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help with eating issue?

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Hi all,


I and my 2 1/2 year old are veg...my husband is omni...the problem I am having

lately is that my son is sometimes wanting to eat meat that his dad is eating!

For the most part my husband has discouraged him from eating any of it, but

lately my son will just grab some and start eating it and really likes it! so I

am not sure how to handle this. How can I explain that he can't have it

especially when he likes it and his dad is eating it?? I know this is a tough

situation, was wondering if anyone else has dealt with this issue. I do not

think my husband is willing to give up eating meat in front of son, he only eats

it when eating out or if he cooks it himself. I'm afraid this is going to get

even worse when my MIL is coming to visit soon if she sees this happen she will

likely give him lots of meat when I am not around ( I'm having a baby any day)

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I think you are in a real pickle. The problem is that you and your

husband don't share similar eating habits. And the same sex parent is

the most influential in a house, as research shows. So while you are

saying one thing, he's watching daddy do another. Actions speak louder

than words. If dad really supported the position to raise the child

vegetarian then he would respect the notion of not eating it in front of

him, thus leading him to want it.


I really feel for you! Situations like this must be so hard.... I wish

here was an answer and I really hope that others can provide some

insight and suggestions. The best I could offer is to tell him that it's

something only daddy's do. My kids see dad drink beer and they ask for

it. I don't drink, so I tell hem that it's something that daddy's do. Of

course, it was a strange situation at a birthday party when a woman

started chugging from a bottle of beer and my daughter yelled loud

enough for everyone to hear " She's drinking beer, that's only for

daddy's, why is she doing that? " My thoughts were that they had no

business drinking alcohol at a three year old's party, but that's

another story.


My honest opinion is that if you want your son to grow up vegetarian you

have to get dad on board. And I mean really on board. And being on board

means he doesn't eat meat in front him at such an impressionable age. If

he refuses, then he really doesn't support the position because he's

making no effort to support it. Then you have a real uphill battle for

which I feel for you! Best of luck!



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I have observed that raising children with an omnivorous parent is usually a

slippery slope toward the child no longer being vegetarian unless some

parameters are established and rather strictly enforced. I don't have any

personal experience with this, though, only anecdotal experience via my

friends. If it really bothers you, I would try to work something out with

your husband so that meat-eating does not happen in front of your son until

he is old enough to understand the issues. And your MIL needs to understand

in no uncertain terms what is acceptable to feed your child and what is not.

I have found that with certain people, if it's not explicit and plainly

spoken, they will feel that you are flexible about the issue. You can be

specific with her about how you are raising your son without being rude.


Good luck to you.




> Hi all,


> I and my 2 1/2 year old are veg...my husband is omni...the problem I am having

> lately is that my son is sometimes wanting to eat meat that his dad is eating!

> For the most part my husband has discouraged him from eating any of it, but

> lately my son will just grab some and start eating it and really likes it! so

> I am not sure how to handle this. How can I explain that he can't have it

> especially when he likes it and his dad is eating it?? I know this is a tough

> situation, was wondering if anyone else has dealt with this issue. I do not

> think my husband is willing to give up eating meat in front of son, he only

> eats it when eating out or if he cooks it himself. I'm afraid this is going

> to get even worse when my MIL is coming to visit soon if she sees this happen

> she will likely give him lots of meat when I am not around ( I'm having a baby

> any day)





> ---


> For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website at

> http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially useful for families go to

> http://www.vrg.org/family.This is a discussion list and is not intended to

> provide personal medical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a

> qualified health professional.


> edical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a qualified health

> professional.



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This happens to me sometimes with my 3 year old when we go to a family or

friend's house to eat.  Usually my friends or family will discourage him and

tell him it's " yucky " or something and he usually just keeps going and forgets

about it.  Only a few times has he just grabbed meat himself and eaten it.  My

son is too young to fully understand that it's an animal and he shouldn't eat it

- he just thinks it's food like everything else.  So I don't make a big deal of

it and let him swallow his bite or two and then divert his attention to his

vegetarian food or something else.


