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news: mad cow in canada

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TORONTO (May 20) - A cow in Alberta has been diagnosed with mad cow disease,

Canadian officials announced Tuesday in what may be the first known case

involving cattle born in North America.


U.S. health officials immediately banned imports of cattle, beef, beef-based

products and animal feed from Canada, the Food and Drug Administration said.


Canadian Agriculture Minister Lyle Vanclief told a news conference Tuesday at

the Alberta provincial legislature in Edmonton that the 8-year-old cow from a

farm in northern Alberta was slaughtered on Jan. 31 because of suspected



Routine testing failed to rule out bovine spongiform encephalopathy, or BSE,

and further testing in England confirmed the finding on Tuesday, Vanclief



``The herd has been quarantined. A trace on the animal is being done,'' he

said. ``The animal did not go into the food chain.''


A previous case in Canada, in 1993, involved an animal born in Britain that

was imported, he said.


Authorities have quarantined the farm and will ``depopulate'' the herd that

the new case is from, along with any other herds that come into question,

Vanclief said.


They will also trace the origin of the cow and how and where it was processed

as part of an investigation into any possible spread of the disease, Vanclief



Alberta is Canada's main cattle province, with almost 40 percent of the

industry. Hundreds of thousands of heads of cattle are exported to the United

States each year.


The 1993 case, involving an animal from Britain, resulted in a herd being

destroyed with no further spread, Vanclief said.


``I am not happy to be here today for this reason,'' VanClief said.


No case of mad cow disease has ever been found in U.S. cattle, despite

intensive testing for the disease. To help prevent its spread here, the U.S.

government routinely bans the import of meat and livestock from countries

where mad cow disease is found.


The FDA and U.S. Agriculture Department are working with Canadian officials

to get more information about the sick cow, including records concerning its

past ownership and what animal feed it was given.


Mad cow disease, known scientifically as bovine spongiform encephalopathy or

BSE, first erupted in Britain in 1986, and is thought to have spread through

cow feed made with protein and bone meal from mammals. The FDA outlawed the

feeding of mammalian meat and bone meal to cattle, sheep and goats in 1997, a

rule considered the nation's main defense against mad cow disease.


05/20/03 14:20 EDT

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How on earth did it get into Canada? And what makes US officials think

we're safe? Don't US feedlot owners still feed all sorts of crap to the







" You can no more win a war than you can win an earthquake " --Jeanette Rankin






----Original Message Follows----




news: mad cow in canada

Tue, 20 May 2003 18:08:14 EDT


TORONTO (May 20) - A cow in Alberta has been diagnosed with mad cow disease,

Canadian officials announced Tuesday in what may be the first known case

involving cattle born in North America.


U.S. health officials immediately banned imports of cattle, beef, beef-based

products and animal feed from Canada, the Food and Drug Administration said.


Canadian Agriculture Minister Lyle Vanclief told a news conference Tuesday


the Alberta provincial legislature in Edmonton that the 8-year-old cow from


farm in northern Alberta was slaughtered on Jan. 31 because of suspected



Routine testing failed to rule out bovine spongiform encephalopathy, or BSE,

and further testing in England confirmed the finding on Tuesday, Vanclief



``The herd has been quarantined. A trace on the animal is being done,'' he

said. ``The animal did not go into the food chain.''


A previous case in Canada, in 1993, involved an animal born in Britain that

was imported, he said.


Authorities have quarantined the farm and will ``depopulate'' the herd that

the new case is from, along with any other herds that come into question,

Vanclief said.


They will also trace the origin of the cow and how and where it was


as part of an investigation into any possible spread of the disease,




Alberta is Canada's main cattle province, with almost 40 percent of the

industry. Hundreds of thousands of heads of cattle are exported to the


States each year.


The 1993 case, involving an animal from Britain, resulted in a herd being

destroyed with no further spread, Vanclief said.


``I am not happy to be here today for this reason,'' VanClief said.


No case of mad cow disease has ever been found in U.S. cattle, despite

intensive testing for the disease. To help prevent its spread here, the U.S.

government routinely bans the import of meat and livestock from countries

where mad cow disease is found.


The FDA and U.S. Agriculture Department are working with Canadian officials

to get more information about the sick cow, including records concerning its

past ownership and what animal feed it was given.


Mad cow disease, known scientifically as bovine spongiform encephalopathy or

BSE, first erupted in Britain in 1986, and is thought to have spread through

cow feed made with protein and bone meal from mammals. The FDA outlawed the

feeding of mammalian meat and bone meal to cattle, sheep and goats in 1997,


rule considered the nation's main defense against mad cow disease.


