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Anti-war Demo

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Hi All


We got back from London about an hour ago, frozen stiff, and tired, but had

a good demonstration. The police reckon over a million, the organisers say

2 million. We got to Hyde Park at 5.30, hours after all the speeches had

finished. The crowds were still pouring in when we left. We saw one banner

which said " Stop The Holocaust - Go Vegan " .






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I haven't formed an opinion yet so I can't comment, but can I just ask Jo what would happen if we didn't go to war? What would we do in the future if Saddam had nuclear weapons and biological weapons to use against us? What then? Hope you don't mind me asking but as far as I can tell from the news, if we don't act now, he will in the future. Is that correct? Thanks.




Hi AllWe got back from London about an hour ago, frozen stiff, and tired, but hada good demonstration. The police reckon over a million, the organisers say2 million. We got to Hyde Park at 5.30, hours after all the speeches hadfinished. The crowds were still pouring in when we left. We saw one bannerwhich said "Stop The Holocaust - Go Vegan".Jo---Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).Version: 6.0.435 / Virus Database: 244 - Release 30/12/02To send an email to -

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Why ask Jo? Why not ask all of us?


Saddam is no more dangerous now than he has been for years. He would

have been much less dangerous had the US and UK not happily sold him



The person with his finger on the button of nuclear and biological

weapons is George Bush. Should the world bomb Washingtom DC to

eradicate the threat?


Sorry, but don't read the news and believe that what they are saying

is true. Try to think behind the words. Who gains from this?

Newspapers in the US are very much objects of their owners' desire.

Their owners are very close to those in power. The US have never

wanted to go to war somewhere that isn't either economically or

geographically important. Nothing has changed.


Think about it




, " Janey " <janey@p...> wrote:

> I haven't formed an opinion yet so I can't comment, but can I just

ask Jo

> what would happen if we didn't go to war? What would we do in the

future if

> Saddam had nuclear weapons and biological weapons to use against

us? What

> then? Hope you don't mind me asking but as far as I can tell from

the news,

> if we don't act now, he will in the future. Is that correct?



> Janey



> Hi All


> We got back from London about an hour ago, frozen stiff, and

tired, but had

> a good demonstration. The police reckon over a million, the

organisers say

> 2 million. We got to Hyde Park at 5.30, hours after all the

speeches had

> finished. The crowds were still pouring in when we left. We saw

one banner

> which said " Stop The Holocaust - Go Vegan " .


> Jo



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Well, Janey, North Korea has weapons, too, but Shrubster isn't too anxious

to go to war with them--maybe 'cause they don't have any oil. Pakistan and

India were pretty damn close to nuclear war last year, and Bush isn't too

worried about them. Fifteen of the nineteen 9/11 hijackers came from Saudi

Arabia, but the US attacked Afghanistan. If Bush attacks Iraq, it will only

fuel anti-US sentiment worldwide. It will likely increase terrorism.


And would you like to know where Iraq got all their weapons? From the US,






----Original Message Follows----

" Janey " <janey



Re: Anti-war Demo

Sat, 15 Feb 2003 21:44:44 +0000 (GMT Standard Time)


I haven't formed an opinion yet so I can't comment, but can I just ask Jo

what would happen if we didn't go to war? What would we do in the future if

Saddam had nuclear weapons and biological weapons to use against us? What

then? Hope you don't mind me asking but as far as I can tell from the news,

if we don't act now, he will in the future. Is that correct? Thanks.





Hi All


We got back from London about an hour ago, frozen stiff, and tired, but had

a good demonstration. The police reckon over a million, the organisers say

2 million. We got to Hyde Park at 5.30, hours after all the speeches had

finished. The crowds were still pouring in when we left. We saw one banner

which said " Stop The Holocaust - Go Vegan " .






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Hi Janey


> I haven't formed an opinion yet so I can't comment, but can I just ask Jo what would happen if we didn't go to

> war? What would we do in the future if Saddam had nuclear weapons and biological weapons to use

> against us? What then? Hope you don't mind me asking but as far as I can tell from the news, if we don't act

> now, he will in the future. Is that correct?