So at this age I wouldn't worry so much about him eating a few bites - he'll

soon be old enough to understand why he shouldn't eat it and will voluntarily

refuse it (hopefully).  I would just really try to have your husband " hide " the

meat from your sons view.  It might be tricky getting your son to adopt a fully

vegetarian lifestyle if he sees your hubby eating it...but I'm sure it can be

done.  :)


Good luck!




--- On Tue, 5/12/09, mylameoww <mylameoww wrote:


mylameoww <mylameoww

help with eating issue?


Tuesday, May 12, 2009, 3:23 PM


















Hi all,




I and my 2 1/2 year old are veg...my husband is omni...the problem I am having

lately is that my son is sometimes wanting to eat meat that his dad is eating!

For the most part my husband has discouraged him from eating any of it, but

lately my son will just grab some and start eating it and really likes it! so I

am not sure how to handle this. How can I explain that he can't have it

especially when he likes it and his dad is eating it?? I know this is a tough

situation, was wondering if anyone else has dealt with this issue. I do not

think my husband is willing to give up eating meat in front of son, he only eats

it when eating out or if he cooks it himself. I'm afraid this is going to get

even worse when my MIL is coming to visit soon if she sees this happen she will

likely give him lots of meat when I am not around ( I'm having a baby any day)

































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I sympathize with you greatly. My husband is a carnivore and the girls will eat

bacon with him and sometimes try other things. Marriage is a partnership and

just people who are in interfaith marriages the two of you need to sit down and

make a plan. Telling you child that eating meat is bad , can backfire on you.

You do not want your child to think of daddy as bad for eating meat. your'e on a

slippery slope. I no longer cook meat for my husband and most of the time he

wiats until we are up stairs for the night to do his carniage or eat it at work.

But when he does eat it, we let the girls choose because they are only 1 and 3

and I do not want them to be confused. Luckily it does not happen often and so

they really hardly every try anything except bacon.  So hopefully you and your

husband can make a plan and agree to it.







mylameoww <mylameoww


Tuesday, May 12, 2009 3:23:48 PM

help with eating issue?






Hi all,


I and my 2 1/2 year old are veg...my husband is omni...the problem I am having

lately is that my son is sometimes wanting to eat meat that his dad is eating!

For the most part my husband has discouraged him from eating any of it, but

lately my son will just grab some and start eating it and really likes it! so I

am not sure how to handle this.. How can I explain that he can't have it

especially when he likes it and his dad is eating it?? I know this is a tough

situation, was wondering if anyone else has dealt with this issue. I do not

think my husband is willing to give up eating meat in front of son, he only eats

it when eating out or if he cooks it himself. I'm afraid this is going to get

even worse when my MIL is coming to visit soon if she sees this happen she will

likely give him lots of meat when I am not around ( I'm having a baby any day)




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For more information about vegetarianism, please visit the VRG website at

http://www.vrg.org and for materials especially useful for families go to

http://www.vrg.org/family.This is a discussion list and is not intended to

provide personal medical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from a

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I went through this situation with my son when he was 5. I try not to be

overbearing about our eating habits, but informative. Husband is omni. I didn't

stress too much about it, thinking of it as a natural curiosity. I have always

packed his lunches, but his kindergarten class did a " green eggs and ham " day

and he begged to be allowed to try it, and I let him. He did like it and let me

know when he came home. He ate meat occassionally after that, mostly because it

was new and different and what dad ate, but now he's almost eight and adamantly

against meat without my (conscious) influence or deterrence. My daughter is 3

and also doesn't eat meat and shows no interest in it at all.



, " mylameoww " <mylameoww wrote:


> Hi all,


> I and my 2 1/2 year old are veg...my husband is omni...the problem I am having

lately is that my son is sometimes wanting to eat meat that his dad is eating!

