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Hello Christine!


I have to say I do agree with you regarding medical Drs. They are ok for

the occaissional infection or cut or scrape, but beyond that I haven't got

much use for them.


I have a 10 year old son named Travis who has autism. We wondered for a

long time what was wrong with our son and what we could do to help him. He

had horrible diareah up until age 5, when we removed dairy from his diet on

the advice of the facilitator of his homeschool program. The Dr. had

nothing to do with it, nor did he even comment on it.


At the age of 8, we found out about glueten and how it affects many autistic

children, so we removed glueten from our son's diet. After a few months,

many of his odd behaviors disappeared, and his bm's got better. But, he

still continues to have loose stools and occaissionally eczema outbreaks,

even though he has been gluten free for two years.


I wonder if the loose stools and eczema are related to something other than

gluten? We have also removed soy from our son's diet, and now only give him

corn occaissionally. I can't say this has helped the bowel problems any,

but the soy does seem to affect his behavior.


We are still searching for the answer to the loose stools and eczema. We

know our son's intestinal track is messed up and doesn't work right, or is

it his stomach? We are at this time considering taking him to a

specialist...a gastrointerologist (not sure I spelled that right). Maybe

that can give us a few more answers.


If I were you, I would remove gluten from my diet for at least three months

and see if the symptoms get better. Then, have a piece of toast and see

what happens. At least then you will know if it is the gluten or something

else. Gluten stays in your body a long time, so it takes a while for all of

it to go away once you stop eating it.


Please keep us posted as to what you find out!



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Hi Everyone,


Thank you, Donna and Kim, for your replies. Now I don't feel so alone :)


I took a trip to the health food store today to see what I could find in the

way of gluten-free products. I found some different pastas, one made with

brown rice, one with corn, and the other a mixture of corn and quinoa. I

want to try several to see which I like best. Pasta is one thing I don't

want to live without! I also bought some gluten-free bread, I think it's

made by Food For Life. It's made with brown rice and pecans; I just tried

some, and it's very heavy and dense, and doesn't taste anything like regular

bread :( I don't really mind it, actually, because I tend to prefer more

dense breads anyway, but I don't think it would be good for making

sandwiches. It would probably be too hard to bite into, and I think it would

crumble very easily. I'll probably just use it for snacking on, or maybe to

serve alongside the pasta. Does anyone know of a good gluten-free bread? I

am interested in ready-made breads, and also recipes, preferably for bread

machines. Something else I'm going to miss are tortillas and pita bread. I

eat these almost every day, and they are really staples in my diet. Heck,

there are lots of things I'm really going to miss! But I guess I'll just

have to try to come up with gluten-free alternatives. I love to cook, so

experimentation in the kitchen is what I do for fun :)


Well, I think that based on what Donna and Kim said, I will just go ahead and

cut gluten out of my diet, and see what happens. Actually, today I haven't

had anything with gluten in it yet, and I'm feeling alot better than I did

yesterday. However, I'm making homemade pizza tonight, to eat while watching

the Oscars, and it'll be interesting to see how I feel after. What I'm

planning to do now is go ahead and eat my " gluten food " that I have remaining

in the house, because number one I don't want to just throw it away (there

are certain things my boyfriend doesn't like, so he won't eat them), and

number two I just want one last fling before I give it all up for a couple of

months :) It's funny, before I posted this morning and got your responses, I

really didn't have the willingness to go gluten-free yet. But now I feel

almost like I've committed to it, since I actually put it into words. It's

like my attitude has kind of shifted; I'm going to try to start thinking of

it as something very loving that I'm doing for myself, rather than being

deprived. I can't keep thinking negatively about it, or I will eventually

give in to my cravings.


Well, like I said, I won't be going totally gluten-free yet, but I am now

determined to do it eventually, and soon! I think it will take a few weeks

to clear out the house, and then I can start with a clean slate. I tell you,

I am going to enjoy every last bite of pizza tonight, because it will

probably be my last one, for a while at least. I hope to someday figure out

how to make a gluten-free pizza crust.


Thank you so much for your replies! It has really made the difference in my

attitude about this whole thing. I just have one more question: what does

everyone think about oats? I've seen some reports saying that oats are OK

for celiacs, and others say not. I know that rice, millet and quinoa are OK,

which is good because I love all of those. I think buckwheat is OK as well,

please correct me if I'm wrong.


