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One man's trash

Freegans find treasures in a dumpster-diving lifestyle that

defies consumerism

By Will Evans

Sacramento Bee Staff Writer

(Published May 27, 2003)


There's a dumpster in Sacramento with delicious sweet rolls



Rich, chewy and a bit hard to find amid all the bakery

trash, it's a good dessert to cap off a successful night of

dumpster-diving for Tim Jones.


Jones actually takes two, gobbling them as he pedals away on

his bike, which is lugging a trailer loaded with groceries

he's grabbed from another dumpster.


Jones, 21, is a "freegan." It's a takeoff on the word

"vegan," which means someone who on principle will not eat

any animal products -- including dairy -- so as not to harm



But what about the sweet roll, which is probably made with

eggs, milk and butter?


Freegans like Jones will eat nonvegan food if it's free --

that is, if they scavenge it, so they're not supporting the

nonvegan industry or creating demand for a product.


They get much of their food from dumpsters.


But it's not just a fringe diet.


Freeganism is rooted in a political philosophy that condemns

over-consumption and waste in American society.


"When people are starving around the world, (Americans) are

throwing away perfectly good food," says David, 20, another

Sacramento freegan who doesn't want his last name used.


Freegans come from a larger community of young,

do-it-yourself punks. Many are anarchists, opposing all

forms of government and embracing ideals such as individual

freedom and cooperation. Some, though, don't identify as

anarchists -- or as punks -- or they resent being labeled.

But all of them despise the American-style consumerism they

call destructive.


The freegan diet stems from vegetarianism, which means to

not eat meat -- despite what those fish-nibbling,

chicken-chewing "vegetarians" say.


Veganism is one step stricter. Freegans, if they buy

anything, buy vegan.


Still, to them, it's kosher to eat non-vegan food (a few

will even eat meat) if it's dumpstered, left on somebody's

plate or given away by a restaurant.


"If a cow's going to suffer for its milk, then I'd rather

have it put to use than not," David says.


He ponders a freegan bagel, sitting under a tree after a

punk show. His favorite freegan food is a cheese bagel, but

this one looks like it's whole wheat.


"There might be eggs or there might be milk in it," he says,

munching away, "but I'd rather have it fill my hunger than

fill the landfill."


Simply put: Freegans reduce trash by eating it (though they

aren't the only dumpster-divers out there). And while vegans

believe animal products cause animal misery and

environmental ruin -- especially with modern mass-production

techniques -- freegans even worry about the harm of buying



"Should I use what otherwise would go to waste?" Jones says.

"Or should I go into a store and pay six bucks for this

organic vegan product that's in all the plastic packaging,

and then someone's going to use that six bucks to go buy

McDonald's or something?"


His thinking shows how freegans view the extreme

inter-connectedness of things -- like that of a hunk of

tofu, for example, to the gas that's used and the pollution

that's created by transporting it to a store.


Louise Hansen looks at cheese and sees the exploitation of

cows and the vast resources industrial farms consume. She

thinks of the destruction of ecosystems in other countries

to feed Americans.


But she also likes cheese.


A 21-year-old freegan majoring in environmental studies at

the University of California, Santa Cruz, Hansen was in

Sacramento earlier this month for Kid Fest, a loosely

organized weekend of fun for anarchist punk types. It was

fueled by dumpstered food, including cream-filled donuts.


There may not be a lot of freegans in Sacramento -- an

actual count is hard to get -- but many pass through. People

in the scene often travel the country, hitchhiking and

hopping freight trains. Freegan-ness is key on the road,

where good vegan food can be scarce.


And it's handy at home, where dumpster-diving is just like

grocery shopping. Only it's free.


On one recent outing, Jones jumps in a grocery store's

dumpster, picking through the muck while directing a small

flashlight with his mouth.


It doesn't look too tasty at first: a random piece of fried

chicken, a stack of moldy tortillas, unidentifiable bags and

a porn magazine. The dumpster has a sweet, musty smell,

though each has a unique bouquet. Eventually, Jones digs up

some decent tortillas, garlic bread, lettuce, peppers and

mushrooms -- some wrapped, some not.


The next store's dumpster is better -- if stickier. It's a

gooey mess, on account of the over-ripe fruits and veggies

squished together, the leaking clam dip and something that

could be sour cream. But Jones and his dumpstering buddy

still manage to make a haul: apples, oranges, kiwis,

strawberries, bananas, tomatoes, avocados, potatoes, yogurt

and milk.


Sure, the goods have dents and blemishes -- the kind of

produce people inside the store plop aside. And some of the

food has passed its "sell by" date.


But Jones and the others say they've never gotten sick from

dumpstered food. And washed and prepared, it will make for a

full meal -- not just for Jones and his friends, but for

dozens of homeless people who they cook for regularly.


