of all fruits.


You want to choose those fibrous foods that have very

little natural sweetness. If you use this criteria,

you will have a large group to choose from. Squash

(all kinds), green peppers (orange, yellow, and red

are sweeter than green), bitter leafy greens, etc are

all examples. In general, root crops (potatoes, yams)

should be avoided as they are very starchy. However,

seeds, whole grains (that have not been ground into a

flour), and legumes would also be acceptable. Refined

grains are an absolute 'no'. Even whole grain

products (from 100% whole grains) should be minimized.


Yeast cannot thrive in lots of oxygen. Therefore, you

don't want to clog your body with non-fibrous food.

While you could eat lots of fish, you would not want

to eat large amounts of red meat and only minimal

amounts of pork and chicken. Because green drinks

promote the oxygenation of the body, you might want to

either make your own green drink or buy it ready made.

Wheat grass juice might be a bit strong but would do

the trick if you could handle it.


If you have access to an degreed herbalist (no someone

floating around in a health food store or someone

selling a company's products...such as Nature's

Sunshine,etc) go. An herbal formulation must be

specifically made for your personal needs. If you do

take such a formulation, you should start to feel

better almost immediately.


Many years ago, I discovered I had giardia. I had

backpacked for many years and must have picked it up

and then had it go into dormancy. When I went on a

watermellon fast for 10 days, it surfaced. I did not

want to take the conventional drugs. However, the law

states that giardia must be reported to the health

dept and treated with drug. The MD agreed to let me

treat it herbally for two weeks. Even though I am a

degreed herbalist, I did not attempt to treat it

myself but contacted another degreed herbalist. We

did get rid of the giardia in the designated 2 weeks!


Sometimes, a drug is necessary so that you can then

get your body on the right tract. A friend had had

bouts of giardia all her life as her mother had had

heart surgery when pregnant with my friend. She

needed the nystatin to kill the existing yeast so she

could get on with all the dietary changes she needed

to make. Only you can decide if you want to go this



After I was diagnosed with interstitial pneumonitis

(from the formaldehyde poisoning), all the MDs wanted

to put me on prednizone. I refused. I was lucky to

have a pulmonologist that would continue to treat me

even though I refused convention treatment. Not all

MDs will.






--- The Mitcheners <spiritfire wrote:


> Hi Mary

> believe you are correct when you say I need

> cleansing and healing...


> You said


> Therefore, your diet should be high in fiber and

> herbs


> From what I have learned fiber is just as attractive

> to yeast as sugar.

> Yikes


> What herbs do you suggest?



> Thanks for your time.


> KAthy








Mary, Luvie, Ranger, & the flying brigade


A smile is a silent 'hello'.


owner of


'The Fully Trained Working Dog'


'Avian Health: Holistic Approach'


'Yoga for Therapy'.












Win a $20,000 Career Makeover at HotJobs





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I have been thinking about the cycle of sickness I have incurred and just

wondering about them.


This is the list of the sickness I have had....the latest is first.


Bladder ...constant infection ....even using cranberry juice non sugar type.

This is about the 4th month


Candida ...systemic includes eye, ears, nose ,rectal, vaginal ,itching skin

this has been going on for a year and a half



Iron poisoning for about a year because we were using cast iron pans to

cook our food in and it was chipping off and overloading my liver. This made

me very ill.I was in bed a good part of that year and felt like I was dying

I was given one round of antibiotics for secondary infections...thats how I

moved into candida. I do have to say that my eyes ears nose and throat

specialist who I went to first told me that he did not think I had a sinus

problem even though I was sick with much mucos.He felt I needed to see an

internist because he was very sure something much more serious was wrong.He

was right. That was about a year and a half ago that I discovered what was

wrong.Plus the year of being sick and not knowing it.


At 38 I went through menopause and I went to a doctor an he documented my

case. I am now turning 50


I notice a loss of hearing,taste and smell.


Black spots discovered on my uteris while pregnant with my last child age 38

which was lasered off. I was 35 or 36 year of age



Mononucleous...as well...14 years old


Lots of strepp throats until I had my tonsisl removed at age 14 years


A very severe case of Psorasis age 5.. still have it on elbows


I am thinking that these all seem interelated and wondering

how to sort it all out and heal up...I am thinking there is some common

factor here ..that if I could see it ..I would have an even greater ability

to heal.I am not talking about a quick fix LOLnot expecting that for sure..