Anyway, I've gone on long enough for today, so I'll stop for now. Thanks for









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Hi Christine,


Kinnikinnick.com has gluten free ready made breads that

are supposed to be really good. I think they contain

egg though - I don't know if you do eggs or not but we

don't so I haven't personally tried them. Also

missroben.com has a lot of gluten free stuff including

pizza crust mixes and I think they have ready made pizza

crust but I'm not sure. Missroben.com has a lot of

stuff and it is marked to show what it is free of (egg,

gluten, milk, sugar, yeast, corn, etc. etc. etc.). We

order from there a lot and they ship it fairly quick and

the prices are pretty reasonable. Good luck with it all!



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You might want to look into the Bob's Red Mill bread mixes. I use their

gluten-free bread mix in my baking machine and it is quite good. The recipe

calls for eggs, but I substitute Ener-G egg substitute and it works quite well.

Sometimes I also add flax seed gel (with varying results). The texture is soft

and nice. . .like white bread. Even my kids who can eat gluten like it. I was

happy to find it worked in my bread machine. . .I just place it in the machine,

add the oil, water, egg substitute, etc. and push the button! Once I make sure

the mixing process is working (no gluten, so sometimes I have to help it along)

I can forget about it until it is done.


Pasta. . .you don't have to give up! We have changed over to the quinoa pasta

and it is wonderful! The texture and flavor is great. . .and it comes in

macaroni, spaghetti, and spirals (even rainbow colored ones). I occasionally

use the rice and corn pastas, but they tend to fall apart easily and I don't

like their texture as much. Ancient Grains is one of the brands that sells the

100% quinoa pasta.


Pamela's is another good brand. . .my dh loves their pancake mix.


Success to you! You can do it!

:) LaDonna





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I'm new to the gluten free thing too, but I've picked up The Gluten Free Gourmet

cookbooks, and found lots of places online to order products if I can't find

them in my local health food store. Being in Canada we don't have the Food for

Life breads, but they look good - you may have to find out elsewhere for

confirmation, but I learned from another gluten-free MS'er the following about

Food For Life bread and I'm wishing I could find them here:


If you do not know you have a yeast problem, in which case you need to eliminate

fermented foods, including yeast, I recommend delicious 100% flourless breads

baked by Food for Life. These breads are made entirely from sprouts. They are

available throughout the United States. I have found them from California to

New York City, and such diverse places as Florida and Toledo, Ohio. The

Naturally Healthy health food stores, as well as Whole Foods stores carry them,

and in Southern California where I live they are available at some supermarkets.

You will find them on the Internet at www.Food-for-Life.com.

There are also regional bakers who bake 100% flourless sprouted grain breads.

Just be sure that they have no gluten added to them. The Food for Life 7-Grain

and Ezekiel Cinnamon Raisin varieties make wonderful breakfast toast, and the

Ezekiel and Wheat breads are excellent for sandwiches.


Please note that in the sprouting process all the gluten is devoured by the

enzymes, so these flourless breads are gluten free. Finding these breads made a

huge difference for me.


So, according to her, even the breads that contain wheat are gluten free because

they are sprouted wheat. You might want to double/triple check with the

manufacturer on that though.


On the internet they look like regular loaves of bread and I sure wish I could

try them but they aren't available in Canada!






Sunday, March 24, 2002 5:12 PM

Re: Re: my intro



Hi Everyone,


Thank you, Donna and Kim, for your replies. Now I don't feel so alone :)

I also bought some gluten-free bread, I think it's

made by Food For Life. It's made with brown rice and pecans; I just tried

some, and it's very heavy and dense, and doesn't taste anything like regular

bread :( I don't really mind it, actually, because I tend to prefer more

dense breads anyway, but I don't think it would be good for making

sandwiches. It would probably be too hard to bite into, and I think it would

crumble very easily. I'll probably just use it for snacking on, or maybe to

serve alongside the pasta. Does anyone know of a good gluten-free bread?




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  • 2 years later...