Even on his way back to the house he shares with several

friends, Jones stops his bike for the homeless, turning his

trailer into a free mobile market.


No trouble this night, but dumpstering is not without risks:

Police consider it illegal trespassing, and sometimes people

from the stores chase down the divers or call authorities.


But freegans already have chosen, in a way, to be outlaws

from mainstream society. They reject capitalism and try to

live outside it, some avoiding money altogether.


They are the underground resistance to over-consumption.

Many who professionally study the larger social and

environmental issues have never heard of the word "freegan,"

though they share similar ideas.


"What people like (freegans) are witnessing is a culture of

waste and affluence, which is occurring in a larger context

of poverty on a global scale, growing poverty now

domestically, (and) growing ecological devastation caused by

our consumption habits," says Juliet Schor, a Boston College

sociology professor and author of "The Overspent American:

Why We Want What We Don't Need."


"These folks are engaged in a pretty profound critique of

the dominant lifestyle."


The symbolism of freeganism is striking, says Mathis

Wackernagel, sustainability program director at Redefining

Progress, an Oakland think tank. "It's saying, 'This is a

mirror -- look at how much waste there is. There's so much

waste we can live perfectly well on your waste,'" he says.


But freeganism also has practicality, he says. Wackernagel

designed a way of measuring an individual's impact on the

Earth called an "ecological footprint." If everyone lived

like Americans, some of the biggest consumers in the world,

we would need five planets, he estimates.


The food we eat, he says, shapes our footprint the most. And

while eating locally grown vegan food makes the smallest

print among food-buyers, freegans even beat that, he says.


Of course, not everyone buys it.


In fact, the Center for Consumer Freedom, a food and

beverage trade group, disagrees with pretty much all of it

-- from the belief that eating animal products is unethical

to the notion that the world is in an environmental crisis

or America is to blame.


"If they really believe that they can eat and nourish their

bodies without impacting the environmnent around them, I

think they've probably been smoking something they found in

a dumpster," says David Martosko, the center's research

director, who actually knows what "freegan" means.

"Pretending to drop out of the natural order of things does

not make you morally superior."


Not one to brag about morals, Jones tries to reduce his

impact in a personal way. His clothes are mostly used -- and

sometimes sprinkled with holes. He bikes as much as possible

and is building a bicycle-powered washing machine. He

composts any food waste in back of his house. He and his

housemates brew their own cider using dumpstered apple



But as much as they troll for edible trash, Jones and other

freegans realize that it's not the ultimate solution.

Dumpster-diving only exists because of the system they hate.


In the ideal world, Jones says, people would be as

self-reliant as possible, making and growing only what they

need. That world is not likely to come soon -- and freegans

know it.


"When you look at the big picture, you get kind of jaded,"

Jones says. "So I just take it day by day."


Dumpster by dumpster.


About the Writer



The Bee's Will Evans can be reached at (916) 321-1987 or


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our community founder (a strapping 28yo) is also a Freegan.

at most gatherings, he has plastic garbage bags full of

sweetrolls, bread, etc...and yes, he'll eat anything that

was tossed. (I even had to sneak away some rancid

peanut butter he insisted was edible!)


he also checks out vending businesses which even toss M & Ms

and little bags of cookies, etc...which have gone one day past the 'eat-me'


he used to take stuff to homeless shelters or food pantrys but they won't


it anymore, some laws...


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Very interesting. I wouldn't do it though. The one point missed is that eating animal fat, whether bought or scavenged, is bad for your health.


I have a sort of 'eeeeeew' feel about this, but on the other hand I think magpies and other scavengers do a good job.