05/20/03 14:20 EDT



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I'm sure they do. A few years ago I read a list of no-food items fed

regularly to cattle in the US. It included chicken manure, dehydrated food

garbage, fats from restaurant fryers, cement-kiln dust, newsprint and

cardboard, cattle and pig manure, human sewage sludge, slaughterhouse blood,

bone and viscera and the remains of cats and dogs from vets and shelters.


I still think that BSE (and new-variant Kreutzfeld Jacob disease) is caused

by a cocktail of pesticides.





> How on earth did it get into Canada? And what makes US officials think

> we're safe? Don't US feedlot owners still feed all sorts of crap to the

> animals?




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Wouldn't it be a great pro-veg advertisement--just plain black letters on a

white background:


When you eat meat,you eat...


and then list all the stuff they feed these animals. At the bottom, in

smaller letters, the words " Go Veg, " and the Web site for the group who

created the poster.






" You can no more win a war than you can win an earthquake " --Jeanette Rankin






----Original Message Follows----

" Heartwork " <Heartwork



Re: news: mad cow in canada

Wed, 21 May 2003 07:57:03 +0100


I'm sure they do. A few years ago I read a list of no-food items fed

regularly to cattle in the US. It included chicken manure, dehydrated food

garbage, fats from restaurant fryers, cement-kiln dust, newsprint and

cardboard, cattle and pig manure, human sewage sludge, slaughterhouse blood,

bone and viscera and the remains of cats and dogs from vets and shelters.


I still think that BSE (and new-variant Kreutzfeld Jacob disease) is caused

by a cocktail of pesticides.





> How on earth did it get into Canada? And what makes US officials think

> we're safe? Don't US feedlot owners still feed all sorts of crap to the

> animals?




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Hi Danielle


I mentioned it to someone at work once and she just said 'I don't give a

stuff as long as it tastes good, and I don't care about the animals'. I

think that is the general feeling of people unfortunately. You would think

with BSE and high levels of mercury in fish everybody here would have given

up eating meat and fish - but no!




> Wouldn't it be a great pro-veg advertisement--just plain black letters on


> white background:


> When you eat meat,you eat...


> and then list all the stuff they feed these animals. At the bottom, in

> smaller letters, the words " Go Veg, " and the Web site for the group who

> created the poster.





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its simple really

in the us, they decided that it was dumb to feed cows to cows...great logic, wonder why it took em 50 yrs to figure that one out

unfortunately, its not illegal to feed cows to pigs, chickens et al

which can be ground up and fed to cows.....

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In a message dated 5/21/03 6:42:38 AM Pacific Daylight Time, Heartwork writes:


I mentioned it to someone at work once and she just said 'I don't give a

stuff as long as it tastes good, and I don't care about the animals'. I

think that is the general feeling of people unfortunately. You would think

with BSE and high levels of mercury in fish everybody here would have given

up eating meat and fish - but no!



pour em a glass of antifreeze, thats suppose to be tasty as well, with a side of arsenic....

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Well, Jo, if she wants to eat shit (literally!), what can you say?




" You can no more win a war than you can win an earthquake " --Jeanette Rankin






----Original Message Follows----

" Heartwork " <Heartwork



Re: news: mad cow in canada

Wed, 21 May 2003 14:37:02 +0100


Hi Danielle


I mentioned it to someone at work once and she just said 'I don't give a

stuff as long as it tastes good, and I don't care about the animals'. I

think that is the general feeling of people unfortunately. You would think

with BSE and high levels of mercury in fish everybody here would have given

up eating meat and fish - but no!




> Wouldn't it be a great pro-veg advertisement--just plain black letters on


> white background:


> When you eat meat,you eat...


> and then list all the stuff they feed these animals. At the bottom, in

> smaller letters, the words " Go Veg, " and the Web site for the group who

> created the poster.





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The usual response that I get from a lot of people is " Please don't

tell me it will only make me sick. " So basically they agree something

is not right about eating animals, deep down they know or feel they

shouldn't, but they would much rather close their eyes to it and

continue on with their daily routines.




, " Heartwork " <Heartwork@b...> wrote:

> Hi Danielle


> I mentioned it to someone at work once and she just said 'I don't

give a

> stuff as long as it tastes good, and I don't care about the

animals'. I

> think that is the general feeling of people unfortunately. You

would think

> with BSE and high levels of mercury in fish everybody here would

have given

> up eating meat and fish - but no!


> Jo


> > Wouldn't it be a great pro-veg advertisement--just plain black

letters on

> a

> > white background:

> >

> > When you eat meat,you eat...

> >

> > and then list all the stuff they feed these animals. At the

bottom, in

> > smaller letters, the words " Go Veg, " and the Web site for the

group who

> > created the poster.




> ---

> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.

> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).

> Version: 6.0.483 / Virus Database: 279 - Release 19/05/03

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It's amazing what people will do to justify eating meat or refuse knowledge

that might make them give it up. Some people just don't care that there is

shit in the meat--as Eric Schlosser bluntly pointed out in " Fast Food

Nation. " I confess that I was seriously blocked for the longest time, and

it takes great strength to make that decision and stick to it until it

becomes, well, second nature.