> Lisa please go easy on me lol


Oh no, Lisa, no hope of that. We have a reputatiion to uphold: of harassing

and torturing non-vegetarians until they repent (or am I confusing this with

another group????) ;=)


It's great that you are looking to a new lifestyle and thought this might be the

one for you. Vegetarianism isn't a magic bullet to cure all ills, but it


makes so very many of us feel and look healthier - and yes, it does cure some

problems too ;=) That said, you might be right not to be in a hurry, although

many think it's easier in the long run to go cold 'tofurkey' rather than prolong

eating me*t ;=)


When my dh and I became vegetarian, we were first pollo-pescatarians - but

eating chicken and fish is still eating meat, and it is hard for people to

understand why you will eat those and not eat everything else 'just this once' -

ya know? So we were pescatarians for a while, then vegetarians. Vegetarian

is simpler ;=) Of course, you could just wake up tomorrow and decide to go

the whole way and become vegan with a snap of the fingers - many do. But I'll

leave them to tell you about it ;=)


Anyway, good luck, whichever you decide. And of course ask lots and lots of





Pat ;=)

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Thanks Pat and every one :)

Harassing lol that is too cute. I know it won't be an easy quick fix it is just

something I would love to try and possibley do as alifestyle for so many

reasons. I did not think Fish was a meat I hope that does not sound to stupid of

me. I was not sure what it was classified as :) I do have lots of question on eo

fthe main concerns is Protein loss and b-12 someone told me I would lose b-12

and get sick from not eating meat. Don't you love it when you have all these

knowledgeable ppl helping you out lol. Thanks again for the welcome



Pat <veggiehound wrote:



> Lisa please go easy on me lol


Oh no, Lisa, no hope of that. We have a reputatiion to uphold: of harassing

and torturing non-vegetarians until they repent (or am I confusing this with

another group????) ;=)


It's great that you are looking to a new lifestyle and thought this might be the

one for you. Vegetarianism isn't a magic bullet to cure all ills, but it


makes so very many of us feel and look healthier - and yes, it does cure some

problems too ;=) That said, you might be right not to be in a hurry, although

many think it's easier in the long run to go cold 'tofurkey' rather than prolong

eating me*t ;=)


When my dh and I became vegetarian, we were first pollo-pescatarians - but

eating chicken and fish is still eating meat, and it is hard for people to

understand why you will eat those and not eat everything else 'just this once' -

ya know? So we were pescatarians for a while, then vegetarians. Vegetarian

is simpler ;=) Of course, you could just wake up tomorrow and decide to go

the whole way and become vegan with a snap of the fingers - many do. But I'll

leave them to tell you about it ;=)


Anyway, good luck, whichever you decide. And of course ask lots and lots of





Pat ;=)






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Hi Lisa,

I have heard this B-12 issue brought up in discussions

before. B-12 ( which from what I understand is more or less a bacteria

of sorts) also exists on all leafy garden vegetables. Organically grown

here could be an issue as pesticides could be a factor in possibly

destroying the B-12. From what I understand eating raw organic greens (

not overly rinsed) will give you plenty of B-12.. As far as protein

goes here are a few URL's that discuss the subject












Lisa wrote:


Thanks Pat and every one :)

Harassing lol that is too cute. I know it won't be an easy quick fix it is just

something I would love to try and possibley do as alifestyle for so many

reasons. I did not think Fish was a meat I hope that does not sound to stupid of

me. I was not sure what it was classified as :) I do have lots of question on

eo fthe main concerns is Protein loss and b-12 someone told me I would lose b-12

and get sick from not eating meat. Don't you love it when you have all these

knowledgeable ppl helping you out lol. Thanks again for the welcome







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Hi Lisa... I am B12 deficient... and not from not eating meat :-)

My body just doesn't absorb it... so I take a B12 vitamin everyday, and its

doing the trick!






Thanks Pat and every one :)

Harassing lol that is too cute. I know it won't be an easy quick fix it is

just something I would love to try and possibley do as alifestyle for so

many reasons. I did not think Fish was a meat I hope that does not sound to

stupid of me. I was not sure what it was classified as :) I do have lots of

question on eo fthe main concerns is Protein loss and b-12 someone told me I

would lose b-12 and get sick from not eating meat. Don't you love it when

you have all these knowledgeable ppl helping you out lol. Thanks again for

the welcome







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>. . .I did not think Fish was a meat I hope that does not sound to stupid of


I was not sure what it was classified as :)


Well it's confusing, because some people call themselves vegetarians who

still eat f*sh ;=) A fish is a sentient being, therefore an 'animal'.


