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How to cut a mango....

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Ok, this is a really stupid question, but I have the HARDEST time cutting

mangoes without

wasting a lot of the fruit. Its actually to the point where I am avoiding the

purchase of

mangoes because of it! Any pointers?


Also.....does anyone have any ideas on how to get loved ones to join in on the

raw food

wagon? My dh does not like salad, but he is eating more fruits now....he's also

complaining that I'm not cooking (and I think feeling neglected). Anyone else

had a

similar experience and would be willing to share their expertise? It'd be



I started journaling again because I wanted to see if it would help me with my


stress...I'm trying to keep it simple, b/c I don't want it to seem like a chore

for myself.

Here's a basic format- and if you think of anything that would fit right in, let

me know!!

1. one thing I'm thankful for

2. three things I did well today/am proud of today

3. three things I would like to do better tomorrow



1.personal/physical goal

2. spiritual/emotional goal

3. relational goal (family)

4. relational goal (friends)

5. project related goal


Alright, that's all from me for now!





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>Ok, this is a really stupid question, but I have the HARDEST time cutting

>mangoes without

wasting a lot of the fruit. Its actually to the point where I am avoiding

the purchase of

mangoes because of it! Any pointers?


Cut the " cheeks " off, as close to the sides of the seed as possible, so

you're left with a ring of fruit around the seed, then run the knife around

the edge of the seed. Then chew the seed to get all remaining taste of fruit

off it ;o)


To get the fruit off the skin, slice the " cheeks " lengthways then across, so

you end up with squares, then flip it inside out, and cut each cube off the

skin. The ring you can peel the skin off by cutting it near the stem hole.


Does that make sense??


>Also.....does anyone have any ideas on how to get loved ones to join in on

>the raw food

wagon? My dh does not like salad, but he is eating more fruits now....he's


complaining that I'm not cooking (and I think feeling neglected). Anyone

else had a

similar experience and would be willing to share their expertise? It'd be



Have you explained to him what you're doing and why? I mean a good long

talk, not just a " this is what I'm doing and why " ;o) Not that I have a

partner to turn raw, but I do try to keep my son posted on what I'm doing,

and I know there's less confusion, thus less resistance, when I explain

things as we go, rather than just expecting him to tag along.


Good luck with your journaling :o)



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My husband is well aware of what I'm doing, why, and

all that jazz. He just chuckles and calls me a




--- Caron <carongroups wrote:



> -

> kerri

> >Ok, this is a really stupid question, but I have

> the HARDEST time cutting

> >mangoes without

> wasting a lot of the fruit. Its actually to the

> point where I am avoiding

> the purchase of

> mangoes because of it! Any pointers?


> Cut the " cheeks " off, as close to the sides of the

> seed as possible, so

> you're left with a ring of fruit around the seed,

> then run the knife around

> the edge of the seed. Then chew the seed to get all

> remaining taste of fruit

> off it ;o)


> To get the fruit off the skin, slice the " cheeks "

> lengthways then across, so

> you end up with squares, then flip it inside out,

> and cut each cube off the

> skin. The ring you can peel the skin off by cutting

> it near the stem hole.


> Does that make sense??


> >Also.....does anyone have any ideas on how to get

> loved ones to join in on

> >the raw food

> wagon? My dh does not like salad, but he is eating

> more fruits now....he's

> also

> complaining that I'm not cooking (and I think

> feeling neglected). Anyone

> else had a

> similar experience and would be willing to share

> their expertise? It'd be

> appreciated!


> Have you explained to him what you're doing and why?

> I mean a good long

> talk, not just a " this is what I'm doing and why "

> ;o) Not that I have a

> partner to turn raw, but I do try to keep my son

> posted on what I'm doing,

> and I know there's less confusion, thus less

> resistance, when I explain

> things as we go, rather than just expecting him to

> tag along.


> Good luck with your journaling :o)


> Caron








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Hi Kerri,

Yes, I hear you about getting hubby on board. My dh is definitely

not in agreement about the raw food vegan diet, and he wasn't in

agreement with my macrobiotic diet either.

He is also eating more fruits now, and he enjoys my salads, especially

when I make a salad dressing that he likes. He drinks MOST of my

smoothies, and even likes the green smoothies. However, he also buys

turkey breast to supplement or makes scrambled eggs, etc. He doesn't

think that a smoothie or a fruit salad plus a dinner salad is ENOUGH for

a meal.

He doesn't complain about my not cooking, because he does enjoy

the stuff that I do prepare.