0veganpunx ; homesteadcafe ; ESI-List ; eco_vegans ; ; TFHB

Wednesday, May 28, 2003 5:45 PM


One man's trashFreegans find treasures in a dumpster-diving lifestyle thatdefies consumerismBy Will EvansSacramento Bee Staff Writer(Published May 27, 2003)There's a dumpster in Sacramento with delicious sweet rollsinside.Rich, chewy and a bit hard to find amid all the bakerytrash, it's a good dessert to cap off a successful night ofdumpster-diving for Tim Jones.Jones actually takes two, gobbling them as he pedals away onhis bike, which is lugging a trailer loaded with grocerieshe's grabbed from another dumpster.Jones, 21, is a "freegan." It's a takeoff on the word"vegan," which means someone who on principle will not eatany animal products -- including dairy -- so as not to harmanimals.But what about the sweet roll, which is probably made witheggs, milk and butter?Freegans like Jones will eat nonvegan food if it's free --that is, if they scavenge it, so they're not supporting thenonvegan industry or creating demand for a product.They get much of their food from dumpsters.But it's not just a fringe diet.Freeganism is rooted in a political philosophy that condemnsover-consumption and waste in American society."When people are starving around the world, (Americans) arethrowing away perfectly good food," says David, 20, anotherSacramento freegan who doesn't want his last name used.Freegans come from a larger community of young,do-it-yourself punks. Many are anarchists, opposing allforms of government and embracing ideals such as individualfreedom and cooperation. Some, though, don't identify asanarchists -- or as punks -- or they resent being labeled.But all of them despise the American-style consumerism theycall destructive.The freegan diet stems from vegetarianism, which means tonot eat meat -- despite what those fish-nibbling,chicken-chewing "vegetarians" say.Veganism is one step stricter. Freegans, if they buyanything, buy vegan.Still, to them, it's kosher to eat non-vegan food (a fewwill even eat meat) if it's dumpstered, left on somebody'splate or given away by a restaurant."If a cow's going to suffer for its milk, then I'd ratherhave it put to use than not," David says.He ponders a freegan bagel, sitting under a tree after apunk show. His favorite freegan food is a cheese bagel, butthis one looks like it's whole wheat."There might be eggs or there might be milk in it," he says,munching away, "but I'd rather have it fill my hunger thanfill the landfill."Simply put: Freegans reduce trash by eating it (though theyaren't the only dumpster-divers out there). And while vegansbelieve animal products cause animal misery andenvironmental ruin -- especially with modern mass-productiontechniques -- freegans even worry about the harm of buyingvegan."Should I use what otherwise would go to waste?" Jones says."Or should I go into a store and pay six bucks for thisorganic vegan product that's in all the plastic packaging,and then someone's going to use that six bucks to go buyMcDonald's or something?"His thinking shows how freegans view the extremeinter-connectedness of things -- like that of a hunk oftofu, for example, to the gas that's used and the pollutionthat's created by transporting it to a store.Louise Hansen looks at cheese and sees the exploitation ofcows and the vast resources industrial farms consume. Shethinks of the destruction of ecosystems in other countriesto feed Americans.But she also likes cheese.A 21-year-old freegan majoring in environmental studies atthe University of California, Santa Cruz, Hansen was inSacramento earlier this month for Kid Fest, a looselyorganized weekend of fun for anarchist punk types. It wasfueled by dumpstered food, including cream-filled donuts.There may not be a lot of freegans in Sacramento -- anactual count is hard to get -- but many pass through. Peoplein the scene often travel the country, hitchhiking andhopping freight trains. Freegan-ness is key on the road,where good vegan food can be scarce.And it's handy at home, where dumpster-diving is just likegrocery shopping. Only it's free.On one recent outing, Jones jumps in a grocery store'sdumpster, picking through the muck while directing a smallflashlight with his mouth.It doesn't look too tasty at first: a random piece of friedchicken, a stack of moldy tortillas, unidentifiable bags anda porn magazine. The dumpster has a sweet, musty smell,though each has a unique bouquet. Eventually, Jones digs upsome decent tortillas, garlic bread, lettuce, peppers andmushrooms -- some wrapped, some not.The next store's dumpster is better -- if stickier. It's agooey mess, on account of the over-ripe fruits and veggiessquished together, the leaking clam dip and something thatcould be sour cream. But Jones and his dumpstering buddystill manage to make a haul: apples, oranges, kiwis,strawberries, bananas, tomatoes, avocados, potatoes, yogurtand milk.Sure, the goods have dents and blemishes -- the kind ofproduce people inside the store plop aside. And some of thefood has passed its "sell by" date.But Jones and the others say they've never gotten sick fromdumpstered food. And washed and prepared, it will make for afull meal -- not just for Jones and his friends, but fordozens of homeless people who they cook for regularly.Even on his way back to the house he shares with severalfriends, Jones stops his bike for the homeless, turning histrailer into a free mobile market.No trouble this night, but dumpstering is not without risks:Police consider it illegal trespassing, and sometimes peoplefrom the stores chase down the divers or call authorities.But freegans already have chosen, in a way, to be outlawsfrom mainstream society. They reject capitalism and try tolive outside it, some avoiding money altogether.They are the underground resistance to over-consumption.Many who professionally study the larger social andenvironmental issues have never heard of the word "freegan,"though they share similar ideas."What people like (freegans) are witnessing is a culture ofwaste and affluence, which is occurring in a larger contextof poverty on a global scale, growing poverty nowdomestically, (and) growing ecological devastation caused byour consumption habits," says Juliet Schor, a Boston Collegesociology professor and author of "The Overspent American:Why We Want What We Don't Need.""These folks are engaged in a pretty profound critique ofthe dominant lifestyle."The symbolism of freeganism is striking, says MathisWackernagel, sustainability program director at RedefiningProgress, an Oakland think tank. "It's saying, 'This is amirror -- look at how much waste there is. There's so muchwaste we can live perfectly well on your waste,'" he says.But freeganism also has practicality, he says. Wackernageldesigned a way of measuring an individual's impact on theEarth called an "ecological footprint." If everyone livedlike Americans, some of the biggest consumers in the world,we would need five planets, he estimates.The food we eat, he says, shapes our footprint the most. Andwhile eating locally grown vegan food makes the smallestprint among food-buyers, freegans even beat that, he says.Of course, not everyone buys it.In fact, the Center for Consumer Freedom, a food andbeverage trade group, disagrees with pretty much all of it-- from the belief that eating animal products is unethicalto the notion that the world is in an environmental crisisor America is to blame."If they really believe that they can eat and nourish theirbodies without impacting the environmnent around them, Ithink they've probably been smoking something they found ina dumpster," says David Martosko, the center's researchdirector, who actually knows what "freegan" means."Pretending to drop out of the natural order of things doesnot make you morally superior."Not one to brag about morals, Jones tries to reduce hisimpact in a personal way. His clothes are mostly used -- andsometimes sprinkled with holes. He bikes as much as possibleand is building a bicycle-powered washing machine. Hecomposts any food waste in back of his house. He and hishousemates brew their own cider using dumpstered applejuice.But as much as they troll for edible trash, Jones and otherfreegans realize that it's not the ultimate solution.Dumpster-diving only exists because of the system they hate.In the ideal world, Jones says, people would be asself-reliant as possible, making and growing only what theyneed. That world is not likely to come soon -- and freegansknow it."When you look at the big picture, you get kind of jaded,"Jones says. "So I just take it day by day."Dumpster by dumpster.About the Writer---------------------------The Bee's Will Evans can be reached at (916) 321-1987 or wevans

