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advice for insomnia?

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Hi All-

I was wondering if any of you have advice for treating insomnia. I'm 8 months

pregnant and have a history of mild-ish insomnia around this time every time I'm

pregnant, but NEVER this bad. I do not have insomnia at all on a regular basis-

only when pregnant. It's gotten so bad I'm beginning to worry about my cognitive

function- I'm sleeping maybe 2-3 hours a night for the last 3 weeks. I go to

sleep okay most of the time, but wake up at 1:21 or 1:37 (no joke) just about

every night and can't go back to sleep for hours and hours- or I lightly and

fitfully doze, which isn't restful. The little sleep I am getting is also

punctuated by waking up with my 13 month old 2 or so times a night. I then have

NO trouble getting up at 5 or 5:30, so it's not like I'm a zombie in the

morning-at least not for awhile-and I can't sleep in the a.m. anyway because I

have 3 small children to take care of!

The problem is the same at naptime- I go to sleep okay, and then wake up an hour

or so later and that's it. Naptime has always been my saving grace in terms of

catching up on missed nighttime sleep when I'm waking with little ones.

I do consume a bit of caffeine, but never more than 1-2 cups a day, and I limit

that to the morning now.

My plan is to go to Whole Foods in the a.m. to get a few things- I have done a

bit of research and plan to buy some Calms Forte etc. I'm a bit leery about

taking too many 'alternative' supplements because so many of them aren't deemed

safe for preggo women; however, at this point, I feel like I'm at the point

where I'm doing damage anyway, so I'll do some due diligence to try to suss out

what's okay and what's not on my own and hope it works. But I am interested to

know if anyoe else has some remedies or ideas I can try.









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What about the calming teas? There's a couple of celestial

sesasoning's ones I forget exactly their names, but they have

chamomile, a Tension Tamer and Sleepytime. I'm sure there's other

brands/kinds that you can find that are similar. You may want to just

run some of them past your Dr./midwife since some herbs aren't good

for you when you are pregnant, either.


If you really have it that bad, I would maybe also talk to your

Dr./midwife about taking 0.3mg of melatonin, when I'm having serious

insomnia that is the only thing that works for me, but since you are

pregnant, I have no idea if you could even take it, or if it's safe at

all if you are pregnant. (There is a liquid form by Natrol that I get

that is vegetarian -it's cherry-vanilla flavored).


And I guess the only other thing that I know that helps me as well

(which I really don't like LOL), is to go to bed earlier, if you can.

Sure stuff won't get done, or you might miss out on your spouse for a

few hours, but it's probably not getting done, or might not be as

pleasant if you're not sleeping well/at all/much at all anyway. :) It

might take a couple of nights to fix it (along with the tea, it might

just work though).


I also have trouble sleeping if it's not dark enough, so ever since

moving to Illinois (and yes it has been EVERYWHERE I have lived up

here, not just in the city proper, and where I lived/live now too in

the closer suburbs - it's crazy), I need to wear a sleep mask, or else

it is still too bright for me, and I won't be able to sleep well or

for long.

I never have this problem when I go back 'home' to Florida and stay at

my mom's house -no alleys, no alley lights, it's got few street lights

on the street mom is on and they don't bleed light everywhere, but I'm

guessing moving to my mom's house isn't something you could do right

now LOL. :)


Good luck, Hope something works for you soon!




On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 2:05 AM, jenni claire garverick

<jennigarverick wrote:



> Hi All-

> I was wondering if any of you have advice for treating insomnia. I'm 8

> months pregnant and have a history of mild-ish insomnia around this time

> every time I'm pregnant, but NEVER this bad. I do not have insomnia at all

> on a regular basis- only when pregnant. It's gotten so bad I'm beginning to

> worry about my cognitive function- I'm sleeping maybe 2-3 hours a night for

> the last 3 weeks. I go to sleep okay most of the time, but wake up at 1:21

> or 1:37 (no joke) just about every night and can't go back to sleep for

> hours and hours- or I lightly and fitfully doze, which isn't restful. The

> little sleep I am getting is also punctuated by waking up with my 13 month

> old 2 or so times a night. I then have NO trouble getting up at 5 or 5:30,

> so it's not like I'm a zombie in the morning-at least not for awhile-and I

> can't sleep in the a.m. anyway because I have 3 small children to take care

> of!

> The problem is the same at naptime- I go to sleep okay, and then wake up an

> hour or so later and that's it. Naptime has always been my saving grace in

> terms of catching up on missed nighttime sleep when I'm waking with little

> ones.

> I do consume a bit of caffeine, but never more than 1-2 cups a day, and I

> limit that to the morning now.

> My plan is to go to Whole Foods in the a.m. to get a few things- I have done

> a bit of research and plan to buy some Calms Forte etc. I'm a bit leery

> about taking too many 'alternative' supplements because so many of them

> aren't deemed safe for preggo women; however, at this point, I feel like I'm

> at the point where I'm doing damage anyway, so I'll do some due diligence to

> try to suss out what's okay and what's not on my own and hope it works. But

> I am interested to know if anyoe else has some remedies or ideas I can try.

> thanks-

> j.



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You poor thing!


I don't know if valerian is safe during preganancy, but that is my first line of

defense against insomnia.


Have you tried chamomile tea? I give it to my daughter when she can't sleep and

it works for her.






jenni claire garverick <jennigarverick


Thursday, June 4, 2009 2:05:15 AM

advice for insomnia?






Hi All-

I was wondering if any of you have advice for treating insomnia. I'm 8 months

pregnant and have a history of mild-ish insomnia around this time every time I'm

pregnant, but NEVER this bad. I do not have insomnia at all on a regular basis-

only when pregnant. It's gotten so bad I'm beginning to worry about my cognitive

function- I'm sleeping maybe 2-3 hours a night for the last 3 weeks. I go to

sleep okay most of the time, but wake up at 1:21 or 1:37 (no joke) just about

every night and can't go back to sleep for hours and hours- or I lightly and

fitfully doze, which isn't restful. The little sleep I am getting is also

punctuated by waking up with my 13 month old 2 or so times a night. I then have

NO trouble getting up at 5 or 5:30, so it's not like I'm a zombie in the

morning-at least not for awhile-and I can't sleep in the a.m. anyway because I

have 3 small children to take care of!

The problem is the same at naptime- I go to sleep okay, and then wake up an hour

or so later and that's it. Naptime has always been my saving grace in terms of

catching up on missed nighttime sleep when I'm waking with little ones.

I do consume a bit of caffeine, but never more than 1-2 cups a day, and I limit

that to the morning now.

My plan is to go to Whole Foods in the a.m. to get a few things- I have done a

bit of research and plan to buy some Calms Forte etc. I'm a bit leery about

taking too many 'alternative' supplements because so many of them aren't deemed

safe for preggo women; however, at this point, I feel like I'm at the point

where I'm doing damage anyway, so I'll do some due diligence to try to suss out

what's okay and what's not on my own and hope it works. But I am interested to

know if anyoe else has some remedies or ideas I can try.