..I am thinking immunity but why did I have that problem in the first place..


Wow a little daunting to look at it in print though...


Any thoughts would be great.


Praying and seeking....Him




















I cannot tell you specific herbs. I could give the

same herbal formulation to 10 persons and each would

react differently. What I can tell you is this:


1. We are all exposed to yeast daily. It is our

body's state of health at the time of exposure which

either allows the yeast to flourish or pass through.


2. Your former diet gave you the candida. To continue

on that diet feeds the yeast.


3. The sweetness of a fruit reveals the amount of

natural sugar in it. Grapes are the sweetest and most

alkaline of all fruits.


You want to choose those fibrous foods that have very

little natural sweetness. If you use this criteria,

you will have a large group to choose from. Squash

(all kinds), green peppers (orange, yellow, and red

are sweeter than green), bitter leafy greens, etc are

all examples. In general, root crops (potatoes, yams)

should be avoided as they are very starchy. However,

seeds, whole grains (that have not been ground into a

flour), and legumes would also be acceptable. Refined

grains are an absolute 'no'. Even whole grain

products (from 100% whole grains) should be minimized.


Yeast cannot thrive in lots of oxygen. Therefore, you

don't want to clog your body with non-fibrous food.

While you could eat lots of fish, you would not want

to eat large amounts of red meat and only minimal

amounts of pork and chicken. Because green drinks

promote the oxygenation of the body, you might want to

either make your own green drink or buy it ready made.

Wheat grass juice might be a bit strong but would do

the trick if you could handle it.


If you have access to an degreed herbalist (no someone

floating around in a health food store or someone

selling a company's products...such as Nature's

Sunshine,etc) go. An herbal formulation must be

specifically made for your personal needs. If you do

take such a formulation, you should start to feel

better almost immediately.


Many years ago, I discovered I had giardia. I had

backpacked for many years and must have picked it up

and then had it go into dormancy. When I went on a

watermellon fast for 10 days, it surfaced. I did not

want to take the conventional drugs. However, the law

states that giardia must be reported to the health

dept and treated with drug. The MD agreed to let me

treat it herbally for two weeks. Even though I am a

degreed herbalist, I did not attempt to treat it

myself but contacted another degreed herbalist. We

did get rid of the giardia in the designated 2 weeks!


Sometimes, a drug is necessary so that you can then

get your body on the right tract. A friend had had

bouts of giardia all her life as her mother had had

heart surgery when pregnant with my friend. She

needed the nystatin to kill the existing yeast so she

could get on with all the dietary changes she needed

to make. Only you can decide if you want to go this



After I was diagnosed with interstitial pneumonitis

(from the formaldehyde poisoning), all the MDs wanted

to put me on prednizone. I refused. I was lucky to

have a pulmonologist that would continue to treat me

even though I refused convention treatment. Not all

MDs will.






--- The Mitcheners <spiritfire wrote:


> Hi Mary

> believe you are correct when you say I need

> cleansing and healing...


> You said


> Therefore, your diet should be high in fiber and

> herbs


> From what I have learned fiber is just as attractive

> to yeast as sugar.

> Yikes


> What herbs do you suggest?



> Thanks for your time.


> KAthy








Mary, Luvie, Ranger, & the flying brigade


A smile is a silent 'hello'.


owner of


'The Fully Trained Working Dog'


'Avian Health: Holistic Approach'


'Yoga for Therapy'.












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There is a school of holistic medicine called

toxicology. It was first promoted by german



According to the school of toxicology, you start with

normal elimination (stage 1). Then, something

happens, usually dietary or exposure to a toxic

substance via injection (mosquito) or an illness such

as chicken pox, that causes the overload of an

eliminative channel. This puts stress on the other

eliminative channels causing ABNORMAL ELIMINATION

(stage 2). (examples of abnormal elimination are:

diarrhea, vomiting, skin rashes, polyuria, nasal

discharges, weepy eyes, etc). Because abnormal

elimination is uncomfortable, it is usually suppressed

with drugs (prescription or over the counter) instead

of encouraged to complete its action (non-toxic herbs)

and the healing of the overloaded eliminative system.

When abnormal elimination is suppressed, the toxic

matter must be stored in the body. It is first stored

in the connective tissues of the body (stage 3). This

causes 'congestive problems' (such as constipation,

nausea, sore throats, headaches, pneumonia, etc) and

those " I don't feel well but don't know why " symptoms.



