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Hi Tracy!


Welcome to the list! As for the tofu, everybody says that it's delicious

when marinated in things like soy sauce and Worcestershire sauce, so perhaps

try that. Marinate it in soy sauce and throw into a stir fry, perhaps.


Yes, there are some varieties of vegan cheeses, but be careful when

picking one because some say " lactose free " on them but do in fact contain

at least one dairy product.


This is all I have to offer at the moment. :-)






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and be careful that the worcestershire sauce doesn't have anchovies in





On Tue, 30 May 2000 08:59:46 -0500 (CDT) Mystic_Night (Emmy

O'Malley) wrote:



>Hi Tracy!


> Welcome to the list! As for the tofu, everybody says that it's delicious

>when marinated in things like soy sauce and Worcestershire sauce, so perhaps

>try that. Marinate it in soy sauce and throw into a stir fry, perhaps.


> Yes, there are some varieties of vegan cheeses, but be careful when

>picking one because some say " lactose free " on them but do in fact contain

>at least one dairy product.


> This is all I have to offer at the moment. :-)


> ~Emmy~




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Sarah Kesler



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Monday, May 29, 2000 10:36 PM


Hello,I have become a vegetarian in the last few months andI have a couple of questions for you more experiencedvegetarians if you don't mind. :)First of all, I really want to be able to try (andLIKE) tofu. I remember trying it YEARS ago andthinking it wasn't very tasty at all, I guess becausetofu hasn't much taste to it, lol. Anyway, I am goingto try it again as soon as I go to the supermarketagain, so my question is this... Do any of you haveany suggestions for my first time trying it. Maybe arecipe with tofu that is really good r any type oftips for cooking it, etc.And also, I am trying to go Vegan but I really likecheese alot. Isn't there some kind of "artificial"cheeses out there, and if so what are they called, andare they stored with the regular cheese in stores?? Ihaven't been able to find out any info on this.Thank you soooooooooo much in advance for any info,tips, or suggestions you may have! :)Tracy=====My Cats Page... >^..^<http://www.angelfire.com/sc2/tracy"For as long as men massacre animals, theywill kill each other. Indeed, he who sows theseed of murder and pain cannot reap joy andlove". Pythagoras (mathematician)Kick off your party with Invites.http://invites./



contact owner: -owner Mail list: Delivered-mailing list List-Un: - no flaming arguing or denigration of others allowedcontact owner with complaints regarding posting/list or anything else. Thank you.please share/comment/inform and mostly enjoy this list

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I joined the list a couple of weeks ago but haven't posted. I'm married to a

meat eater, have a son who is a meat eater and who is picky, have a daughter

with PKU who has to eat a very low protein vegetarian diet and have another

daughter who is a strict vegan. It gets complicated, let me tell you! I tried

to be a vegetarian a couple of times in the last few years but I didn't stick

with it. This time I'm eating low fat vegan and plan to keep with it forever

because of how much better I feel and because of all the reading I'm doing

about the meat/milk/egg industry. Anyway, what I wanted to say is that in

some weird way, I'm almost grateful that I have to fix different meals for

myself since my husband and son eat meat (my daughters mostly cook for

themselves). It gives me a chance to try a lot of things that I'm quite

positive wouldn't appeal to the guys and that I find quite wonderful. If I

were trying to cater to everyone's appetite at once I'd be more limited in

what I could cook. This way, though it is more time consuming, I'm having a

lot of fun trying new things. And every now and then the guys will take a

taste. And occasionally they even like it :)




In a message dated 5/31/00 12:19:58 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

juliejulz writes:


> I just joined this list. I look forward to finding a few new recipes.

> I have my favorites but need new dishes. My hubby is a meat eater.

> Our 2 year old is a picky eater. I have my hands full planning and

> preparing meals for this family.



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>> This is all I have to offer at the moment. :-)


> ~Emmy~ >>>



This is great! Thanks!!! :)



My Cats Page... >^..^<



" For as long as men massacre animals, they

will kill each other. Indeed, he who sows the

seed of murder and pain cannot reap joy and

love " . Pythagoras (mathematician)




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Gosh it's so hard sometimes to make sure things have

NO ANIMAL produsts in them, isn't it?? :(



--- sarah <sarah.e.kesler wrote:

> and be careful that the worcestershire sauce doesn't

> have anchovies in

> it....gross.


> Sarah





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Hi Julie,

I am new also.

My 11 yr. old son is a meat eater so I know the

feeling of trying to plan multiple meals. He really

wants to be a vegetarian but he HATES all veggies

(except greenbeans). Anyway, I will keep working on

him, lol.

Welcome to the list!!! :)




--- Julie <juliejulz wrote:

> I just joined this list. I look forward to finding a

> few new recipes.

> I have my favorites but need new dishes. My hubby is

> a meat eater.

> Our 2 year old is a picky eater. I have my hands

> full planning and

> preparing meals for this family.