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there are other ways of avoiding consumerism...........if i didnt live in the city, i would plant my garden/allotment with loads of veg, cabbage beans etc and live off them........

my patents once had two allotments when they were younger, and went weeks without visiting a shop



> >

>Re: Freegan >Thu, 29 May 2003 15:24:01 +0100 > >Very interesting. I wouldn't do it though. The one point missed is that eating animal fat, whether bought or scavenged, is bad for your health. > >I have a sort of 'eeeeeew' feel about this, but on the other hand I think magpies and other scavengers do a good job. > >Jo > - > EBbrewpunx > 0veganpunx ; homesteadcafe ; ESI-List ; eco_vegans ; ; TFHB > Wednesday, May 28, 2003 5:45 PM > Freegan > > > > One man's trash > Freegans find treasures in a dumpster-diving lifestyle that > defies consumerism > By Will Evans > Sacramento Bee Staff Writer > (Published May 27, 2003) > > There's a dumpster in Sacramento with delicious sweet rolls > inside. > > Rich, chewy and a bit hard to find amid all the bakery > trash, it's a good dessert to cap off a successful night of > dumpster-diving for Tim Jones. > > Jones actually takes two, gobbling them as he pedals away on > his bike, which is lugging a trailer loaded with groceries > he's grabbed from another dumpster. > > Jones, 21, is a "freegan." It's a takeoff on the word > "vegan," which means someone who on principle will not eat > any animal products -- including dairy -- so as not to harm > animals. > > But what about the sweet roll, which is probably made with > eggs, milk and butter? > > Freegans like Jones will eat nonvegan food if it's free -- > that is, if they scavenge it, so they're not supporting the > nonvegan industry or creating demand for a product. > > They get much of their food from dumpsters. > > But it's not just a fringe diet. > > Freeganism is rooted in a political philosophy that condemns > over-consumption and waste in American society. > > "When people are starving around the world, (Americans) are > throwing away perfectly good food," says David, 20, another > Sacramento freegan who doesn't want his last name used. > > Freegans come from a larger community of young, > do-it-yourself punks. Many are anarchists, opposing all > forms of government and embracing ideals such as individual > freedom and cooperation. Some, though, don't identify as > anarchists -- or as punks -- or they resent being labeled. > But all of them despise the American-style consumerism they > call destructive. > > The freegan diet stems from vegetarianism, which means to > not eat meat -- despite what those fish-nibbling, > chicken-chewing "vegetarians" say. > > Veganism is one step stricter. Freegans, if they buy > anything, buy vegan. > > Still, to them, it's kosher to eat non-vegan food (a few > will even eat meat) if it's dumpstered, left on somebody's > plate or given away by a restaurant. > > "If a cow's going to suffer for its milk, then I'd rather > have it put to use than not," David says. > > He ponders a freegan bagel, sitting under a tree after a > punk show. His favorite freegan food is a cheese bagel, but > this one looks like it's whole wheat. > > "There might be eggs or there might be milk in it," he says, > munching away, "but I'd rather have it fill my hunger than > fill the landfill." > > Simply put: Freegans reduce trash by eating it (though they > aren't the only dumpster-divers out there). And while vegans > believe animal products cause animal misery and > environmental ruin -- especially with modern mass-production > techniques -- freegans even worry about the harm of buying > vegan. > > "Should I use what otherwise would go to waste?" Jones says. > "Or should I go into a store and pay six bucks for this > organic vegan product that's in all the plastic packaging, > and then someone's going to use that six bucks to go buy > McDonald's or something?" > > His thinking shows how freegans view the extreme > inter-connectedness of things -- like that of a hunk of > tofu, for example, to the gas that's used and the pollution > that's created by transporting it to a store. > > Louise Hansen looks at cheese and sees the exploitation of > cows and the vast resources industrial farms consume. She > thinks of the destruction of ecosystems in other countries > to feed Americans. > > But she also likes cheese. > > A 21-year-old freegan majoring in environmental studies at > the University of California, Santa Cruz, Hansen was in > Sacramento earlier this month for Kid Fest, a loosely > organized weekend of fun for anarchist punk types. It was > fueled by dumpstered food, including cream-filled donuts. > > There may not be a lot of freegans in Sacramento -- an > actual count is hard to get -- but many pass through. People > in the scene often travel the country, hitchhiking and > hopping freight trains. Freegan-ness is key on the road, > where good vegan food can be scarce. > > And it's handy at home, where