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New Vegan Mom (long reply)

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Hi Sherry,


My daughter is now 3 and she is being raised vegan. We made that decision before

her birth after speaking with a couple of our friends who raised their daughter

vegan and it helped that I saw their daughter healthy, happy, running around

with lots of kid energy, but also compassionate. Although we have had some

worries (we took her to see a nutritionist to make sure we had all our bases

covered) and there are some challenges with raising a kid differently than the

mainstream, we have been pleased at our decision and how supportive others have

been. She is compassionate, intelligent, and more aware than other kids her age

about what is on her plate and who is not on her plate.


She is willing to try all sorts of foods and is less picky than a lot of her

peers. She eats out at restaurants regularly, completely bypassing any kids'

menus. Sure, we've had to make some adjustments and we do carry a " back up " food

when we go to social engagements but she never fusses if we tell her an item is

not vegan. No temper tantrums, she just puts it back and says 'OK' and accepts

the alternative snack/meal/treat that we bring. We make sure that she doesn't

feel deprived but recognizes that she always has a vegan alternative that is

just as good (if not better LOL)!


he harder part is answering the questions like " why is it not vegan? " because

she knows how easy it can be made vegan (she cooks with us all the time). And

we're working on having her phrase things tactfully instead of pointing out that

someone is eating something (while they are eating it!) that is not vegan and

that it hurts the animals. Thankfully (and sadly) her peers are not yet

knowledgeable enough to take offense. She is learning that people are different

and it's ok. This is our decision for us and she can talk to them about their

decisions but some people are vegan and some are not. She seems to understand

that concept, since many of her stuffed animals are not vegan ;)


Also, we've joined up with a meetup group for vegan kids/parents

http://www.meetup.com/NOVA-Vegans/ in the area so she can have a group of peers

who are also vegan (and the adults can exchange food/recipes/advice/etc with our



My husband has been honest with her from the start so she knows exactly why we

choose this lifestyle and he answers her questions patiently (we decided to let

him be the spokesperson). It helps that she loves seeing the animals at Poplar

Spring Farm Sanctuary




As for B12, D, etc, we always have a supply of nutritional yeast and there are a

couple links below that address nutrition that you may have already come across

but may help reassure you. You can probably contact the organizations like PCRM

to ask more questions.






I hope this helps with your search for answers and reassurance. I don't think in

terms of " wrong " but that we are all learning through this process and doing the

best we can as we go along. Everyone makes their own choices about how to raise

their kids and we try not to make judgements on others' decisions. What's right

for one family or individual may not work for another. I think you're covering

your bases by researching. Get clear in your head why you are doing things a

certain way so you can be honest with your kid and others about your family

choices and eventually your child will make their own decisions.





, " sherryzarif " <sherryzarif wrote:


> Hi everyone...I'm a new Vegan mom with a 7 month old daughter. Everyone is

questioning how I'm going to raise her. I want her to be vegan. I have read a

lot on this topic but still find that I'm not that confident in my decision. It

would really help if I get in touch with Vegan parents and if they could tell me

their success stories. This will ensure me that I'm not alone and that my

daughter is going to grow up to be healthy and strong. One topic that really

worries me in particular is vit. B12. Many people say that your body won't

absorb it the same way when it's not from an animal product. Is this true??? How

do I make sure my daughter gets enough. I really don't want to do anything

wrong. Thanks for your support.


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