For the most part my husband has discouraged him from eating any of it, but

lately my son will just grab some and start eating it and really likes it! so I

am not sure how to handle this. How can I explain that he can't have it

especially when he likes it and his dad is eating it?? I know this is a tough

situation, was wondering if anyone else has dealt with this issue. I do not

think my husband is willing to give up eating meat in front of son, he only eats

it when eating out or if he cooks it himself. I'm afraid this is going to get

even worse when my MIL is coming to visit soon if she sees this happen she will

likely give him lots of meat when I am not around ( I'm having a baby any day)


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I'm in an omni marriage. Occasionally poultry and fish make their way into the

house-and God forbid!- sometimes I'm even the one who buys it for my husband.

But on one thing we're very clear: the kids and I do not eat meat. We have 3+

 kids, 5, 2, 1, and due-in-July. There have certainly been times when the kids

have expressed curiosity/interest in meant eating. I don't think that banning

them from meat-eating occasions, or banning meat-eating in the house by adults

is the way to go- there are always holidays, etc. (especially things like you're

out of the house for a few days having a baby!) that can't be missed, and

everyone has to know how to handle the situation. Jacqueline (I think it was)

had an excellent point- it's ridiculous to teach kids that the rules for

everyone are the same- we would never say kids can drink beer just because the

adults are. There are just some things adults do that are not okay for kids.

One thing- my husband and I sorted most of this out before we got married- but

as it pertained to kids, we DID have to iron it out before Lillian was born.

Here's how I approached it: this is not one of those not-a-big-deal preferences.

It'a a biggie- like religion or whatever else is vitally important in your

husband's life. THIS is as important as it gets. As such, you expect your

opinion to be respected, just as you would respect his wishes on something this

important to him (in our house, that issue would be circumcision, which i am

anti- and he is VERY pro-. He wins that one). And I explained that at some

point, I would allow the kids to choose meat/no meat, but while I have control

over what they eat, here's the way it will be. And I'm not kidding. How would

your husband feel if he felt VERY strongly about something, and you let your son

sneak behind his back and do it anyway? This is the same situation. But, I also

married my husband  because I

knew he took all of this business seriously, and I do appreciate that. And I

would take it so far as to say that if your MIL doesn't respect THE MOMMY, your

kids will not be allowed to be with her by themselves. At that point, she can

choose which way she wants to go. But it would be important to have his support

on this with his mom. He should be the one to reinforce it- not you. She has to

know you two are a unit. (as an aside, when I was at the hospital with my 2nd,

my FIL (they were watching her) gave my daughter a piece of chicken, which she

WAS asking for. She spat it out-thank goodness- and my in-laws DID tell my

husband about it. Although I wasn't present to hear it, I know my husband set

him straight and I have confidence it won't happen again)

As far as your child goes, I would keep the dialogue going- we don't eat

animals, whatever else you tell him currently. If he grabbed something else

(inedible, or poisonous, whatever)  from a plate and ran through the house

eating it, what would you do? Probably chase him down and deal with it. I think

it has to be the same here. Eating X is something we don't do. You get to choose

later, when you're bigger, but right now I'm the mommy and I choose. Daddy

chooses to eat meat, and I'm NOT his mommy. I don't like it, but again, I'm not

his mommy. The hilarity of thinking about me being daddy's mommy is usually

enough to distract them.

Sorry this is sort of convoluted- I'm dealing with preggo brain. Hope it all

makes sense. Best of luck. These are the thorny parts of marriage- merging two

people, two sets of ideals, values, beliefs, and merging them into raising

children in some sort of cogent manner.







mylameoww <mylameoww


Tuesday, May 12, 2009 2:23:48 PM

help with eating issue?






Hi all,


I and my 2 1/2 year old are veg...my husband is omni...the problem I am having

lately is that my son is sometimes wanting to eat meat that his dad is eating!

