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Hi Mark, Your story sounds a lot like mine. I'm looking forward to reading more

from you.



Mark Mills <3cats1pug wrote:

Hi, my name is Mark, and our family is working on recovering our vegetarian

ways. My wife and I have been married nearly 20 years, and we were vegetarians

for about 5 years many years ago. We fell to the sultry and seductive aromas of

Burger King and the squadron cookouts when I was in the Air Force, and with 3

very young children at the time we found it far too convenient to do the fast

food trip than do what we knew was healthy. Now, with our two boys graduating

this year, we just feel we have got to get back into healthy eating habits and

be better stewards of our planet. I just wish we would have not been so busy and

made a priority of what we eat.


Anyway, we tend toward more organic food and lacto-ovo meals. I'm not a huge fan

of tofu, which cuts out a huge range of meals, but I like TVP tacos. Being in

Texas I cook with more of a southwest flavor, jalapenos and such. I'm looking

forward to browsing through the recipes to see what I can find.


Also, not that this is the place for it, I do support peace and justice work. I

took a lot of heat while I was in the Air Force, which I did purely for economic

reasons that I wouldn't do again, because I was a member of the Austin Peace and

Justice Coalition and had a bumper sticker on my VW van that I drove to the base

reading " you can't hug a child with nuclear arms. " I didn't make a lot of



It's good to be in this group, and I'm looking forward to finding some support

for working on eating like we know we should. Peace to everyone.






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  • 5 months later...

Hi Kevin! Welcome to the group:) I'm newly vegan, been veg off/on most

of my life. I'm in Texas, and yes, the sweet potato is truly a

wonderful thing - have you made pie or bread from them yet?


As to soy, I've also heard that too much can be a bad thing for men, but

none of that came from any medical journals. You might try finding

sources for the data, and see how credible the sources are.


I notice from your email addy that you're at UNC - is that anywhere near

Candler or Ashville? I have newly relo'd family there:)




Debra Lee Thompson


Analyst - Mortgage I


First Horizon Home Loans Corporation


debrathompson <debrathompson




Kevin Nesnow [faisca]

Tuesday, November 23, 2004 2:14 PM

Just Joined




Hi Everyone,


I just joined the group. I've been a veg for 4 yrs now and

I am a borderline vegan. One day I will get there, but not now, and not

in this society. BTW, I live in North Carolina, USA. I look forward to

sharing with everyone. To start, I am very interested in learning more

recipes. Currently I eat a lot of soy. I know soy is very benefical,

but can too much be bad for me? I've read this is true. Of course

everything in moderation. Also, is it me or is the sweet potato the

best vegetable ever!? Thanks in advance for your comments.


- kevin





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  • 1 year later...

Hi Jan,


Welcome to the group - and I guess you must be the 'newest' veggie we've ever

had, since

you've not tried anything yet LOL You must go and read the recipes in our Files

- some

great stuff there to tempt you. Some recipes are quick and easy, some more


but all are excellent.


About the dairy - best advice I can give is to keep away from the high-fat dairy

if you're

trying to lose weight. And of course watch the fats/oils in other food you eat -

this is a

low-fat group anyway, so you'll soon catch on :-) I only mention this because

I've seen it

happen that someone 'goes vegetarian' and then doesn't lose weight because they


it's okay to use cheese instead of me*t - quite apart from what it'll do to the



If you have questions, just ask away! There's always someone to help :-)


I look forward to talking more with you on the list!


Best, Pat (co-owner)

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Hi Pat,



Nice to meet you. I don't have to worry about eating dairy. Milk

is one of the things I'm allergic too. Also eggs and corn. I just

found out in November when my doctor sent me for the blood test.

The test didn't test for beef, but I think I am allergic to it too.

No great loss though. (I mostly eat it because I have to cook it

for my husband.) I get headaches and a lot of congestion after I

eat it. I go to the allergist next week.


I have made some brownies and cookies using tofu instead of eggs and

they came out really good. I have some new cookbooks: tofu, whole

grains, soy and allergy. I have to go to the health food store and

buy a lot of the ingredients. Some of the recepies sound pretty

good, but a lot don't.


Anyways, this is all new to me so I am grateful for any help that I

can get.