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Let's see. That's  several suggestions for valerian and chamomile. Chamomile I

KNOW is okay- and I couldn't believe it when I looked in the pantry and found I

was out! I did try some Mother's Milk tea, which I've found calming in the past

and it certainly didn't hurt. But I definitely need to stock up on some

chamomile. Valerian I'm thinking is NOT okay, but I'm going to do some research

and I'll let you all know what I find out. Melatonin I've tried (slight problem

going to sleep in college because I worked late at night) and it didn't really

work for me, which I've read is a common problem with melatonin.

I definitely think that my sleep schedule is wacky enough to be causing

problems. I spent many months sleeping TOO much- 9,10  hours when combining

nap+nighttime. But I figured I was pregnant and needed it so didn't think much

of it. Now I think I've gone to the opposite extreme- part of it is probably the

nesting thing and hormones- must get stuff done!- but I think I'm also paranoid

about not being able to sleep so I put it off because I figure what's the point?

I'll just be up again in an hour or two anyway.

Hmm. Well, I've got some things to try, some research to do. Thanks for all the







Missie <mszzzi


Thursday, June 4, 2009 10:23:12 AM

Re: advice for insomnia?






What about the calming teas? There's a couple of celestial

sesasoning's ones I forget exactly their names, but they have

chamomile, a Tension Tamer and Sleepytime. I'm sure there's other

brands/kinds that you can find that are similar. You may want to just

run some of them past your Dr./midwife since some herbs aren't good

for you when you are pregnant, either.


If you really have it that bad, I would maybe also talk to your

Dr./midwife about taking 0.3mg of melatonin, when I'm having serious

insomnia that is the only thing that works for me, but since you are

pregnant, I have no idea if you could even take it, or if it's safe at

all if you are pregnant. (There is a liquid form by Natrol that I get

that is vegetarian -it's cherry-vanilla flavored).


And I guess the only other thing that I know that helps me as well

(which I really don't like LOL), is to go to bed earlier, if you can.

Sure stuff won't get done, or you might miss out on your spouse for a

few hours, but it's probably not getting done, or might not be as

pleasant if you're not sleeping well/at all/much at all anyway. :) It

might take a couple of nights to fix it (along with the tea, it might

just work though).


I also have trouble sleeping if it's not dark enough, so ever since

moving to Illinois (and yes it has been EVERYWHERE I have lived up

here, not just in the city proper, and where I lived/live now too in

the closer suburbs - it's crazy), I need to wear a sleep mask, or else

it is still too bright for me, and I won't be able to sleep well or

for long.

I never have this problem when I go back 'home' to Florida and stay at

my mom's house -no alleys, no alley lights, it's got few street lights

on the street mom is on and they don't bleed light everywhere, but I'm

guessing moving to my mom's house isn't something you could do right

now LOL. :)


Good luck, Hope something works for you soon!



On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 2:05 AM, jenni claire garverick

<jennigarverick@ > wrote:



> Hi All-

> I was wondering if any of you have advice for treating insomnia. I'm 8

> months pregnant and have a history of mild-ish insomnia around this time

> every time I'm pregnant, but NEVER this bad. I do not have insomnia at all

> on a regular basis- only when pregnant. It's gotten so bad I'm beginning to

> worry about my cognitive function- I'm sleeping maybe 2-3 hours a night for

> the last 3 weeks. I go to sleep okay most of the time, but wake up at 1:21

> or 1:37 (no joke) just about every night and can't go back to sleep for

> hours and hours- or I lightly and fitfully doze, which isn't restful. The

> little sleep I am getting is also punctuated by waking up with my 13 month

> old 2 or so times a night. I then have NO trouble getting up at 5 or 5:30,

> so it's not like I'm a zombie in the morning-at least not for awhile-and I

> can't sleep in the a.m. anyway because I have 3 small children to take care

> of!

> The problem is the same at naptime- I go to sleep okay, and then wake up an

> hour or so later and that's it. Naptime has always been my saving grace in

> terms of catching up on missed nighttime sleep when I'm waking with little

> ones.

> I do consume a bit of caffeine, but never more than 1-2 cups a day, and I

> limit that to the morning now.

> My plan is to go to Whole Foods in the a.m. to get a few things- I have done

> a bit of research and plan to buy some Calms Forte etc. I'm a bit leery

> about taking too many 'alternative' supplements because so many of them

> aren't deemed safe for preggo women; however, at this point, I feel like I'm

> at the point where I'm doing damage anyway, so I'll do some due diligence to

> try to suss out what's okay and what's not on my own and hope it works. But

> I am interested to know if anyoe else has some remedies or ideas I can try.

> thanks-

> j.



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I've been having trouble " staying " asleep at night. I go to sleep fine, but I

would wake up several times. Valerian is a natural herb and works really well

for me (and my husband). I would double check on using it during pregnancy.


, jenni claire garverick <jennigarverick



> Hi All-

> I was wondering if any of you have advice for treating insomnia. I'm 8 months

pregnant and have a history of mild-ish insomnia around this time every time I'm

pregnant, but NEVER this bad. I do not have insomnia at all on a regular basis-

only when pregnant. It's gotten so bad I'm beginning to worry about my cognitive

function- I'm sleeping maybe 2-3 hours a night for the last 3 weeks. I go to

sleep okay most of the time, but wake up at 1:21 or 1:37 (no joke) just about

every night and can't go back to sleep for hours and hours- or I lightly and

fitfully doze, which isn't restful. The little sleep I am getting is also

punctuated by waking up with my 13 month old 2 or so times a night. I then have

NO trouble getting up at 5 or 5:30, so it's not like I'm a zombie in the

morning-at least not for awhile-and I can't sleep in the a.m. anyway because I

have 3 small children to take care of!

> The problem is the same at naptime- I go to sleep okay, and then wake up an

hour or so later and that's it. Naptime has always been my saving grace in terms

of catching up on missed nighttime sleep when I'm waking with little ones.

> I do consume a bit of caffeine, but never more than 1-2 cups a day, and I

limit that to the morning now.

> My plan is to go to Whole Foods in the a.m. to get a few things- I have done a

bit of research and plan to buy some Calms Forte etc. I'm a bit leery about

taking too many 'alternative' supplements because so many of them aren't deemed

safe for preggo women; however, at this point, I feel like I'm at the point

where I'm doing damage anyway, so I'll do some due diligence to try to suss out

what's okay and what's not on my own and hope it works. But I am interested to

know if anyoe else has some remedies or ideas I can try.

> thanks-

> j.







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Hi All-

I did do some research last night, and the jury on valerian appears to be out.

Some places said  yes, yes, yes during pregnancy, others said no way. So I'm

going to continue to look in my usual places for this kind of info. The good

news is it was NOT on Linda Rector-Page's list of 'Do Not Takes'  during

pregnancy- and she's about my most reliable resource. Some of what I found

invloved rat research, so I'm going to ask my brother about the more technical

info (he's in med school). Currently, valerian is classified as a 'B' risk level

drug, (like acetaminophen, etc.), so that's a good sign.