My Cats Page... >^..^<



" For as long as men massacre animals, they

will kill each other. Indeed, he who sows the

seed of murder and pain cannot reap joy and

love " . Pythagoras (mathematician)




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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

The ONLY way I will eat tofu is stirfried with

vegtables in Chinese food--and that's hard to find in

rural Ohio *lol*. Just make sure you eat plenty of

vegetables and good stuff. Drink a lot of water, and

your body will adjust before you know it. " Vegetarian

Times " is my favourite magazine, and they have a book

out for beginners, I can't remember off the top of my

head what it's called though. Good luck and remember

you're making the best choice for yourself, animals,

and the planet!!



--- 'thefrosts' <brfrost wrote:

> Hello,


> I'm new to your list and would like to take a moment

> to

> introduce myself - I am Roxanne and am new to the

> vegetarian

> lifestyle - my family have all been meat eaters and

> I'm

> trying to get away from it as much as possible. I'm

> looking

> for advice and assistance - magazines that are

> valuable

> sources of health information as well as recipes -

> perhaps

> some good cookbooks. I am not one who is a tofu fan,

> yet.

> Perhaps that will change over time.


> In any case - I am looking forward to hearing from

> anyone

> who would like to assist, and appreciate your time.


> Thank you in advance!


> Roxanne

> --






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  • 4 months later...

Charles wrote:


Evenin'Charles, just your average 40 year old male wanna be veggie. I am hoping to find a way to cook and stay interested in a vegetarian diet. I think if I could do this the idea of the Santa Maria style BBQ might just forever slip from my mind.


hi charles!!! i have no idea about Santa Maria style BBQ, but if you go to www.dixiediner.com they have a really tasty "homedown BBQ" meat (not) mix that is really tasty for sandwiches!!!!





"I have from an early age abjured the use of meat, and the time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they now look upon the murder of men." Leonardo Da Vinci




join my veggie icq active list! active list #73313964my icq number: 47113685

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I have since visited the Dixie Diner, I really want the chocolate cover tofu

though. Just for references sake a link to The Santa Maria Style BBQ.




Gaily bedight

           A gallant knight,

In sunshine and in shadow,

           Had journeyed long,

           Singing a song,

In search of Eldorado.


           But he grew old -

           This night so bold -

And o'er his heart a shadow

           Fell as he found

           No spot of ground

That looked like Eldorado


           And, as his strength

           failed him at length,

He met a pilgrim shadow -

           'shadow,' said he,

           'Where can it be -

This land of Eldorado?'


           'Over the Mountains

           Of the moon,

Down the valley of the shadow,

           Ride boldly ride'

           The shade replied, -

" If you seek for Eldorado.'



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  • 4 months later...

Hello, I am from Chesterville, Ontario, Canada. I am ovo,lacto some of the time, vegan some of the time and eat meat some of the time. I'm wishy washy I guess. My husband is a dairy farmer and loves his meat and taters. I get tired of cooking 2 meals all the time so I eat whatever I have cooked for the family. My family does like beans, however and I am hoping to find some quick recipes that have cooked beans in them. I use canned most of the time just for convenience, but all kinds of them. Anyway, nice to be here and I am looking forward to the recipes.





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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

I can't wait to try your ginger tip! Thanks and welcome to the group!

Jenny M., Moderator


Elizabeth Cooper

Tuesday, June 12, 2001 8:12 AM




Hello from Springfield Missouri and it is hot and humid outside!!! I love to

use my crockpot for the convenience. My name is Elizabeth and I am age 57

almost and I do a lot of cooking, baking you name it. My favorite thing to cook

in the crockpot is BEANS!!! Always put in l/2 teaspoon of ginger and the

problem with gas is virtually gone, and you don't taste the ginger either. I

also add other vegetables like chopped onion, green pepper, garlic, carrots,

celery, fresh tomatoes, etc. It is a taste to behold. I am married for 36

years, 2 grown daughters and 3 grandchildren. I look forward to hearing from

all of you. Elizabeth



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Welcome to the list Beth!

Let me know what you think of the last two recipes I posted...

Happy Cooking!

Jenny M., Moderator



Beth York

Monday, June 18, 2001 5:35 PM




I am new to the list. I Freezer Cook most of the time - the book I

use is from www.30daygourmet.com

But I would love to know more about my crockpot!

Any recipes that have an Indian flair would be great - like a veggie

mulligitawny - not sure how to spell that. DH doesn't like too much

spice, though.

I look forward to meeting you all!

Beth York


E-mail me privately if you would like to be invited to my Mystery

Hostess E-show starting tomorrow! beth

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they sound yummy

Nate is fussy - later!



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~Jennifer Meyrose~

Tuesday, June 19, 2001 9:28 AM

Re: newbie



Welcome to the list Beth!

Let me know what you think of the last two recipes I posted...

Happy Cooking!

Jenny M., Moderator



Beth York

Monday, June 18, 2001 5:35 PM




I am new to the list. I Freezer Cook most of the time - the book I

use is from www.30daygourmet.com

But I would love to know more about my crockpot!