He does appreciate the fact that I have a lot more energy and

that I feel so much better; however, he's not willing to stop eating

chicken and fish! Maybe someday....



> Ok, this is a really stupid question, but I have the HARDEST time

> cutting mangoes without

> wasting a lot of the fruit. Its actually to the point where I am

> avoiding the purchase of

> mangoes because of it! Any pointers?


> Also.....does anyone have any ideas on how to get loved ones to join

> in on the raw food

> wagon? My dh does not like salad, but he is eating more fruits

> now....he's also

> complaining that I'm not cooking (and I think feeling neglected).

> Anyone else had a

> similar experience and would be willing to share their expertise? It'd

> be appreciated!


> I started journaling again because I wanted to see if it would help me

> with my anxiety/

> stress...I'm trying to keep it simple, b/c I don't want it to seem

> like a chore for myself.

> Here's a basic format- and if you think of anything that would fit

> right in, let me know!!

> 1. one thing I'm thankful for

> 2. three things I did well today/am proud of today

> 3. three things I would like to do better tomorrow


> weekly:

> 1.personal/physical goal

> 2. spiritual/emotional goal

> 3. relational goal (family)

> 4. relational goal (friends)

> 5. project related goal


> Alright, that's all from me for now!


> Thx!


> Kerri



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we cut them in quarters and peel and eat-it used to be hard because we

didn't have enough money and had to shar-we still don't but have

started buying more fruit anyway

which leads me into trying to help by sharing-

I eat raw

andso my kids have started helping with their cooking & cleaning-this

has helped enlighten them with how much work is involved

I was the one complaining that I would still have to cook & clean


i have this table in the kitchen that has available fruits & veggies

To me it is the most colorful loving part of the kitchen

The kids just take what they need


now their diet has become 50% raw and I can live with that


i did end up eating brown rice today

they had a stir fry

and I had a bowl of rice

It was what I wanted and settled quite nicely in my stomach.


rawfood , " kerri " <twinkles457 wrote:


> Ok, this is a really stupid question, but I have the HARDEST time

cutting mangoes without

> wasting a lot of the fruit. Its actually to the point where I am

avoiding the purchase of

> mangoes because of it! Any pointers?


> Also.....does anyone have any ideas on how to get loved ones to join

in on the raw food

> wagon? My dh does not like salad, but he is eating more fruits

now....he's also

> complaining that I'm not cooking (and I think feeling neglected).

Anyone else had a

> similar experience and would be willing to share their expertise?

It'd be appreciated!


> I started journaling again because I wanted to see if it would help

me with my anxiety/

> stress...I'm trying to keep it simple, b/c I don't want it to seem

like a chore for myself.

> Here's a basic format- and if you think of anything that would fit

right in, let me know!!

> 1. one thing I'm thankful for

> 2. three things I did well today/am proud of today

> 3. three things I would like to do better tomorrow


> weekly:

> 1.personal/physical goal

> 2. spiritual/emotional goal

> 3. relational goal (family)

> 4. relational goal (friends)

> 5. project related goal


> Alright, that's all from me for now!


> Thx!


> Kerri


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Kerri Myers

>My husband is well aware of what I'm doing, why, and

all that jazz. He just chuckles and calls me a



Ahh ok :o) Sounded like he'd just realised you hadn't been cooking ;o)

hmm...you could get creative and make banana men with dates for eyes, to

show him that you still care ;o)


Alternatively, you could show him some of the websites of raw men, who bulk

up and get fit on a raw diet?


Good luck with it!



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No one ever showed me how to cut a mango, and I never saw anyone do it, so I

don't know if anyone else does it this way, but this is how I do it:


I make four shallow cuts in the skin (just enough to piece the skin, not the

fruit), starting at the top, and going all the way to the bottom, turn it 90

degrees, make another cut, turn again, repeat, and then one more time, so

that if you're looking head-on at the mango from the stem point, you have a

kind of t or x made with the cuts. Then, I just peel back the skin from the

fruit. If it's ripe, it peels right off. Then I take a (ceramic) knife to

the fruit, and usually eat each piece as I cut it off, but I'm sure you

could cut it just the same to save it or do something else with it. I scrape

the pit and inside the skins with my teeth to get every last morsel of juicy

orangey goodness : ) If you eat it as you cut it, you may get juice running

down your arm. Don't be alarmed : )






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I like the idea of having a " fruit center " in my

kitchen....we just have to finish painting and all

that stuff before I would really be able to appreciate

it! (home improvements are a pain!)


I bet that would make everything more appealing to dh!