>I do have lots of question on eo fthe main concerns is Protein loss . . .


Lost? Where'd it go??? Someone help this nice person find her protein! No,

seriously, check out our Links section:





on the home page. There are several links there regarding protein.


> and b-12 someone told me I would lose b-12 and get sick from not eating



Look in the same place re B12 ;=) You'll be reassured on both of them!


>Don't you love it when you have all these knowledgeable ppl helping you

out lol.


LOL oh yeah - we've all had their help :=( Well, if they were more

knowledgeable they'd know that they were talking nonsense.


>Thanks again for the welcome


Yer welcome, and thanks for the thanks ;=)


Best, Pat.

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That's often a good idea - at least until one gets used to knowing

automatically what to eat to get the right nutrients ;=) Being a nervous nellie,


also take B12 - just in case - but it's not really necessary.


Best, Pat ;=)


> Hi Lisa... I am B12 deficient... and not from not eating meat :-)

> My body just doesn't absorb it... so I take a B12 vitamin everyday, and its

> doing the trick!

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Hey thanks every one for all the info :) sorry I don't get to post a lot as I

like but I am enjoying reding the archives and all when I can. These are great

links ty



Wolfman <wolfmanross wrote:

Hi Lisa,

I have heard this B-12 issue brought up in discussions

before. B-12 ( which from what I understand is more or less a bacteria

of sorts) also exists on all leafy garden vegetables. Organically grown

here could be an issue as pesticides could be a factor in possibly

destroying the B-12. From what I understand eating raw organic greens (

not overly rinsed) will give you plenty of B-12.. As far as protein

goes here are a few URL's that discuss the subject












Lisa wrote:


Thanks Pat and every one :)

Harassing lol that is too cute. I know it won't be an easy quick fix it is just

something I would love to try and possibley do as alifestyle for so many

reasons. I did not think Fish was a meat I hope that does not sound to stupid of

me. I was not sure what it was classified as :) I do have lots of question on

eo fthe main concerns is Protein loss and b-12 someone told me I would lose b-12

and get sick from not eating meat. Don't you love it when you have all these

knowledgeable ppl helping you out lol. Thanks again for the welcome







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Sara I love your name it is my nanas name only she had a h at the end what type

of vitamins are they?

TIA Lisa


" Elgie, Sarah CAR " <thelittleprincess79 wrote:

Hi Lisa... I am B12 deficient... and not from not eating meat :-)

My body just doesn't absorb it... so I take a B12 vitamin everyday, and its

doing the trick!






Thanks Pat and every one :)

Harassing lol that is too cute. I know it won't be an easy quick fix it is

just something I would love to try and possibley do as alifestyle for so

many reasons. I did not think Fish was a meat I hope that does not sound to

stupid of me. I was not sure what it was classified as :) I do have lots of

question on eo fthe main concerns is Protein loss and b-12 someone told me I

would lose b-12 and get sick from not eating meat. Don't you love it when

you have all these knowledgeable ppl helping you out lol. Thanks again for

the welcome







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Thanks Pat I had no idea and did not veiw it that way. I love your post I am

learning so much from reading all the stuff from the group ty for letting me

join you guys n gals are great



Pat <veggiehound wrote:


>. . .I did not think Fish was a meat I hope that does not sound to stupid of


I was not sure what it was classified as :)


Well it's confusing, because some people call themselves vegetarians who

still eat f*sh ;=) A fish is a sentient being, therefore an 'animal'.


>I do have lots of question on eo fthe main concerns is Protein loss . . .


Lost? Where'd it go??? Someone help this nice person find her protein! No,

seriously, check out our Links section:





on the home page. There are several links there regarding protein.


> and b-12 someone told me I would lose b-12 and get sick from not eating



Look in the same place re B12 ;=) You'll be reassured on both of them!


>Don't you love it when you have all these knowledgeable ppl helping you

out lol.


LOL oh yeah - we've all had their help :=( Well, if they were more

knowledgeable they'd know that they were talking nonsense.