One interesting thing I did find out is that the medicinal dose of chamomile is

FOUR teabags per cup of hot water! Whoa! So, I'm going to the store and will

stock up and try that first and see if I can get some help from chamomile.

thanks again-







Angela <angel.nail

" "

Friday, June 5, 2009 3:06:19 PM

Re: advice for insomnia?






Valerian is good but I don't know about taking it whilst pregnant. My

remedy for sleeplessness is a bit strange but generally works for me.

If I can't turn my brain off I look at my eyelids. With my eyes closed

I look at the darkness of my eyelids. I usually start dreaming and

then I wake up the next morning! For some reason it completely relaxes

me. Also camomile tea just before bed?

Hope it gets better. Ange.

Sent from my iPod


On 04/06/2009, at 5:05 PM, jenni claire garverick <jennigarverick@

> wrote:




> Hi All-

> I was wondering if any of you have advice for treating insomnia. I'm

> 8 months pregnant and have a history of mild-ish insomnia around

> this time every time I'm pregnant, but NEVER this bad. I do not have

> insomnia at all on a regular basis- only when pregnant. It's gotten

> so bad I'm beginning to worry about my cognitive function- I'm

> sleeping maybe 2-3 hours a night for the last 3 weeks. I go to sleep

> okay most of the time, but wake up at 1:21 or 1:37 (no joke) just

> about every night and can't go back to sleep for hours and hours- or

> I lightly and fitfully doze, which isn't restful. The little sleep I

> am getting is also punctuated by waking up with my 13 month old 2 or

> so times a night. I then have NO trouble getting up at 5 or 5:30, so

> it's not like I'm a zombie in the morning-at least not for awhile-

> and I can't sleep in the a.m. anyway because I have 3 small children

> to take care of!

> The problem is the same at naptime- I go to sleep okay, and then

> wake up an hour or so later and that's it. Naptime has always been

> my saving grace in terms of catching up on missed nighttime sleep

> when I'm waking with little ones.

> I do consume a bit of caffeine, but never more than 1-2 cups a day,

> and I limit that to the morning now.

> My plan is to go to Whole Foods in the a.m. to get a few things- I

> have done a bit of research and plan to buy some Calms Forte etc.

> I'm a bit leery about taking too many 'alternative' supplements

> because so many of them aren't deemed safe for preggo women;

> however, at this point, I feel like I'm at the point where I'm doing

> damage anyway, so I'll do some due diligence to try to suss out

> what's okay and what's not on my own and hope it works. But I am

> interested to know if anyoe else has some remedies or ideas I can try.

> thanks-

> j.



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I understand completely. I had trouble sleeping in the last few months of

pregnancy. Have you tried sleeping elsewhere, like on the couch? Or maybe with a

TV on. Sometimes those little differences help me, I am not sure why. Also, try

cutting out the caffeine for a few days to see if that helps. Even though it is

only in the morning, it may be affecting you. Not sure if you consume milk or

not, but I have heard that warm milk helps people sleep. If you wake up, maybe

make a cup and drink it. Or read. If I am super tired, reading will put me to

sleep. Hope you find something that helps. I have not slept all night in nearly

4 years, so I can relate!


, jenni claire garverick <jennigarverick



> Hi All-

> I was wondering if any of you have advice for treating insomnia. I'm 8 months

pregnant and have a history of mild-ish insomnia around this time every time I'm

pregnant, but NEVER this bad. I do not have insomnia at all on a regular basis-

only when pregnant. It's gotten so bad I'm beginning to worry about my cognitive

function- I'm sleeping maybe 2-3 hours a night for the last 3 weeks. I go to

sleep okay most of the time, but wake up at 1:21 or 1:37 (no joke) just about

every night and can't go back to sleep for hours and hours- or I lightly and

fitfully doze, which isn't restful. The little sleep I am getting is also

punctuated by waking up with my 13 month old 2 or so times a night. I then have

NO trouble getting up at 5 or 5:30, so it's not like I'm a zombie in the

morning-at least not for awhile-and I can't sleep in the a.m. anyway because I

have 3 small children to take care of!

> The problem is the same at naptime- I go to sleep okay, and then wake up an

hour or so later and that's it. Naptime has always been my saving grace in terms

of catching up on missed nighttime sleep when I'm waking with little ones.

> I do consume a bit of caffeine, but never more than 1-2 cups a day, and I

limit that to the morning now.

> My plan is to go to Whole Foods in the a.m. to get a few things- I have done a

bit of research and plan to buy some Calms Forte etc. I'm a bit leery about

taking too many 'alternative' supplements because so many of them aren't deemed

safe for preggo women; however, at this point, I feel like I'm at the point

where I'm doing damage anyway, so I'll do some due diligence to try to suss out

what's okay and what's not on my own and hope it works. But I am interested to

know if anyoe else has some remedies or ideas I can try.

> thanks-

> j.







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I got so desperate last night, I thought about going on the bottom part of my

daughter's loft bed. The problem is that we have a 13 month old that sleeps with

us- and still wakes up 2 or so times a night to eat. I did think about cutting

out the caffeine completely, but I'm so tired that seems  impossible for the

moment. I can't drink wine; coffee's one of my few vices/pleasures!!! Reading is

a good idea; I did leave the tv on for a bit last night and woke up later, so I

guess I did fall asleep with it on.

What is it about parenthood that causes us not to sleep. I call becoming a mom

" The end of all worry-free days " because it seems like you're never free of the

worry about one thing or another, and it's one thing no one ever warns you

about. I haven't slept all night since becoming a parent, either- although we

keep having babies and that certainly doesn't help. But the 'good old days' of 5

or 6 hours of sleep a night sound like heaven at the moment.

I bought both 'nighty night' and straight chamomile tea at the store, so I'm

trying out the medicinal dose of 4 teabags. Hope it a)doesn't taste like dirt,

and b)works.

thanks again everyone!






itshotinjt04 <itshotinjt04


Friday, June 5, 2009 8:02:53 AM

Re: advice for insomnia?






I understand completely. I had trouble sleeping in the last few months of

pregnancy. Have you tried sleeping elsewhere, like on the couch? Or maybe with a

TV on. Sometimes those little differences help me, I am not sure why. Also, try

cutting out the caffeine for a few days to see if that helps. Even though it is

only in the morning, it may be affecting you. Not sure if you consume milk or

not, but I have heard that warm milk helps people sleep. If you wake up, maybe

make a cup and drink it. Or read. If I am super tired, reading will put me to

sleep. Hope you find something that helps. I have not slept all night in nearly

4 years, so I can relate!


@gro ups.com, jenni claire garverick <jennigarverick@ ...>



> Hi All-

> I was wondering if any of you have advice for treating insomnia. I'm 8 months

pregnant and have a history of mild-ish insomnia around this time every time I'm

pregnant, but NEVER this bad. I do not have insomnia at all on a regular basis-

only when pregnant. It's gotten so bad I'm beginning to worry about my cognitive

function- I'm sleeping maybe 2-3 hours a night for the last 3 weeks. I go to

sleep okay most of the time, but wake up at 1:21 or 1:37 (no joke) just about

every night and can't go back to sleep for hours and hours- or I lightly and

fitfully doze, which isn't restful. The little sleep I am getting is also

punctuated by waking up with my 13 month old 2 or so times a night. I then have

NO trouble getting up at 5 or 5:30, so it's not like I'm a zombie in the

morning-at least not for awhile-and I can't sleep in the a.m. anyway because I

have 3 small children to take care of!