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My husband is such a goober! I would show him those

pictures and he would just chuckle and call them all

hippies too! I keep telling him that he knew this

stuff before we got married, so deep down inside he is

longing for my " hippie-ness " to rub off on him.


Banana men......fantastic.

--- Caron <carongroups wrote:



> -

> Kerri Myers

> >My husband is well aware of what I'm doing, why,

> and

> all that jazz. He just chuckles and calls me a

> hippie.


> Ahh ok :o) Sounded like he'd just realised you

> hadn't been cooking ;o)

> hmm...you could get creative and make banana men

> with dates for eyes, to

> show him that you still care ;o)


> Alternatively, you could show him some of the

> websites of raw men, who bulk

> up and get fit on a raw diet?


> Good luck with it!


> Caron









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I thought the whole point of a mango was to have juice

running down my arm...and my face....



--- Jen V <jem_1000 wrote:


> No one ever showed me how to cut a mango, and I

> never saw anyone do it, so I

> don't know if anyone else does it this way, but this

> is how I do it:


> I make four shallow cuts in the skin (just enough to

> piece the skin, not the

> fruit), starting at the top, and going all the way

> to the bottom, turn it 90

> degrees, make another cut, turn again, repeat, and

> then one more time, so

> that if you're looking head-on at the mango from the

> stem point, you have a

> kind of t or x made with the cuts. Then, I just peel

> back the skin from the

> fruit. If it's ripe, it peels right off. Then I take

> a (ceramic) knife to

> the fruit, and usually eat each piece as I cut it

> off, but I'm sure you

> could cut it just the same to save it or do

> something else with it. I scrape

> the pit and inside the skins with my teeth to get

> every last morsel of juicy

> orangey goodness : ) If you eat it as you cut it,

> you may get juice running

> down your arm. Don't be alarmed : )


> Jen




> http://liveearth.msn.com









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Kerri Myers

>My husband is such a goober! I would show him those

pictures and he would just chuckle and call them all

hippies too! I keep telling him that he knew this

stuff before we got married, so deep down inside he is

longing for my " hippie-ness " to rub off on him.


hehe get him a poncho and make him grow his hair long ;o) oh, and burn all

your bras and go about in long skirts with bare feet. Then he might see that

raw food isn't quite as extreme ;o)


>Banana men......fantastic.


well, it shows you're putting the effort it... hehe



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My dh could care less what I feed him as long as I feed him. LOL.....


He is the ultimate die-hard meat and potatoes kind of man. I have slowly over

time (and lots of begging)lol gotten him to agree that we eat raw at home a

great majority of the time. He knows and respects that I am desperate to get

healthy and loose weight. He is trying (in his own way) to be supportive. As

much as he is able. He just doesnt believe in any " extreme diets " (as he calls

it). We agreed that if he needs sad he will eat it before he gets home.

Every now and then he brings home a steak for me to cook for him or he requests

something that is not on my raw " menu " . I will cook for him if he does request

it. However, mainly we eat salads for dinner and cut fruit for desert. What is

upsetting to me is that, while he is eating about 80% raw while at home, he is

loosing way more weight than I am and I am at 100% and have only " cheated " a

couple of times in over 3 months!!!! Not fair!!





your time is the most cherished gift of all, tomorrow is promised to no one.





Kerri Myers <twinkles457


Wednesday, July 11, 2007 7:52:55 PM

Re: [Raw Food] How to cut a mango....



My husband is well aware of what I'm doing, why, and

all that jazz. He just chuckles and calls me a




--- Caron <carongroups wrote:



> -

> kerri

> >Ok, this is a really stupid question, but I have

> the HARDEST time cutting

> >mangoes without

> wasting a lot of the fruit. Its actually to the

> point where I am avoiding

> the purchase of

> mangoes because of it! Any pointers?


> Cut the " cheeks " off, as close to the sides of the

> seed as possible, so

> you're left with a ring of fruit around the seed,

> then run the knife around

> the edge of the seed. Then chew the seed to get all

> remaining taste of fruit

> off it ;o)


> To get the fruit off the skin, slice the " cheeks "

> lengthways then across, so

> you end up with squares, then flip it inside out,

> and cut each cube off the

> skin. The ring you can peel the skin off by cutting

> it near the stem hole.


> Does that make sense??


> >Also.....does anyone have any ideas on how to get

> loved ones to join in on

> >the raw food

> wagon? My dh does not like salad, but he is eating

> more fruits now....he's

> also

> complaining that I'm not cooking (and I think

> feeling neglected). Anyone

> else had a

> similar experience and would be willing to share

> their expertise? It'd be

> appreciated!