The person again has a choice, suppress the symptoms

or stimulate the immune system to remove the offending

substance that is causing the abnormal elimination.

Since few realize what is happening, the symptoms are

usually suppressed with drugs. Now a whole new chain

of events begins to occur.


The tissues which have become clogged with

waste/toxins do not get enough blood (which carries

oxygen and nutrients). Therefore, they begin to die.

Additional waste begins to store in these areas

because the tissue is not healthy enough to repel such

storage. Gradually, the tissues and cells around this

dying tissue begins to be compromised by waste until

cellular damage has occurred (stage 4). Now we have

the 'lesser' diseases so common treated by the medical

profession. The drugs used to treat these problems

again suppress the problem by not actively working to

reverse the problem. Eventually, the circulatory

system itself (heart, etc) is compromised as is the

lymphatic system (stage 5). If still not dealt with,

cancer or death results (stage 6). All stages up to

stage 4 can be reversed. When permanent organ damage

occurs, it is no longer possible to return to stage 1

(Normal elimination). However, improvement can usually

still occur.


To reverse the problem, you have to begin eliminating

this stored waste matter from the organs, cells, and

tissues of the body. This requires a healthy

lymphatic system as well as a healthy intestinal

tract. why?


The cells and tissues of the body empty into the

lymphatic system which, in turns, empties into the

small intestines, which, in turn, empties into the

colon. If the colon is clogged, the small intestines

will be clogged. If the small intestines are clogged,

the lymphatic system will be clogged. If the

lymphatic system is clogged, the tissues and cells

will be clogged with waste....kind of like a sewer



Let us look at what you are describing for yourself...


1. psoriasis at age 5 ABNORMAL ELIMINATION

(something triggered this) It was probably treated


with something that suppressed it. Did you have

chicken pox before the psoriasis? did you have

eczema? Did you have reactions to the small pox

immunization (given those of my generation)?


2. problem with tonsils: Congestive Tissues.. When

tonsils were removed, the stored waste had to go

somewhere else. Your tonsils were the weak area.

It would have been better to have dealt with the

weak area rather than remove it...but hey, my

mother had my healthy tonsils removed so my brother


would not be lonely in the hospital!!!!


3. Mononueclosis: connective tissue even more



4. Waste moving to uterus (not uncommon in woman as

uterus is dispensible)


5. Decrease in taste, hearing, and sight: congestive


6. Early menopause...the body will shut down

reproductive system first if body not able to

produce healthy baby. Did you take HRT?


7. Iron poisoning...immune system tried to fight back

with abnormal elimination. You treated this with

drug therapy...suppression of poison. Symptoms

treated with antibiotics.


8. Candida (fungus)...two problems. Antibiotics used

to suppress symptoms of iron poisoning. Resulted

in the need for a place to store poison. What

better place than an unused reproductive system and


other weak areas? Tonsils would have been the place


if not removed. With waste stored in reproductive

organs and other locations, oxygen decreases in

these areas. Fungus thrive in moist places with

little/no oxygen.


9. Bladder infection....abnormal elimination...urinary


tract system now under stress.


A classical homeopath would want to know what

illness/exposure was suppressed that triggered the

original psoriesis.


An herbalist would start with the urinary tract and

strengthen it. Then s/he would begin the slow steady

process of eliminating waste from the body through the

healthiest eliminative channels.


A nutritionist would begin with dietary changes.


A holistic practioner would use all three of the above

but also emphasize the need for a combination of

colonics and enemas to cleanse the colon so that the

small intestines could start moving more efficiently,

the lymphatic system could empty into the small

intestines, and the tissues and cells empty their

waste into the lymphatic system! the same practitioner

would want to maximize the skin as an eliminative



I know there are those who would profess that diet

alone could do the job...maybe it could but it would

take years and there would be many disease (yes,

disease..not cleansing) crisis on the journey. The

holistic practitioner is not concerned about the name

of the diet your are eating but the effects of that

diet on the total cleasing/healing process. The fewer

disease crisis (from too rapid a cleansing) the



In case you haven't guessed, I am a holistic






--- The Mitcheners <spiritfire wrote:

> Mary


> I have been thinking about the cycle of sickness I

> have incurred and just

> wondering about them.


> This is the list of the sickness I have had....the

> latest is first.


> Bladder ...constant infection ....even using

> cranberry juice non sugar type.