> The problem is the same at naptime- I go to sleep okay, and then wake up an

hour or so later and that's it. Naptime has always been my saving grace in terms

of catching up on missed nighttime sleep when I'm waking with little ones.

> I do consume a bit of caffeine, but never more than 1-2 cups a day, and I

limit that to the morning now.

> My plan is to go to Whole Foods in the a.m. to get a few things- I have done a

bit of research and plan to buy some Calms Forte etc. I'm a bit leery about

taking too many 'alternative' supplements because so many of them aren't deemed

safe for preggo women; however, at this point, I feel like I'm at the point

where I'm doing damage anyway, so I'll do some due diligence to try to suss out

what's okay and what's not on my own and hope it works. But I am interested to

know if anyoe else has some remedies or ideas I can try.

> thanks-

> j.







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Valerian is good but I don't know about taking it whilst pregnant. My

remedy for sleeplessness is a bit strange but generally works for me.

If I can't turn my brain off I look at my eyelids. With my eyes closed

I look at the darkness of my eyelids. I usually start dreaming and

then I wake up the next morning! For some reason it completely relaxes

me. Also camomile tea just before bed?

Hope it gets better. Ange.

Sent from my iPod


On 04/06/2009, at 5:05 PM, jenni claire garverick <jennigarverick

> wrote:




> Hi All-

> I was wondering if any of you have advice for treating insomnia. I'm

> 8 months pregnant and have a history of mild-ish insomnia around

> this time every time I'm pregnant, but NEVER this bad. I do not have

> insomnia at all on a regular basis- only when pregnant. It's gotten

> so bad I'm beginning to worry about my cognitive function- I'm

> sleeping maybe 2-3 hours a night for the last 3 weeks. I go to sleep

> okay most of the time, but wake up at 1:21 or 1:37 (no joke) just

> about every night and can't go back to sleep for hours and hours- or

> I lightly and fitfully doze, which isn't restful. The little sleep I

> am getting is also punctuated by waking up with my 13 month old 2 or

> so times a night. I then have NO trouble getting up at 5 or 5:30, so

> it's not like I'm a zombie in the morning-at least not for awhile-

> and I can't sleep in the a.m. anyway because I have 3 small children

> to take care of!

> The problem is the same at naptime- I go to sleep okay, and then

> wake up an hour or so later and that's it. Naptime has always been

> my saving grace in terms of catching up on missed nighttime sleep

> when I'm waking with little ones.

> I do consume a bit of caffeine, but never more than 1-2 cups a day,

> and I limit that to the morning now.

> My plan is to go to Whole Foods in the a.m. to get a few things- I

> have done a bit of research and plan to buy some Calms Forte etc.

> I'm a bit leery about taking too many 'alternative' supplements

> because so many of them aren't deemed safe for preggo women;

> however, at this point, I feel like I'm at the point where I'm doing

> damage anyway, so I'll do some due diligence to try to suss out

> what's okay and what's not on my own and hope it works. But I am

> interested to know if anyoe else has some remedies or ideas I can try.

> thanks-

> j.



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I feel your pain. I haven't slept since my 7th month pregnant with my now almost

20 month old. She still wakes up 3 times a night (not sure why) and now that I'm

pregnant again I can't even sleep for the short amount of time I get to spend in

my own bed. I don't do this nearly enough, but I'll pass the advice along

anyway. I noticed that it gets to the point that you are waking up at almost the

exact same time every night like you are, that even though you may not notice it

you are probably thinking about waking up at that time. When you're lying in

bed, try to visualize waking up at a different time. It sounds really goofy but

you can totally tell your head/body what you want it to do. I hope it works for

you. (I need to do it tonight.)


, jenni claire garverick <jennigarverick



> I got so desperate last night, I thought about going on the bottom part of my

daughter's loft bed. The problem is that we have a 13 month old that sleeps with

us- and still wakes up 2 or so times a night to eat. I did think about cutting

out the caffeine completely, but I'm so tired that seems  impossible for the

moment. I can't drink wine; coffee's one of my few vices/pleasures!!! Reading is

a good idea; I did leave the tv on for a bit last night and woke up later, so I

guess I did fall asleep with it on.

> What is it about parenthood that causes us not to sleep. I call becoming a mom

" The end of all worry-free days " because it seems like you're never free of the

worry about one thing or another, and it's one thing no one ever warns you

about. I haven't slept all night since becoming a parent, either- although we

keep having babies and that certainly doesn't help. But the 'good old days' of 5

or 6 hours of sleep a night sound like heaven at the moment.

> I bought both 'nighty night' and straight chamomile tea at the store, so I'm

trying out the medicinal dose of 4 teabags. Hope it a)doesn't taste like dirt,

and b)works.

> thanks again everyone!

> j.




> ________________________________

> itshotinjt04 <itshotinjt04


> Friday, June 5, 2009 8:02:53 AM

> Re: advice for insomnia?






> I understand completely. I had trouble sleeping in the last few months of

pregnancy. Have you tried sleeping elsewhere, like on the couch? Or maybe with a

TV on. Sometimes those little differences help me, I am not sure why. Also, try

cutting out the caffeine for a few days to see if that helps. Even though it is

only in the morning, it may be affecting you. Not sure if you consume milk or

not, but I have heard that warm milk helps people sleep. If you wake up, maybe

make a cup and drink it. Or read. If I am super tired, reading will put me to

sleep. Hope you find something that helps. I have not slept all night in nearly

4 years, so I can relate!


> @gro ups.com, jenni claire garverick <jennigarverick@

....> wrote:

> >

> > Hi All-

> > I was wondering if any of you have advice for treating insomnia. I'm 8

months pregnant and have a history of mild-ish insomnia around this time every

time I'm pregnant, but NEVER this bad. I do not have insomnia at all on a

regular basis- only when pregnant. It's gotten so bad I'm beginning to worry

about my cognitive function- I'm sleeping maybe 2-3 hours a night for the last 3

weeks. I go to sleep okay most of the time, but wake up at 1:21 or 1:37 (no

joke) just about every night and can't go back to sleep for hours and hours- or

I lightly and fitfully doze, which isn't restful. The little sleep I am getting

is also punctuated by waking up with my 13 month old 2 or so times a night. I

then have NO trouble getting up at 5 or 5:30, so it's not like I'm a zombie in

the morning-at least not for awhile-and I can't sleep in the a.m. anyway because

I have 3 small children to take care of!

> > The problem is the same at naptime- I go to sleep okay, and then wake up an

hour or so later and that's it. Naptime has always been my saving grace in terms

of catching up on missed nighttime sleep when I'm waking with little ones.

> > I do consume a bit of caffeine, but never more than 1-2 cups a day, and I

limit that to the morning now.