For the most part my husband has discouraged him from eating any of it, but

lately my son will just grab some and start eating it and really likes it! so I

am not sure how to handle this. How can I explain that he can't have it

especially when he likes it and his dad is eating it?? I know this is a tough

situation, was wondering if anyone else has dealt with this issue. I do not

think my husband is willing to give up eating meat in front of son, he only eats

it when eating out or if he cooks it himself. I'm afraid this is going to get

even worse when my MIL is coming to visit soon if she sees this happen she will

likely give him lots of meat when I am not around ( I'm having a baby any day)









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My husband was omni, occassionally still eats chicken when going out.  I have

two children (6 and 4) and I always made sure that I explained to them why we

don't eat meat.  (Mostly for health, envirnmental and animal rights)  When asked

why daddy ate meat I always explained that it is hard sometimes to give up bad

habits, so it was better not to start.  I never allowed them to take food from

my husband's plate.  And hubby always supported me by telling them to ask me for

whether they could eat something or not (he doesn't read labels.) 

Occassionally, my children showed some interest in what he was eating, but

mostly they just tried to help him to stop.  Eventually it worked to my

advantage in a way because if he was eating something unhealthy the kids would

just tell him so.  We are still a work in progress...hubby is working

toward vegetarian lifestyle, and daughter is working to like her greens more

(hubby has been eating lots of

those lately!)  Don't give up, what ever your reasons.

 Laura Ballinger Morales






mylameoww <mylameoww


Tuesday, May 12, 2009 3:23:48 PM

help with eating issue?






Hi all,


I and my 2 1/2 year old are veg...my husband is omni...the problem I am having

lately is that my son is sometimes wanting to eat meat that his dad is eating!

For the most part my husband has discouraged him from eating any of it, but

lately my son will just grab some and start eating it and really likes it! so I

am not sure how to handle this. How can I explain that he can't have it

especially when he likes it and his dad is eating it?? I know this is a tough

situation, was wondering if anyone else has dealt with this issue. I do not

think my husband is willing to give up eating meat in front of son, he only eats

it when eating out or if he cooks it himself. I'm afraid this is going to get

even worse when my MIL is coming to visit soon if she sees this happen she will

likely give him lots of meat when I am not around ( I'm having a baby any day)









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Similar to what another said, I don't have personal experience in this area but

I have an opinion just from watching what has taken place in other families....


I hate to be blunt but I think you are fighting a losing battle unless Dad

willingly and sincerely modifies his eating behavior in some way around your son

and (I'm guessing) you probably need to modify your behavior around your son



If Dad is passive/aggressive and doesn't see his part or truly support the plan

to raise your child veg then you have much bigger relationship issues than what

is on anyone's plate.


Otherwise the " forbidden fruit " will become even more enticing and will likely

morph into a point of rebellion and resistance over other issues and eventually

it's a real power struggle.


Whatever transpires and however you work this out, in the meantime you don't

have to continue assisting in the omnification of your child by using the

language of omnivores. And discuss this upfront with your partner - no

passive/agressive stuff, pretending occasional animal/meat eating is okay with

you when it's not okay.


Meat is not meat, it is the flesh of dead animals. Breaded and fried bits of

chicken flesh are not " nuggets " - which sound golden and valuable, they are

pieces of dead bird. " Yes son you may try one bite of Daddy's dead bird. "

Pepperoni or Salami are not some salty spicy pork products that sound

deliciously exotic, they are ground up dead pig. " Yes dear child you may have

one bite of Grandma's dead pig. " Hamburgers are dead cows etc.


I'm not suggesting you actually say these things as bluntly as this around omni

family members but you get the idea. Take the focus off of you and your efforts

to control your child or your partner's food choices - that is not a winnable

proposition. Even if you are successful, it is probably temporary or occurs only

when you are nearby. But if the focus is on the animals that are on the plate

you have a much better chance of raising a veg child.


Grocery store outings with you and your child should purposefully include forays

into the meat aisle on the way to get some other item, to pick up some important

life lessons. You can mention that you want to hurry through this area because

you don't like to be around/look at all of the dead animal body parts.