dumpster-diving is just like > grocery shopping. Only it's free. > > On one recent outing, Jones jumps in a grocery store's > dumpster, picking through the muck while directing a small > flashlight with his mouth. > > It doesn't look too tasty at first: a random piece of fried > chicken, a stack of moldy tortillas, unidentifiable bags and > a porn magazine. The dumpster has a sweet, musty smell, > though each has a unique bouquet. Eventually, Jones digs up > some decent tortillas, garlic bread, lettuce, peppers and > mushrooms -- some wrapped, some not. > > The next store's dumpster is better -- if stickier. It's a > gooey mess, on account of the over-ripe fruits and veggies > squished together, the leaking clam dip and something that > could be sour cream. But Jones and his dumpstering buddy > still manage to make a haul: apples, oranges, kiwis, > strawberries, bananas, tomatoes, avocados, potatoes, yogurt > and milk. > > Sure, the goods have dents and blemishes -- the kind of > produce people inside the store plop aside. And some of the > food has passed its "sell by" date. > > But Jones and the others say they've never gotten sick from > dumpstered food. And washed and prepared, it will make for a > full meal -- not just for Jones and his friends, but for > dozens of homeless people who they cook for regularly. > > Even on his way back to the house he shares with several > friends, Jones stops his bike for the homeless, turning his > trailer into a free mobile market. > > No trouble this night, but dumpstering is not without risks: > Police consider it illegal trespassing, and sometimes people > from the stores chase down the divers or call authorities. > > But freegans already have chosen, in a way, to be outlaws > from mainstream society. They reject capitalism and try to > live outside it, some avoiding money altogether. > > They are the underground resistance to over-consumption. > Many who professionally study the larger social and > environmental issues have never heard of the word "freegan," > though they share similar ideas. > > "What people like (freegans) are witnessing is a culture of > waste and affluence, which is occurring in a larger context > of poverty on a global scale, growing poverty now > domestically, (and) growing ecological devastation caused by > our consumption habits," says Juliet Schor, a Boston College > sociology professor and author of "The Overspent American: > Why We Want What We Don't Need." > > "These folks are engaged in a pretty profound critique of > the dominant lifestyle." > > The symbolism of freeganism is striking, says Mathis > Wackernagel, sustainability program director at Redefining > Progress, an Oakland think tank. "It's saying, 'This is a > mirror -- look at how much waste there is. There's so much > waste we can live perfectly well on your waste,'" he says. > > But freeganism also has practicality, he says. Wackernagel > designed a way of measuring an individual's impact on the > Earth called an "ecological footprint." If everyone lived > like Americans, some of the biggest consumers in the world, > we would need five planets, he estimates. > > The food we eat, he says, shapes our footprint the most. And > while eating locally grown vegan food makes the smallest > print among food-buyers, freegans even beat that, he says. > > Of course, not everyone buys it. > > In fact, the Center for Consumer Freedom, a food and > beverage trade group, disagrees with pretty much all of it > -- from the belief that eating animal products is unethical > to the notion that the world is in an environmental crisis > or America is to blame. > > "If they really believe that they can eat and nourish their > bodies without impacting the environmnent around them, I > think they've probably been smoking something they found in > a dumpster," says David Martosko, the center's research > director, who actually knows what "freegan" means. > "Pretending to drop out of the natural order of things does > not make you morally superior." > > Not one to brag about morals, Jones tries to reduce his > impact in a personal way. His clothes are mostly used -- and > sometimes sprinkled with holes. He bikes as much as possible > and is building a bicycle-powered washing machine. He > composts any food waste in back of his house. He and his > housemates brew their own cider using dumpstered apple > juice. > > But as much as they troll for edible trash, Jones and other > freegans realize that it's not the ultimate solution. > Dumpster-diving only exists because of the system they hate. > > In the ideal world, Jones says, people would be as > self-reliant as possible, making and growing only what they > need. That world is not likely to come soon -- and freegans > know it. > > "When you look at the big picture, you get kind of jaded," > Jones says. "So I just take it day by day." > > Dumpster by dumpster. > > About the Writer > --------------------------- > > The Bee's Will Evans can be reached at (916) 321-1987 or > wevans >