Thanks for writing,

Jan :o)


, " Pat " <veggiehound>



> Hi Jan,


> Welcome to the group - and I guess you must be the 'newest' veggie

we've ever had, since

> you've not tried anything yet LOL You must go and read the recipes

in our Files - some

> great stuff there to tempt you. Some recipes are quick and easy,

some more complicated,

> but all are excellent.


> About the dairy - best advice I can give is to keep away from the

high-fat dairy if you're

> trying to lose weight. And of course watch the fats/oils in other

food you eat - this is a

> low-fat group anyway, so you'll soon catch on :-) I only mention

this because I've seen it

> happen that someone 'goes vegetarian' and then doesn't lose weight

because they think

> it's okay to use cheese instead of me*t - quite apart from what

it'll do to the arteries.


> If you have questions, just ask away! There's always someone to

help :-)


> I look forward to talking more with you on the list!


> Best, Pat (co-owner)


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Hi again, Jan :-)


>I don't have to worry about eating dairy. Milk

> is one of the things I'm allergic too. Also eggs . . .


Oh, okay - but hey I was going by your answer to one of our questions on the

questionnaire for new members. You said: 'I thought about becoming a vegan, but


is a little too strict. I don't think I could do it. Besides I'm

not into all of the stuff that goes along with it.'


I would think that as a vegetarian eating no eggs and no dairy you'd be a good


for being a *dietary vegan* (unless you're determined to eat honey) - that is to

say, one

who follows a vegan or plant-based diet. (The vegan lifestyle, of course is

another matter

and is strict I suppose :-)) Am I missing something here? Or perhaps you mean


different by 'vegetarian'? (We don't eat anything from animal flesh - whether

the animal

walks, flies, crawls, runs, hops, swims or suns itself on a rock or hides under

the rock.)


Anyway, sorry about your allergies but you are not alone there. The milk stuff

isn't good

for us anyway! It's easy to work around that - as you found out with your

brownies :-)


>Some of the recepies sound pretty

> good, but a lot don't.


???? Okay, but it's all a matter of taste, isn't it? There's lots of variety, so

you should do just

fine! Hang in there!


> Anyways, this is all new to me so I am grateful for any help that I

> can get.


Just ask!!! And take care of yourself. Good luck with the allergist - hope you

don't find

anything else you're allergic to!


Best love, Pat

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Hey Pat,


I think I could handle the diet part of being a vegan, but not

the " lifestyle " . The diet really doesn't seem different from the

vegetarian. I guess I never thought or heard about being a " dietary

vegan " like you mentioned. I just assumed the diet and lifestyle

went together.


I don't believe in any type of cruelity to animals and I hate fur

and leather and all that. I try to avoid products that are amimal

tested, but it's hard and expensive. I shop at Feel Rite a lot and

their cleaning and beauty products are way too expensive for me.

The ones at the Dollar Tree work just as well. It just seems so

complicated. Seems like a lot of " rules " .


I admit I don't know a lot about it yet. I have a lot of research

to do. A lot to learn. I really need to get the meat out of my

diet though. I don't like the way I feel after I eat it. It just

seems to sit there in my stomach forever.


(And I really need my Oil of Old Lady! LOL I know P & G animal tests,

but this is the best thing I have found for my face.)


I don't get the honey part. Bees don't make honey in the same

manner a cow makes milk. It's produced outside of their bodies from

pollen from flowers. I don't eat honey, but I cook with it

occasionally and could live without it.



Jan :o)



, " Pat " <veggiehound>




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> I think I could handle the diet part of being a vegan, but not

> the " lifestyle " . The diet really doesn't seem different from the

> vegetarian.


True - vegetarians that abstain from eggs, dairy and honey would be like vegans

as far as

their diet is concerned.


> I just assumed the diet and lifestyle

> went together.


Many vegans would agree. But that's a bit OT for this list, so I won't get into

that - I

wouldn't have raised it except to wonder what you meant.


>It just seems so

> complicated. Seems like a lot of " rules " .


Fair enough. This list is really about diet anyway :-) So what you need to do is

to get onto

a meat-free diet in order to feel better and lose weight, right? And of course,

you need to

avoid those foods to which you are allergic. Avoid sugars, simple carbs ('white'

foods) and

cut way down on oils/fats and you should be fine!


