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Betty Crocker

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That was a very good article, amazingly good coming from a mainstream commercial

source! That gives me a lot of hope! They even hint at a favourite theory of

mine: that the reason diets like Atkins and South Beach help some people is not

because they are " low carb " , it is because they are essentially gluten free.


Gluten being the " new cholesterol " is an interesting comparison. I've been

thinking similarly, only in my mind, gluten is the new B12. :-)


What I mean by that is, we had to fight for years to get vegetarians to believe

that vitamin B12 was a necessary supplement. We have made significant general

progress in that area and now gluten is coming forward as the next issue that

needs a similar degree of attention. As the article details, there are still

many people suffering it's consequences without any idea that it is their








Look at this article... They call gluten " the new cholesterol. " ?












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So basically gluten is the cause of high cholesterol? Then why is my

cholesterol still high with no logical reasoning? I think that is a grossly

negligent comment that can have potentially dangerous consequences for many

people! Now we are down playing cholesterol to a fad diet too!


I really hate when gluten free diets are made to sound like the latest

Hollywood fad diet! It makes it sound like it's some vain, body image driven

diet that nobody really needs to be on! When I first figured out gluten was

a problem and eliminated it, I mentioned gluten as an allergy when I had to

go to the hospital and the doctor laughs at the gluten free and made a

comment, " is that the new Angelina Jolie diet? " Like I'm just trying to

loose weight and look good! It's scary when medical professionals take on

that attitude and it's that attitude that has kept so many people from

proper diagnosis and dietary changes for so long! And when it's portrayed to

the public as a fad diet, then it makes it harder for us dealing with people

and trying to eat out, because then they think, " oh, a little bit won't

hurt. They won't even notice it and they are thin enough as it is! " I've had

people make comments like this to me!

I recently went to visit an old professor of mine and found out his wife is

celiac. We started talking about foods and he said he bought her some garden

burgers because they had very little gluten in them! I had to explain to him

that very little is still not safe and she will continue to have problems

until it's all eliminated! Doctors are not doing thier job because this is

not the first insident in which someone has thought a little bit is ok!


I didn't like the article simply because it makes the whole thing sound like

a joke and a Hollywood Fad!

It's Not!!




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No, it doesn't mean that at all. The statement " gluten is the new cholesterol "

is just a manner of speaking. Society seems to wake up as a group to issues.

It just means that there was a period of time when our society became more and

more aware of cholesterol as a health issue. During that phase, we learned the

what, how, when, where and why of it pretty well. Now that that is done, gluten

is coming to the fore in the collective consciousness. So, let's be glad that

is happening. :-)


It's about time. :-)






So basically gluten is the cause of high cholesterol? Then why is my

cholesterol still high with no logical reasoning? I think that is a grossly

negligent comment that can have potentially dangerous consequences for many

people! Now we are down playing cholesterol to a fad diet too!


I really hate when gluten free diets are made to sound like the latest

Hollywood fad diet! It makes it sound like it's some vain, body image driven

diet that nobody really needs to be on! When I first figured out gluten was

a problem and eliminated it, I mentioned gluten as an allergy when I had to

go to the hospital and the doctor laughs at the gluten free and made a

comment, " is that the new Angelina Jolie diet? " Like I'm just trying to

loose weight and look good! It's scary when medical professionals take on

that attitude and it's that attitude that has kept so many people from

proper diagnosis and dietary changes for so long! And when it's portrayed to

the public as a fad diet, then it makes it harder for us dealing with people

and trying to eat out, because then they think, " oh, a little bit won't

hurt. They won't even notice it and they are thin enough as it is! " I've had

people make comments like this to me!

I recently went to visit an old professor of mine and found out his wife is

celiac. We started talking about foods and he said he bought her some garden

burgers because they had very little gluten in them! I had to explain to him

that very little is still not safe and she will continue to have problems

until it's all eliminated! Doctors are not doing thier job because this is

not the first insident in which someone has thought a little bit is ok!


I didn't like the article simply because it makes the whole thing sound like

a joke and a Hollywood Fad!

It's Not!!