Let me ask you a few questions...


We know Saddam Hussein has had biological weapons (we sold them to him) - has he used them against us in the past? Why would he use them in the future when he knows he has tens of thousand nuclear warheads pointing his way?


But the more pertinent questions is "what happens if we do go to war"? How would killing millions of innocent Iraqi's help the situation? Has our killing of millions of innocent Iraqis in the past 13 years helped? Do you not think that if we decide to invade Iraq, we give Saddam Hussein a reason to use his biological weapons against us?


Why is it any more likely that Saddam Hussein will use bilogical weapons against us now, than it was when we sold them to him?


What do you think of Winston Churchill (whose record in Iraq was far worse than Saddam Hussein)?


Should we go to war with the US, whose government are responsible for many more deaths per day than Saddam Hussein, who are using systematic torture of prisoners in Guantanamo, who are responsible for more humanitatian atrocities than any other countries in the world, and who have nuclear weapons, and are the only country in the world to have a record of actually using them?


What do you think would be achieved by a war? And if you come to the conclusion that a war is the answer, will you be willing to join the army to put your life on the line, or will you just watch it on the TV, removed from the death and destruction by a satelllite link?


I look at it like this: if we don't go to war then we *might* end up with Saddam Hussein having nuclear weapons which there is a *very* remote possibility he might use. There is a *minute* chance that inaction might lead to a few deaths. If we do go to war, there is absolutely no doubt that many millions of innocent people *will* die. Are you willing to be party to the definite murder of millions of innocent men, women and children?






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Hi Peter -- I appreciate you answering my question so fully. Like I said, I hadn't really formed an opinion because I feel ignorant of the facts. Thanks for giving your views, you certainly make a lot of sense. Cheers!!!!!!! Janey






16 February 2003 10:25:18


Re: Anti-war Demo


Hi Janey


> I haven't formed an opinion yet so I can't comment, but can I just ask Jo what would happen if we didn't go to

> war? What would we do in the future if Saddam had nuclear weapons and biological weapons to use

> against us? What then? Hope you don't mind me asking but as far as I can tell from the news, if we don't act

> now, he will in the future. Is that correct?


Let me ask you a few questions...


We know Saddam Hussein has had biological weapons (we sold them to him) - has he used them against us in the past? Why would he use them in the future when he knows he has tens of thousand nuclear warheads pointing his way?


But the more pertinent questions is "what happens if we do go to war"? How would killing millions of innocent Iraqi's help the situation? Has our killing of millions of innocent Iraqis in the past 13 years helped? Do you not think that if we decide to invade Iraq, we give Saddam Hussein a reason to use his biological weapons against us?


Why is it any more likely that Saddam Hussein will use bilogical weapons against us now, than it was when we sold them to him?


What do you think of Winston Churchill (whose record in Iraq was far worse than Saddam Hussein)?


Should we go to war with the US, whose government are responsible for many more deaths per day than Saddam Hussein, who are using systematic torture of prisoners in Guantanamo, who are responsible for more humanitatian atrocities than any other countries in the world, and who have nuclear weapons, and are the only country in the world to have a record of actually using them?


What do you think would be achieved by a war? And if you come to the conclusion that a war is the answer, will you be willing to join the army to put your life on the line, or will you just watch it on the TV, removed from the death and destruction by a satelllite link?


I look at it like this: if we don't go to war then we *might* end up with Saddam Hussein having nuclear weapons which there is a *very* remote possibility he might use. There is a *minute* chance that inaction might lead to a few deaths. If we do go to war, there is absolutely no doubt that many millions of innocent people *will* die. Are you willing to be party to the definite murder of millions of innocent men, women and children?