> This is about the 4th month


> >

> > >

> >


> >










> I cannot tell you specific herbs. I could give the

> same herbal formulation to 10 persons and each would

> react differently. What I can tell you is this:


> 1. We are all exposed to yeast daily. It is our

> body's state of health at the time of exposure which

> either allows the yeast to flourish or pass through.


> 2. Your former diet gave you the candida. To

> continue

> on that diet feeds the yeast.


> 3. The sweetness of a fruit reveals the amount of

> natural sugar in it. Grapes are the sweetest and

> most

> alkaline of all fruits.


> You want to choose those fibrous foods that have

> very

> little natural sweetness. If you use this criteria,

> you will have a large group to choose from. Squash

> (all kinds), green peppers (orange, yellow, and red

> are sweeter than green), bitter leafy greens, etc

> are

> all examples. In general, root crops (potatoes,

> yams)

> should be avoided as they are very starchy. However,

> seeds, whole grains (that have not been ground into

> a

> flour), and legumes would also be acceptable.

> Refined

> grains are an absolute 'no'. Even whole grain

> products (from 100% whole grains) should be

> minimized.


> Yeast cannot thrive in lots of oxygen. Therefore,

> you

> don't want to clog your body with non-fibrous food.

> While you could eat lots of fish, you would not want

> to eat large amounts of red meat and only minimal

> amounts of pork and chicken. Because green drinks

> promote the oxygenation of the body, you might want

> to

> either make your own green drink or buy it ready

> made.

> Wheat grass juice might be a bit strong but would do

> the trick if you could handle it.


> If you have access to an degreed herbalist (no

> someone

> floating around in a health food store or someone

> selling a company's products...such as Nature's

> Sunshine,etc) go. An herbal formulation must be

> specifically made for your personal needs. If you do

> take such a formulation, you should start to feel

> better almost immediately.


> Many years ago, I discovered I had giardia. I had

> backpacked for many years and must have picked it up

> and then had it go into dormancy. When I went on a

> watermellon fast for 10 days, it surfaced. I did not

> want to take the conventional drugs. However, the

> law

> states that giardia must be reported to the health

> dept and treated with drug. The MD agreed to let me

> treat it herbally for two weeks. Even though I am a

> degreed herbalist, I did not attempt to treat it

> myself but contacted another degreed herbalist. We

> did get rid of the giardia in the designated 2

> weeks!


> Sometimes, a drug is necessary so that you can then

> get your body on the right tract. A friend had had

> bouts of giardia all her life as her mother had had

> heart surgery when pregnant with my friend. She

> needed the nystatin to kill the existing yeast so

> she

> could get on with all the dietary changes she needed

> to make. Only you can decide if you want to go this

> route.


> After I was diagnosed with interstitial pneumonitis

> (from the formaldehyde poisoning), all the MDs

> wanted

> to put me on prednizone. I refused. I was lucky to

> have a pulmonologist that would continue to treat me

> even though I refused convention treatment. Not all

> MDs will.


> mary




> --- The Mitcheners <spiritfire wrote:

> >

> > Hi Mary

> > believe you are correct when you say I need

> > cleansing and healing...

> >

> > You said

> >

> > Therefore, your diet should be high in fiber and

> > herbs

> >

> > From what I have learned fiber is just as

> attractive

> > to yeast as sugar.

> > Yikes

> >

> > What herbs do you suggest?

> >

> >

> > Thanks for your time.

> >

> > KAthy

> >

> >

> >



> =====


> Mary, Luvie, Ranger, & the flying brigade


> A smile is a silent 'hello'.


> owner of


> 'The Fully Trained Working Dog'


> 'Avian Health: Holistic Approach'


> 'Yoga for Therapy'.






> Win a $20,000 Career Makeover at HotJobs

> http://hotjobs.sweepstakes./careermakeover





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Thanks for such a thoughtful reply

I am going to reread this a lot.


You said

or an illness such

as chicken pox, that causes the overload


I have to say I believe I had the Mumps and or German Measles around 5 year

old age. I do know I was treated with many drugs more than five for the

Psorasis...I had a bad response to all of them.



You said


To reverse the problem, you have to begin eliminating

this stored waste matter from the organs, cells, and

tissues of the body.


I eat a raw foods meal once or twice a day. I take my time.. a good hour and

chew and chew and chew.