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I'm sorry you took offense to that article... I certainly wouldn't have posted

it if I had thought it was anything other than encouraging!? I am delighted to

see people sitting up and taking notice...? And I am thankful that more and more

options are becoming available for those who want to avoid gluten.? I think the

article made a good point....? I took it to mean that a generation ago

cholesterol was a huge health concern.? Today, gluten is becoming the new, huge

health concern.? More and more people have genuine gluten intolerances AND it is

being recognized as a legitimate problem by the medical community. I don't

socialize in gluten-free circles, but I am meeting more and more people who have

gluten issues... Not Celiac disease, but gluten intolerances...? My sister

developped it first, then my baby, then my best friend's baby (who lives several

states away), my father in law, my friend's mother, my neighbor's sons, a lady

we go to church with, the sons of another friend of mine who live in

Australia...? I've heard that our wheat has changed over the past 100 years... I

don't know for sure if that's true or not, but something is going on because it

is becoming more and more common.? I've been telling my father

in law for a few years now that I think he has a gluten intolerance

(not celiac... just an intolerance) and he has been mocking me.? (He is

French and he likes his bread!)? And guess what... His doctor JUST

diagnosed him as being gluten intolerant... and he problem has been all

his life.? The man is 70 years old and he is only now being



One day I was frustrated with not knowing what to cook for my children and I set

my facebook status to " Gluten-Free is taking over the world " ? I couldn't believe

the response I got!? Lots and lots people were having gluten issues or knew

someone who can't have gluten.


As for doctors, you have to realize that they are experts in medication... not

in nutrition.? The same doctor who diagnosed my son's gluten intolerance was

*very* concerned about our vegan lifestyle.? She wanted to know where the baby

gets his protein from.? I told her beans and nuts and she seriously said to me,

" There is no protein in beans. " ? Uhhh...? Apparently my doctor missed they day

they taught basic nutrition in her medical school!? And this was a specialist!


Anyway, people will be people.? As a vegan you have probably gotten the " just a

little won't hurt " line over and over again. ? They just need to have it

explained to them.? They truly don't know.


Alina Joy









Deborah Pageau <dpageau


Tue, Jul 7, 2009 2:57 pm

Re: Betty Crocker
































No, it doesn't mean that at all. The statement " gluten is the new cholesterol "

is just a manner of speaking. Society seems to wake up as a group to issues.

It just means that there was a period of time when our society became more and

more aware of cholesterol as a health issue. During that phase, we learned the

what, how, when, where and why of it pretty well. Now that that is done, gluten

is coming to the fore in the collective consciousness. So, let's be glad that

is happening. :-)




It's about time. :-)








So basically gluten is the cause of high cholesterol? Then why is my


cholesterol still high with no logical reasoning? I think that is a grossly


negligent comment that can have potentially dangerous consequences for many


people! Now we are down playing cholesterol to a fad diet too!




I really hate when gluten free diets are made to sound like the latest


Hollywood fad diet! It makes it sound like it's some vain, body image driven


diet that nobody really needs to be on! When I first figured out gluten was


a problem and eliminated it, I mentioned gluten as an allergy when I had to


go to the hospital and the doctor laughs at the gluten free and made a


comment, " is that the new Angelina Jolie diet? " Like I'm just trying to


loose weight and look good! It's scary when medical professionals take on


that attitude and it's that attitude that has kept so many people from


proper diagnosis and dietary changes for so long! And when it's portrayed to


the public as a fad diet, then it makes it harder for us dealing with people


and trying to eat out, because then they think, " oh, a little bit won't


hurt. They won't even notice it and they are thin enough as it is! " I've had


people make comments like this to me!


I recently went to visit an old professor of mine and found out his wife is


celiac. We started talking about foods and he said he bought her some garden


burgers because they had very little gluten in them! I had to explain to him


that very little is still not safe and she will continue to have problems


until it's all eliminated! Doctors are not doing thier job because this is


not the first insident in which someone has thought a little bit is ok!




I didn't like the article simply because it makes the whole thing sound like


a joke and a Hollywood Fad!


It's Not!!







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My husband had a nutritionist (not one he went to for a consultation,

just someone he met at an event) tell him that he couldn't be getting

enough protein on a vegetarian diet (and he is lacto ovo) and needed

to add meat or fish into his diet. Good grief!


I also have an increasing number of people in my circle with gluten

intolerance. When we put my son on gluten-free, we found out that

hubby and I were both gluten intolerant as well (and DS is adopted, so

none of us are blood related). My dad has discovered that he is

gluten intolerant (I think he and I are actually celiac), and I

suspect my one brother is as well. His wife has been trying to feed

him gluten-free, as she believes one of their children is gluten

intolerant. A cousin on my mother's side is gluten intolerant, I

think celiac. My husband's niece has found out that her daughter is

gluten-intolerant, with a bunch of other allergies. And the niece is

adopted, so she is not blood-related either!





On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 10:01 PM, <alinajoydubois wrote:



> As for doctors, you have to realize that they are experts in medication...

> not in nutrition.? The same doctor who diagnosed my son's gluten intolerance

> was *very* concerned about our vegan lifestyle.? She wanted to know where

> the baby gets his protein from.? I told her beans and nuts and she seriously

> said to me, " There is no protein in beans. " ? Uhhh...? Apparently my doctor

> missed they day they taught basic nutrition in her medical school!? And this

> was a specialist!