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Thanks for replying Danielle. I appreciate the info. Janey







16 February 2003 05:37:02


Re: Anti-war Demo

Well, Janey, North Korea has weapons, too, but Shrubster isn't too anxious to go to war with them--maybe 'cause they don't have any oil. Pakistan and India were pretty damn close to nuclear war last year, and Bush isn't too worried about them. Fifteen of the nineteen 9/11 hijackers came from Saudi Arabia, but the US attacked Afghanistan. If Bush attacks Iraq, it will only fuel anti-US sentiment worldwide. It will likely increase terrorism.And would you like to know where Iraq got all their weapons? From the US, thankyouverymuch.Danielle----Original Message Follows----"Janey" <janey To: Re: Anti-war DemoSat, 15 Feb 2003 21:44:44 +0000 (GMT Standard Time)I haven't formed an opinion yet so I can't comment, but can I just ask Jowhat would happen if we didn't go to war? What would we do in the future ifSaddam had nuclear weapons and biological weapons to use against us? Whatthen? Hope you don't mind me asking but as far as I can tell from the news,if we don't act now, he will in the future. Is that correct? Thanks.JaneyHi AllWe got back from London about an hour ago, frozen stiff, and tired, but hada good demonstration. The police reckon over a million, the organisers say2 million. We got to Hyde Park at 5.30, hours after all the speeches hadfinished. The crowds were still pouring in when we left. We saw one bannerwhich said "Stop The Holocaust - Go Vegan".Jo---Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).Version: 6.0.435 / Virus Database: 244 - Release 30/12/02To send an email to -

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Oh Janey - I take it from these questions that you have never read any of our own Fraggle's emails concerning this subject. Poor Fraggle - you've been ignored!


My own opinion is that the US and UK are doing what Hitler did - invading another country.


I think you have probably not formed an opinion yet because it seems obvious that you have not done any research into the situation, or any comparisons with other countries. I would suggest that if you are really interested you read some alternative newspapers, or websites and gather some information - see which countries have nuclear weapons (which there is no evidence Iraq has). Find out the details of countries that do or have done the same things we are accusing Iraq of doing - trace the history of our meddling in Iraq over the last eighty years or even read the articles and commentary that Fraggle has forwarded to the list on many occasions.


I guess if you have not already done these things then really you are not really interested in the subject.







I haven't formed an opinion yet so I can't comment, but can I just ask Jo what would happen if we didn't go to war? What would we do in the future if Saddam had nuclear weapons and biological weapons to use against us? What then? Hope you don't mind me asking but as far as I can tell from the news, if we don't act now, he will in the future. Is that correct? Thanks.




Hi AllWe got back from London about an hour ago, frozen stiff, and tired, but hada good demonstration. The police reckon over a million, the organisers say2 million. We got to Hyde Park at 5.30, hours after all the speeches hadfinished. The crowds were still pouring in when we left. We saw one bannerwhich said "Stop The Holocaust - Go Vegan".Jo---Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).Version: 6.0.435 / Virus Database: 244 - Release 30/12/02To send an email to -

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Thanks Danielle - a very good precise.




Re: Anti-war Demo



> Well, Janey, North Korea has weapons, too, but Shrubster isn't too anxious

> to go to war with them--maybe 'cause they don't have any oil. Pakistan


> India were pretty damn close to nuclear war last year, and Bush isn't too

> worried about them. Fifteen of the nineteen 9/11 hijackers came from


> Arabia, but the US attacked Afghanistan. If Bush attacks Iraq, it will


> fuel anti-US sentiment worldwide. It will likely increase terrorism.


> And would you like to know where Iraq got all their weapons? From the US,

> thankyouverymuch.


> Danielle



> ----Original Message Follows----

> " Janey " <janey



> Re: Anti-war Demo

> Sat, 15 Feb 2003 21:44:44 +0000 (GMT Standard Time)


> I haven't formed an opinion yet so I can't comment, but can I just ask Jo

> what would happen if we didn't go to war? What would we do in the future


> Saddam had nuclear weapons and biological weapons to use against us? What

> then? Hope you don't mind me asking but as far as I can tell from the


> if we don't act now, he will in the future. Is that correct? Thanks.


