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candida diet

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I've been reading recently on the Candida diets and it

was my understanding that mushrooms were out since they

are a fungus - but it depends who you ask. ;0) As far

as the rice I think in the beginning you are supposed to

go low on carbs but I THINK (NOT SURE) that brown rice

would be better for the Candida diet. There is brown

rice flour also. I would think you could go without the

meat and still be a success. There are plenty of bean

flours too - again check the carbs. Vegetables are fine

but fruits you also need to cut way down because of the



Grape Fruit Seed (GSE) is great in fighting yeast also

and is available at health food stores.




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Hi Marakay,


There are several candida diets out there. I have been on several and some are

more restricted than others. I just completed the program recommended by

Kaufman and it was very restricted (the most restricted I have found). I lived

on alot of nuts and vegetables. I did survive, though! The diet I was on did

not allow any whole grains for the first two weeks, but after than they were

added back into the program. I decided I could survive just about anything for

two weeks! LOL! There are natural supplements/herbal things (such as

grapefruit seed extract) that can help you along on the anti-fungal diet. The

plan I went on was very successful, and although I felt " sick " for a few days

from the die-off reaction, I did quite well.


In regard to specific questions you asked:


~ I was not allowed mushrooms and am still avoiding them.


~ I would give up all rice for the first two weeks, and then add back only WHOLE

GRAIN, brown rice. White rice hits the blood stream too quickly and will feed

candida. The whole grain has enough fiber that is releases sugars into the

blood stream more slowly. I would add Asian rice noodles back into your diet

after the first two weeks only if they were 100% whole grain. After the first

two weeks you could also add while millet or millet.


~ Potatoes are " off limits " on a yeast-free diet.


~ The information I read said I could add legumes back into the program after

the first two weeks.


Success to you! You'll find that you'll feel much better when you have achieved

your goal!

:) LaDonna


PS: I ate alot of raw vegetables, steamed vegetables, and salads. Nuts and

seeds are important to help you feel satisfied. . .and I frequently ate one

avocado per meal (YUM!).




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<< PS: I ate alot of raw vegetables, steamed vegetables, and salads. Nuts

and seeds are important to help you feel satisfied. . .and I frequently ate

one avocado per meal (YUM!). >>


Thanks, LaDonna! I have to go on a week-long trip for a conference and was

aboutto cancel because of this, except that I just found out one of the women

travelling wih me is also GF. Between the two of us, we're going to travel

with cooking equipment and cook together. I think I'll do some major veggie

stirfrys with the eletric wok and she can do her own rice.



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Marakay, I hope you have nice travels. How wonderful to find someone to

" eat with " . It makes eating GF much easier, doesn't it. Have a treat time

at your conference.

:) LaDonna



Re: Candida diet



> << PS: I ate alot of raw vegetables, steamed vegetables, and salads.


> and seeds are important to help you feel satisfied. . .and I frequently


> one avocado per meal (YUM!). >>


> Thanks, LaDonna! I have to go on a week-long trip for a conference and


> aboutto cancel because of this, except that I just found out one of the


> travelling wih me is also GF. Between the two of us, we're going to


> with cooking equipment and cook together. I think I'll do some major


> stirfrys with the eletric wok and she can do her own rice.


> Marakay

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  • 7 years later...
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I no longer choose my diet for that reason, but I did 25 years ago! It is now

my understanding that healthy diet naturally keeps Candida in balance. As you

may know, Candida is a normal part of our internal flora/fauna. It is only a

problem when it becomes too active. This easily happens when we eat refined



So, I don't think we want to " get rid " of it... just bring it back under

control. It's not The Bad Guy, just a potentially powerful part of the

orchestra that needs to play it's part in harmony with all the other members.



Whole foods are the most important element in the program: fresh fruits,

veggies, whole gluten free grains, legumes! Avoid sugar, alcohol, caffeine...

basically, eat food as close to it's natural state as possible. For example, a

whole apple with a glass of water is a better choice than apple juice with a

donut; a baked potato is a better choice than potato chips, etc.