>Thanks again for the welcome


Yer welcome, and thanks for the thanks ;=)


Best, Pat.






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  • 1 month later...

> I am new to this group, I am a Vegan from Brooklyn. Today is my 30th b-


> I've been a Vegetarian for a little over a year and a Vegan since last week.


LOL Welcome to the group - and happy birthday! I guesst it was an early

birthday celebration that caused your exuberance in posting so many things

to the list ;=) We understand your enthusiasm and praise your recent

wonderful decision to become vegetarian and your very new commitment to

veganism. You will get lots of support for both here! As for advertising a

meatfree lifestyle, you are of course preaching to the choir here LOL


Please note a couple of things: this list doesn't accept attachments; and this

list does not encourage spam of any kind. You will find details in the file you

were sent upon joining - okay?


Meanwhile, please have a look around our webpage:



and check out the Files (recipes and other stuff of interest there!) and the

Links, etc. You will find that we have not overlooked the existence of PETA. In

fact, many members of Vegetarian Health and Slimming are members of

PETA and many more keep their webpage bookmarked on their computers.


We look forward to your participation in the list. Thanks for introducing



Again, best wishes for your birthday.


Pat (aka veggiehound and list co-owner and general dogsbody)

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> Thanks, Pat. I apologize for the numerous emails.


Don't get me wrong - we LUV lotsa emails LOL Thanks for all yr posts! Take

care. Talk later (dogs wanna go outside and there's no arguing!)


luv, Pat

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  • 9 months later...

Hi and Welcome Cara,

I think a good number of us have a spouse that is not a vegetarian. I have one,

and my kids aren't either.

So glad to see you here!





Monday, October 10, 2005 12:45 PM

My Intro



Hey all,


I'm in Southern Lousisiana, married to my best friend and have 2 great

girls. I'm a homeschooling mama and very new vegetarian. I'm trying

to eliminate as many animal products from our menus as possible.

We've also made lots of changes with personal care and cleaning

products too.


I look forward to trying new recipes and getting hints too. I love to

bake, but cook - not so much! I'm slowly turning family favorites into

animal friendly dishes - like biscuits with sausage gravy. I even did

brownies yesterday that were totally vegan. They were great and even

the kids ate them!!


Hubby is still a meat eater, but has taken to Veggie burgers and soy

nuggets so there is hope! Anyone else with a spouse who is not a



Cara :)











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---welcome Cara : ). I'm Anne and am also a fairly new veggie too--

1 month now anyway : ). my hubby is not a veggie and does not plan

to be so I made adjustments. we ate meatless half the week and I

fixed meat for him (gagging and retching) more as a side dish to

whatever veggie dish we were having. he would also order what he

wanted when we went out to eat. kids are almost 100% veggie--they

might occasionally get something at school that is less than ideal

but at this point I don't stress it--I just work at educating them

about better choices : ).

we used to homeschool also up till this year--see Michelle's

post : ). hubby is gone for a long time right now with military so

meal planning is quite easy at this moment--except I don't feel like

cooking because of fibromyalgia flare from stress let-down : ). my

plan is to make up a few dishes that I can keep in the freezer and

work myself up to having a variety of meal beginnings there--frozen

cooked beans, diced veggies, cooked rice, cooked grains, and variety

of veggie burgers. I like making soup too and keeping containers in

freezer for quick meal when creativity just isn't there : ). good

luck on being a new veggie : )--it opens up a whole new world you

would never imagine : ).........




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Hi Cara:


Yes my husband and son are not vegetarian and my daughter and I are.

My husband cooks meat for him and our son if they want it.

I have been vegetarian for 14 years and married for 23 years, I have never

insisted that he change because I did and he has never insisted that I eat meat

because he does.






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same here, but I am the only veg in the house. When they want meat they cook it.

I do try to change them, but I am subtle, you know subtle like leaving printouts

on the fridge about animal abuse and the dangers of eating meat as far as colon

cancer and heart attack etc. but they never try to change me because they know

that would be ridiculous, LOL.

They know they eat a lot healthier now too.





Friday, October 14, 2005 8:44 PM

Re: My Intro



Hi Cara:


Yes my husband and son are not vegetarian and my daughter and I are.