> Janey



> Hi All


> We got back from London about an hour ago, frozen stiff, and tired, but


> a good demonstration. The police reckon over a million, the organisers say

> 2 million. We got to Hyde Park at 5.30, hours after all the speeches had

> finished. The crowds were still pouring in when we left. We saw one banner

> which said " Stop The Holocaust - Go Vegan " .


> Jo



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> Version: 6.0.435 / Virus Database: 244 - Release 30/12/02



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Hello Jo -- Thanks for your message and advice. As regards to Fraggle's messages, I have to confess that I have been deleting most vegan e-group messages unread lately as I have been too busy. I am now trying to get back into the swing of things. Better late than never! I am definitely interested in the subject, who isn't, but lately I've only listened to the news. Now I feel I need to investigate further and not be spoon fed information, if you understand. Thanks.






Oh Janey - I take it from these questions that you have never read any of our own Fraggle's emails concerning this subject. Poor Fraggle - you've been ignored!


My own opinion is that the US and UK are doing what Hitler did - invading another country.


I think you have probably not formed an opinion yet because it seems obvious that you have not done any research into the situation, or any comparisons with other countries. I would suggest that if you are really interested you read some alternative newspapers, or websites and gather some information - see which countries have nuclear weapons (which there is no evidence Iraq has). Find out the details of countries that do or have done the same things we are accusing Iraq of doing - trace the history of our meddling in Iraq over the last eighty years or even read the articles and commentary that Fraggle has forwarded to the list on many occasions.


I guess if you have not already done these things then really you are not really interested in the subject.











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I think it is good to look behind the news. I try to read as many different points of view as possible, and then try to decide what makes sense. So many of the points made by the media are non-sensical.






Sunday, February 16, 2003 2:33 PM

Re: Anti-war Demo





Hello Jo -- Thanks for your message and advice. As regards to Fraggle's messages, I have to confess that I have been deleting most vegan e-group messages unread lately as I have been too busy. I am now trying to get back into the swing of things. Better late than never! I am definitely interested in the subject, who isn't, but lately I've only listened to the news. Now I feel I need to investigate further and not be spoon fed information, if you understand. Thanks.






Oh Janey - I take it from these questions that you have never read any of our own Fraggle's emails concerning this subject. Poor Fraggle - you've been ignored!


My own opinion is that the US and UK are doing what Hitler did - invading another country.


I think you have probably not formed an opinion yet because it seems obvious that you have not done any research into the situation, or any comparisons with other countries. I would suggest that if you are really interested you read some alternative newspapers, or websites and gather some information - see which countries have nuclear weapons (which there is no evidence Iraq has). Find out the details of countries that do or have done the same things we are accusing Iraq of doing - trace the history of our meddling in Iraq over the last eighty years or even read the articles and commentary that Fraggle has forwarded to the list on many occasions.


I guess if you have not already done these things then really you are not really interested in the subject.











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I do apologize for my lack of knowledge. I did not realize that Great

Britain helped arm Saddam.


BTW, there was a feature in Parade magazine about the 10 worst living

dictators. North Korea's was number one, Saudi Arabia's leaders were number

two, and Saddam was only number three.




----Original Message Follows----

" Peter " <Snowbow



Re: Anti-war Demo

Sun, 16 Feb 2003 10:08:59 -0000


Hi Danielle


> Well, Janey, North Korea has weapons, too, but Shrubster isn't too


> to go to war with them--maybe 'cause they don't have any oil. Pakistan


> India were pretty damn close to nuclear war last year, and Bush isn't too

> worried about them. Fifteen of the nineteen 9/11 hijackers came from


> Arabia, but the US attacked Afghanistan.


And, of course, at least 5 of the supposed hijackers are still alive!


> And would you like to know where Iraq got all their weapons? From the


> thankyouverymuch.


Hey - as a British citizen I object to that statement. The UK provided a

good few as well, y'know!







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" Where is the questioning where is the protest song?

Since when is skepticism un-American?