The great thing about being vegan is you learn just what some people put in

food. I wrote a letter to Trader Joe's asking what the " food glaze " was on

these chocolate-covered cherries I saw in the store. It looked otherwise

vegan. The rep called and said the glaze came from a beetle, so it wasn't

vegan (she mispronounced it, but at least she knew bug products=nonvegan).

She left a message, so I really couldn't ask, actual dead bugs or secretions

from bugs. Either way--ewwwww. She left numbers for me to call for their

East Coast offices, and I want to call and ask if they don't think it's just

really gross to put bug stuff in the food.






" You can no more win a war than you can win an earthquake " --Jeanette Rankin






----Original Message Follows----

" nikki_mackovitch " <nikkimack



Re: news: mad cow in canada

Thu, 22 May 2003 09:57:22 -0000


The usual response that I get from a lot of people is " Please don't

tell me it will only make me sick. " So basically they agree something

is not right about eating animals, deep down they know or feel they

shouldn't, but they would much rather close their eyes to it and

continue on with their daily routines.




, " Heartwork " <Heartwork@b...> wrote:

> Hi Danielle


> I mentioned it to someone at work once and she just said 'I don't

give a

> stuff as long as it tastes good, and I don't care about the

animals'. I

> think that is the general feeling of people unfortunately. You

would think

> with BSE and high levels of mercury in fish everybody here would

have given

> up eating meat and fish - but no!


> Jo


> > Wouldn't it be a great pro-veg advertisement--just plain black

letters on

> a

> > white background:

> >

> > When you eat meat,you eat...

> >

> > and then list all the stuff they feed these animals. At the

bottom, in

> > smaller letters, the words " Go Veg, " and the Web site for the

group who

> > created the poster.




> ---

> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.

> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).

> Version: 6.0.483 / Virus Database: 279 - Release 19/05/03



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That's right Nikki - they bury their heads.




> The usual response that I get from a lot of people is " Please don't

> tell me it will only make me sick. " So basically they agree something

> is not right about eating animals, deep down they know or feel they

> shouldn't, but they would much rather close their eyes to it and

> continue on with their daily routines.




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Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).

Version: 6.0.483 / Virus Database: 279 - Release 19/05/03

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I find it all too amazing! When i think back at all I have eaten in

my life, YUCK!


What I want to know is who was the first person to say, Hmmm, beetles

in glaze sounds good. Er, let's go drink from that cows udders. Er,

maybe if we add human genes, the cows will taste better. etc etc etc


nikki :)

One must like people as they are, for there is not a soul without a






, " Danielle Kichler "

<veggietart@h...> wrote:

> It's amazing what people will do to justify eating meat or refuse


> that might make them give it up. Some people just don't care that

there is

> shit in the meat--as Eric Schlosser bluntly pointed out in " Fast


> Nation. " I confess that I was seriously blocked for the longest

time, and

> it takes great strength to make that decision and stick to it until


> becomes, well, second nature.


> The great thing about being vegan is you learn just what some

people put in

> food. I wrote a letter to Trader Joe's asking what the " food

glaze " was on

> these chocolate-covered cherries I saw in the store. It looked


> vegan. The rep called and said the glaze came from a beetle, so it


> vegan (she mispronounced it, but at least she knew bug


> She left a message, so I really couldn't ask, actual dead bugs or


> from bugs. Either way--ewwwww. She left numbers for me to call

for their

> East Coast offices, and I want to call and ask if they don't think

it's just

> really gross to put bug stuff in the food.


> Danielle




> " You can no more win a war than you can win an earthquake " --

Jeanette Rankin



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In a message dated 5/24/03 8:04:38 AM Pacific Daylight Time, swpgh01 writes:


Werent there recorded evidence the human version of BSE - KJ disease ( no I can not spell it!) in canibal tribes in the Amazon?

The Valley Vegan...


that was in new guinea, among the Fore' tribe..it was called Kuru.......

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Creutzfeld-Jakob disease. (pronounced Croytz-feld Yah-cub). Wonder why

they don't call it Mad Human Disease or Human Spongiform Encepalopathy...






" This is your American dream

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----Original Message Follows----




Re: news: mad cow in canada

Sat, 24 May 2003 16:02:53 GMT+01:00



Werent there recorded evidence the human version of BSE - KJ disease ( no I

can not spell it!) in canibal tribes in the Amazon?

The Valley Vegan...



Peter H



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Werent there recorded evidence the human version of BSE - KJ disease ( no I can

not spell it!) in canibal tribes in the Amazon?

The Valley Vegan...



Peter H



talk21 your FREE portable and private address on the net at


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