> Anyway, people will be people.? As a vegan you have probably gotten the

> " just a little won't hurt " line over and over again. ? They just need to

> have it explained to them.? They truly don't know.


> Alina Joy


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I misinterpreted the cholesterol thing. Sorry for that. The article itself

seemed to have a joking tone to it. I forwarded it to some friends/family

without saying anything to influence them in any way, and they all wrote

back asking is this suppose to be a joke? So I'm not the only one who got

that impression from the article! I'm not offended that you posted it and

I'm glad you did. Gluten is a serious issue and I'm thrilled that it is

becoming more and more in the forefront of things and major companies are

stepping up to the plate to bring us products that we can enjoy with are

families and friends. I'm sure the article was not intended to sound like a

joke. Whoever wrote it was probably quite sincere. Their writing style,

however, came across as a SNL kind of joke news report. Because we deal with

the issue nonstop and know how serious and real it is, we know it's not a

joke! People who do not deal with it on a daily basis and know little or

nothing about it can read an article like this one and think it's a joke and

then when dealing with someone like us later, will discredit the seriousness

of the problem! That is what bothers me!


Your right about doctors knowing nothing about nutrition! It infuriates me

as a HHP who has studied nutrition in depth, yet legally I have to tell a

client to consult with their PCP before starting a diet! I have studied on

my own in depth about foods that react with medications, and herb-drug

interactions, etc. Yet a doctor who had one or two days of " this is the food

pyramid and adults should have about 2000 calories a day,etc " , is somehow

more qualified to give nutritional and dietary advice? Oh, and did you know

you can eat fish because it's not technically meat. That's why it's ok

during lent! I actually was told that by a doctor! It's the only non meat

protein source! I just said ok and left! I didn't even want to get started

with him because I think I would have killed him! I hate doctors! I could

write a book about all the things that made me hate them! I will leave it

alone for now though!


Yes wheat has changed and corn is becoming a major problem now too. During

WWII there was a shortage of wheat and sweat potato flour was being used

instead of wheat flour. This triggered genetic/evolutionary changes to

start. It's complicated and difficult to explain. Basically our cells have

memories and our parents/grandparents who lived through the shortage passed

on the cell memories to us to adapt to the dietary changes, because our

cells didn't know the shortage was temporary. That was part of the problem.

The other part was scientist started playing around with the wheat trying to

clone it and make it grow faster so there wouldn't be a shortage again. They

have been doing this with corn now too! That's going to be our next

epidemic! I think scientist manipulating our food supplies is the biggest

problem contributing to food allergies/intolerance's! It's not just wheat

and corn either! Egg allergies are really high now too. I'm sure all those

hormones and whatnot we pump into chickens are a big part of that! I've

heard of lots of people having problems with meat. I know this is a vegan

group and most of us don't eat these things, but we do know people who do

and it is an issue that we face at least on a moral level! My family has

always been a meat and potato kind of people and my grandmother grew up on a

farm, which was a small family, humane farm. They didn't use all those

chemicals back then and you didn't see obesity, cancer, diabetes, ect as

common everyday things. My family still eats the same basic foods my

grandparents and great grandparents ate, but all these health problems

plague my family now! They are always complaining of diarrhea, gas,

bloating, nausea, inability to loose weight, aches and pains, diabetes,

headaches, high blood pressure, etc. They are all unwilling to change what

they eat, so the choose to suffer! The point is, for at least the past 5

generations, except for me, the diet of my family has been pretty

consistent. Even 2 generations ago they where fairly healthy people most of

their lives. My grandmother is still alive and at 80, but she has developed

a lot a problems over the past 20 or so years. Since her diet has been

consistent all those years, you have to look at the food supply and how it

has changed! We are our own worst enemy! Man will be the destruction of




On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 12:01 AM, <alinajoydubois wrote:





> I'm sorry you took offense to that article... I certainly wouldn't have

> posted it if I had thought it was anything other than encouraging!? I am

> delighted to see people sitting up and taking notice...? And I am thankful

> that more and more options are becoming available for those who want to

> avoid gluten.? I think the article made a good point....? I took it to mean

> that a generation ago cholesterol was a huge health concern.? Today, gluten

> is becoming the new, huge health concern.? More and more people have genuine

> gluten intolerances AND it is being recognized as a legitimate problem by

> the medical community. I don't socialize in gluten-free circles, but I am

> meeting more and more people who have gluten issues... Not Celiac disease,

> but gluten intolerances...? My sister developped it first, then my baby,

> then my best friend's baby (who lives several states away), my father in

> law, my friend's mother, my neighbor's sons, a lady we go to church with,

> the sons of another friend of mine who live in Australia...? I've heard that

> our wheat has changed over the past 100 years... I don't know for sure if

> that's true or not, but something is going on because it is becoming more

> and more common.? I've been telling my father

> in law for a few years now that I think he has a gluten intolerance

> (not celiac... just an intolerance) and he has been mocking me.? (He is

> French and he likes his bread!)? And guess what... His doctor JUST

> diagnosed him as being gluten intolerant... and he problem has been all

> his life.? The man is 70 years old and he is only now being

> diagnosed...?


