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Law of Attraction (LOA) = Complete Nonsense

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Quantum physics, LOA, What The Bleep, etc. may be amusing concepts to

meditate on, however don't forget actual hard physics are at work.


Quantum physics would suggest that if you jump off a skyscraper and

mentally change your reality, you can influence the outcome.


Traditional physics - you know, mass, acceleration and all that

inconvienient non gnu-age Oprah BS, such as math, would predict with

100% certainty that splat is the only possible outcome.


As far as what we eat and what happens (what this list is about). I

think ACTUAL physics and chemistry rule the result. Some can go on

about the higher vibrations of the food and such nonsense, others can

consider that animal products are the only thing that contains

cholesterol and that most disease is caused by cholesterol plugging

up the pores in the circulatory system, in turn causing organs and

systems to become diseased in order of weakness in that particular

person's body.


So my view is that to a great extent it really dosn't matter what

you eat, what matters is what you DON'T eat.


Back to happy thoughts, yes we are more than our thoughts, we are our

conciousness. The goal is to experience conciousness without

thoughts, yes - BUT to remember that although our conciousness,

thoughts and behavior influence the outside word (our reality) they

DO NOT infulence hard physical laws such as gravity, nor do they

infulence the deposition of crap in our ateries.

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On Friday 10 August 2007 12:55, mstrong56 wrote:

> Traditional physics - you know, mass, acceleration and all that

> inconvienient non gnu-age Oprah BS, such as math, would predict with

> 100% certainty that splat is the only possible outcome.


and it would be wrong.


did you not hear about the man who threw himself off IIRC the empire state

building and on the way down the wind blew him inside the building through a



there are no certainties. ( and I'm well aware of the contradiction in this

last statement).


> The goal is to experience conciousness without

> thoughts, yes


No. thoughts merely appear along with everything else. Leave them alone and

they go on their way. :)



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Hi there,


This is indeed what many ... none of whom are physicists ... say. But this

is not what quantum physics says, not at all. Popular media stuff on this

topic is about as useless as popular media stuff on most topics. Appreciate

you posts overall,


Presentations such as The Secret don't even begin to bring across what

people would really need to know in order to make this sort of information

useful in their lives, and since most people, for some reason, seem to treat

such popular publications as authoritative, most people are sadly



Path of Health Community has a program about this on the drawing board, no

scheduled date yet.







rawfood [rawfood ] On Behalf Of


Friday, August 10, 2007 5:56 AM


[Raw Food] Law of Attraction (LOA) = Complete Nonsense



Quantum physics would suggest that if you jump off a skyscraper and

mentally change your reality, you can influence the outcome.




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Believing that this is the way it works gives you a world in which

this is the the only possible way for life to work.


Sounds like a small, but orderly world.


I'm sorry you don't live in a world where you experience the energy

emitted by life.


You don't have the experience of picking up people's vibes? Their

" energy " ...

Are they manipulative? Out for themselves? etc.


You don't have a different energetic experience in city traffic than

in the deep woods?


Is it possible that the " higher vibration " of food is actual physics?

I don't know who would do the research of nutritional studies on

tasteless store bought foods vs. delicious organically grown foods.

There won't be any profits for someone in doing those studies.

If you do kirilian photography of the two you get very different

energy patterns. (Of course kirilian photography is in that fringe



Remember The Uncertainty Principle?

You can't know where a particle is AND know it's momentum at the same



How can light be a wave and a particle at the same time?

How can the expectations of the researcher influence it's

manifestation as a wave or a particle?


How do atomic particles disappear into nothing and appear out of



How do you explain healings done by John of God in Brazil?

You can say that it's fraud - all lights and mirrors...

How do you explain tumors being just gone after being " worked on " there.


We just understand so little of how this universe works. And we take

the mystery and the miracle for granted every day.

How does a seed sprout and grow into a plant, produce more seeds?

How does a mammal mother know how to grow a new member of the species?

How do plants leaf? How does this body keep track of the movement of

the diaphragm, the beating of the heart, the digestion of the food,

the expulsion of unneeded materials... etc. for ever...!


Our explanations of any of this gives us comfort, but has nothing to

do with how it really works.


My issue with The Secret is that it's all about the intention,

imagining part of the process. It only mentions the ACTION part of

the process in a couple of sentences. It leads people to expect magic

to happen without them having to DO anything - Magical Thinking.

The Law of Attraction is nothing new. It's a new way of languaging

what is done in good project planning. Starting with the result you

intend and work your way backwards in time to what you need to do

today. In that process you continually imagine the project completed.


I agree with you that the most important thing is what we don't eat

and drink.

And after number one, there are other important things one may choose

to do...

The next important thing is what we do eat and drink.

The next important thing is rest.


And while we send words back and forth. Defend ideas. Explain how

things work...

Life is lifeing...


" Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans. "


Be Well!



The Raw Retreat



f) 877.236.6999






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Belive what you want, personally I'm a Zen Buddhist, to each their



Believe what you want, eat a giant cheesburger and your blood sample

will have a giant layer of saturated fat on top of it. Eat a giant

raw salad and it won't.


The nature of our animating force works in a certain way. The nature

of our physical container works in a different way and except for

some very occasional, amusing flukes of the universe, seems pretty

well subject to physical rules.


Some guy shot himself in the head with a .45 and lived with no long

term consequences. There is also the Russian fighter pilot that

ejected, his parachute failed, he landed in a snowbank, unharmed, etc.


In my " little world " I'm not bold enough or powerful enough that I

can imagine manifesting / attracting the same outcomes. I can only

imagine experiencing the same physical reality that happens to

99.9999999999999% of people who have experienced the same physical



The body is a temple. We have all heard that. What does it mean? I

think it means the " temple " is a physical place, ruled by physical

laws, that supports higher activities, not ruled by physical laws.


I think it means, regardless of what you choose to believe, that the

supporting fundamentals can not be ignored. To me the fundamentals

are maintaining a healthy, high functioning container / body / temple

and that a key to doing that is being careful about what I choose to

fuel it with, which is mostly raw plants and the occasional vegan

stir-fry, tofu, brown rice and the like.

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I have practiced Zen and Vipassna for almost 40 years.


There are so many unexplainable events in the history of buddhism...


And so many unexplainable events in my life...


I'm surprised that you define your world as smaller than what they

have claimed is possible for humanity.


Have you read Great Disciples of the Buddha: Their Lives, Their

Works. Their Legacy by Nyanaponika Thera?


Blew my mind! Conversations about the devas playing in the forest, by

a river. Instant transport of the body. Instant healing. etc. Turns

out it was normal amongst the arahants.


I's asserting that ALL this happens within the laws of the universe.

Our problem is that it doesn't happen within the PRESENTLY known or

understood laws of the universe.

And we are attached to what's presently understood or presently



Sit well!



The Raw Retreat



f) 877.236.6999






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