> > My plan is to go to Whole Foods in the a.m. to get a few things- I have done

a bit of research and plan to buy some Calms Forte etc. I'm a bit leery about

taking too many 'alternative' supplements because so many of them aren't deemed

safe for preggo women; however, at this point, I feel like I'm at the point

where I'm doing damage anyway, so I'll do some due diligence to try to suss out

what's okay and what's not on my own and hope it works. But I am interested to

know if anyoe else has some remedies or ideas I can try.

> > thanks-

> > j.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Guest guest

I haven't read if anyone has suggested this........ but 'Bach - Original Flower

Esssences' line has some stuff for you. There is the RESCUE REMEMDY as a

natural stress relief and he also has a 'helping to sleep' spray that you spray

on your tonge.

People swear by this stuff. I have found that it works farily okay.

Good Luck - I also agree with the calming teas..... Yogi Teas OR the Or the

other kind that is by a Doctor ( I'm blanking out...)


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Guest guest

Hi sleepy mommas and group, I just joined! I was wondering if since you stated

you do still drink a little caffeine (not to pick on your few remaining simple

pleasures!) are you nursing? Your lil one could be having difficulty staying

asleep at night from any caffeine passing through your milk. I realized this

when I was drinking those trader joes green teas that come on blueberry and

pomegranate. yummy but bad for sleep for both me and the baby. Maybe look into

the mothering groups on too? Here's to getting whatever sleep you can get,

wherever and whenever it may be!





, jenni claire garverick <jennigarverick



> I got so desperate last night, I thought about going on the bottom part of my

daughter's loft bed. The problem is that we have a 13 month old that sleeps with

us- and still wakes up 2 or so times a night to eat. I did think about cutting

out the caffeine completely, but I'm so tired that seems impossible for the

moment. I can't drink wine; coffee's one of my few vices/pleasures!!! Reading is

a good idea; I did leave the tv on for a bit last night and woke up later, so I

guess I did fall asleep with it on.

> What is it about parenthood that causes us not to sleep. I call becoming a mom

" The end of all worry-free days " because it seems like you're never free of the

worry about one thing or another, and it's one thing no one ever warns you

about. I haven't slept all night since becoming a parent, either- although we

keep having babies and that certainly doesn't help. But the 'good old days' of 5

or 6 hours of sleep a night sound like heaven at the moment.

> I bought both 'nighty night' and straight chamomile tea at the store, so I'm

trying out the medicinal dose of 4 teabags. Hope it a)doesn't taste like dirt,

and b)works.

> thanks again everyone!

> j.




> ________________________________

> itshotinjt04 <itshotinjt04


> Friday, June 5, 2009 8:02:53 AM

> Re: advice for insomnia?






> I understand completely. I had trouble sleeping in the last few months of

pregnancy. Have you tried sleeping elsewhere, like on the couch? Or maybe with a

TV on. Sometimes those little differences help me, I am not sure why. Also, try

cutting out the caffeine for a few days to see if that helps. Even though it is

only in the morning, it may be affecting you. Not sure if you consume milk or

not, but I have heard that warm milk helps people sleep. If you wake up, maybe

make a cup and drink it. Or read. If I am super tired, reading will put me to

sleep. Hope you find something that helps. I have not slept all night in nearly

4 years, so I can relate!


> @gro ups.com, jenni claire garverick <jennigarverick@

....> wrote:

> >

> > Hi All-

> > I was wondering if any of you have advice for treating insomnia. I'm 8

months pregnant and have a history of mild-ish insomnia around this time every

time I'm pregnant, but NEVER this bad. I do not have insomnia at all on a

regular basis- only when pregnant. It's gotten so bad I'm beginning to worry

about my cognitive function- I'm sleeping maybe 2-3 hours a night for the last 3

weeks. I go to sleep okay most of the time, but wake up at 1:21 or 1:37 (no

joke) just about every night and can't go back to sleep for hours and hours- or

I lightly and fitfully doze, which isn't restful. The little sleep I am getting

is also punctuated by waking up with my 13 month old 2 or so times a night. I

then have NO trouble getting up at 5 or 5:30, so it's not like I'm a zombie in

the morning-at least not for awhile-and I can't sleep in the a.m. anyway because

I have 3 small children to take care of!

> > The problem is the same at naptime- I go to sleep okay, and then wake up an

hour or so later and that's it. Naptime has always been my saving grace in terms

of catching up on missed nighttime sleep when I'm waking with little ones.

> > I do consume a bit of caffeine, but never more than 1-2 cups a day, and I

limit that to the morning now.

> > My plan is to go to Whole Foods in the a.m. to get a few things- I have done

a bit of research and plan to buy some Calms Forte etc. I'm a bit leery about

taking too many 'alternative' supplements because so many of them aren't deemed

safe for preggo women; however, at this point, I feel like I'm at the point

where I'm doing damage anyway, so I'll do some due diligence to try to suss out

what's okay and what's not on my own and hope it works. But I am interested to

know if anyoe else has some remedies or ideas I can try.

> > thanks-

> > j.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Guest guest

That actually makes a lot of sense. I'm one of those people who doesn't need an

alarm clock- like Kramer on Seinfeld (except mine works better than his!). I

tell myself what time to wake up and I generally get it -no kidding- within 1-2

minutes. I did try the celestial seasonings' 'sleepy time' tea -at half the

medicinal dose (2 tea bags per cup of hot water)- and it worked really well the

first night. Not so much the second night. I'm going to try the straight

chamomile tonight at the full medicinal dose of 4 teabags and see what happens.

I haven't tried the valerian because it seems like I can't get reliable info on

whether it's okay when preggo. and I'm not so desperate as to give up my morning


So I'm going to try your suggestion tonight and I'll let you know how it goes.







food4u1575 <dana.sommers


Sunday, June 7, 2009 3:17:36 AM

Re: advice for insomnia?






I feel your pain. I haven't slept since my 7th month pregnant with my now almost

20 month old. She still wakes up 3 times a night (not sure why) and now that I'm

pregnant again I can't even sleep for the short amount of time I get to spend in

my own bed. I don't do this nearly enough, but I'll pass the advice along

anyway. I noticed that it gets to the point that you are waking up at almost the

exact same time every night like you are, that even though you may not notice it

you are probably thinking about waking up at that time. When you're lying in

bed, try to visualize waking up at a different time. It sounds really goofy but

you can totally tell your head/body what you want it to do. I hope it works for

you. (I need to do it tonight.)


@gro ups.com, jenni claire garverick <jennigarverick@ ...>



> I got so desperate last night, I thought about going on the bottom part of my

daughter's loft bed. The problem is that we have a 13 month old that sleeps with

us- and still wakes up 2 or so times a night to eat. I did think about cutting

out the caffeine completely, but I'm so tired that seems  impossible for the

moment. I can't drink wine; coffee's one of my few vices/pleasures! !! Reading

is a good idea; I did leave the tv on for a bit last night and woke up later, so

I guess I did fall asleep with it on.