Dissent's not treason but they talk like it's the same

Those who disagree are afraid to show their face " --Sleater-Kinney



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Excellent post, Peter. Let me also add one more thing: if the US attacks

Iraq, it plays into Osama bin Laden's hands. He will have no trouble

recruiting members for al Qaeda. They may attack Israel, they may attack US

interests overseas, they may do a 9/11-style attack here on US soil again; I

don't know which. Either way, anti-US sentiment rages pretty strong in that

area, and by attacking Iraq, Bush will only fuel it. He and his

misadministration and the so-called leaders who support this attack are

IDIOTS if they don't get this!!!


How is this? I know squat about the Middle East and Islam, but I have been

able to gather from the news that you just don't piss off guys willing to

murder--and die--for a cause.





----Original Message Follows----

" Peter " <Snowbow



Re: Anti-war Demo

Sun, 16 Feb 2003 10:08:54 -0000


Hi Janey


> I haven't formed an opinion yet so I can't comment, but can I just ask Jo

what would happen if we didn't go to

> war? What would we do in the future if Saddam had nuclear weapons and

biological weapons to use

> against us? What then? Hope you don't mind me asking but as far as I

can tell from the news, if we don't act

> now, he will in the future. Is that correct?


Let me ask you a few questions...


We know Saddam Hussein has had biological weapons (we sold them to him) -

has he used them against us in the past? Why would he use them in the future

when he knows he has tens of thousand nuclear warheads pointing his way?


But the more pertinent questions is " what happens if we do go to war " ? How

would killing millions of innocent Iraqi's help the situation? Has our

killing of millions of innocent Iraqis in the past 13 years helped? Do you

not think that if we decide to invade Iraq, we give Saddam Hussein a reason

to use his biological weapons against us?


Why is it any more likely that Saddam Hussein will use bilogical weapons

against us now, than it was when we sold them to him?


What do you think of Winston Churchill (whose record in Iraq was far worse

than Saddam Hussein)?


Should we go to war with the US, whose government are responsible for many

more deaths per day than Saddam Hussein, who are using systematic torture of

prisoners in Guantanamo, who are responsible for more humanitatian

atrocities than any other countries in the world, and who have nuclear

weapons, and are the only country in the world to have a record of actually

using them?


What do you think would be achieved by a war? And if you come to the

conclusion that a war is the answer, will you be willing to join the army to

put your life on the line, or will you just watch it on the TV, removed from

the death and destruction by a satelllite link?


I look at it like this: if we don't go to war then we *might* end up with

Saddam Hussein having nuclear weapons which there is a *very* remote

possibility he might use. There is a *minute* chance that inaction might

lead to a few deaths. If we do go to war, there is absolutely no doubt that

many millions of innocent people *will* die. Are you willing to be party to

the definite murder of millions of innocent men, women and children?








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Version: 6.0.435 / Virus Database: 244 - Release 30/12/02



" Where is the questioning where is the protest song?

Since when is skepticism un-American?

Dissent's not treason but they talk like it's the same

Those who disagree are afraid to show their face " --Sleater-Kinney



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Thank you. Of course, I just realized I was a little repetitive when I

emphasized at the end of one of Peter's post how attacking Iraq will fuel

terrorism, but maybe it can't be stressed strongly enough.





----Original Message Follows----

" Heartwork " <Heartwork



Re: Anti-war Demo

Sun, 16 Feb 2003 10:48:08 -0000


Thanks Danielle - a very good precise.




Re: Anti-war Demo



> Well, Janey, North Korea has weapons, too, but Shrubster isn't too


> to go to war with them--maybe 'cause they don't have any oil. Pakistan


> India were pretty damn close to nuclear war last year, and Bush isn't too

> worried about them. Fifteen of the nineteen 9/11 hijackers came from


> Arabia, but the US attacked Afghanistan. If Bush attacks Iraq, it will


> fuel anti-US sentiment worldwide. It will likely increase terrorism.


> And would you like to know where Iraq got all their weapons? From the


> thankyouverymuch.


