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Where is everyone?

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At Tue, 4 Jan 2005 it looks like Rawist composed:




> One-thousand, two-hundred and thirty-seven members. Where is

> everyone? How many receive e-mailed messages but don't comment?

> This forum seems too slow for this many members.




I can only speak for myself. I read just about all the

postings. Some of the postings I can respond to, some of the

postings like the one about excessive sex drive I choose not to

for there was alot of Bibical references and being a prduct of 8

years of Catholic School, and a native San Franciscan who

enjoyed the " Summer of Love " in San Francisco, I found it better

to just SMILE and let the thread live it's life without my

input. (grin)


On a total average I'm about 70% raw. Most of the days I'm just

a soy hot-chocolate away from being totally raw and some days

it's the soy hot-chocolate and a veggie burrito away from being



During Salmon season here on the San Francisco coast I'd

probably be cited as a " Pescatarian " by the Raw-Food-Police[tm]

who monitor stuff like this for gossip value.


In the beginning I was totally OCB

(obsessive-compulsive-behaviour) about the subject and my food

intake and found that having that attitude made my life much

more " hectic " and crazy.


I do maintain my own personal wheatgrass farm for myself

http://billschoolcraft.com/farm and feel that I have a good



I am proceeding to go raw for the month of January. I did this

last March with great results. My biggest challenges during the

months I go raw is dinner time. I usually have a raw soup

warmed up to about 110 degrees. I used to use a small pencil

thermometer but once you do this alot your fingertip will tell

you when it's approaching " Raw-Food-Police[tm] " time. Gawd only

knows I don't want them kicking in my door again without a

search warrant like last time! (grin)


Anyway my friend, good luck with all your new " energy ;) " and

don't do anything I wouldn't do !! (giggle)





|<---------------------- " Word-Wrap-At-72-Please " ---------------------->|

Bill Schoolcraft

PO Box 210076 -o)

San Francisco CA 94121 /\

" UNIX, A Way Of Life. " _\_v


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I'm " OCB (obsessive-compulsive-behaviour) about the subject and my

food intake, " I don't know when I won't be. You're fortunate to have

a good balance. I was raw last January and February and into March

before I relapsed the rest of the year until late December. I hope

to have more success this year. I hope to process my " energy " until

I'm comfortable with it.




rawfood , Bill Schoolcraft <bill@b...> wrote:

> I can only speak for myself. I read just about all the

> postings. Some of the postings I can respond to, some of the

> postings like the one about excessive sex drive I choose not to

> for there was alot of Bibical references and being a prduct of 8

> years of Catholic School, and a native San Franciscan who

> enjoyed the " Summer of Love " in San Francisco, I found it better

> to just SMILE and let the thread live it's life without my

> input. (grin)


> On a total average I'm about 70% raw. Most of the days I'm just

> a soy hot-chocolate away from being totally raw and some days

> it's the soy hot-chocolate and a veggie burrito away from being

> raw.


> During Salmon season here on the San Francisco coast I'd

> probably be cited as a " Pescatarian " by the Raw-Food-Police[tm]

> who monitor stuff like this for gossip value.


> In the beginning I was totally OCB

> (obsessive-compulsive-behaviour) about the subject and my food

> intake and found that having that attitude made my life much

> more " hectic " and crazy.


> I do maintain my own personal wheatgrass farm for myself

> http://billschoolcraft.com/farm and feel that I have a good

> balance.


> I am proceeding to go raw for the month of January. I did this

> last March with great results. My biggest challenges during the

> months I go raw is dinner time. I usually have a raw soup

> warmed up to about 110 degrees. I used to use a small pencil

> thermometer but once you do this alot your fingertip will tell

> you when it's approaching " Raw-Food-Police[tm] " time. Gawd only

> knows I don't want them kicking in my door again without a

> search warrant like last time! (grin)


> Anyway my friend, good luck with all your new " energy ;) " and

> don't do anything I wouldn't do !! (giggle)


> Namaste


> --

> |<---------------------- " Word-Wrap-At-72-Please " --------------------


> Bill Schoolcraft

> PO Box 210076 -o)

> San Francisco CA 94121 /\

> " UNIX, A Way Of Life. " _\_v

> http://billschoolcraft.com

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At Tue, 4 Jan 2005 it looks like Rawist composed:




> I'm " OCB (obsessive-compulsive-behaviour) about the subject and my

> food intake, " I don't know when I won't be. You're fortunate to have

> a good balance. I was raw last January and February and into March

> before I relapsed the rest of the year until late December. I hope

> to have more success this year. I hope to process my " energy " until

> I'm comfortable with it.



I was very concerned about my " record " as a rawfoodist then I

had to ask myself:


" When a Marine finishes bootcamp, they are a Marine.... "


" When I finish one week of being raw, am I a rawfoodist?... "


What I'm getting at is that I was going for the " one month "

goal, which I succeded in.


But am I a failure because I had a " Soy Hot-Chocolate " on day 31

? So am I no longer a " rawfoodist " after the " Soy Hot-Chocolate " or...