Each time I break out into the sweats about a half hour to 45 mins

later.I was wondering if this is detoxing and is it mercury releasing?

Is this a typical reaction to eating raw?

I do have lots of it in my mouth I had 6 front teeth root canaled, and caped

..Plus many other fillings.I have very soft teeth.



I have changed my diet a great deal and plan on doing more.


I also believe that I need to do something about the bladder...

this is where I am at a loss.


I am also ready to do the colon cleansing...

Thinking about Andreas Moritz's books

Rejuvinationg your Health and The Amazing Liver Cleanse




Did you have reactions to the small pox

immunization (given those of my generation)?

I am not sure.However I do know when my son had a dpt shot at 2 weeks old he

ended up in the hospital with high fever for 2 weeks...sigh they did every

test under the sun Maybe they should have tested for mercury poisoning since

that is what they put in those stupid shots.That was the end of shots for my





mother had my healthy tonsils removed so my brother

would not be lonely in the hospital!!!


Oh my word....that is sad to hear

What's more I can't believe that a doctor cared so little for you that he

would do such a thing...


Did you take HRT?

Well as you probably read my response to Barb..I did try natural

progesterine and was rendered unconcious the very first time I took it..not

to mention some other side effects once I woke..all it took was one time

never used it again.I did try yam cream.


Iron poisoning

Yup, I was so desperate to feel better I stupidly took the antibiotic.It is

probably what pushed me over the top.I waited a long time before I went to

the doc though.

Although of course the best solution was ridding myself of the pans. LOL

This makes me think I probably still have iron in my liver though?


classical homeopath would want to know what

illness/exposure was suppressed that triggered the

original psoriesis


As I said earlier I remember mumps or german measles.



An herbalist would start with the urinary tract and

strengthen it


Any suggestions?


colonics and enemas to cleanse the colon so that the

small intestines could start moving more efficiently,

the lymphatic system could empty into the small

intestines, and the tissues and cells empty their

waste into the lymphatic system!


Yup I am ready as I can be ....


I have been using the Master Detox Program. It doesn't include enemas just

tabs I can tell

that it is helping me get better and to be able to think again but will not

be enough to take care of the problem.


the same practitioner

would want to maximize the skin as an eliminative



Are you referring to skin brushing?


know there are those who would profess that diet

alone could do the job maybe it could but it would

take years and there would be many disease


I agree


In case you haven't guessed, I am a holistic




Got that impression. LOL


In real estate it is location, location, location...in health it is

elimination ,elimination ,elimination.


Again... I want to thank you so very much for your thoughtful reply.I knew

that there was a connection between these illness but didn't know what.

Your response has confirmed every direction I believe I am to move in.


Diet change

address the bladder






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I will comment on some things...


> I have to say I believe I had the Mumps and or

> German Measles around 5 year

> old age.


Any disease that impacts the skin could trigger

psoriasis is a susceptible individual (one who has a

weakness in this channel of elimination). However,

you might have been sick even younger. Weakness in

the skin as an eliminative channel is usually the

result of abnormal elimination in either the lungs or

the bowels.


I eat a raw foods meal once or twice a day. I take

> my time.. a good hour and

> chew and chew and chew.

> Each time I break out into the sweats about a half

> hour to 45 mins

> later.I was wondering if this is detoxing and is it

> mercury releasing?

> Is this a typical reaction to eating raw?

> I do have lots of it in my mouth I had 6 front teeth

> root canaled, and caped

> .Plus many other fillings.I have very soft teeth.


It could be but I cannot say based only upon this




> I have changed my diet a great deal and plan on

> doing more.


> I also believe that I need to do something about the

> bladder...

> this is where I am at a loss.


> I am also ready to do the colon cleansing...

> Thinking about Andreas Moritz's books

> Rejuvinationg your Health and The Amazing Liver

> Cleanse


Doing a liver cleanse BEFORE the intestinal tract is

functioning reasonably well as an eliminative channel

is dangerous. I would not personally recommend it. I

also have a real problem with 'pre-formulated'

cleanses or any pre-formulated herbal product.

Anything that can cure can kill. If you choose to go

this route, make sure you do daily enemas and also

watch very carefully for any negative reaction to the

cleanse. Such a reaction could include emotional or

mental symptoms as well as physical ones.




> Did you have reactions to the small pox

> immunization (given those of my generation)?

> I am not sure.