Any recipes that have an Indian flair would be great - like a veggie

mulligitawny - not sure how to spell that. DH doesn't like too much

spice, though.

I look forward to meeting you all!

Beth York


E-mail me privately if you would like to be invited to my Mystery

Hostess E-show starting tomorrow! beth

Read a Book, Buy Books, Sell Books or Register for FREE Usborne Books

every month!



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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Hi, thanks for such a warm welcome! Also thank you for the cleaning tips,

Now I've gleaned a few tips and recipes and i'm ready to try my crockpot out!


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  • 5 months later...

One thing I do for salads to make preperation easier is to chop up everything ahead of time. I get a huge tupperwear container and when I bring home lettuce, cucumbers, carrots, whatever, I chop it all up and put it in the container. Don't put the tomatoes in there because they get kind of yucky. It won't be totally prepared for you but it will cut down on prep time. If you like raw broccoli, I've cut that up too and put it in my salads along with bell peppers, cheese, bacos, crutons, sesame seeds, raw mushrooms, green onions, just about anything. I like salads with lots of yummy things so making them can be a chore for me unless I do this.






Tuesday, January 15, 2002 11:12 AM


Hi, I have been planning on writing but have been so very busy in addition to suffering from ongoing neck, back and feet pain. My daughter and I have just eliminated pork and beef from our diets as of 1/1/02. I hope to be meat free by the end of the year. I just don't think it will work if I try to go cold turkey. It will be quite a challenge for me because I have hypertension, a heart condition and an allergy to msg. Trying to eliminate or greatly reduce sodium, fat, and msg from my diet leaves a lot of work to be done. When I visit the health food aisles, I find that a lot of the vegetarian items are high in sodium. I guess this is to enhance the flavor. I will probably have to make everything from scratch, which I do a lot of anyway. I love trying new recipes. I have some vegetarian cookbooks, but the recipes call for "so many" ingredients that one could go broke LOL. I will probably be asking for a lot of assistance from the group until I get the swing of this. Just the idea of no "Chicken" which I love, is oh, nevermind. Is there anyway to do this and not loose the flavor. I can handle eliminating fish, beef and pork, but the chicken is the problem. It has such variety, fried, baked, barbecued, casseroles. I have never cared to eat fruit and salads, it's not that I don't like them, it's the preparation, availability, and cost. I am open to suggestions. Barbra contact owner: -owner Mail list: Delivered-mailing list List-Un: - no flaming arguing or denigration of others allowedcontact owner with complaints regarding posting/list or anything else. Thank you.please share/comment/inform and mostly enjoy this list

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Welcome, mephaestos.


Sounds like you have a good idea with your pita sandwich. You'll find lots of ideas here.

Have you looked into a vegetarian group on campus? I live in a college town and I know that the vegetarians on campus have a group that get together. They bring a dish, discuss healthy diet and exchange resouce ideas. I understand they have a grand time. Maybe you could start such a group ? Just an idea.


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  • 8 months later...

Hi Amy and Welcome!


Congrats on becoming a vegan!



Chicago, IL


, " amy s " <AStief6917@m...> wrote:

> Hi, just joined and just becoming vegan. My name is Amy and I live

in Kansas. Just wanted in introduce myself! Amy

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Hi Amy


> Hi, just joined and just becoming vegan. My name is Amy and I live in Kansas. Just wanted in introduce

> myself! Amy


Welcome to the list - I dunno why, but all's a bit quiet on list at the moment - hopefully it'll pick up again in a few days time!





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you've abandoned us peter...

oh cruel cruel fate....


maybe i need to bury you kids in more recipes





" Peter " <Snowbow wrote:


>Hi Amy


>> Hi, just joined and just becoming vegan.  My name is Amy and I live in

Kansas.  Just wanted in introduce

>> myself!  Amy


>Welcome to the list - I dunno why, but all's a bit quiet on list at the moment

- hopefully it'll pick up again in a few days time!







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Hi Fraggle


> you've abandoned us peter...


Well, last time it went quiet, I prodded the list and Nikki complained that

I was prodding too hard.....


> maybe i need to bury you kids in more recipes


Bury away..... :-)







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Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).

Version: 6.0.417 / Virus Database: 233 - Release 08/11/02

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i had a huge stack of recipes all ready to go, and the boss was nice enought to

turn off my computer..wheee...lost em all..


maybe we can complain about cats pooin in the yard again





" Peter " <Snowbow wrote:


>Hi Fraggle


>> you've abandoned us peter...


>Well, last time it went quiet, I prodded the list and Nikki complained that

>I was prodding too hard.....


>> maybe i need to bury you kids in more recipes


>Bury away..... :-)







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Who? me?


<dons innocent smile>


nikki :)


, " Peter " <Snowbow@b...> wrote:

> Hi Fraggle


> > you've abandoned us peter...


> Well, last time it went quiet, I prodded the list and Nikki

complained that

> I was prodding too hard.....


> > maybe i need to bury you kids in more recipes


> Bury away..... :-)


> BB

> Peter



> ---

> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.

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