> What is it about parenthood that causes us not to sleep. I call becoming a mom

" The end of all worry-free days " because it seems like you're never free of the

worry about one thing or another, and it's one thing no one ever warns you

about. I haven't slept all night since becoming a parent, either- although we

keep having babies and that certainly doesn't help. But the 'good old days' of 5

or 6 hours of sleep a night sound like heaven at the moment.

> I bought both 'nighty night' and straight chamomile tea at the store, so I'm

trying out the medicinal dose of 4 teabags. Hope it a)doesn't taste like dirt,

and b)works.

> thanks again everyone!

> j.




> ____________ _________ _________ __

> itshotinjt04 <itshotinjt04@ ...>

> @gro ups.com

> Friday, June 5, 2009 8:02:53 AM

> Re: advice for insomnia?






> I understand completely. I had trouble sleeping in the last few months of

pregnancy. Have you tried sleeping elsewhere, like on the couch? Or maybe with a

TV on. Sometimes those little differences help me, I am not sure why. Also, try

cutting out the caffeine for a few days to see if that helps. Even though it is

only in the morning, it may be affecting you. Not sure if you consume milk or

not, but I have heard that warm milk helps people sleep. If you wake up, maybe

make a cup and drink it. Or read. If I am super tired, reading will put me to

sleep. Hope you find something that helps. I have not slept all night in nearly

4 years, so I can relate!


> @gro ups.com, jenni claire garverick <jennigarverick@

....> wrote:

> >

> > Hi All-

> > I was wondering if any of you have advice for treating insomnia. I'm 8

months pregnant and have a history of mild-ish insomnia around this time every

time I'm pregnant, but NEVER this bad. I do not have insomnia at all on a

regular basis- only when pregnant. It's gotten so bad I'm beginning to worry

about my cognitive function- I'm sleeping maybe 2-3 hours a night for the last 3

weeks. I go to sleep okay most of the time, but wake up at 1:21 or 1:37 (no

joke) just about every night and can't go back to sleep for hours and hours- or

I lightly and fitfully doze, which isn't restful. The little sleep I am getting

is also punctuated by waking up with my 13 month old 2 or so times a night. I

then have NO trouble getting up at 5 or 5:30, so it's not like I'm a zombie in

the morning-at least not for awhile-and I can't sleep in the a.m. anyway because

I have 3 small children to take care of!

> > The problem is the same at naptime- I go to sleep okay, and then wake up an

hour or so later and that's it. Naptime has always been my saving grace in terms

of catching up on missed nighttime sleep when I'm waking with little ones.

> > I do consume a bit of caffeine, but never more than 1-2 cups a day, and I

limit that to the morning now.

> > My plan is to go to Whole Foods in the a.m. to get a few things- I have done

a bit of research and plan to buy some Calms Forte etc. I'm a bit leery about

taking too many 'alternative' supplements because so many of them aren't deemed

safe for preggo women; however, at this point, I feel like I'm at the point

where I'm doing damage anyway, so I'll do some due diligence to try to suss out

what's okay and what's not on my own and hope it works. But I am interested to

know if anyoe else has some remedies or ideas I can try.

> > thanks-

> > j.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Guest guest

Thanks for the suggestion. I used Bach's Rescue remedy probably 15 years ago,

and found it worked okay for me, but not great. I don't think I ever tried the

sleep stuff, so I'll look into it.

I think I have decided to throw caution to the wind and try valerian. I got some

tea tonight made for sleep (Good Earth, I think) that's valerian and also

chamomile, etc. The thing that finally swayed me was the fact that the European

Pharmacopaea (I have no idea if I'm spelling it right) has listed valerian as

perfectly okay when  pregnant...seems that they've actually TESTED these things

on preggo ladies. I find it very interesting that we have no trouble testing

drugs on pregnant ladies, but herbs??? No, we can't do THAT. I digress, this is

a subject for another post.








Nicki <nalexander


Sunday, June 7, 2009 2:13:43 PM

Re: advice for insomnia?






I haven't read if anyone has suggested this........ but 'Bach - Original Flower

Esssences' line has some stuff for you. There is the RESCUE REMEMDY as a natural

stress relief and he also has a 'helping to sleep' spray that you spray on your


People swear by this stuff. I have found that it works farily okay.

Good Luck - I also agree with the calming teas..... Yogi Teas OR the Or the

other kind that is by a Doctor ( I'm blanking out...)










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Nope, not nursing anymore- her choice,  not mine. She wakes between 0-3 times a

night, depending, about the same as my other kids at this age. For some reason

16 months seems to be the cutoff around here for night waking-after that it gets

much better. Hopefully she'll be the same. Unfortunately, the 'new' baby will be

along well before then so perhaps I should be thankful for the practice

(sarcastic). Luckily my husband will be home for a good month after she's born,

so I'll be able to sneak some extra naps while he does  'big kid' patrol.








ecnegrevnoc <ecnegrevnoc


Sunday, June 7, 2009 2:19:58 PM

Re: advice for insomnia?






Hi sleepy mommas and group, I just joined! I was wondering if since you stated

you do still drink a little caffeine (not to pick on your few remaining simple

pleasures!) are you nursing? Your lil one could be having difficulty staying

asleep at night from any caffeine passing through your milk. I realized this

when I was drinking those trader joes green teas that come on blueberry and

pomegranate. yummy but bad for sleep for both me and the baby. Maybe look into

the mothering groups on too? Here's to getting whatever sleep you can get,

wherever and whenever it may be!


@gro ups.com, jenni claire garverick <jennigarverick@ ...>



> I got so desperate last night, I thought about going on the bottom part of my

daughter's loft bed. The problem is that we have a 13 month old that sleeps with

us- and still wakes up 2 or so times a night to eat. I did think about cutting

out the caffeine completely, but I'm so tired that seems impossible for the

moment. I can't drink wine; coffee's one of my few vices/pleasures! !! Reading

is a good idea; I did leave the tv on for a bit last night and woke up later, so

I guess I did fall asleep with it on.

> What is it about parenthood that causes us not to sleep. I call becoming a mom

" The end of all worry-free days " because it seems like you're never free of the

worry about one thing or another, and it's one thing no one ever warns you

about. I haven't slept all night since becoming a parent, either- although we

keep having babies and that certainly doesn't help. But the 'good old days' of 5

or 6 hours of sleep a night sound like heaven at the moment.

> I bought both 'nighty night' and straight chamomile tea at the store, so I'm

trying out the medicinal dose of 4 teabags. Hope it a)doesn't taste like dirt,

and b)works.

> thanks again everyone!

> j.




> ____________ _________ _________ __

> itshotinjt04 <itshotinjt04@ ...>

> @gro ups.com

> Friday, June 5, 2009 8:02:53 AM

> Re: advice for insomnia?






> I understand completely. I had trouble sleeping in the last few months of

pregnancy. Have you tried sleeping elsewhere, like on the couch? Or maybe with a

TV on. Sometimes those little differences help me, I am not sure why. Also, try

cutting out the caffeine for a few days to see if that helps. Even though it is

only in the morning, it may be affecting you. Not sure if you consume milk or

not, but I have heard that warm milk helps people sleep. If you wake up, maybe

make a cup and drink it. Or read. If I am super tired, reading will put me to

sleep. Hope you find something that helps. I have not slept all night in nearly

4 years, so I can relate!