Your son's reaction to his shots tells nothing about

you. Perhaps I should have asked... " Did you have a

smallpox vaccination? " This could have triggered the



> This makes me think I probably still have iron in

> my liver though?


You might but trying to cleanse the liver before the

intestinal tract is potentially dangerous. You would

only put the iron back into the circulatory system for

a period of time.


> classical homeopath would want to know what

> illness/exposure was suppressed that triggered the

> original psoriesis


> As I said earlier I remember mumps or german

> measles.


If the psoriasis was the result of a vaccination (such

as smallpox), the homeopath would give a remedy that

would stimulate your body to remove any remnants of

the vaccination still in your liver. S/he could also

give you a homeopathic remedy to remove any iron still

in your body as well as deal with any mercury from

fillings. If there is a classical homeopath near you,

you might want to give this alternative a try. It

can't hurt and it might help.



> An herbalist would start with the urinary tract and

> strengthen it


> Any suggestions?


No...other than begin by cleansing the intestinal

tract. An overload in or poor functioning of the

intestinal tract puts an overload on the urinary tract



> colonics and enemas to cleanse the colon so that the

> small intestines could start moving more

> efficiently,

> the lymphatic system could empty into the small

> intestines, and the tissues and cells empty their

> waste into the lymphatic system!


> Yup I am ready as I can be ....


> I have been using the Master Detox Program. It

> doesn't include enemas just

> tabs I can tell

> that it is helping me get better and to be able to

> think again but will not

> be enough to take care of the problem.


Again, I am very wary of detox programs that are not

individualized. I have seen too many individuals have

negative reactions without realizing it.


> the same practitioner

> would want to maximize the skin as an eliminative

> channel.


> Are you referring to skin brushing?


Skin brushing is one form. Another is herbal

formulations that include diaphoretics. you would

want to be under the guidance of an herbalist or

Naturopathic Doctor for this. Diaphoretics, when taken

warm, are for the skin. When taken cold, are for the



> know there are those who would profess that diet

> alone could do the job maybe it could but it would

> take years and there would be many disease


> I agree


> In case you haven't guessed, I am a holistic

> practitioner!


> Yup,

> Got that impression. LOL


> In real estate it is location, location,

> location...in health it is

> elimination ,elimination ,elimination.


> Again... I want to thank you so very much for your

> thoughtful reply.I knew

> that there was a connection between these illness

> but didn't know what.

> Your response has confirmed every direction I

> believe I am to move in.


> Diet change

> address the bladder

> Cleanse



> Thanks

> Kathy







Mary, Luvie, Ranger, & the flying brigade


A smile is a silent 'hello'.


owner of


'The Fully Trained Working Dog'


'Avian Health: Holistic Approach'


'Yoga for Therapy'.












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I think if you go off sugars in all forms . go thru the detox and

withdrawal symptoms and eat no fermented and yeast products

or fungus foods like mushrooms , peanuts , cachews etc... it will

be alot easier to be successful When you crave sugar or bread

the yeast is screaming , Feed Me . When the yeast die off , drink

lots of water and have coolonics or enemas to get rid of all the

toxins . Kyolic garlic capsules and probiotics help cleanse and

rebuild the immune system . Garden of life also has a good

system as well .



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  • 3 years later...

> I am in a a 90% raw diet mainly fruits. I have like candida symptoms.

> Maybe the sugar fron the fruits is feeding the candida. How can it be

> tested and treated.


Tests do indicate that sugar feeds the candida, even fruit sugars.

Since most don't test for candida, and few tests do it correctly, if

any, it is a lot of the times candida, and a lot of the times not

candida. I am pretty sure (although others disagree) that that is why

some respond so well to all fruit. Most people who truly have candida

will react to fruit.



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You definitely don't want to eat fruit if you have Candida. Maybe 2

servings of berries a week at most but I wouldn't even do that. The

test I took was the Candida Antibody test which measures IgA, IgE,

and one other and I found it to be accurate.




rawfood , " Erica " <schoolofrawk wrote:



> > I am in a a 90% raw diet mainly fruits. I have like candida


> > Maybe the sugar fron the fruits is feeding the candida. How can

it be

> > tested and treated.


> Tests do indicate that sugar feeds the candida, even fruit sugars.

> Since most don't test for candida, and few tests do it correctly,


> any, it is a lot of the times candida, and a lot of the times not

> candida. I am pretty sure (although others disagree) that that is


> some respond so well to all fruit. Most people who truly have


> will react to fruit.


