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[URGENT] Is vegetarian E471 vegan?

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Sorry for the cross-posting, and the urgent tag. It's not terribly

important in the scheme of things, but it is time-sensitive; I need to

find out before I set off for work tomorrow. (Ideally, before I have to

go brambling in my wet garden would be nice, but that's just



I was going to make some tarts for the London Vegans get together

tomorrow, using up my " Jus Rol " pastry and my garden blackberries. Just

to be sure, I checked the ingredients on the pastry.




Now, I usually don't worry about that, because it's usually vegan in

bakery products, and that is good enough for me for an additive. But I

can't make that decision for anyone else, so I have to be sure if I'm

going to cook this for a general vegan gathering.


The product is marked " approved by the vegetarian society " . E471 is

fatty acid glycerides and glyceryl stearates - from my biochemistry, I

suspect they could come from anything - corpse, dairy, or plant. But

does anyone out there know? Are the non-veggie sources of E471 all

safely vegan?


Now I could try to make my own pastry ... but I wouldn't want to take

that to London Vegans either, for very different reasons!


Thank you for getting to the end of my terribly self-indulgent letter

.... does anyone know the answer?





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Hi Ian


> I was going to make some tarts for the London Vegans get together> tomorrow, using up my "Jus Rol" pastry and my garden blackberries. Just> to be sure, I checked the ingredients on the pastry. > E471.

I know you've already got an answer, and I'd be too late anyone... but in case you need to know anything similar in future the Vegan Society website has a list of all the E numbers and whether they are vegan or not.





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