> @gro ups.com, jenni claire garverick <jennigarverick@

....> wrote:

> >

> > Hi All-

> > I was wondering if any of you have advice for treating insomnia. I'm 8

months pregnant and have a history of mild-ish insomnia around this time every

time I'm pregnant, but NEVER this bad. I do not have insomnia at all on a

regular basis- only when pregnant. It's gotten so bad I'm beginning to worry

about my cognitive function- I'm sleeping maybe 2-3 hours a night for the last 3

weeks. I go to sleep okay most of the time, but wake up at 1:21 or 1:37 (no

joke) just about every night and can't go back to sleep for hours and hours- or

I lightly and fitfully doze, which isn't restful. The little sleep I am getting

is also punctuated by waking up with my 13 month old 2 or so times a night. I

then have NO trouble getting up at 5 or 5:30, so it's not like I'm a zombie in

the morning-at least not for awhile-and I can't sleep in the a.m. anyway because

I have 3 small children to take care of!

> > The problem is the same at naptime- I go to sleep okay, and then wake up an

hour or so later and that's it. Naptime has always been my saving grace in terms

of catching up on missed nighttime sleep when I'm waking with little ones.

> > I do consume a bit of caffeine, but never more than 1-2 cups a day, and I

limit that to the morning now.

> > My plan is to go to Whole Foods in the a.m. to get a few things- I have done

a bit of research and plan to buy some Calms Forte etc. I'm a bit leery about

taking too many 'alternative' supplements because so many of them aren't deemed

safe for preggo women; however, at this point, I feel like I'm at the point

where I'm doing damage anyway, so I'll do some due diligence to try to suss out

what's okay and what's not on my own and hope it works. But I am interested to

know if anyoe else has some remedies or ideas I can try.

> > thanks-

> > j.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Guest guest

I forgot to include my experience with valerian. Since my little one has issues

sleeping I've tried just about every remedy people have recommended for helping

kids sleep. (including soothing music, chamomile tea, rescue remedy and on, and

on.) On the advice of someone at a a local health food store, I tried a mini

dose of valerian for her. She freaked! The entire night she was up screaming and

crying almost inconsolably. Everyone's system works differently so I don't want

to scare you but that's what happened with us.


, jenni claire garverick <jennigarverick



> That actually makes a lot of sense. I'm one of those people who doesn't need

an alarm clock- like Kramer on Seinfeld (except mine works better than his!). I

tell myself what time to wake up and I generally get it -no kidding- within 1-2

minutes. I did try the celestial seasonings' 'sleepy time' tea -at half the

medicinal dose (2 tea bags per cup of hot water)- and it worked really well the

first night. Not so much the second night. I'm going to try the straight

chamomile tonight at the full medicinal dose of 4 teabags and see what happens.

I haven't tried the valerian because it seems like I can't get reliable info on

whether it's okay when preggo. and I'm not so desperate as to give up my morning


> So I'm going to try your suggestion tonight and I'll let you know how it goes.

> j.





> ________________________________

> food4u1575 <dana.sommers


> Sunday, June 7, 2009 3:17:36 AM

> Re: advice for insomnia?






> I feel your pain. I haven't slept since my 7th month pregnant with my now

almost 20 month old. She still wakes up 3 times a night (not sure why) and now

that I'm pregnant again I can't even sleep for the short amount of time I get to

spend in my own bed. I don't do this nearly enough, but I'll pass the advice

along anyway. I noticed that it gets to the point that you are waking up at

almost the exact same time every night like you are, that even though you may

not notice it you are probably thinking about waking up at that time. When

you're lying in bed, try to visualize waking up at a different time. It sounds

really goofy but you can totally tell your head/body what you want it to do. I

hope it works for you. (I need to do it tonight.)


> @gro ups.com, jenni claire garverick <jennigarverick@

....> wrote:

> >

> > I got so desperate last night, I thought about going on the bottom part of

my daughter's loft bed. The problem is that we have a 13 month old that sleeps

with us- and still wakes up 2 or so times a night to eat. I did think about

cutting out the caffeine completely, but I'm so tired that seems  impossible for

the moment. I can't drink wine; coffee's one of my few vices/pleasures! !!

Reading is a good idea; I did leave the tv on for a bit last night and woke up

later, so I guess I did fall asleep with it on.

> > What is it about parenthood that causes us not to sleep. I call becoming a

mom " The end of all worry-free days " because it seems like you're never free of

the worry about one thing or another, and it's one thing no one ever warns you

about. I haven't slept all night since becoming a parent, either- although we

keep having babies and that certainly doesn't help. But the 'good old days' of 5

or 6 hours of sleep a night sound like heaven at the moment.

> > I bought both 'nighty night' and straight chamomile tea at the store, so I'm

trying out the medicinal dose of 4 teabags. Hope it a)doesn't taste like dirt,

and b)works.

> > thanks again everyone!

> > j.

> >

> >

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > itshotinjt04 <itshotinjt04@ ...>

> > @gro ups.com

> > Friday, June 5, 2009 8:02:53 AM

> > Re: advice for insomnia?

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > I understand completely. I had trouble sleeping in the last few months of

pregnancy. Have you tried sleeping elsewhere, like on the couch? Or maybe with a

TV on. Sometimes those little differences help me, I am not sure why. Also, try

cutting out the caffeine for a few days to see if that helps. Even though it is

only in the morning, it may be affecting you. Not sure if you consume milk or

not, but I have heard that warm milk helps people sleep. If you wake up, maybe

make a cup and drink it. Or read. If I am super tired, reading will put me to

sleep. Hope you find something that helps. I have not slept all night in nearly

4 years, so I can relate!

> >

> > @gro ups.com, jenni claire garverick <jennigarverick@

....> wrote:

> > >

> > > Hi All-

> > > I was wondering if any of you have advice for treating insomnia. I'm 8

months pregnant and have a history of mild-ish insomnia around this time every

time I'm pregnant, but NEVER this bad. I do not have insomnia at all on a

regular basis- only when pregnant. It's gotten so bad I'm beginning to worry

about my cognitive function- I'm sleeping maybe 2-3 hours a night for the last 3

weeks. I go to sleep okay most of the time, but wake up at 1:21 or 1:37 (no

joke) just about every night and can't go back to sleep for hours and hours- or

I lightly and fitfully doze, which isn't restful. The little sleep I am getting

is also punctuated by waking up with my 13 month old 2 or so times a night. I

then have NO trouble getting up at 5 or 5:30, so it's not like I'm a zombie in

the morning-at least not for awhile-and I can't sleep in the a.m. anyway because

I have 3 small children to take care of!

> > > The problem is the same at naptime- I go to sleep okay, and then wake up

an hour or so later and that's it. Naptime has always been my saving grace in

terms of catching up on missed nighttime sleep when I'm waking with little ones.

> > > I do consume a bit of caffeine, but never more than 1-2 cups a day, and I

limit that to the morning now.