With his ears and his eyes you will be teaching your child what dead animals

look like, raw or cooked, ground up, intact slabs, breaded, sliced, ribs, bones,

joints, skin etc. And also what your child looks like - a human anatomy lesson -

" Gee that looks just like when you scraped your knee and it was all red and raw

and oozy. " And finally, teach him the words/euphemisms omnivores (and some

veggie people) use to describe foods made from dead animals. Anything less is

not only an incomplete education, it is fraudulent to brainwash children into

not seeing the animals all around them in whatever form, not just when they are

warm, fuzzy and alive.


And lastly, repeated showings of " Finding Nemo " and " Chicken Run " etc are a big

help too!


Best wishes,



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Good luck with your new baby!


My household is the same as yours. The boys (5 and 3) and I are vegetarian and

my DH is an omni. I'm not sure what advice to give you as every family has

different dynamics. My boys will not touch meat (but they do sometimes pretend

they are eating chicken which concerns me).


They tell their dad that he should be a vegetarian. He actually agrees (but is

too weak, his words, to do so). Sometimes he offers them meat (with me in the

room) and they always turn it down (whew!). How I managed to get them to be like

this, I'm not sure. Once my eldest put some turkey in his mouth and promptly

spit it out.


We read Herb the Vegetarian Dragon a lot. We talk about how animals are our

friends and we don't want to hurt our friends (pigs are friends not food). We

also stumbled across a poem in my oldest boy's favourite book (Read to Me

Daddy). It's at home but I'll post it when I can. It is along the lines of a

bird who is not scared of other animals but flies away when a well dressed

gentleman arrives. We discussed it after reading (how people are sometimes mean

to animals so they are scared). Well, the very next day by youngest (3) told his

dad that he should stop eating animals and referred to the poem (no prompting

from me).


We have a live in nanny so the boys typically have eaten before we get home due

to our hours. On the weekends we tend to make similar dishes. If DH has ste@k we

have bbq tofu, etc.


My side of the family is, for the most part, vegetarian or very close. I think

that this helps a lot. We don't have any vege friends but I suspect they will

soon meet some due to the diversity of the city in which we live. That helps



If I think of anything else I'll let you know. Good luck!!






, " mylameoww " <mylameoww wrote:


> Hi all,


> I and my 2 1/2 year old are veg...my husband is omni...the problem I am having

lately is that my son is sometimes wanting to eat meat that his dad is eating!

For the most part my husband has discouraged him from eating any of it, but

lately my son will just grab some and start eating it and really likes it! so I

am not sure how to handle this. How can I explain that he can't have it

especially when he likes it and his dad is eating it?? I know this is a tough

situation, was wondering if anyone else has dealt with this issue. I do not

think my husband is willing to give up eating meat in front of son, he only eats

it when eating out or if he cooks it himself. I'm afraid this is going to get

even worse when my MIL is coming to visit soon if she sees this happen she will

likely give him lots of meat when I am not around ( I'm having a baby any day)


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Excellent advice, Danita. I totally agree with your points!


As a side... We also call it what it is (dead cow, pigs, chicken, cow

milk, etc.). I think that helps them see the reality of it all. We also

point things out at the grocery store. I don't spend a lot of time in

that department, because I do find it so repulsive, but we do show the

kids a few things and tell them what animal it is. They find it sad and

it helps re-enforce the point I'm trying to drive home.


FYI...Did you read in VegNews recently what Colleen Patrick-Goudreau

wrote about calling it cow milk? It was a great piece. To assume there

is " milk " and then soy milk, hemp milk, etc. is to act as if the

standard is cow milk and then the others are all alternatives. The truth

is that they are all forms of milk. If we are going to call it soy milk,

hemp milk, almond milk, etc., then we need to call it cow milk as well.


But I think Danita is right on. If you are going to go against your own

wishes and let a child eat something you don't want them to eat I'd call

it what it really is. But first off, I'd sit down and really ponder why

I'm going against my own wishes, rather than finding more effective ways

to enforce them.