> Have you explained to him what you're doing and why?

> I mean a good long

> talk, not just a " this is what I'm doing and why "

> ;o) Not that I have a

> partner to turn raw, but I do try to keep my son

> posted on what I'm doing,

> and I know there's less confusion, thus less

> resistance, when I explain

> things as we go, rather than just expecting him to

> tag along.


> Good luck with your journaling :o)


> Caron








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You know they make " mango forks " .


I have used them in my travels to South America. There mangos are eaten lots and

they use the mango fork like we would use a regular fork. It is a 3 prong fork,

the middle one is longer than the other 2. You push it into the " belly button "

they call it, and then they just peel it and eat it. I actually was planning to

buy a set.





your time is the most cherished gift of all, tomorrow is promised to no one.





kerri <twinkles457


Wednesday, July 11, 2007 7:25:35 PM

[Raw Food] How to cut a mango....



Ok, this is a really stupid question, but I have the HARDEST time cutting

mangoes without

wasting a lot of the fruit. Its actually to the point where I am avoiding the

purchase of

mangoes because of it! Any pointers?


Also.....does anyone have any ideas on how to get loved ones to join in on the

raw food

wagon? My dh does not like salad, but he is eating more fruits now....he's also

complaining that I'm not cooking (and I think feeling neglected). Anyone else

had a

similar experience and would be willing to share their expertise? It'd be



I started journaling again because I wanted to see if it would help me with my


stress...I'm trying to keep it simple, b/c I don't want it to seem like a chore

for myself.

Here's a basic format- and if you think of anything that would fit right in, let

me know!!

1. one thing I'm thankful for

2. three things I did well today/am proud of today

3. three things I would like to do better tomorrow



1.personal/physical goal

2. spiritual/emotional goal

3. relational goal (family)

4. relational goal (friends)

5. project related goal


Alright, that's all from me for now!










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rawfood , " kerri " <twinkles457 wrote:


> Ok, this is a really stupid question, but I have the HARDEST time

cutting mangoes without

> wasting a lot of the fruit. Its actually to the point where I am

avoiding the purchase of

> mangoes because of it! Any pointers?


> I am so glad this is being addressed, too! I have the same problem.

Thank you! LOL

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Hi Kerri,


I see you've gotten lots of responses but I haven't read 'em all yet,

so sorry if I'm repetitive...


rawfood , " kerri " <twinkles457 wrote:


> Ok, this is a really stupid question, but I have the HARDEST time

cutting mangoes without

> wasting a lot of the fruit.


***I suck the remaining fruit off the pit when I can and I'm in the



> Also.....does anyone have any ideas on how to get loved ones to

join in on the raw food

> wagon? My dh does not like salad, but he is eating more fruits

now....he's also

> complaining that I'm not cooking (and I think feeling neglected).

Anyone else had a

> similar experience and would be willing to share their expertise?


***My hubby is interested and eats a lot more fruit/raw now, but I

don't know if he'll ever want to be fully raw. If that ever happens,

I'm sure it will not be until I am eating that way all or almost all

of the time. But, sharing little tidbits of info about what I'm

learning (the effects of dairy, how fruit/raw is our natural diet,

personal stories of people who have healed certain diseases, etc.) as

I go along seems to have an impact. Also, not pushing things on him,

giving him his freedom, giving choices, still cooking for him when he

wants (not specifically offering him cooked food, but asking him what

he wants--fruit or not). And, after he started trying fruit meals,

he noticed a difference in how he felt (he can function a lot better

at work and not crash after eating).


> I started journaling again because I wanted to see if it would help

me with my anxiety/

> stress...I'm trying to keep it simple, b/c I don't want it to seem

like a chore for myself.

> Here's a basic format- and if you think of anything that would fit

right in, let me know!!

> 1. one thing I'm thankful for

> 2. three things I did well today/am proud of today

> 3. three things I would like to do better tomorrow


> weekly:

> 1.personal/physical goal

> 2. spiritual/emotional goal

> 3. relational goal (family)

> 4. relational goal (friends)

> 5. project related goal


***That sounds like an awful lot to me! If it were me, I'd want to

focus more on what I HAVE learned, accomplished. If I have a big

list of goals and things I want to do better, I tend to get

overwhelmed. But that's just me. Whatever makes you feel GOOD! :-)


Take care,



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if the goals were big goals, I would also feel

overwhelmed. The goals I am writing for myself are

things like " wake up 10 minutes earlier and spend that

10 minutes outside " or " call or write to one person

this week that I've been thinking about "


Those little things I forget to do that can make such

a huge difference in the quality of my life.