> > > My plan is to go to Whole Foods in the a.m. to get a few things- I have

done a bit of research and plan to buy some Calms Forte etc. I'm a bit leery

about taking too many 'alternative' supplements because so many of them aren't

deemed safe for preggo women; however, at this point, I feel like I'm at the

point where I'm doing damage anyway, so I'll do some due diligence to try to

suss out what's okay and what's not on my own and hope it works. But I am

interested to know if anyoe else has some remedies or ideas I can try.

> > > thanks-

> > > j.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Guest guest

Thanks for the input-

I tried valerian last night and was not impressed- although admittedly, I didn't

drink the whole cup of tea (2/3 or so) because of the issues surrounding its

safety during pregnancy. I just didn't feel like I got anything more out of it

than I did the Sleepytime. So I think I'll stay with the chamomile-based teas

for now. I'm guessing the issue will resolve itself once the baby's born, as it

usually does.

On another note, I DID try setting my 'internal alarm' to 5:30 this morning

(although, I didn't try that until almost 3:00 this morning, when I remembered

to do it), and the next thing I knew I'd gone to sleep and it was 5:25! So

there's another possibility to keep trying.

Thanks again everyone-







food4u1575 <dana.sommers


Monday, June 8, 2009 5:21:26 AM

Re: advice for insomnia?






I forgot to include my experience with valerian. Since my little one has issues

sleeping I've tried just about every remedy people have recommended for helping

kids sleep. (including soothing music, chamomile tea, rescue remedy and on, and

on.) On the advice of someone at a a local health food store, I tried a mini

dose of valerian for her. She freaked! The entire night she was up screaming and

crying almost inconsolably. Everyone's system works differently so I don't want

to scare you but that's what happened with us.


@gro ups.com, jenni claire garverick <jennigarverick@ ...>



> That actually makes a lot of sense. I'm one of those people who doesn't need

an alarm clock- like Kramer on Seinfeld (except mine works better than his!). I

tell myself what time to wake up and I generally get it -no kidding- within 1-2

minutes. I did try the celestial seasonings' 'sleepy time' tea -at half the

medicinal dose (2 tea bags per cup of hot water)- and it worked really well the

first night. Not so much the second night. I'm going to try the straight

chamomile tonight at the full medicinal dose of 4 teabags and see what happens.

I haven't tried the valerian because it seems like I can't get reliable info on

whether it's okay when preggo. and I'm not so desperate as to give up my morning


> So I'm going to try your suggestion tonight and I'll let you know how it goes.

> j.





> ____________ _________ _________ __

> food4u1575 <dana.sommers@ ...>

> @gro ups.com

> Sunday, June 7, 2009 3:17:36 AM

> Re: advice for insomnia?






> I feel your pain. I haven't slept since my 7th month pregnant with my now

almost 20 month old. She still wakes up 3 times a night (not sure why) and now

that I'm pregnant again I can't even sleep for the short amount of time I get to

spend in my own bed. I don't do this nearly enough, but I'll pass the advice

along anyway. I noticed that it gets to the point that you are waking up at

almost the exact same time every night like you are, that even though you may

not notice it you are probably thinking about waking up at that time. When

you're lying in bed, try to visualize waking up at a different time. It sounds

really goofy but you can totally tell your head/body what you want it to do. I

hope it works for you. (I need to do it tonight.)


> @gro ups.com, jenni claire garverick <jennigarverick@

....> wrote:

> >

> > I got so desperate last night, I thought about going on the bottom part of

my daughter's loft bed. The problem is that we have a 13 month old that sleeps

with us- and still wakes up 2 or so times a night to eat. I did think about

cutting out the caffeine completely, but I'm so tired that seems  impossible for

the moment. I can't drink wine; coffee's one of my few vices/pleasures! !!

Reading is a good idea; I did leave the tv on for a bit last night and woke up

later, so I guess I did fall asleep with it on.

> > What is it about parenthood that causes us not to sleep. I call becoming a

mom " The end of all worry-free days " because it seems like you're never free of

the worry about one thing or another, and it's one thing no one ever warns you

about. I haven't slept all night since becoming a parent, either- although we

keep having babies and that certainly doesn't help. But the 'good old days' of 5

or 6 hours of sleep a night sound like heaven at the moment.

> > I bought both 'nighty night' and straight chamomile tea at the store, so I'm

trying out the medicinal dose of 4 teabags. Hope it a)doesn't taste like dirt,

and b)works.

> > thanks again everyone!

> > j.

> >

> >

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ __

> > itshotinjt04 <itshotinjt04@ ...>

> > @gro ups.com

> > Friday, June 5, 2009 8:02:53 AM

> > Re: advice for insomnia?

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > I understand completely. I had trouble sleeping in the last few months of

pregnancy. Have you tried sleeping elsewhere, like on the couch? Or maybe with a

TV on. Sometimes those little differences help me, I am not sure why. Also, try

cutting out the caffeine for a few days to see if that helps. Even though it is

only in the morning, it may be affecting you. Not sure if you consume milk or

not, but I have heard that warm milk helps people sleep. If you wake up, maybe

make a cup and drink it. Or read. If I am super tired, reading will put me to

sleep. Hope you find something that helps. I have not slept all night in nearly

4 years, so I can relate!

> >

> > @gro ups.com, jenni claire garverick <jennigarverick@

....> wrote:

> > >

> > > Hi All-

> > > I was wondering if any of you have advice for treating insomnia. I'm 8

months pregnant and have a history of mild-ish insomnia around this time every

time I'm pregnant, but NEVER this bad. I do not have insomnia at all on a

regular basis- only when pregnant. It's gotten so bad I'm beginning to worry

about my cognitive function- I'm sleeping maybe 2-3 hours a night for the last 3

weeks. I go to sleep okay most of the time, but wake up at 1:21 or 1:37 (no

joke) just about every night and can't go back to sleep for hours and hours- or

I lightly and fitfully doze, which isn't restful. The little sleep I am getting

is also punctuated by waking up with my 13 month old 2 or so times a night. I

then have NO trouble getting up at 5 or 5:30, so it's not like I'm a zombie in

the morning-at least not for awhile-and I can't sleep in the a.m. anyway because

I have 3 small children to take care of!

> > > The problem is the same at naptime- I go to sleep okay, and then wake up

an hour or so later and that's it. Naptime has always been my saving grace in

terms of catching up on missed nighttime sleep when I'm waking with little ones.

> > > I do consume a bit of caffeine, but never more than 1-2 cups a day, and I

limit that to the morning now.

> > > My plan is to go to Whole Foods in the a.m. to get a few things- I have

done a bit of research and plan to buy some Calms Forte etc. I'm a bit leery

about taking too many 'alternative' supplements because so many of them aren't

deemed safe for preggo women; however, at this point, I feel like I'm at the

point where I'm doing damage anyway, so I'll do some due diligence to try to

suss out what's okay and what's not on my own and hope it works. But I am

interested to know if anyoe else has some remedies or ideas I can try.

> > > thanks-

> > > j.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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