Best of luck - Pat

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  • 6 months later...
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Howdy and welcome to the group

join in anytime




Freebird005 Jul 31, 2006 5:55 PM Vegan Group Just joined

Hello there,


Just joined the group yesterday. I'm in Quebec, Canada. Nice to finally get a chance to communicate with others that share these important values. Looking forward to brainstorming with you all.


Later veggiegators!




Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less.

"NOTICE: Due to Presidential Executive Orders, the National Security Agency may have read this email without warning, warrant, or notice. They may do this without any judicial or legislative oversight. You have no recourse nor protection save to call for the impeachment of the current President."

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Welcome to Vegan Chat. I hope you enjoy it here. Please join in

whenever you feel like it, which we hope is often.




, Freebird005 <vegan_qc_05 wrote:


> Hello there,


> Just joined the group yesterday. I'm in Quebec, Canada.

Nice to finally get a chance to communicate with others that share

these important values. Looking forward to brainstorming with you all.


> Later veggiegators!





> Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and

30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less.


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Hi - welcome to the group. I'm not sure about brainstorming :-) but we like to chat.






Vegan Group

Monday, July 31, 2006 10:55 PM

Just joined


Hello there,


Just joined the group yesterday. I'm in Quebec, Canada. Nice to finally get a chance to communicate with others that share these important values. Looking forward to brainstorming with you all.


Later veggiegators!




Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less.

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Hi and Welcome to the group!


Nikki :)



, Freebird005 <vegan_qc_05 wrote:


> Hello there,


> Just joined the group yesterday. I'm in Quebec, Canada.

Nice to finally get a chance to communicate with others that share

these important values. Looking forward to brainstorming with you all.


> Later veggiegators!





> Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and

30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less.


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hi and welcome please tell us more bout your self earthstrm <earthstorm wrote: Hi and Welcome to the group!Nikki :) , Freebird005 <vegan_qc_05 wrote:>> Hello there,> > Just joined the group yesterday. I'm in Quebec, Canada. Nice to finally get a chance to communicate with others that share these important values.

Looking forward to brainstorming with you all.> > Later veggiegators!> > > > > Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less.>

Now you can scan emails quickly with a reading pane. Get the new Mail.

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  • 3 years later...


I just joined this group. I'm amazed at the sub-culture of vegan GFers. I

thought that there would be a small number, but I see I was wrong.


We joined because I am seeking to find something to fix for our family that is

GF, as we are strongly suspecting a wheat sensitivity/possible gluten

sensitivity in our 6 yo son. I don't really suspect Celiac's although I know

that I surely don't know much about it. He has behavioral problems when given

wheat. We are currently trying to narrow down food sensitivities with another

elimination-type diet, and have felt like our progress has been minimal, due to

confusion about whether Austin is having reactions to gluten grains. We have

decided that the best way we know of to see what is going on would be to do a

trial of completly GF, then add the grains back in to watch for reactions. We

have not had him allergy tested. I don't know for sure if gluten sensitivity

(not true allergy with anaphylaxis, etc.) shows up on allergy tests.


So, I will browse the files and maybe ask questions. I need to know where to

start, basically. I have read some recipes, and I realized that I probably will

feel quite overwhelmed until I just jump in there and experiment. So, we tried

our first GF pancake recipe, that we made up this morning. We ground up

buckwheat on the blender, added a bit of cornmeal and flax seed, some

flavorings, and put it to the test. Well, they were great! I think I like

these pancakes/waffles better than our usual oat ones, so we're on the right



One thing I have concern over is how to do GF economically. Compared to what we

normally eat, the flours seem very pricey, and I will be cooking for a family of

five (three growing boys with hearty appetites). We want to have balanced

nutrition, as the boys are in their formative years, and we're willing to make

sacrifices, but can't spend a fortune, or compromise on excellent health.


Just some of my first thoughts.


Excited to be joining this group!


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Sounds like your starting out with good thoughts and ideas. The

elimination/challenge diet is the best to pin point sensitivities. My GI doc

even said that!