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In a message dated 5/29/03 2:17:44 PM Pacific Daylight Time, cait2 writes:


there are other ways of avoiding consumerism...........if i didnt live in the city, i would plant my garden/allotment with loads of veg, cabbage beans etc and live off them........


my patents once had two allotments when they were younger, and went weeks without visiting a shop






we don't have allotments here in the states...some places have urban gardens..but....

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Is this a made up story? I find it hard to believe. Whilst we all want to reduce

waste, I think we vegans would not throw away much food ( I certainly wouldnt),

and are mostly all enviromentally concious. The FREEGANS?!?!?! self confessed

anarchistic punks ( oh how I hate the term punk) seem to be pulling another

stunt. In terms of anarchy....very poor...1/10... must pay more attention to


The valley vegan.

> One man's trash

>Freegans find treasures in a dumpster-diving lifestyle that

>defies consumerism

>By Will Evans

>Sacramento Bee Staff Writer

>(Published May 27, 2003)


>There's a dumpster in Sacramento with delicious sweet rolls



>Rich, chewy and a bit hard to find amid all the bakery

>trash, it's a good dessert to cap off a successful night of

>dumpster-diving for Tim Jones.


>Jones actually takes two, gobbling them as he pedals away on

>his bike, which is lugging a trailer loaded with groceries

>he's grabbed from another dumpster.


>Jones, 21, is a " freegan. " It's a takeoff on the word

" vegan, " which means someone who on principle will not eat

>any animal products -- including dairy -- so as not to harm



>But what about the sweet roll, which is probably made with

>eggs, milk and butter?


>Freegans like Jones will eat nonvegan food if it's free --

>that is, if they scavenge it, so they're not supporting the

>nonvegan industry or creating demand for a product.


>They get much of their food from dumpsters.


>But it's not just a fringe diet.


>Freeganism is rooted in a political philosophy that condemns

>over-consumption and waste in American society.


" When people are starving around the world, (Americans) are

>throwing away perfectly good food, " says David, 20, another

>Sacramento freegan who doesn't want his last name used.


>Freegans come from a larger community of young,

>do-it-yourself punks. Many are anarchists, opposing all

>forms of government and embracing ideals such as individual

>freedom and cooperation. Some, though, don't identify as

>anarchists -- or as punks -- or they resent being labeled.

>But all of them despise the American-style consumerism they

>call destructive.


>The freegan diet stems from vegetarianism, which means to

>not eat meat -- despite what those fish-nibbling,

>chicken-chewing " vegetarians " say.


>Veganism is one step stricter. Freegans, if they buy

>anything, buy vegan.


>Still, to them, it's kosher to eat non-vegan food (a few

>will even eat meat) if it's dumpstered, left on somebody's

>plate or given away by a restaurant.


" If a cow's going to suffer for its milk, then I'd rather

>have it put to use than not, " David says.


>He ponders a freegan bagel, sitting under a tree after a

>punk show. His favorite freegan food is a cheese bagel, but

>this one looks like it's whole wheat.


" There might be eggs or there might be milk in it, " he says,

>munching away, " but I'd rather have it fill my hunger than

>fill the landfill. "


>Simply put: Freegans reduce trash by eating it (though they

>aren't the only dumpster-divers out there). And while vegans

>believe animal products cause animal misery and

>environmental ruin -- especially with modern mass-production

>techniques -- freegans even worry about the harm of buying



" Should I use what otherwise would go to waste? " Jones says.

" Or should I go into a store and pay six bucks for this

>organic vegan product that's in all the plastic packaging,

>and then someone's going to use that six bucks to go buy

>McDonald's or something? "


>His thinking shows how freegans view the extreme

>inter-connectedness of things -- like that of a hunk of

>tofu, for example, to the gas that's used and the pollution

>that's created by transporting it to a store.