--- Laurie Swanson <laurie wrote:


> Hi Kerri,


> I see you've gotten lots of responses but I haven't

> read 'em all yet,

> so sorry if I'm repetitive...


> rawfood , " kerri "

> <twinkles457 wrote:

> >

> > Ok, this is a really stupid question, but I have

> the HARDEST time

> cutting mangoes without

> > wasting a lot of the fruit.


> ***I suck the remaining fruit off the pit when I can

> and I'm in the

> mood.


> > Also.....does anyone have any ideas on how to get

> loved ones to

> join in on the raw food

> > wagon? My dh does not like salad, but he is

> eating more fruits

> now....he's also

> > complaining that I'm not cooking (and I think

> feeling neglected).

> Anyone else had a

> > similar experience and would be willing to share

> their expertise?


> ***My hubby is interested and eats a lot more

> fruit/raw now, but I

> don't know if he'll ever want to be fully raw. If

> that ever happens,

> I'm sure it will not be until I am eating that way

> all or almost all

> of the time. But, sharing little tidbits of info

> about what I'm

> learning (the effects of dairy, how fruit/raw is our

> natural diet,

> personal stories of people who have healed certain

> diseases, etc.) as

> I go along seems to have an impact. Also, not

> pushing things on him,

> giving him his freedom, giving choices, still

> cooking for him when he

> wants (not specifically offering him cooked food,

> but asking him what

> he wants--fruit or not). And, after he started

> trying fruit meals,

> he noticed a difference in how he felt (he can

> function a lot better

> at work and not crash after eating).


> > I started journaling again because I wanted to see

> if it would help

> me with my anxiety/

> > stress...I'm trying to keep it simple, b/c I don't

> want it to seem

> like a chore for myself.

> > Here's a basic format- and if you think of

> anything that would fit

> right in, let me know!!

> > 1. one thing I'm thankful for

> > 2. three things I did well today/am proud of today

> > 3. three things I would like to do better tomorrow

> >

> > weekly:

> > 1.personal/physical goal

> > 2. spiritual/emotional goal

> > 3. relational goal (family)

> > 4. relational goal (friends)

> > 5. project related goal


> ***That sounds like an awful lot to me! If it were

> me, I'd want to

> focus more on what I HAVE learned, accomplished. If

> I have a big

> list of goals and things I want to do better, I tend

> to get

> overwhelmed. But that's just me. Whatever makes

> you feel GOOD! :-)


> Take care,


> Laurie








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That's just cause he's male! I swear, they do these

things just to be obnoxious!!! (haha- just kidding)


Seriously though, all of us women need to step back

and count our blessings. Our bodies are unique and

allow us to fulfill certain roles that men just cannot

fulfill. And vice-versa. Just a reminder that it's

not fair to us to compare our bodies to theirs!!!


My poor, poor husband. I've never cooked him steak.

And he loves a good steak. The only " red meat " I

have ever touched on his behalf is putting pepperoni's

on his homemade pizza. And even then I hate it!






--- jeannieh h <jeannieh99 wrote:


> Kerri,


> My dh could care less what I feed him as long as I

> feed him. LOL.....


> He is the ultimate die-hard meat and potatoes kind

> of man. I have slowly over time (and lots of

> begging)lol gotten him to agree that we eat raw at

> home a great majority of the time. He knows and

> respects that I am desperate to get healthy and

> loose weight. He is trying (in his own way) to be

> supportive. As much as he is able. He just doesnt

> believe in any " extreme diets " (as he calls it). We

> agreed that if he needs sad he will eat it before he

> gets home.

> Every now and then he brings home a steak for me to

> cook for him or he requests something that is not on

> my raw " menu " . I will cook for him if he does

> request it. However, mainly we eat salads for dinner

> and cut fruit for desert. What is upsetting to me

> is that, while he is eating about 80% raw while at

> home, he is loosing way more weight than I am and I

> am at 100% and have only " cheated " a couple of times

> in over 3 months!!!! Not fair!!


> Jeannie



> your time is the most cherished gift of all,

> tomorrow is promised to no one.





> Kerri Myers <twinkles457

> rawfood

> Wednesday, July 11, 2007 7:52:55 PM

> Re: [Raw Food] How to cut a mango....



> My husband is well aware of what I'm doing, why, and

> all that jazz. He just chuckles and calls me a

> hippie.