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P.S. This book comes out this month, it's my list already to purchase:


That's Why We Don't Eat Animals: A Book About Vegans, Vegetarians, and

All Living Things

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i looked at this. i will get it for when my girls are older. any suggestions for

1and 3 yr olds would be great.







Jacqueline Bodnar <jb


Wednesday, May 13, 2009 10:43:03 AM

RE: Re: help with eating issue?






P.S. This book comes out this month, it's my list already to purchase:


That's Why We Don't Eat Animals: A Book About Vegans, Vegetarians, and

All Living Things









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We had a similar thing last week. My house mate eats meat and my

partner does too but he doesn't buy it, only eats it when it's on

offer. So all meals together are made vegan and others will add dairy.

Last week we had a party for a friend. I made vegan pastries and my

housemate made pizza. There was a couple of meat ones. Anyway there

were big platters of food ready for the pizza topping. One of the

plates had this salame stuff and my 2.5 year old came in to the

kitchen and saw all the toppings and pointed at the salame and started

saying please mummy. I offered the pumpkinvand everything else that

was around but he persisted. His dad said just let him have a little

taste, he will hate it anyway. My housemate thought the same. It was

getting to the point where if I kept saying no it would become this

big thing and possibly my boy would want it more because it was such a

big deal. So I said to his dad, it's your decision. You know how I

feel but I won't be mad if you give him a tiny taste. So his dad did

and we all expected him to spit it out but instead he ran through the

house singing and dancing and loving it. I was devistated and everyone

else thought it was rather amusing. Anyway I made his dad promise

never to give him meat. He felt pretty bad about how much it upset me

but I did give my blessing in a way.

So my rules for avoiding such issues again is to not have meat eaten

in front of him so as to not create curiosity about it. And of course

reintrrating to everyone involved not to give it to him. His dad

doesn't eat meat around him and I think that at this age it's just not

fair for him to see others in his life eat stuff he can't have. It

makes it special and they want it more because they can't have it. I'd

suggest asking your husband to not eat it in front of him because it's

just going to make your job harder. When they understand more and know

why they don't eat it than it's prob a bit easier to deal with, but

for now they can only eat what's given to them and only want what they

can see others enjoy.

Best of luck. It's hard if people are not being supportive. I think it

comes down to respect. My partner may not agree completely with some

of my parenting choices ( he thinks our son should have fish) but

respects my decisions and also knows that I have a good understanding

of nutrition and I do very well in feeding our son.

I'm really feeling for you. X ange.

On 13/05/2009, at 5:23 AM, " mylameoww " <mylameoww wrote:




> Hi all,


> I and my 2 1/2 year old are veg...my husband is omni...the problem I

> am having lately is that my son is sometimes wanting to eat meat

> that his dad is eating! For the most part my husband has discouraged

> him from eating any of it, but lately my son will just grab some and

> start eating it and really likes it! so I am not sure how to handle

> this. How can I explain that he can't have it especially when he

> likes it and his dad is eating it?? I know this is a tough

> situation, was wondering if anyone else has dealt with this issue. I

> do not think my husband is willing to give up eating meat in front

> of son, he only eats it when eating out or if he cooks it himself.

> I'm afraid this is going to get even worse when my MIL is coming to

> visit soon if she sees this happen she will likely give him lots of

> meat when I am not around ( I'm having a baby any day)






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My ex ate meat in front of the kids, but we have been separated 6 months and I

have to admit, it is much easier this way...and he is in another state, so that

makes it easier also. But, when my son was about 3 he started questioning

eating and I felt like I kept saying, " we don't eat that " , or " that's Daddy's

food " or something like that...until one day I realized he needed more

explaining then that, but I didn't want to get into the harsh reality of it all

at the age of 3. I didn't want to scare him, or make him feel like killing

animals for food was " normal " , and if he knew about it so early, it might

somehow be acceptable. So I just somehow stumbled on giving our eating a name

one day, " vegan " . Before that, we never really referred to it like that to him