> One day I was frustrated with not knowing what to cook for my children and

> I set my facebook status to " Gluten-Free is taking over the world " ? I

> couldn't believe the response I got!? Lots and lots people were having

> gluten issues or knew someone who can't have gluten.


> As for doctors, you have to realize that they are experts in medication...

> not in nutrition.? The same doctor who diagnosed my son's gluten intolerance

> was *very* concerned about our vegan lifestyle.? She wanted to know where

> the baby gets his protein from.? I told her beans and nuts and she seriously

> said to me, " There is no protein in beans. " ? Uhhh...? Apparently my doctor

> missed they day they taught basic nutrition in her medical school!? And this

> was a specialist!


> Anyway, people will be people.? As a vegan you have probably gotten the

> " just a little won't hurt " line over and over again. ? They just need to

> have it explained to them.? They truly don't know.


> Alina Joy




> Deborah Pageau <dpageau <dpageau%40dccnet.com>>

> To:


> Tue, Jul 7, 2009 2:57 pm

> Re: Betty Crocker


> No, it doesn't mean that at all. The statement " gluten is the new

> cholesterol " is just a manner of speaking. Society seems to wake up as a

> group to issues. It just means that there was a period of time when our

> society became more and more aware of cholesterol as a health issue. During

> that phase, we learned the what, how, when, where and why of it pretty well.

> Now that that is done, gluten is coming to the fore in the collective

> consciousness. So, let's be glad that is happening. :-)


> It's about time. :-)


> Deborah


> So basically gluten is the cause of high cholesterol? Then why is my


> cholesterol still high with no logical reasoning? I think that is a grossly


> negligent comment that can have potentially dangerous consequences for many


> people! Now we are down playing cholesterol to a fad diet too!


> I really hate when gluten free diets are made to sound like the latest


> Hollywood fad diet! It makes it sound like it's some vain, body image

> driven


> diet that nobody really needs to be on! When I first figured out gluten was


> a problem and eliminated it, I mentioned gluten as an allergy when I had to


> go to the hospital and the doctor laughs at the gluten free and made a


> comment, " is that the new Angelina Jolie diet? " Like I'm just trying to


> loose weight and look good! It's scary when medical professionals take on


> that attitude and it's that attitude that has kept so many people from


> proper diagnosis and dietary changes for so long! And when it's portrayed

> to


> the public as a fad diet, then it makes it harder for us dealing with

> people


> and trying to eat out, because then they think, " oh, a little bit won't


> hurt. They won't even notice it and they are thin enough as it is! " I've

> had


> people make comments like this to me!


> I recently went to visit an old professor of mine and found out his wife is


> celiac. We started talking about foods and he said he bought her some

> garden


> burgers because they had very little gluten in them! I had to explain to

> him


> that very little is still not safe and she will continue to have problems


> until it's all eliminated! Doctors are not doing thier job because this is


> not the first insident in which someone has thought a little bit is ok!


> I didn't like the article simply because it makes the whole thing sound

> like


> a joke and a Hollywood Fad!


> It's Not!!


> .



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My son just started a gluten free diet and has been doing so much better (he's

21 month old - and is now putting on more weight to along w his height) any way

- I get that line all the time 'just a little won't hurt' (from family mainly)

what are some nice ways to combat/explain this gently?


I have tried to do a lot of research but am still a little confused! (ex like

the 'hidden' ingredients for gluten in products ) any suggestions ?



Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld





Wed, 08 Jul 2009 00:01:50


Re: Betty Crocker




I'm sorry you took offense to that article... I certainly wouldn't have posted

it if I had thought it was anything other than encouraging!? I am delighted to

see people sitting up and taking notice...? And I am thankful that more and more

options are becoming available for those who want to avoid gluten.? I think the

article made a good point....? I took it to mean that a generation ago

cholesterol was a huge health concern.? Today, gluten is becoming the new, huge

health concern.? More and more people have genuine gluten intolerances AND it is

being recognized as a legitimate problem by the medical community. I don't

socialize in gluten-free circles, but I am meeting more and more people who have

gluten issues... Not Celiac disease, but gluten intolerances...? My sister

developped it first, then my baby, then my best friend's baby (who lives several

states away), my father in law, my friend's mother, my neighbor's sons, a lady

we go to church with, the sons of another friend of mine who live in

Australia...? I've heard that our wheat has changed over the past 100 years... I

don't know for sure if that's true or not, but something is going on because it

is becoming more and more common.? I've been telling my father

in law for a few years now that I think he has a gluten intolerance

(not celiac... just an intolerance) and he has been mocking me.? (He is

French and he likes his bread!)? And guess what... His doctor JUST

diagnosed him as being gluten intolerant... and he problem has been all

his life.? The man is 70 years old and he is only now being



One day I was frustrated with not knowing what to cook for my children and I set

my facebook status to " Gluten-Free is taking over the world " ? I couldn't believe

the response I got!? Lots and lots people were having gluten issues or knew

someone who can't have gluten.


As for doctors, you have to realize that they are experts in medication... not

in nutrition.? The same doctor who diagnosed my son's gluten intolerance was

*very* concerned about our vegan lifestyle.? She wanted to know where the baby

gets his protein from.? I told her beans and nuts and she seriously said to me,

" There is no protein in beans. " ? Uhhh...? Apparently my doctor missed they day

they taught basic nutrition in her medical school!? And this was a specialist!


Anyway, people will be people.? As a vegan you have probably gotten the " just a

little won't hurt " line over and over again. ? They just need to have it

explained to them.? They truly don't know.


Alina Joy









Deborah Pageau <dpageau


Tue, Jul 7, 2009 2:57 pm

Re: Betty Crocker
































No, it doesn't mean that at all. The statement " gluten is the new cholesterol "

is just a manner of speaking. Society seems to wake up as a group to issues.

It just means that there was a period of time when our society became more and

more aware of cholesterol as a health issue. During that phase, we learned the

what, how, when, where and why of it pretty well. Now that that is done, gluten

is coming to the fore in the collective consciousness. So, let's be glad that

is happening. :-)




It's about time. :-)








So basically gluten is the cause of high cholesterol? Then why is my


cholesterol still high with no logical reasoning? I think that is a grossly


negligent comment that can have potentially dangerous consequences for many


people! Now we are down playing cholesterol to a fad diet too!




I really hate when gluten free diets are made to sound like the latest


Hollywood fad diet! It makes it sound like it's some vain, body image driven


diet that nobody really needs to be on! When I first figured out gluten was


a problem and eliminated it, I mentioned gluten as an allergy when I had to


go to the hospital and the doctor laughs at the gluten free and made a


comment, " is that the new Angelina Jolie diet? " Like I'm just trying to


loose weight and look good! It's scary when medical professionals take on


that attitude and it's that attitude that has kept so many people from


proper diagnosis and dietary changes for so long! And when it's portrayed to


the public as a fad diet, then it makes it harder for us dealing with people


and trying to eat out, because then they think, " oh, a little bit won't


hurt. They won't even notice it and they are thin enough as it is! " I've had


people make comments like this to me!


I recently went to visit an old professor of mine and found out his wife is


celiac. We started talking about foods and he said he bought her some garden


burgers because they had very little gluten in them! I had to explain to him


that very little is still not safe and she will continue to have problems


until it's all eliminated! Doctors are not doing thier job because this is


not the first insident in which someone has thought a little bit is ok!




I didn't like the article simply because it makes the whole thing sound like


a joke and a Hollywood Fad!


It's Not!!







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When people say something along the lines of, " Oh, it just has a little soy

in it, " or " Oh, it just has a bit of wheat, " my husband (when he's present)

usually replies, " Unfortunately, just a little bit of ____ for Sally is like

saying just a little bit of arsenic. " He says it nicely. People get the



On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 1:59 PM, <tbozek77 wrote:


> My son just started a gluten free diet and has been doing so much better

> (he's 21 month old - and is now putting on more weight to along w his

> height) any way - I get that line all the time 'just a little won't hurt'

> (from family mainly) what are some nice ways to combat/explain this gently?


> I have tried to do a lot of research but am still a little confused! (ex

> like the 'hidden' ingredients for gluten in products ) any suggestions ?


> Thanks!

> Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld



> alinajoydubois


> Wed, 08 Jul 2009 00:01:50


> Re: Betty Crocker




> I'm sorry you took offense to that article... I certainly wouldn't have

> posted it if I had thought it was anything other than encouraging!? I am

> delighted to see people sitting up and taking notice...? And I am thankful

> that more and more options are becoming available for those who want to

> avoid gluten.? I think the article made a good point....? I took it to mean

> that a generation ago cholesterol was a huge health concern.? Today, gluten

> is becoming the new, huge health concern.? More and more people have genuine

> gluten intolerances AND it is being recognized as a legitimate problem by

> the medical community. I don't socialize in gluten-free circles, but I am

> meeting more and more people who have gluten issues... Not Celiac disease,

> but gluten intolerances...? My sister developped it first, then my baby,

> then my best friend's baby (who lives several states away), my father in

> law, my friend's mother, my neighbor's sons, a lady we go to church with,

> the sons of another friend of mine who live in Australia...? I've heard that

> our wheat has changed over the past 100 years... I don't know for sure if

> that's true or not, but something is going on because it is becoming more

> and more common.? I've been telling my father

> in law for a few years now that I think he has a gluten intolerance

> (not celiac... just an intolerance) and he has been mocking me.? (He is

> French and he likes his bread!)? And guess what... His doctor JUST

> diagnosed him as being gluten intolerant... and he problem has been all

> his life.? The man is 70 years old and he is only now being

> diagnosed...?


> One day I was frustrated with not knowing what to cook for my children and

> I set my facebook status to " Gluten-Free is taking over the world " ? I

> couldn't believe the response I got!? Lots and lots people were having

> gluten issues or knew someone who can't have gluten.


> As for doctors, you have to realize that they are experts in medication...

> not in nutrition.? The same doctor who diagnosed my son's gluten intolerance

> was *very* concerned about our vegan lifestyle.? She wanted to know where

> the baby gets his protein from.? I told her beans and nuts and she seriously

> said to me, " There is no protein in beans. " ? Uhhh...? Apparently my doctor

> missed they day they taught basic nutrition in her medical school!? And this

> was a specialist!


> Anyway, people will be people.? As a vegan you have probably gotten the

> " just a little won't hurt " line over and over again. ? They just need to

> have it explained to them.? They truly don't know.


> Alina Joy



> Deborah Pageau <dpageau


> Tue, Jul 7, 2009 2:57 pm

> Re: Betty Crocker


























No, it doesn't mean that at all. The statement " gluten is the new

> cholesterol " is just a manner of speaking. Society seems to wake up as a

> group to issues. It just means that there was a period of time when our

> society became more and more aware of cholesterol as a health issue. During

> that phase, we learned the what, how, when, where and why of it pretty well.

> Now that that is done, gluten is coming to the fore in the collective

> consciousness. So, let's be glad that is happening. :-)




> It's about time. :-)




> Deborah




> So basically gluten is the cause of high cholesterol? Then why is my


> cholesterol still high with no logical reasoning? I think that is a

> grossly


> negligent comment that can have potentially dangerous consequences for

> many


> people! Now we are down playing cholesterol to a fad diet too!




> I really hate when gluten free diets are made to sound like the latest


> Hollywood fad diet! It makes it sound like it's some vain, body image

> driven


> diet that nobody really needs to be on! When I first figured out gluten

> was


> a problem and eliminated it, I mentioned gluten as an allergy when I had

> to


> go to the hospital and the doctor laughs at the gluten free and made a


> comment, " is that the new Angelina Jolie diet? " Like I'm just trying to


> loose weight and look good! It's scary when medical professionals take on


> that attitude and it's that attitude that has kept so many people from


> proper diagnosis and dietary changes for so long! And when it's portrayed

> to


> the public as a fad diet, then it makes it harder for us dealing with

> people


> and trying to eat out, because then they think, " oh, a little bit won't


> hurt. They won't even notice it and they are thin enough as it is! " I've

> had


> people make comments like this to me!


> I recently went to visit an old professor of mine and found out his wife

> is


> celiac. We started talking about foods and he said he bought her some

> garden


> burgers because they had very little gluten in them! I had to explain to

> him


> that very little is still not safe and she will continue to have problems


> until it's all eliminated! Doctors are not doing thier job because this is


> not the first insident in which someone has thought a little bit is ok!




> I didn't like the article simply because it makes the whole thing sound

> like


> a joke and a Hollywood Fad!


> It's Not!!


> .





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well said.


-------------- Original message ----------------------

Sally Parrott Ashbrook <sally.parrott


> When people say something along the lines of, " Oh, it just has a little soy

> in it, " or " Oh, it just has a bit of wheat, " my husband (when he's present)

> usually replies, " Unfortunately, just a little bit of ____ for Sally is like

> saying just a little bit of arsenic. " He says it nicely. People get the point.

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For all your friends and family who just don't think it's that big a deal,

forward this link to them!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XC0nHFblLcE & feature=related


Hidden ingredients are becoming a lot less hidden. Labeling is becoming less

obscure. You may see Modified Food Starch (Wheat), and that tells you

there's gluten in it. The biggies to watch out for are Natural Flavors, Soy

Sauce (unless it specifies wheat free), and Food starches that are not

identified, and malt (ie. barley malt, malt flavoring). Also look under the

ingredients for " manufactured on shared equipment " disclosures. When in

doubt, don't get it. Most companies will try to answer you questions and let

you know if a product is safe if you call them. Many of the people answering

phones are complete idiots and don't have a clue. If you call and have to

explain what gluten is, play it safe and don't buy the product.