> --- Caron <carongroups wrote:


> >

> > -

> > kerri

> > >Ok, this is a really stupid question, but I have

> > the HARDEST time cutting

> > >mangoes without

> > wasting a lot of the fruit. Its actually to the

> > point where I am avoiding

> > the purchase of

> > mangoes because of it! Any pointers?

> >

> > Cut the " cheeks " off, as close to the sides of the

> > seed as possible, so

> > you're left with a ring of fruit around the seed,

> > then run the knife around

> > the edge of the seed. Then chew the seed to get

> all

> > remaining taste of fruit

> > off it ;o)

> >

> > To get the fruit off the skin, slice the " cheeks "

> > lengthways then across, so

> > you end up with squares, then flip it inside out,

> > and cut each cube off the

> > skin. The ring you can peel the skin off by

> cutting

> > it near the stem hole.

> >

> > Does that make sense??

> >

> > >Also.....does anyone have any ideas on how to get

> > loved ones to join in on

> > >the raw food

> > wagon? My dh does not like salad, but he is eating

> > more fruits now....he's

> > also

> > complaining that I'm not cooking (and I think

> > feeling neglected). Anyone

> > else had a

> > similar experience and would be willing to share

> > their expertise? It'd be

> > appreciated!

> >

> > Have you explained to him what you're doing and

> why?

> > I mean a good long

> > talk, not just a " this is what I'm doing and why "

> > ;o) Not that I have a

> > partner to turn raw, but I do try to keep my son

> > posted on what I'm doing,

> > and I know there's less confusion, thus less

> > resistance, when I explain

> > things as we go, rather than just expecting him to

> > tag along.

> >

> > Good luck with your journaling :o)

> >

> > Caron

> >

> >








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If you find one somewhere, let me know where to look.


--- jeannieh h <jeannieh99 wrote:


> Kerri,


> You know they make " mango forks " .


> I have used them in my travels to South America.

> There mangos are eaten lots and they use the mango

> fork like we would use a regular fork. It is a 3

> prong fork, the middle one is longer than the other

> 2. You push it into the " belly button " they call it,

> and then they just peel it and eat it. I actually

> was planning to buy a set.



> Jeannie


> your time is the most cherished gift of all,

> tomorrow is promised to no one.





> kerri <twinkles457

> rawfood

> Wednesday, July 11, 2007 7:25:35 PM

> [Raw Food] How to cut a mango....



> Ok, this is a really stupid question, but I have the

> HARDEST time cutting mangoes without

> wasting a lot of the fruit. Its actually to the

> point where I am avoiding the purchase of

> mangoes because of it! Any pointers?


> Also.....does anyone have any ideas on how to get

> loved ones to join in on the raw food

> wagon? My dh does not like salad, but he is eating

> more fruits now....he's also

> complaining that I'm not cooking (and I think

> feeling neglected). Anyone else had a

> similar experience and would be willing to share

> their expertise? It'd be appreciated!


> I started journaling again because I wanted to see

> if it would help me with my anxiety/

> stress...I'm trying to keep it simple, b/c I don't

> want it to seem like a chore for myself.

> Here's a basic format- and if you think of anything

> that would fit right in, let me know!!

> 1. one thing I'm thankful for

> 2. three things I did well today/am proud of today

> 3. three things I would like to do better tomorrow


> weekly:

> 1.personal/physical goal

> 2. spiritual/emotional goal

> 3. relational goal (family)

> 4. relational goal (friends)

> 5. project related goal


> Alright, that's all from me for now!


> Thx!


> Kerri






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I know you are right.


It still makes me mad LOL ( Does not mean I am not happy he is loosing)


BUT..........I am going to try to change my focus and count my blessings. I am

blessed. Once I stop whining about all the negatives, (force of habit) I am

able to see the blessings in my life. I'm just a tad stubborn sometimes.



I saw the secret today..............I'm going to work on myself.




your time is the most cherished gift of all, tomorrow is promised to no one.





Kerri Myers <twinkles457


Thursday, July 12, 2007 6:57:19 PM

Re: [Raw Food] How to cut a mango....





That's just cause he's male! I swear, they do these

things just to be obnoxious!!! (haha- just kidding)


Seriously though, all of us women need to step back

and count our blessings. Our bodies are unique and

allow us to fulfill certain roles that men just cannot

fulfill. And vice-versa. Just a reminder that it's

not fair to us to compare our bodies to theirs!!!


My poor, poor husband. I've never cooked him steak.