Not sure what area you are in, but google wholesale to the public + your

city and see if anything comes up. I'm in Pittsburgh, PA and we have an area

called the strip district and there's a bunch of stores that sale wholesale

to the public with no minimum, so you can go in and buy 1 tomato or you can

buy boxes of stuff, whatever you want/need. The most I ever spent on produce

was about $20 and I walked away with 5 bags! Once we estimated it out based

on prices in the regular grocery stores and figured that we saved about $60,

and that was when we spent $12 on produce!

Another resource would be to order flours in bulk. Amazon.com carries some

products, but you gotta double check because not everything is sold threw

them. The products they ship out is free shipping on $25 or more orders, and

their products are discounted, so you'll save some money. I also check ebay

once in a while. Write to companies and request coupons, and ask your

friends/family if you can request coupons to be sent to them that you can

use to buy the special foods your family needs. Amy's Kitchen, Ian's, and

Enjoy Life all have sent me coupons. Enjoy Life has a newsletter you can

sign up for and they have printable coupons. Coupons.com recently had (and

may still be available) coconut milk, ice cream and yogurts.

Also keep your receipts and keep a record of how much gluten foods cost and

the difference you pay is tax deductible. So for example, a regular loaf of

wheat bread cost $1 and the gf bread cost $4, you can claim $3 for that loaf

of bread. I'll try to find the website again to post because they had a form

you could print out to keep track of cost and explained the whole tax

deduction thing about it.

Quinoa is a healthy, filling grain alternative that is very versatile and

high in protein. I posted a recipe maybe 1-2 weeks ago that I made with

butternut squash and pine nuts. It was divine! And really easy to make!

Also, you may qualify for food stamps to help with the cost of food for a

special diet. I qualified and I didn't even need a medical statement or

anything! Believe me it helps! If I didn't get them, I wouldn't eat, and I

don't eat much! And now they have little plastic cards so you blend in with

all the people using debit cards! lol

Also, check out angelfoodministries.com as they have a produce box and once

a month they deliver to local churches and you can order whatever you want

and there's no restrictions! Before they had it that you had to order one of

their mail boxes that's full of wheat and meat, but now they eliminated that

requirement and you can just order the veggies. (Guess all those emails

worked! ;) I think it's $22 for the produce box, and you get a lot.

I can't think of anything else at the moment, but if I do I'll let you know!

Good luck!



On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 7:59 PM, gnlcover <gnlcover wrote:




> Hi

> I just joined this group. I'm amazed at the sub-culture of vegan GFers. I

> thought that there would be a small number, but I see I was wrong.


> We joined because I am seeking to find something to fix for our family that

> is GF, as we are strongly suspecting a wheat sensitivity/possible gluten

> sensitivity in our 6 yo son. I don't really suspect Celiac's although I know

> that I surely don't know much about it. He has behavioral problems when

> given wheat. We are currently trying to narrow down food sensitivities with

> another elimination-type diet, and have felt like our progress has been

> minimal, due to confusion about whether Austin is having reactions to gluten

> grains. We have decided that the best way we know of to see what is going on

> would be to do a trial of completly GF, then add the grains back in to watch

> for reactions. We have not had him allergy tested. I don't know for sure if

> gluten sensitivity (not true allergy with anaphylaxis, etc.) shows up on

> allergy tests.


> So, I will browse the files and maybe ask questions. I need to know where

> to start, basically. I have read some recipes, and I realized that I

> probably will feel quite overwhelmed until I just jump in there and

> experiment. So, we tried our first GF pancake recipe, that we made up this

> morning. We ground up buckwheat on the blender, added a bit of cornmeal and

> flax seed, some flavorings, and put it to the test. Well, they were great! I

> think I like these pancakes/waffles better than our usual oat ones, so we're

> on the right track.


> One thing I have concern over is how to do GF economically. Compared to

> what we normally eat, the flours seem very pricey, and I will be cooking for

> a family of five (three growing boys with hearty appetites). We want to have

> balanced nutrition, as the boys are in their formative years, and we're

> willing to make sacrifices, but can't spend a fortune, or compromise on

> excellent health.


> Just some of my first thoughts.


> Excited to be joining this group!

> Laurie







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