Anyway, I stopped worrying about it and I actually have some fun

with the " Raw_Food_Police[tm] " when asked:


" Bill, how raw are you? "


and I try and keep a straight face and reply


" 90%.... and that rib-eye steak sure tastes good every

Sunday too !! "


And with the above joking statement, which is not true of course

but just sheds light on the fact that one " COULD " be 90% raw and

still have their steak once a week.


So, what I'm getting at is " Who's to judge who's really

50/60/70/80/90% raw ? "


I'm actually reading a very good book about Carol Alt going raw called:




In the book she talks about just adding raw food to your diet

and not being OCB about the whole thing.


I've only read the first 4 chapters, just got the book a few

days ago.



|<---------------------- " Word-Wrap-At-72-Please " ---------------------->|

Bill Schoolcraft

PO Box 210076 -o)

San Francisco CA 94121 /\

" UNIX, A Way Of Life. " _\_v


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Everyone's different. What works for one may or may not work for

someone else. It's your peace of mind, and to me your spiritual

balance, that are most important. I don't even like to put a label

on how I eat, such as raw food. I eat fruit, vegetables and raw nuts

because that's the only way I'm comfortable eating. It happens to

fit in to what I would call a raw food diet, so I can come to places

like this and relate to others for my own support. But it's really

as individual as each individual is. You are what you believe you

are as far as your rawness. The only problem we run into is being

honest with ourselves. If we sense that we're not, then we have to

make a change for that thing called peace of mind again. I'm 100% my

diet and I'm comfortable classifying it as raw. But raw is just a

term. Boiling points that don't destroy enzymes is another way of

looking at it, that wouldn't work for me. The friction of a knife

produces some heat. Is a processor really proper to a raw diet? it

is if the person is comfortable with it.


Good point though, that after a week of being raw, I can't call

myself a rawfoodist, maybe in a year.




rawfood , Bill Schoolcraft <bill@b...> wrote:

> I was very concerned about my " record " as a rawfoodist then I

> had to ask myself:


> " When a Marine finishes bootcamp, they are a Marine.... "


> " When I finish one week of being raw, am I a rawfoodist?... "


> What I'm getting at is that I was going for the " one month "

> goal, which I succeded in.


> But am I a failure because I had a " Soy Hot-Chocolate " on day 31

> ? So am I no longer a " rawfoodist " after the " Soy Hot-Chocolate "



> Anyway, I stopped worrying about it and I actually have some fun

> with the " Raw_Food_Police[tm] " when asked:


> " Bill, how raw are you? "


> and I try and keep a straight face and reply


> " 90%.... and that rib-eye steak sure tastes good every

> Sunday too !! "


> And with the above joking statement, which is not true of course

> but just sheds light on the fact that one " COULD " be 90% raw and

> still have their steak once a week.


> So, what I'm getting at is " Who's to judge who's really

> 50/60/70/80/90% raw ? "


> I'm actually reading a very good book about Carol Alt going raw



> http://www.randomhouse.com/catalog/display.pperl?isbn=1-4000-5284-X


> In the book she talks about just adding raw food to your diet

> and not being OCB about the whole thing.


> I've only read the first 4 chapters, just got the book a few

> days ago.


> --

> |<---------------------- " Word-Wrap-At-72-Please " --------------------


> Bill Schoolcraft

> PO Box 210076 -o)

> San Francisco CA 94121 /\

> " UNIX, A Way Of Life. " _\_v

> http://billschoolcraft.com

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  • 1 year later...

I can hear my keyboard echoing! Come back.............................. The Valley Vegan.................... Peter H


All New Mail – Tired of Vi@gr@! come-ons? Let our SpamGuard protect you.

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  • 2 years later...

I've been sick and my computer hasn't been very cooperative so I've been napping

and ignoring the world. Sorry.

I do have lots of recipes etc to share just haven't been feeling up to it


That's my excuse! I honestly haven't noticed the group but then I haven't been

checking my email much.

I'll be posting again soon. :-)



Pam Norman <pam_norman

Monday, October 05, 2009 7:32 PM


Where is everyone?



I am wondering where everyone is or is something is wrong with the

listserv? It' s not like this list to be silent for days!


Pam in Wisconsin



[The entire original message is not included]



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It has been quieter than usual, but I just discovered that

Groups isn't accepting all the 'message approval' messages from my

iPhone (I've been traveling) and I found them piling up when I checked

the website. I don't know why that happens --- but everything has

been sent through now. I apologize for the delay.


~ LaDonna ~



> I am wondering where everyone is or is something is wrong with the

> listserv? It' s not like this list to be silent for days!


> Pam in Wisconsin

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I am here, Pam. I have been reading the emails. I just don't post much. I did

ask about posting information about GF events, but never heard from anyone if it

is ok to do that. I was asked to post information about an event, but wanted to

check before posting.


Have a great day.









Pam Norman <pam_norman


Mon, October 5, 2009 6:32:25 PM

Where is everyone?



I am wondering where everyone is or is something is wrong with the

listserv? It' s not like this list to be silent for days!


Pam in Wisconsin








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Well for me it's sukkot plus I am homeschooling a 13 year old so, I am





On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 5:00 PM, Gracious Hospitality <

gracioushospitality wrote:




> It has been quieter than usual





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