> Danielle



> ----Original Message Follows----

> " Janey " <janey



> Re: Anti-war Demo

> Sat, 15 Feb 2003 21:44:44 +0000 (GMT Standard Time)


> I haven't formed an opinion yet so I can't comment, but can I just ask Jo

> what would happen if we didn't go to war? What would we do in the future


> Saddam had nuclear weapons and biological weapons to use against us?


> then? Hope you don't mind me asking but as far as I can tell from the


> if we don't act now, he will in the future. Is that correct? Thanks.


> Janey



> Hi All


> We got back from London about an hour ago, frozen stiff, and tired, but


> a good demonstration. The police reckon over a million, the organisers


> 2 million. We got to Hyde Park at 5.30, hours after all the speeches had

> finished. The crowds were still pouring in when we left. We saw one


> which said " Stop The Holocaust - Go Vegan " .


> Jo



> ---

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Hi Danielle


> I do apologize for my lack of knowledge. I did not realize that Great

> Britain helped arm Saddam.


'Fraid so (incidentally, I wasn't really upset - just my slightly warped

sense of humour :-))


> BTW, there was a feature in Parade magazine about the 10 worst living

> dictators. North Korea's was number one, Saudi Arabia's leaders were


> two, and Saddam was only number three.


Interesting - I wonder how you " rate " a dictator. I can see this being the

next reality TV show: " which dictator would you like to see overthrown

next " - the last one left in power would be given the prize of ruling the








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I didn't make it to the Park, gave up at Green Park tube (too tempting to go home by then!). Didn't see that banner but spotted some interesting ones: Queer Pagans, Nuns not War, and my fave: Avoid War - we wanted to add, "if at all possible please..."



"You'll Never Walk Alone with a Basenji" www.veganvillage.co.uk www.vegansociety.com


Heartwork [Heartwork]Saturday, February 15, 2003 9:25 PM Subject: Anti-war DemoHi AllWe got back from London about an hour ago, frozen stiff, and tired, but hada good demonstration. The police reckon over a million, the organisers say2 million. We got to Hyde Park at 5.30, hours after all the speeches hadfinished. The crowds were still pouring in when we left. We saw one bannerwhich said "Stop The Holocaust - Go Vegan".Jo

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Hi Viv


It was very cold, wasn't it? Queer Pagans marched with us last time, but went on ahead with one of the other Pagan groups this time. I liked the banner that said in true cartoon style "That's Oil Folks" and Drop Scones Not Bombs. There were Poets For Peace, and Librarians Say Sssssshhhhhhh - No War.






Sunday, February 16, 2003 7:53 PM

RE: Anti-war Demo


I didn't make it to the Park, gave up at Green Park tube (too tempting to go home by then!). Didn't see that banner but spotted some interesting ones: Queer Pagans, Nuns not War, and my fave: Avoid War - we wanted to add, "if at all possible please..."



"You'll Never Walk Alone with a Basenji" www.veganvillage.co.uk www.vegansociety.com


Heartwork [Heartwork]Saturday, February 15, 2003 9:25 PM Subject: Anti-war DemoHi AllWe got back from London about an hour ago, frozen stiff, and tired, but hada good demonstration. The police reckon over a million, the organisers say2 million. We got to Hyde Park at 5.30, hours after all the speeches hadfinished. The crowds were still pouring in when we left. We saw one bannerwhich said "Stop The Holocaust - Go Vegan".Jo

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saw it on the news here..looked amazing!!!

went to hte one in SF yesterday, police said 200,000, organizers, quarter


wot was funny was that it seemed a little smaller then the last one..so that one

must have beem at least 300,000...




" Heartwork " <Heartwork wrote:


>Hi All


>We got back from London about an hour ago, frozen stiff, and tired, but had

>a good demonstration.  The police reckon over a million, the organisers say

>2 million.  We got to Hyde Park at 5.30, hours after all the speeches had

>finished.  The crowds were still pouring in when we left.  We saw one banner

>which said " Stop The Holocaust - Go Vegan " .