>Louise Hansen looks at cheese and sees the exploitation of

>cows and the vast resources industrial farms consume. She

>thinks of the destruction of ecosystems in other countries

>to feed Americans.


>But she also likes cheese.


>A 21-year-old freegan majoring in environmental studies at

>the University of California, Santa Cruz, Hansen was in

>Sacramento earlier this month for Kid Fest, a loosely

>organized weekend of fun for anarchist punk types. It was

>fueled by dumpstered food, including cream-filled donuts.


>There may not be a lot of freegans in Sacramento -- an

>actual count is hard to get -- but many pass through. People

>in the scene often travel the country, hitchhiking and

>hopping freight trains. Freegan-ness is key on the road,

>where good vegan food can be scarce.


>And it's handy at home, where dumpster-diving is just like

>grocery shopping. Only it's free.


>On one recent outing, Jones jumps in a grocery store's

>dumpster, picking through the muck while directing a small

>flashlight with his mouth.


>It doesn't look too tasty at first: a random piece of fried

>chicken, a stack of moldy tortillas, unidentifiable bags and

>a porn magazine. The dumpster has a sweet, musty smell,

>though each has a unique bouquet. Eventually, Jones digs up

>some decent tortillas, garlic bread, lettuce, peppers and

>mushrooms -- some wrapped, some not.


>The next store's dumpster is better -- if stickier. It's a

>gooey mess, on account of the over-ripe fruits and veggies

>squished together, the leaking clam dip and something that

>could be sour cream. But Jones and his dumpstering buddy

>still manage to make a haul: apples, oranges, kiwis,

>strawberries, bananas, tomatoes, avocados, potatoes, yogurt

>and milk.


>Sure, the goods have dents and blemishes -- the kind of

>produce people inside the store plop aside. And some of the

>food has passed its " sell by " date.


>But Jones and the others say they've never gotten sick from

>dumpstered food. And washed and prepared, it will make for a

>full meal -- not just for Jones and his friends, but for

>dozens of homeless people who they cook for regularly.


>Even on his way back to the house he shares with several

>friends, Jones stops his bike for the homeless, turning his

>trailer into a free mobile market.


>No trouble this night, but dumpstering is not without risks:

>Police consider it illegal trespassing, and sometimes people

>from the stores chase down the divers or call authorities.


>But freegans already have chosen, in a way, to be outlaws

>from mainstream society. They reject capitalism and try to

>live outside it, some avoiding money altogether.


>They are the underground resistance to over-consumption.

>Many who professionally study the larger social and

>environmental issues have never heard of the word " freegan, "

>though they share similar ideas.


" What people like (freegans) are witnessing is a culture of

>waste and affluence, which is occurring in a larger context

>of poverty on a global scale, growing poverty now

>domestically, (and) growing ecological devastation caused by

>our consumption habits, " says Juliet Schor, a Boston College

>sociology professor and author of " The Overspent American:

>Why We Want What We Don't Need. "


" These folks are engaged in a pretty profound critique of

>the dominant lifestyle. "


>The symbolism of freeganism is striking, says Mathis

>Wackernagel, sustainability program director at Redefining

>Progress, an Oakland think tank. " It's saying, 'This is a

>mirror -- look at how much waste there is. There's so much

>waste we can live perfectly well on your waste,' " he says.


>But freeganism also has practicality, he says. Wackernagel

>designed a way of measuring an individual's impact on the

>Earth called an " ecological footprint. " If everyone lived

>like Americans, some of the biggest consumers in the world,

>we would need five planets, he estimates.


>The food we eat, he says, shapes our footprint the most. And

>while eating locally grown vegan food makes the smallest

>print among food-buyers, freegans even beat that, he says.


>Of course, not everyone buys it.


>In fact, the Center for Consumer Freedom, a food and

>beverage trade group, disagrees with pretty much all of it

>-- from the belief that eating animal products is unethical

>to the notion that the world is in an environmental crisis

>or America is to blame.


" If they really believe that they can eat and nourish their

>bodies without impacting the environmnent around them, I

>think they've probably been smoking something they found in

>a dumpster, " says David Martosko, the center's research

>director, who actually knows what " freegan " means.

" Pretending to drop out of the natural order of things does

>not make you morally superior. "


>Not one to brag about morals, Jones tries to reduce his

>impact in a personal way. His clothes are mostly used -- and

>sometimes sprinkled with holes. He bikes as much as possible

>and is building a bicycle-powered washing machine. He

>composts any food waste in back of his house. He and his

>housemates brew their own cider using dumpstered apple



>But as much as they troll for edible trash, Jones and other

>freegans realize that it's not the ultimate solution.