On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 1:59 PM, <tbozek77 wrote:


> My son just started a gluten free diet and has been doing so much better

> (he's 21 month old - and is now putting on more weight to along w his

> height) any way - I get that line all the time 'just a little won't hurt'

> (from family mainly) what are some nice ways to combat/explain this gently?


> I have tried to do a lot of research but am still a little confused! (ex

> like the 'hidden' ingredients for gluten in products ) any suggestions ?


> Thanks!

> Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld



> alinajoydubois


> Wed, 08 Jul 2009 00:01:50


> Re: Betty Crocker




> I'm sorry you took offense to that article... I certainly wouldn't have

> posted it if I had thought it was anything other than encouraging!? I am

> delighted to see people sitting up and taking notice...? And I am thankful

> that more and more options are becoming available for those who want to

> avoid gluten.? I think the article made a good point....? I took it to mean

> that a generation ago cholesterol was a huge health concern.? Today, gluten

> is becoming the new, huge health concern.? More and more people have genuine

> gluten intolerances AND it is being recognized as a legitimate problem by

> the medical community. I don't socialize in gluten-free circles, but I am

> meeting more and more people who have gluten issues... Not Celiac disease,

> but gluten intolerances...? My sister developped it first, then my baby,

> then my best friend's baby (who lives several states away), my father in

> law, my friend's mother, my neighbor's sons, a lady we go to church with,

> the sons of another friend of mine who live in Australia...? I've heard that

> our wheat has changed over the past 100 years... I don't know for sure if

> that's true or not, but something is going on because it is becoming more

> and more common.? I've been telling my father

> in law for a few years now that I think he has a gluten intolerance

> (not celiac... just an intolerance) and he has been mocking me.? (He is

> French and he likes his bread!)? And guess what... His doctor JUST

> diagnosed him as being gluten intolerant... and he problem has been all

> his life.? The man is 70 years old and he is only now being

> diagnosed...?


> One day I was frustrated with not knowing what to cook for my children and

> I set my facebook status to " Gluten-Free is taking over the world " ? I

> couldn't believe the response I got!? Lots and lots people were having

> gluten issues or knew someone who can't have gluten.


> As for doctors, you have to realize that they are experts in medication...

> not in nutrition.? The same doctor who diagnosed my son's gluten intolerance

> was *very* concerned about our vegan lifestyle.? She wanted to know where

> the baby gets his protein from.? I told her beans and nuts and she seriously

> said to me, " There is no protein in beans. " ? Uhhh...? Apparently my doctor

> missed they day they taught basic nutrition in her medical school!? And this

> was a specialist!


> Anyway, people will be people.? As a vegan you have probably gotten the

> " just a little won't hurt " line over and over again. ? They just need to

> have it explained to them.? They truly don't know.


> Alina Joy



> Deborah Pageau <dpageau


> Tue, Jul 7, 2009 2:57 pm

> Re: Betty Crocker


























No, it doesn't mean that at all. The statement " gluten is the new

> cholesterol " is just a manner of speaking. Society seems to wake up as a

> group to issues. It just means that there was a period of time when our

> society became more and more aware of cholesterol as a health issue. During

> that phase, we learned the what, how, when, where and why of it pretty well.

> Now that that is done, gluten is coming to the fore in the collective

> consciousness. So, let's be glad that is happening. :-)




> It's about time. :-)




> Deborah




> So basically gluten is the cause of high cholesterol? Then why is my


> cholesterol still high with no logical reasoning? I think that is a

> grossly


> negligent comment that can have potentially dangerous consequences for

> many


> people! Now we are down playing cholesterol to a fad diet too!




> I really hate when gluten free diets are made to sound like the latest


> Hollywood fad diet! It makes it sound like it's some vain, body image

> driven


> diet that nobody really needs to be on! When I first figured out gluten

> was


> a problem and eliminated it, I mentioned gluten as an allergy when I had

> to


> go to the hospital and the doctor laughs at the gluten free and made a


> comment, " is that the new Angelina Jolie diet? " Like I'm just trying to


> loose weight and look good! It's scary when medical professionals take on


> that attitude and it's that attitude that has kept so many people from


> proper diagnosis and dietary changes for so long! And when it's portrayed

> to


> the public as a fad diet, then it makes it harder for us dealing with

> people


> and trying to eat out, because then they think, " oh, a little bit won't


> hurt. They won't even notice it and they are thin enough as it is! " I've

> had


> people make comments like this to me!