> Erica


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On Monday 15 October 2007, gfhungw wrote:

> Hi,

> I am in a a 90% raw diet mainly fruits. I have like

> candida symptoms. Maybe the sugar fron the fruits is

> feeding the candida. How can it be tested and treated.

> Regards

> Gustavo


You may want to consider Colloidal Silver, silver is a

really effective anti-biotic that does not harm our

beneficial gut cultures. It doesn't harm the body in any

way either. It was used in past centuries when there were

no Pharmas and is incomparably better. See;




to start with. There is not a huge amount of info on the net

but there is some, try Googling " colloidal+silver "



the kneeling fool

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rawfood , the kneeling fool <kneel.pardoe



> On Monday 15 October 2007, gfhungw wrote:

> > Hi,

> > I am in a a 90% raw diet mainly fruits. I have like

> > candida symptoms. Maybe the sugar fron the fruits is

> > feeding the candida. How can it be tested and treated.

> > Regards

> > Gustavo


> You may want to consider Colloidal Silver, silver is a

> really effective anti-biotic that does not harm our

> beneficial gut cultures. It doesn't harm the body in any

> way either. It was used in past centuries when there were

> no Pharmas and is incomparably better. See;


> http://www.regenerativenutrition.com/content.asp?id=61


> to start with. There is not a huge amount of info on the net

> but there is some, try Googling " colloidal+silver "


I have to laugh. I just did exactly that, and the top link?





Personally, I wouldn't touch the stuff with a 10-ft pole.




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> Personally, I wouldn't touch the stuff with a 10-ft pole.



That's cool, Erin, but colloidal silver actually has worked and worked

well on a range of stuff for people. I didn't notice a ton, but I was

pessimistic, etc. I know people and even doctors that swear by the

stuff. It HAS to be a good kind, though. Erica

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and my mouth is full of it!

when I was younger and living with my parents..about 16/17-I think 17

My parents got some dental insurance for the family.

The dentist told them to take advantage of the insurance-I would not

benefit from it when I turned 18.

the Dentist proceeded to give me gas and jam pack silver filling s in

2 sessions of 9 fillings each.

I taste silver every morning.

I wnet to a dentist who said it might be worse for me if I got them out.

I look back and feel like it was child abuse.

Emrawfood , the kneeling fool <kneel.pardoe



> On Tuesday 16 October 2007, Erin wrote:

> > Personally, I wouldn't touch the stuff with a 10-ft pole.

> >

> > -Erin

> > http://www.zenpawn.com/vegblog


> If you have ever eaten your food using silver cutlery then

> you already have ingested some.


> --

> the kneeling fool


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Believe me, it would be better to have them removed. Search for a dentist who

uses Hal Huggins approach. My parents did the same thing when I was 17. I

think the dentist was trying to pay for his new office. I had all my teeth

redone with composite fillings in Mexico and didn't suffer any ill effects. I

also had all my root-canaled teeth removed which improved my health measurably.

My husband was destined for a wheelchair and could only walk around for about

15 minutes at a time because his lower back and hips hurt so much. He had his

one root-canaled tooth removed and immediately after the appointment was able to

walk around Mexico for an hour! It has been four years and he can not work for

eight hours again. The really interesting thing was the dentist didn't want to

remove his tooth. He said their was nothing wrong with the tooth. When my

husband prevailed upon him and he did remove the tooth, my husband says he

doesn't know how the guy didn't pass out from the septic smell. The dentist was

amazed. There was no indication whatsoever of anything wrong in my husband's

mouth. His health has improved dramatically.








Tue, 16 Oct 2007 15:21:45 +0000

Re: [Raw Food] candida





















and my mouth is full of it!


when I was younger and living with my parents..about 16/17-I think 17


My parents got some dental insurance for the family.


The dentist told them to take advantage of the insurance-I would not


benefit from it when I turned 18.


the Dentist proceeded to give me gas and jam pack silver filling s in


2 sessions of 9 fillings each.


I taste silver every morning.


I wnet to a dentist who said it might be worse for me if I got them out.


I look back and feel like it was child abuse.


Emrawfood , the kneeling fool <kneel.pardoe






> On Tuesday 16 October 2007, Erin wrote:


> > Personally, I wouldn't touch the stuff with a 10-ft pole.