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along that logic, we should immediately bomb iran, sri lanka, the phillipines,

taiwan and others cuz they MIGHT someday get nuclear weapons...

why would iraq use weapons against " us " ?

name when iraq attacked england or the US...

where are these chemical and biological weapons? inpections have been goin on

fer years...and they haven't found diddily in a good 8 yrs...

lets put things in a bit of perspective

saddam has been in power since the late 60's,(with US help might i add)...we

were happy with him fer years, were did he get all those weapons? why, us, of

course..we didn't care whom he was killin, we happily sold him tons of crap

in all those years...how many countries has iraq attacked..


iran, with our urging

and kuwait, who were slant drilling and they called the US first!!!! hey, we are

gonna invade kuwait, do you mind? and we said go ahead!!

not sayin it was ok fer iraq to invade, just bringin out the facts

now...since i've in the US, how many countries have we bombed, invaded, etc in

that same time period?











just puttin it in perspective




" Janey " <janey wrote:


>I haven't formed an opinion yet so I can't comment, but can I just ask Jo

>what would happen if we didn't go to war?  What would we do in the future if

>Saddam had nuclear weapons and biological weapons to use against us?  What

>then?  Hope you don't mind me asking but as far as I can tell from the news,

>if we don't act now, he will in the future.  Is that correct?  Thanks.










>Hi All




>We got back from London about an hour ago, frozen stiff, and tired, but had


>a good demonstration. The police reckon over a million, the organisers say


>2 million. We got to Hyde Park at 5.30, hours after all the speeches had


>finished. The crowds were still pouring in when we left. We saw one banner


>which said " Stop The Holocaust - Go Vegan " .












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" Heartwork " <Heartwork wrote:


>Oh Janey - I take it from these questions that you have never read any of our

own Fraggle's emails concerning this subject.  Poor Fraggle - you've been


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my fave from yesterday

american flag with the well trod saying " these colors don't run " but added was

" the world "



" Viv " <vc27 wrote:


>I didn't make it to the Park, gave up at Green Park tube (too tempting to go

>home by then!). Didn't see that banner but spotted some interesting ones:

>Queer Pagans, Nuns not War, and my fave: Avoid War - we wanted to add, " if

>at all possible please... "




> " You'll Never Walk Alone with a Basenji "





>  Heartwork [Heartwork]

>  Saturday, February 15, 2003 9:25 PM


>   Anti-war Demo



>  Hi All


>  We got back from London about an hour ago, frozen stiff, and tired, but


>  a good demonstration.  The police reckon over a million, the organisers


>  2 million.  We got to Hyde Park at 5.30, hours after all the speeches had

>  finished.  The crowds were still pouring in when we left.  We saw one


>  which said " Stop The Holocaust - Go Vegan " .


>  Jo




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>Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).

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Hi Fraggle


> we didn't care whom he was killin


Hold it just a mo! We did care who he was killin' - we were giving him the

orders!!!! ( " we " being " they " as in the US government!!!)


> in all those years...how many countries has iraq attacked..

> 2...

> iran, with our urging

> and kuwait, who were slant drilling and they called the US first!!!! hey,

we are gonna invade kuwait, do you mind? and we

> said go ahead!!


Actually, it was more like the US Ambassador approached Saddam and said " if

you decide to invade Kuwait, we aren't going to object. From what Tony Benn

says, it was the US Ambassador that gave Saddam the idea!







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Thanks Fraggle


A nice lot of facts there - for me to quote to argumentative people.




> along that logic, we should immediately bomb iran, sri lanka, the

phillipines, taiwan and others cuz they MIGHT someday get nuclear weapons...

> why would iraq use weapons against " us " ?

> name when iraq attacked england or the US...

> where are these chemical and biological weapons? inpections have been goin

on fer years...and they haven't found diddily in a good 8 yrs...