> I recently went to visit an old professor of mine and found out his wife

> is


> celiac. We started talking about foods and he said he bought her some

> garden


> burgers because they had very little gluten in them! I had to explain to

> him


> that very little is still not safe and she will continue to have problems


> until it's all eliminated! Doctors are not doing thier job because this is


> not the first insident in which someone has thought a little bit is ok!




> I didn't like the article simply because it makes the whole thing sound

> like


> a joke and a Hollywood Fad!


> It's Not!!


> .





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I've been on vacation and haven't read the original article yet, but Jae, have

you tried supplementing with magnesium yet as a way to try to lower your






, Jae Jones <recyclednew wrote:


> So basically gluten is the cause of high cholesterol? Then why is my

> cholesterol still high with no logical reasoning? I think that is a grossly

> negligent comment that can have potentially dangerous consequences for many

> people! Now we are down playing cholesterol to a fad diet too!


> I really hate when gluten free diets are made to sound like the latest

> Hollywood fad diet! It makes it sound like it's some vain, body image driven

> diet that nobody really needs to be on! When I first figured out gluten was

> a problem and eliminated it, I mentioned gluten as an allergy when I had to

> go to the hospital and the doctor laughs at the gluten free and made a

> comment, " is that the new Angelina Jolie diet? " Like I'm just trying to

> loose weight and look good! It's scary when medical professionals take on

> that attitude and it's that attitude that has kept so many people from

> proper diagnosis and dietary changes for so long! And when it's portrayed to

> the public as a fad diet, then it makes it harder for us dealing with people

> and trying to eat out, because then they think, " oh, a little bit won't

> hurt. They won't even notice it and they are thin enough as it is! " I've had

> people make comments like this to me!

> I recently went to visit an old professor of mine and found out his wife is

> celiac. We started talking about foods and he said he bought her some garden

> burgers because they had very little gluten in them! I had to explain to him

> that very little is still not safe and she will continue to have problems

> until it's all eliminated! Doctors are not doing thier job because this is

> not the first insident in which someone has thought a little bit is ok!


> I didn't like the article simply because it makes the whole thing sound like

> a joke and a Hollywood Fad!

> It's Not!!




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I have tried everything except pharmaceutical drugs because I believe they

will do more harm than good. I have a mutated CF gene, is is suspected as

the cause. I don't have the traditional, commonly known form of CF, but I

have a lot of digestive problems that are believed to be rooted in that

gene. I really don't feel it's an issue to be concerned with because dietary

wise I can't possibly have a risk of stoke, heart attack, or any serious

complications. If any such problems come up, it's beyond any possible

control and is meant to be!

Thanks though!


On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 4:38 PM, aldohert <amandakirby wrote:




> I've been on vacation and haven't read the original article yet, but Jae,

> have you tried supplementing with magnesium yet as a way to try to lower

> your cholesterol?


> Amanda



> --- In


> Jae Jones <recyclednew wrote:

> >

> > So basically gluten is the cause of high cholesterol? Then why is my

> > cholesterol still high with no logical reasoning? I think that is a

> grossly

> > negligent comment that can have potentially dangerous consequences for

> many

> > people! Now we are down playing cholesterol to a fad diet too!

> >

> > I really hate when gluten free diets are made to sound like the latest

> > Hollywood fad diet! It makes it sound like it's some vain, body image

> driven

> > diet that nobody really needs to be on! When I first figured out gluten

> was

> > a problem and eliminated it, I mentioned gluten as an allergy when I had

> to

> > go to the hospital and the doctor laughs at the gluten free and made a

> > comment, " is that the new Angelina Jolie diet? " Like I'm just trying to

> > loose weight and look good! It's scary when medical professionals take on

> > that attitude and it's that attitude that has kept so many people from

> > proper diagnosis and dietary changes for so long! And when it's portrayed

> to

> > the public as a fad diet, then it makes it harder for us dealing with

> people

> > and trying to eat out, because then they think, " oh, a little bit won't

> > hurt. They won't even notice it and they are thin enough as it is! " I've

> had

> > people make comments like this to me!

> > I recently went to visit an old professor of mine and found out his wife

> is

> > celiac. We started talking about foods and he said he bought her some

> garden

> > burgers because they had very little gluten in them! I had to explain to

> him

> > that very little is still not safe and she will continue to have problems

> > until it's all eliminated! Doctors are not doing thier job because this

> is

> > not the first insident in which someone has thought a little bit is ok!

> >

> > I didn't like the article simply because it makes the whole thing sound

> like

> > a joke and a Hollywood Fad!

> > It's Not!!

> >

> >

> >

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