> >


> > -Erin


> > http://www.zenpawn.com/vegblog




> If you have ever eaten your food using silver cutlery then


> you already have ingested some.




> --


> the kneeling fool





























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You are missing out on a powerful health benefit if you believe quackwatch.

This site's purveyors of information have been sued successfully and proven to

be in the pay of big pharma. They aren't even doctors which has also been

revealed. Colloidal silver can be made at home and works wonders. Personally I

wouldn't buy it, but we make and store it in brown glass bottles at home.








Tue, 16 Oct 2007 10:37:55 +0000

Re: [Raw Food] candida





















rawfood , the kneeling fool <kneel.pardoe






> On Monday 15 October 2007, gfhungw wrote:


> > Hi,


> > I am in a a 90% raw diet mainly fruits. I have like


> > candida symptoms. Maybe the sugar fron the fruits is


> > feeding the candida. How can it be tested and treated.


> > Regards


> > Gustavo




> You may want to consider Colloidal Silver, silver is a


> really effective anti-biotic that does not harm our


> beneficial gut cultures. It doesn't harm the body in any


> way either. It was used in past centuries when there were


> no Pharmas and is incomparably better. See;




> http://www.regenerativenutrition.com/content.asp?id=61




> to start with. There is not a huge amount of info on the net


> but there is some, try Googling " colloidal+silver "




I have to laugh. I just did exactly that, and the top link?










Personally, I wouldn't touch the stuff with a 10-ft pole.

































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Don't forget most water filters use silver as it is anti-bacterial. It is the

only thing that can kill viruses.








Tue, 16 Oct 2007 12:11:31 +0000

Re: [Raw Food] candida





















On Tuesday 16 October 2007, Erin wrote:


> Personally, I wouldn't touch the stuff with a 10-ft pole.




> -Erin


> http://www.zenpawn.com/vegblog




If you have ever eaten your food using silver cutlery then


you already have ingested some.






the kneeling fool

























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That should be he can NOW work eight hours again. Sorry.








Tue, 16 Oct 2007 09:33:31 -0600

RE: [Raw Food] candida





















Believe me, it would be better to have them removed. Search for a

dentist who uses Hal Huggins approach. My parents did the same thing when I was

17. I think the dentist was trying to pay for his new office. I had all my

teeth redone with composite fillings in Mexico and didn't suffer any ill

effects. I also had all my root-canaled teeth removed which improved my health

measurably. My husband was destined for a wheelchair and could only walk

around for about 15 minutes at a time because his lower back and hips hurt so

much. He had his one root-canaled tooth removed and immediately after the

appointment was able to walk around Mexico for an hour! It has been four years

and he can not work for eight hours again. The really interesting thing was the

dentist didn't want to remove his tooth. He said their was nothing wrong with

the tooth. When my husband prevailed upon him and he did remove the tooth, my

husband says he doesn't know how the guy didn't pass out from the septic smell.

The dentist was amazed. There was no indication whatsoever of anything wrong in

my husband's mouth. His health has improved dramatically.












Tue, 16 Oct 2007 15:21:45 +0000


Re: [Raw Food] candida




and my mouth is full of it!




when I was younger and living with my parents..about 16/17-I think 17




My parents got some dental insurance for the family.




The dentist told them to take advantage of the insurance-I would not




benefit from it when I turned 18.




the Dentist proceeded to give me gas and jam pack silver filling s in




2 sessions of 9 fillings each.




I taste silver every morning.




I wnet to a dentist who said it might be worse for me if I got them out.




I look back and feel like it was child abuse.




Emrawfood , the kneeling fool <kneel.pardoe












> On Tuesday 16 October 2007, Erin wrote:




> > Personally, I wouldn't touch the stuff with a 10-ft pole.




> >




> > -Erin




> > http://www.zenpawn.com/vegblog








> If you have ever eaten your food using silver cutlery then




> you already have ingested some.








> --




> the kneeling fool









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They're certainly not the only ones warning against it.


And hey, between the silver cutlery (though I doubt mine is)

and the mercury fillings, who needs to supplement with it?!








rawfood , Marsh <billnmarsh wrote:


> You are missing out on a powerful health benefit if you believe

quackwatch. This site's purveyors of information have been sued

successfully and proven to be in the pay of big pharma. They aren't

even doctors which has also been revealed. Colloidal silver can be

made at home and works wonders. Personally I wouldn't buy it, but we

make and store it in brown glass bottles at home.


> Marsh

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