My husband cooks meat for him and our son if they want it.

I have been vegetarian for 14 years and married for 23 years, I have never

insisted that he change because I did and he has never insisted that I eat


because he does.





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  • 5 months later...
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Susanna, I'm so sorry to hear of your troubles. You

only have a BM (Bowel Movement) once every 2 weeks?

Wow, that must be so difficult for you. I can only

imagine how this must be affecting you. I really hope

that going raw relieves this problem for you. I'm new

to raw myself, so I'm not sure what to suggest, but

just wanted you to know that I really feel for you and

I'm sure others here on the list will have some

suggestions for you on the best ways to cleanse your



I'm assuming the Doctors did X-rays or ultrasounds to

make sure there's nothing wrong internally, with your

intestines or bowels or anything? And you've probably

tried high fiber diets, etc, and make sure you drink

lots of water each day? Very important for keeping

regular. But raw will do all of this for you, giving

you adequate water and fiber...




--- Susanna Cummings <rawrunnergirl wrote:


> Hi everyone!


> I'm new to this group - my name is Susanna & I'm

> 25...new to raw - but have been looking into it for

> a while...anyway, I'm hoping to find some real

> encouragement & new ideas here - and looking forward

> to getting to know you.


> A little background on me...I've had chronic

> constipation for 10+ years. I've had as many tests

> & medicines as you can imagine. NO ONE knows whats

> causing it and no medicines work. Needless to say

> i'm suffering and to make a looong story short, i'm

> trying raw. Hopefully this MIGHT be what i'm

> needing cause for so long I've had this problem, and

> of course w/ it comes a whole host of side affects.



> So one question - does anyone know any type of

> fast/detox that's specifically good for your

> bowels/intestiones? I would love to do one - but

> there's so many out there I have no idea what to

> try. I do have a champion juicer, so i was thinking

> i could try a juice fast? anyway, i'd love some

> advice on how to help my healing process - if indeed

> i AM healing. I'm in misery. I use the bathroom

> about once every 2 weeks. I'm really hoping that

> this approach will help. it HAS to...i'm at the end

> of my rope!


> Thanks so much in advance for your help.

> ~Susanna~






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Yes, i've tried all that stuff! Gotten all those tests - numerous times...and

they always say " you're fine " - but obviously I'm not.








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  • 6 months later...

Anne, go to the home page, click on files, and click on recipes. There are

many vegan recipes there to help you have some different foods for your



Marilyn Daub


Vanceburg, KY

My Cats Knead Me!!


Annie Littlewolf

Sunday, September 17, 2006 1:06 PM

My intro



Hi! I'm Annie, and I am, obviously, a vegetarian. Trying to go vegan, but

get set back sometimes - I do like cheese. I do not drink milk or eat


though. Cheese is my downfall. Although I've tried some soy cheeses and

they aren't bad at all.


I'm 53, married 30 years to my soulmate. We have a 27 year old daughter -

brought her up veggie, and she sometimes eats veggie, sometimes not. I

don't try to rule her over - just let her figure it out for herself.


We eat pretty plain - fruit for breakfast, salad burritos for lunch (I get

whole wheat tortillas, lay down a huge amount of spring greens in the

middle, add a dash of nonfat Italian dressing - about a teaspoonful) then

fold it up like a burrito and eat it that way. It is SO GOOD! Then we

usually have beans and rice for dinner, or beans and cornbread - something

like that. Pretty simple. We like living low on the food scale. I don't

get into exotic foods too much - my husband is pretty persnickety about

that. He won't try some things, but I'll try just about anything. We do

love falafels, tabbouleh, hummus, soy spread (my favorite). We also eat

baked potatoes and lots of steamed veggies. Snacks are usually limited to

carrots and raisins or almonds.


We have 7 dogs - 3 are rescued ones. 4 of them are Pomeranians. We love

them all, and they share the bed with us - or more truthfully, they let US

share the bed with THEM. LOL


I am an artist in various media, and my DH is a judge. My daughter is a

hearing reporter - sorta taking after my husband's line of work!


I'm looking forward to getting to know y'all. Yes, I'm from the South -


live in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia and it is beautiful here.


Thanks for allowing me to join.



Break on through to the other side.

Jim Morrison





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