And he loves a good steak. The only " red meat " I

have ever touched on his behalf is putting pepperoni's

on his homemade pizza. And even then I hate it!






--- jeannieh h <jeannieh99 wrote:


> Kerri,


> My dh could care less what I feed him as long as I

> feed him. LOL.....


> He is the ultimate die-hard meat and potatoes kind

> of man. I have slowly over time (and lots of

> begging)lol gotten him to agree that we eat raw at

> home a great majority of the time. He knows and

> respects that I am desperate to get healthy and

> loose weight. He is trying (in his own way) to be

> supportive. As much as he is able. He just doesnt

> believe in any " extreme diets " (as he calls it). We

> agreed that if he needs sad he will eat it before he

> gets home.

> Every now and then he brings home a steak for me to

> cook for him or he requests something that is not on

> my raw " menu " . I will cook for him if he does

> request it. However, mainly we eat salads for dinner

> and cut fruit for desert. What is upsetting to me

> is that, while he is eating about 80% raw while at

> home, he is loosing way more weight than I am and I

> am at 100% and have only " cheated " a couple of times

> in over 3 months!!!! Not fair!!


> Jeannie



> your time is the most cherished gift of all,

> tomorrow is promised to no one.





> Kerri Myers <twinkles457

> rawfood

> Wednesday, July 11, 2007 7:52:55 PM

> Re: [Raw Food] How to cut a mango....



> My husband is well aware of what I'm doing, why, and

> all that jazz. He just chuckles and calls me a

> hippie.



> --- Caron <carongroups wrote:


> >

> > -

> > kerri

> > >Ok, this is a really stupid question, but I have

> > the HARDEST time cutting

> > >mangoes without

> > wasting a lot of the fruit. Its actually to the

> > point where I am avoiding

> > the purchase of

> > mangoes because of it! Any pointers?

> >

> > Cut the " cheeks " off, as close to the sides of the

> > seed as possible, so

> > you're left with a ring of fruit around the seed,

> > then run the knife around

> > the edge of the seed. Then chew the seed to get

> all

> > remaining taste of fruit

> > off it ;o)

> >

> > To get the fruit off the skin, slice the " cheeks "

> > lengthways then across, so

> > you end up with squares, then flip it inside out,

> > and cut each cube off the

> > skin. The ring you can peel the skin off by

> cutting

> > it near the stem hole.

> >

> > Does that make sense??

> >

> > >Also.....does anyone have any ideas on how to get

> > loved ones to join in on

> > >the raw food

> > wagon? My dh does not like salad, but he is eating

> > more fruits now....he's

> > also

> > complaining that I'm not cooking (and I think

> > feeling neglected). Anyone

> > else had a

> > similar experience and would be willing to share

> > their expertise? It'd be

> > appreciated!

> >

> > Have you explained to him what you're doing and

> why?

> > I mean a good long

> > talk, not just a " this is what I'm doing and why "

> > ;o) Not that I have a

> > partner to turn raw, but I do try to keep my son

> > posted on what I'm doing,

> > and I know there's less confusion, thus less

> > resistance, when I explain

> > things as we go, rather than just expecting him to

> > tag along.

> >

> > Good luck with your journaling :o)

> >

> > Caron

> >

> >








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I see what you're saying. And I know what you mean about those

little things feeling so good. This also reminds me of something--I

think it was Elchanan who suggested to me to make a " done " list (E,

correct me if I'm wrong) instead of a to-do list. I did it for a few

days and it was really nice to reframe things. I realized how much I

was accomplishing (vs. measuring myself against what I hadn't done





rawfood , Kerri Myers <twinkles457 wrote:


> Laurie-

> if the goals were big goals, I would also feel

> overwhelmed. The goals I am writing for myself are

> things like " wake up 10 minutes earlier and spend that

> 10 minutes outside " or " call or write to one person

> this week that I've been thinking about "


> Those little things I forget to do that can make such

> a huge difference in the quality of my life.


> :)

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rawfood , jeannieh h <jeannieh99 wrote:


that sounds like you are putting yourself on a to do list

try the done list first.


where did you

see this secret? :-)




> I saw the secret today..............I'm going to work on myself.


> Jeannie


> your time is the most cherished gift of all, tomorrow is promised to

no one.





> Kerri Myers <twinkles457

> rawfood

> Thursday, July 12, 2007 6:57:19 PM

> Re: [Raw Food] How to cut a mango....