> lets put things in a bit of perspective

> saddam has been in power since the late 60's,(with US help might i

add)...we were happy with him fer years, were did he get all those weapons?

why, us, of course..we didn't care whom he was killin, we happily sold him

tons of crap

> in all those years...how many countries has iraq attacked..

> 2...

> iran, with our urging

> and kuwait, who were slant drilling and they called the US first!!!! hey,

we are gonna invade kuwait, do you mind? and we said go ahead!!

> not sayin it was ok fer iraq to invade, just bringin out the facts

> now...since i've in the US, how many countries have we bombed, invaded,

etc in that same time period?

> vietnam

> cambodia

> laos

> panama

> grenada

> iraq

> somalia

> serbia

> etc


> just puttin it in perspective




> " Janey " <janey wrote:


> >I haven't formed an opinion yet so I can't comment, but can I just ask Jo

> >what would happen if we didn't go to war? What would we do in the future


> >Saddam had nuclear weapons and biological weapons to use against us? What

> >then? Hope you don't mind me asking but as far as I can tell from the


> >if we don't act now, he will in the future. Is that correct? Thanks.

> >

> >

> >

> >Janey

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >Hi All

> >

> >

> >

> >We got back from London about an hour ago, frozen stiff, and tired, but


> >

> >a good demonstration. The police reckon over a million, the organisers


> >

> >2 million. We got to Hyde Park at 5.30, hours after all the speeches had

> >

> >finished. The crowds were still pouring in when we left. We saw one


> >

> >which said " Stop The Holocaust - Go Vegan " .

> >

> >

> >

> >Jo

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >---

> >

> >Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.

> >

> >Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).

> >

> >Version: 6.0.435 / Virus Database: 244 - Release 30/12/02

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >To send an email to -

> >

> >

> >

> >

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I'm surprised the British one was shown in America. It was a pretty good

turn out world wide, wasn't it?




> saw it on the news here..looked amazing!!!

> went to hte one in SF yesterday, police said 200,000, organizers, quarter


> wot was funny was that it seemed a little smaller then the last one..so

that one must have beem at least 300,000...




> " Heartwork " <Heartwork wrote:


> >Hi All

> >

> >We got back from London about an hour ago, frozen stiff, and tired, but


> >a good demonstration. The police reckon over a million, the organisers


> >2 million. We got to Hyde Park at 5.30, hours after all the speeches had

> >finished. The crowds were still pouring in when we left. We saw one


> >which said " Stop The Holocaust - Go Vegan " .

> >

> >Jo

> >

> >

> >---

> >Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.

> >Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).

> >Version: 6.0.435 / Virus Database: 244 - Release 30/12/02

> >

> >

> >To send an email to -

> >

> >

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i saw blurbs of it on the news

the sunday morning news programs seemed to be having a case of amnesia...

and even tho it was on the news here and there, madrid and many other places

weren't even mentioned, tho they would show those twelve guys wavin american

flags fer a counter demonstartion over and over...

and here, before any story on the protests, they kept running stories on SLA

members gettin jail time, tryin to link em i'm thinkin...



" Heartwork " <Heartwork wrote:


>I'm surprised the British one was shown in America.  It was a pretty good

>turn out world wide, wasn't it?




>> saw it on the news here..looked amazing!!!

>> went to hte one in SF yesterday, police said 200,000, organizers, quarter


>> wot was funny was that it seemed a little smaller then the last one..so

>that one must have beem at least 300,000...




>> " Heartwork " <Heartwork wrote:


>> >Hi All

>> >

>> >We got back from London about an hour ago, frozen stiff, and tired, but


>> >a good demonstration. The police reckon over a million, the organisers


>> >2 million. We got to Hyde Park at 5.30, hours after all the speeches had

>> >finished. The crowds were still pouring in when we left. We saw one


>> >which said " Stop The Holocaust - Go Vegan " .

>> >

>> >Jo

>> >

>> >

>> >---

>> >Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.

>> >Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).

>> >Version: 6.0.435 / Virus Database: 244 - Release 30/12/02

>> >

>> >

>> >To send an email to -

>> >

>> >

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