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obviously they were terrorist whales working for al queda an...

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In a message dated 5/13/03 8:11:41 PM Pacific Daylight Time, amylia_21 writes:

While these incidents are saddening, what are we supposed to do? We gotta have military defense. Even India, which is supposed to be a more pacifist country, has a military. I asked my Indian friend why, and he said there's nothing wrong with having a defense. I know there's so much more to this issue, but honestly, what are we supposed to do? So many people think America is the devil, and you just can't have a nice little talk with some of these oppressing leaders of other countries, and declare "world peace." What are the alternatives, Fraggle?




i can tell you the answer is not shredding all the treaties we spent decades building and following

i can tell you the answer isn't building more and more weapons

the answer isn't deciding "pre-emptive strikes" are a viable plan


wot can we do?

stop acting like world bullies

work with everyone in the world, slowly, and seriously to build a better place, for all..

to not exploit the rest of the world because we want their resources, and gawd durn it, we are going to take em!!

could ya imagine, if all the TRILLIONS we have spent on "defense" were used fer other purposes? feeding the world..free medical care, advancememnts, education..it boggles the mind....

india is a great example...now that we have stated we are going to use "pre-emptive strikes" against any we deem a threat(watch out tahiti...), india has said they will do the same thing..oh goodie...how many times have india and pakistan gone to war? india and china?...and now they have nukes....great....

i'm glad we made the world safer fer all..

*rolls eyes*

war doesn't make anyone safer...violence breeds violence...remember, an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind?

just my opinion


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In a message dated 5/13/03 8:11:41 PM Pacific Daylight Time, amylia_21 writes:

o many people think America is the devil, and you just can't have a nice little talk with some of these oppressing leaders of other countries, and declare "world peace."


so many of these "oppressive world leaders" were either good friends of american administrations er came to power with american help...

saddam hussein is a wonderful example......shall we bring out the photo of rumsfeld and saddam shaking hands and promising closer relations? whom do you think sold saddam his weapons?? whom helped him rise to power back in the late 60's and which lead to his eventual stranglehold on power by the late 70's?

as for oppressive world leaders..which country has nuclear weapons, bullies everyone and has said they are going to do whatever it takes to whomever they want and there is nothing anyone can do about it?? which country has locked up thousands of its own citizens with zero charges and no contact...which country has declared that it will not join the international communtity in building an international court? which country refuses to do jack piddily about global warming, the arms race, pollution, etc? locks up people in cages whom were captured in other nations, in flagrant violation of the Geneva convention? bombs other people? uses depleted uranium which will last in the environment, for oh, a billion years or so..

so, whom is a belligerent?



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In a message dated 5/14/03 4:59:08 AM Pacific Daylight Time, vegecentric writes:

At least in America there is criticism of the government and intellectual debate allowed. In some countries, that would not be tolerated.


only up to a point dear sir..only up to a point

ever been stopped walking home by the cops? ever been shot at by the local police?

there are scads of things the govt is doing to harass and intimidate folks who speak out..from visits from the the FBI and local PD to being stopped from being able to board planes..

all little steps..but each step leads us closer to totolitarianism...

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In a message dated 5/14/03 2:59:25 PM Pacific Daylight Time, Heartwork writes:

I like all the Americans on this list, and on other lists, and some of my favourite bands are American - but I don't like the American government or the British government.




dang..i'll have to try harder....

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In a message dated 5/17/03 9:49:56 PM Pacific Daylight Time, vegecentric writes:


You know, I'm sure there are lots of nice, decent Muslim people around, but after 9/11 and the bombing/murder of a lot of Aussies and Indonesians in Bali, I don't blame any country for keeping a close eye on them. And as for calling George Dubya a dictator, that's just a tad extreme.



i'm sorry..but that is about the most %#$^$% & $% & % fascist thing i've heard

sooo..all muslims are equal in yer eyes because of what a few did

maybe we should begin to round up Jews again...



thats good to know that most muslims are evil tho

since Dubya, Falwell, Timothy McVey and even Tariq Haziz were all christian, i guess i'll paint the whole religion from that perspective...

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> And as for calling George Dubya a dictator, that's just a tad extreme.



depends on yer perspective


there was a man, whose father was the head of the secret intelligence service, who once was the leader of the nation and lost.....

this man ran for leader, and lost the plurality of the vote, but the election was called into question by a province run by the man's brother..

it was decided by the courts, which were stacked with members put in by the man's father or whom had close connections with the father and their family....

see, all a matter of persepctive..

we certainly have bombed other countries fer less

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Well said Fraggle. I notice that Tom didn't answer my question about whether he should be considered a terrorist if there was an Australian one in the UK. In fact, I don't think Tom answers questions.





You know, I'm sure there are lots of nice, decent Muslim people around, but after 9/11 and the bombing/murder of a lot of Aussies and Indonesians in Bali, I don't blame any country for keeping a close eye on them. And as for calling George Dubya a dictator, that's just a tad extreme.i'm sorry..but that is about the most %#$^$% & $% & % fascist thing i've heardsooo..all muslims are equal in yer eyes because of what a few didmaybe we should begin to round up Jews again...thats good to know that most muslims are evil thosince Dubya, Falwell, Timothy McVey and even Tariq Haziz were all christian, i guess i'll paint the whole religion from that perspective...

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Hi Jo,

I usually try to answer your questions, but you guys don't seem to like my answers.... If there were large minorities of Australians dedicated to destroying Britain and its way of life, yes, I would expect to come under scrutiny by the British government if I visited there.






Monday, May 19, 2003 12:40 PM

Re: obviously they were terrorist whales working for al queda an...


Well said Fraggle. I notice that Tom didn't answer my question about whether he should be considered a terrorist if there was an Australian one in the UK. In fact, I don't think Tom answers questions.





You know, I'm sure there are lots of nice, decent Muslim people around, but after 9/11 and the bombing/murder of a lot of Aussies and Indonesians in Bali, I don't blame any country for keeping a close eye on them. And as for calling George Dubya a dictator, that's just a tad extreme.i'm sorry..but that is about the most %#$^$% & $% & % fascist thing i've heardsooo..all muslims are equal in yer eyes because of what a few didmaybe we should begin to round up Jews again...thats good to know that most muslims are evil thosince Dubya, Falwell, Timothy McVey and even Tariq Haziz were all christian, i guess i'll paint the whole religion from that perspective...

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