> Jeannieh-


> That's just cause he's male! I swear, they do these

> things just to be obnoxious!!! (haha- just kidding)


> Seriously though, all of us women need to step back

> and count our blessings. Our bodies are unique and

> allow us to fulfill certain roles that men just cannot

> fulfill. And vice-versa. Just a reminder that it's

> not fair to us to compare our bodies to theirs!!!


> My poor, poor husband. I've never cooked him steak.

> And he loves a good steak. The only " red meat " I

> have ever touched on his behalf is putting pepperoni's

> on his homemade pizza. And even then I hate it!



> :)



> --- jeannieh h <jeannieh99 wrote:


> > Kerri,

> >

> > My dh could care less what I feed him as long as I

> > feed him. LOL.....

> >

> > He is the ultimate die-hard meat and potatoes kind

> > of man. I have slowly over time (and lots of

> > begging)lol gotten him to agree that we eat raw at

> > home a great majority of the time. He knows and

> > respects that I am desperate to get healthy and

> > loose weight. He is trying (in his own way) to be

> > supportive. As much as he is able. He just doesnt

> > believe in any " extreme diets " (as he calls it). We

> > agreed that if he needs sad he will eat it before he

> > gets home.

> > Every now and then he brings home a steak for me to

> > cook for him or he requests something that is not on

> > my raw " menu " . I will cook for him if he does

> > request it. However, mainly we eat salads for dinner

> > and cut fruit for desert. What is upsetting to me

> > is that, while he is eating about 80% raw while at

> > home, he is loosing way more weight than I am and I

> > am at 100% and have only " cheated " a couple of times

> > in over 3 months!!!! Not fair!!

> >

> > Jeannie

> >

> >

> > your time is the most cherished gift of all,

> > tomorrow is promised to no one.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Kerri Myers <twinkles457

> > rawfood

> > Wednesday, July 11, 2007 7:52:55 PM

> > Re: [Raw Food] How to cut a mango....

> >

> >

> > My husband is well aware of what I'm doing, why, and

> > all that jazz. He just chuckles and calls me a

> > hippie.

> >

> >

> > --- Caron <carongroups wrote:

> >

> > >

> > > -

> > > kerri

> > > >Ok, this is a really stupid question, but I have

> > > the HARDEST time cutting

> > > >mangoes without

> > > wasting a lot of the fruit. Its actually to the

> > > point where I am avoiding

> > > the purchase of

> > > mangoes because of it! Any pointers?

> > >

> > > Cut the " cheeks " off, as close to the sides of the

> > > seed as possible, so

> > > you're left with a ring of fruit around the seed,

> > > then run the knife around

> > > the edge of the seed. Then chew the seed to get

> > all

> > > remaining taste of fruit

> > > off it ;o)

> > >

> > > To get the fruit off the skin, slice the " cheeks "

> > > lengthways then across, so

> > > you end up with squares, then flip it inside out,

> > > and cut each cube off the

> > > skin. The ring you can peel the skin off by

> > cutting

> > > it near the stem hole.

> > >

> > > Does that make sense??

> > >

> > > >Also.....does anyone have any ideas on how to get

> > > loved ones to join in on

> > > >the raw food

> > > wagon? My dh does not like salad, but he is eating

> > > more fruits now....he's

> > > also

> > > complaining that I'm not cooking (and I think

> > > feeling neglected). Anyone

> > > else had a

> > > similar experience and would be willing to share

> > > their expertise? It'd be

> > > appreciated!

> > >

> > > Have you explained to him what you're doing and

> > why?

> > > I mean a good long

> > > talk, not just a " this is what I'm doing and why "

> > > ;o) Not that I have a

> > > partner to turn raw, but I do try to keep my son

> > > posted on what I'm doing,

> > > and I know there's less confusion, thus less

> > > resistance, when I explain

> > > things as we go, rather than just expecting him to

> > > tag along.

> > >

> > > Good luck with your journaling :o)

> > >

> > > Caron

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >




> > Shape in your own image. Join our Network

> > Research Panel today!

> >

> http://surveylink./gmrs/_panel_invite.asp?a=7

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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I wish I had the answer to this joke, it sounds like it would be cute:


How many rawfoodists does it take to cut open a mango?


(Any suggestions?)


Just playin,







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It speaks volumes when natural means " extreme " in today's world, huh? ;-)






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LOL! I'm not touchin that one....








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On Friday 13 July 2007 15:12, School Of Rawk wrote:

> I wish I had the answer to this joke, it sounds like it would be cute:


>   How many rawfoodists does it take to cut open a mango?


Depends on what Elchanon says! ;)



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