So many of us were raised eating " pop tart style " diets (highly processed, lots

of white sugar and white flour) it can be a radical change... but worth it! It

might seem to be a huge sacrifice and unappealing initially but that usually

changes pretty quickly for most people. :-)


Get lots of rest, exercise regularly, drink lots of water and think in terms of

caring for your health as a natural part of Nature. All the best...






anyone in this group on a candida diet. I need to get rid of my candida and

haven't a clue what to eat. maybe someone here can help?







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Here's a forum you may be interested in...



When I had to deal with this I got into the raw vegan diet. The problem with

the raw diet is that I'm severely anemic and so I couldn't thrive on cold

foods for very long. If you have iron deficiency problems, be careful if you

go raw, or try not to go more than 80% raw. Less if you need to. Also note

all recipes are not gf in the raw diet!


You can also check out http://www.candida-solutions.com/index.html for some

recipes (not all vegan). I'll look for some more recipes tomorrow.


Also look for some vegan probiotics as they will help restore balance in

your bacteria/colon. I believe the coconut yogurt has probiotics, but check

the ingredients as I don't remeber what's all in them and they may not be

appropriate for candidia. There are pills that are safe though. I use to

take Juice For Life pills but I can't find them any more in my area. Can't

think of the others off the top of my head.


Good luck!




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That is the same problem that I am having and thinking that maybe gluten

free will help.




In a message dated 6/15/2009 3:47:57 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

cr215 writes:


anyone in this group on a candida diet. I need to get rid of my candida

and haven't a clue what to eat. maybe someone here can help?





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Hi! There is a good book called The Yeast Connection. It helped me a lot when

I was first diagnosed with yeast overgrowth. The naturopathic doc that

diagnosed me also put me on caprylic acid, which I bought in the health food

store. It is a fatty acid from coconut. Garlic is also a good anti-yeast.

Taking a really good probiotic (acidophilus, etc.) is essential to

re-establishing the good intestinal flora. I also was told to avoid sugar,

including foods that break down into sugars such as refined flour foods and

alcohol. I was also told to avoid mold-containing foods such as peanuts.


I found that when I followed the dietary suggestions, I felt better, but if I

stopped or cheated, it crept back in and my symptoms flared up. Several years

ago, I consulted a homeopath who came up with a remedy that took away my

symptoms, or at least the large majority of them, even without following the

dietary guidelines. I also no longer take the caprylic acid. I do from time to

time take a " booster " of my homeopathic remedy; for example, a year or so ago I

had some problems with oral thrush, which is yeast. I am really glad I sought

the help of a homeopath because it seems to have balanced it out and " cured " it

more than just keeping it at bay, which is what the diet and caprylic acid did

for me.


Hope all this helps.




, " Colleen " <cr215 wrote:


> anyone in this group on a candida diet. I need to get rid of my candida and

haven't a clue what to eat. maybe someone here can help?


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I have (more or less) followed the Donna Gates " Body Ecology Diet " plan for the

last few years. It had amazing results up to a point. I recommend it to anyone

in the early stages of addressing systemic candidiasis as it will alleviate the

severity of symptoms that can be so life crippling.


However, I would LOVE to get in touch with your homeopath who was able to take

it further for you! I've been so frustrated with the plateauing of my healing,

and really need to bump it up!


-(Another) Jill



If you have difficulty finding vegan probiotics, try fermented vegetables or

coconut water - whole food probiotics!


, " Jill " <steele_family_81230



> Hi! There is a good book called The Yeast Connection. It helped me a lot

when I was first diagnosed with yeast overgrowth. The naturopathic doc that

diagnosed me also put me on caprylic acid, which I bought in the health food

store. It is a fatty acid from coconut. Garlic is also a good anti-yeast.

Taking a really good probiotic (acidophilus, etc.) is essential to

re-establishing the good intestinal flora. I also was told to avoid sugar,

including foods that break down into sugars such as refined flour foods and

alcohol. I was also told to avoid mold-containing foods such as peanuts.


> I found that when I followed the dietary suggestions, I felt better, but if I

stopped or cheated, it crept back in and my symptoms flared up. Several years

ago, I consulted a homeopath who came up with a remedy that took away my

symptoms, or at least the large majority of them, even without following the

dietary guidelines. I also no longer take the caprylic acid. I do from time to

time take a " booster " of my homeopathic remedy; for example, a year or so ago I

had some problems with oral thrush, which is yeast. I am really glad I sought

the help of a homeopath because it seems to have balanced it out and " cured " it

more than just keeping it at bay, which is what the diet and caprylic acid did

for me.