>Dumpster-diving only exists because of the system they hate.


>In the ideal world, Jones says, people would be as

>self-reliant as possible, making and growing only what they

>need. That world is not likely to come soon -- and freegans

>know it.


" When you look at the big picture, you get kind of jaded, "

>Jones says. " So I just take it day by day. "


>Dumpster by dumpster.


>About the Writer



>The Bee's Will Evans can be reached at (916) 321-1987 or



Peter H



talk21 your FREE portable and private address on the net at


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In a message dated 5/31/03 6:48:31 AM Pacific Daylight Time, swpgh01 writes:


Is this a made up story? I find it hard to believe. Whilst we all want to reduce waste, I think we vegans would not throw away much food ( I certainly wouldnt), and are mostly all enviromentally concious. The FREEGANS?!?!?! self confessed anarchistic punks ( oh how I hate the term punk) seem to be pulling another stunt. In terms of anarchy....very poor...1/10... must pay more attention to detail.


i've known tons of freegans over the years..it real popular in the summer in the bay area whn all the kids descend on SF and Berkeley....

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Why do you hate that term??? although I do agree on the 1/10 for anarchism in this case.






>self confessed anarchistic punks ( oh how I hate the term punk) seem to be pulling another >stunt. In terms of anarchy....very poor...1/10... must pay more attention to detail.


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I hate the term because of the way it is used by some to appear as street cred.

I hear a lot of bands who the music press label as punk ( sum41?!!? blink182!?!?

- anarchy in the usa - i think not) who bear little resemblance to The Sex

Pistols, who alledgedly were the the epitome of punk bands ( even though they

were more of a pre packaged product - sort of an original pop stars/boy band

product? ), even though I enjoyed the music.

What is PUNK?, the dictionary definition of PUNK is :

Main Entry: 1punk

Pronunciation: 'p & [ng]k

Function: noun

Etymology: origin unknown


1 archaic : PROSTITUTE

2 [probably partly from 3punk] : NONSENSE, FOOLISHNESS

3 a : a young inexperienced person : BEGINNER, NOVICE; especially : a young man

b : a usually petty gangster, hoodlum, or ruffian c : a youth used as a

homosexual partner

4 a : PUNK ROCK b : a punk rock musician c : one who affects punk styles

......Take your pick.

Pete, the valley vegan.

> Why do you hate that term??? although I do agree on the 1/10 for anarchism in

this case.






>self confessed anarchistic punks ( oh how I hate the term punk) seem to be

pulling another >stunt. In terms of anarchy....very poor...1/10... must pay more

attention to detail.





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>Checked by AVG anti-virus system (<a Target='_new'



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Peter H



talk21 your FREE portable and private address on the net at


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In a message dated 6/5/03 9:07:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time, swpgh01 writes:



I hate the term because of the way it is used by some to appear as street cred. I hear a lot of bands who the music press label as punk



who can really define punk..wot is punk to one person means something else to another

its a pretty wide genre and all...

while, i don't like new found glory, blink, good charlotte and all the cutesy "punk" being marketed today, thats my view...remember, folks called the Jam punk, same with Gen X...

punk is about music, about a lifestyle, about a lot of stuff....

as fer the sex pistols..they were only made the epitome by the media at the time, who luved their antics...in the same time period you had x-ray specs, the clash, the damned, the slits, and over here, the ramones, avengers, dils, germs, et al, and all sounded different and all were punk and...




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In a message dated 6/6/03 11:12:19 AM Pacific Daylight Time, shari writes:


I <3 all the pop punk bands. How did this topic come up - since I've been away (I know I could go and look in the archives but I'm lazy!)?



someone mentioned how they disliked the term punk....

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I <3 all the pop punk bands. How did this topic come up - since I've been away (I know I could go and look in the archives but I'm lazy!)?



Shari Black Velvet





Friday, June 06, 2003 4:37 PM

Re: Freegan

In a message dated 6/5/03 9:07:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time, swpgh01 writes:

I hate the term because of the way it is used by some to appear as street cred. I hear a lot of bands who the music press label as punk*shrug*who can really define punk..wot is punk to one person means something else to anotherits a pretty wide genre and all...while, i don't like new found glory, blink, good charlotte and all the cutesy "punk" being marketed today, thats my view...remember, folks called the Jam punk, same with Gen X...punk is about music, about a lifestyle, about a lot of stuff....as fer the sex pistols..they were only made the epitome by the media at the time, who luved their antics...in the same time period you had x-ray specs, the clash, the damned, the slits, and over here, the ramones, avengers, dils, germs, et al, and all sounded different and all were punk and...wotevercheersfraggle To send an email to -

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