because he was too young to understand. Once I put a name/title to it, it was

like a light bulb went off in his head! Ever since then, he always asks, " is it

vegan " before eating anything, and he became so proud to be vegan and basically

told everyone and anyone who would listen that he is vegan, and today at 5, he

still does. It wasn't until recently that he really started questioning what

vegan really is and only because of hearing things from other kids. But, ever

since he was born I made sure I emphasized certain things, unrelated to eating

that I thought were important to being vegan. For example, it's ok to like a

different color from a friend, being different is a good thing! Everyone is

different, makes the world go round, etc...Eating a cow? Isn't that silly, we

don't eat animals? etc...

So, it became commonplace in our house that everyone does things differently and

makes different decisions and that's ok. Now, the thought of eating a dead

animal to my kids is so absurd. And, like someone else mentioned, I do make

sure I let them know, we don't eat " dead " animals, but lately, my kids have been

explaining to their friends, " we eat vegan chicken " like there are different

kinds of cow, chicken, etc. as there are milks...soy, almond, hemp...etc. And,

instinctively, we have been calling it " cow " milk for years, like someone else

mentioned also. My kids just assume it's normal that some people drink cow

milk, but we drink soy milk, hemp milk, almond milk etc....And, it's also

helpful that one of their good friends has a serious nut allergy, so when we are

eating something with nuts in it, they will always say, " Dylan can't have that,

right? " . It's almost like an unspoken bond with someone else who can't have

certain things....brings home the message that everyone eats differently and

that is a normal and ok thing.


Hope that made sense and helps a little! ~Anna

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Hi! I love this forum but this is the first time I'm responding. I'm a vegan and

my husband is not. He does not eat meat at home except when I'm away. I have two

boys 11 and 13 who I have been raising vegetarian. The eldest will have nothing

to do with meat. The younger one has been curious from an early age and models

after his dad. At first I was so upset and outraged but I realized that I

forbade it, meat would become a mysterious desirable object. I didn't want that

to happen so when we're eating out or he's out with his father or friends, he

can do as he chooses and he chooses meat sometimes. I continue to educate but

I'm not going to force it on him. He does not get meat at home and I try to find

soy substitutes like the fake bacon which he likes. I'm hoping he comes to his

senses when he's older but for now this is the best I can do.


Everyone needs to find the best way for them. I wish you all the best in your




, " kch_in_ak " <kch_in_ak wrote:


> I went through this situation with my son when he was 5. I try not to be

overbearing about our eating habits, but informative. Husband is omni. I didn't

stress too much about it, thinking of it as a natural curiosity. I have always

packed his lunches, but his kindergarten class did a " green eggs and ham " day

and he begged to be allowed to try it, and I let him. He did like it and let me

know when he came home. He ate meat occassionally after that, mostly because it

was new and different and what dad ate, but now he's almost eight and adamantly

against meat without my (conscious) influence or deterrence. My daughter is 3

and also doesn't eat meat and shows no interest in it at all.



> , " mylameoww " <mylameoww@> wrote:

> >

> > Hi all,

> >

> > I and my 2 1/2 year old are veg...my husband is omni...the problem I am

having lately is that my son is sometimes wanting to eat meat that his dad is

eating! For the most part my husband has discouraged him from eating any of it,

but lately my son will just grab some and start eating it and really likes it!

so I am not sure how to handle this. How can I explain that he can't have it

especially when he likes it and his dad is eating it?? I know this is a tough

situation, was wondering if anyone else has dealt with this issue. I do not

think my husband is willing to give up eating meat in front of son, he only eats

it when eating out or if he cooks it himself. I'm afraid this is going to get

even worse when my MIL is coming to visit soon if she sees this happen she will

likely give him lots of meat when I am not around ( I'm having a baby any day)

> >


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Hi. You are so right. Thanks for your post.







jlavigne01 <jlavigne01


Thursday, May 14, 2009 8:48:50 AM

Re: help with eating issue?









Everyone needs to find the best way for them. I wish you all the best in your









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