> Hope all this helps.


> Hugs,

> Jill

> , " Colleen " <cr215@> wrote:

> >

> > anyone in this group on a candida diet. I need to get rid of my candida and

haven't a clue what to eat. maybe someone here can help?

> >


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Grapefruit seed extract taken daily helps as well.




On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 8:23 AM, littlewingtip<littlewingtip wrote:



> I have (more or less) followed the Donna Gates " Body Ecology Diet " plan for

> the last few years. It had amazing results up to a point. I recommend it to

> anyone in the early stages of addressing systemic candidiasis as it will

> alleviate the severity of symptoms that can be so life crippling.

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I've not actually posted here before, but I'm going through the candida diet

now. The advice I received was to stay away from any and all yeast products,

peanuts, almonds, and pistachios, all sugars, and to limit the amount of fruits

and vegetables that are naturally sweet or starchy (i.e. potatoes, carrots,



Extra-virgin coconut oil, raw garlic, oil of oregano, organic (unfiltered) apple

cider vinegar (with the " mother " (the brown-floating substance) in it) are all

believed to have anti-candida properties.


The diet, however, comes with a warning. Soon after beginning the diet, die-off

symptoms will begin. Basically, this is something of a brief worsening of the

existing symptoms. It should, so I'm told, be only a brief phase that should

pass but, of course, no one is able to put a specific time frame on this since

everyone is different.


When I purchased some probiotics on-line, I received an e-mail letter that

stressed that remaining " regular " is of prime importance. If the person is not

" regular, " they can actually worsen the candida. According to the letter, when

the bad bacteria begin to die, they become food for the remaining living bad

bacteria, thus increasing the candida population. However, if the dead bacteria

are regularly eliminated from the body via the bowels, then they allegedly do

not have the opportunity to become food for the remaining bacteria and the

population can begin to lessen. The letter defined " regular " as daily.


Everything that I've read about candida basically says that it takes time to get

it under control. So, patience is an asset.


I thought I was following the cadida diet since about January, but had been

unknowingly making some mistakes in my diet. So, technically, I've only been on

the candida diet for a few weeks. Right now, I think I'm in the die-off phase,

so it's far too soon to know what the results will be. I've read on various

places on the internet that a person needs to be on the candida diet one month

for every year that they've had candida overgrowth. So, basically, it's a

lifestyle change.


Actually, I may or may not be on the candida diet. I get most of my protein from

beans and legumes. Although I had not seen beans listed as a no-no elsewhere, I

read on an informational internet site a couple of weeks ago that beans have too

much starch to be part of the candida diet. But, I'm still eating them for now,

but less frequently. If I don't begin seeing any improvement in a few months, I

guess I'll know why. Sometimes, we just have to do the best we can.


Good luck to you. I wish you the best.



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Just a quick note to add to this. " Regular " is have a bowel movement for

every meal you consume. If you eat 3 meals a day you should have 3 bowel

movements a day! What goes in should come out!


As for the worsening symptoms, headaches and cravings are the worst that I

experienced. The headaches lasted me about 2 weeks. Craving sugars and

starches lasted me a couple months. Those cravings come from the candidia

that wants to be fed because it's dying. For me, fighting off those cravings

and staying away from the sugars was the hardest part. Now though I can't

stand a lot of sugars. I mainly use agave and applesauce as sweeteners, and

very small amounts. Everybody is different though. Listen to your body.


For the person interested in homeopathy, because everybody is different, as

a homeopath, I would not blindly recommend a remedy for a general treatment

of something. It's good to see a homeopath in person but you could consult

through e-mail if your good at explaining symptoms. For example, I get night

sweats, I'm moody during the day, feel better in fresh air but can't

tolerate cold winds, and I crave sweets constantly.

Also note that the common remedies you'll find are based in lactose tablets.

Look for cell salt remedies as they are vegan/allergen safe. Also note that

some remedies are animal derived and therefore not vegan appropriate. Feel

free to e-mail me off list if you'd like to discuss homeopathy more.






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