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I need help 3 kids

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We stared to eat raw a month and a half ago. It is going ok. Most of

the food is repeats and its getting boring for my kids we are a

family of 5. My 8 year old is getting pretty thin she wasnt fat but

now she looks anarexic and she doesnt look good to me, and everyone

is on my case that i am malnurishing her ,all my family and friends

are, that is. She is eating most of what i give her,but it is just

scaring me some. My other 2 kids are fine.My youngest is having the

hardest time adjusting but he is eatting, So is this normal should i

be worried at how thin my kid is, will she ever gain some of the

weight back.


Also i try to make different things and the stuff i do make isnt

very appealing to my family and they are geting sick of the same

things. I go on line and look up resipes to make and some of the

ingrediences i have never heard of. And we looked for them on line

but most of the stuff is quite expencive we are a low budget family

so we are limited on what we can spend on some things. We also live

in a very small town in the middle of nowhere so we dont have much

suport or things to buy. We do have a walmart and grosery store. I am

just running out of options and my family is getting frustrated with

me and how we are eatting. Plus school is sterting and they are

worried about kids teasing them and how they will be eatting. I just

am desparet to find easy food and things to make. Any ideas. A very

desparate house wife.


P.S. We were big time fast food and McD eatters so this is a big

shock to my kids and my husband.

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I just want to say WOW- take a deep breath and remind your self that you are

doing this with the best of intentions- Im no guru here- but I do have a husband

and two kids. I would ask if you have made a decision to stay only raw and

that's it, would you consider adding in a healthy cooked meal ? I would also

check out www.gardendiet.com they have been raising their kids on all raw foods,

could you email them? I know with my own experience at times with this drastic

change of food (raw) I have felt very one sided- like I cant possibly eat

anything cooked and Im not so sure for myself at least that it's the way to go.

However I do support you in making decisions that work for your family- and if

you have to add in a cooked meal or go out of your way: ie library/buy a new raw

recipe book, it's okay- I just wanted to send some support and love to let you

know it will be okay- hope I didnt offend in anyway- just letting you know that

someone else is out here and listening.


pisces1021328 <pisces1021 wrote: We stared to eat raw a

month and a half ago. It is going ok. Most of

the food is repeats and its getting boring for my kids we are a

family of 5. My 8 year old is getting pretty thin she wasnt fat but

now she looks anarexic and she doesnt look good to me, and everyone

is on my case that i am malnurishing her ,all my family and friends

are, that is. She is eating most of what i give her,but it is just

scaring me some. My other 2 kids are fine.My youngest is having the

hardest time adjusting but he is eatting, So is this normal should i

be worried at how thin my kid is, will she ever gain some of the

weight back.


Also i try to make different things and the stuff i do make isnt

very appealing to my family and they are geting sick of the same

things. I go on line and look up resipes to make and some of the

ingrediences i have never heard of. And we looked for them on line

but most of the stuff is quite expencive we are a low budget family

so we are limited on what we can spend on some things. We also live

in a very small town in the middle of nowhere so we dont have much

suport or things to buy. We do have a walmart and grosery store. I am

just running out of options and my family is getting frustrated with

me and how we are eatting. Plus school is sterting and they are

worried about kids teasing them and how they will be eatting. I just

am desparet to find easy food and things to make. Any ideas. A very

desparate house wife.


P.S. We were big time fast food and McD eatters so this is a big

shock to my kids and my husband.







..That the God of our Lord Jesus, the Father of glory,may give to you the

spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, that the eyes of your

undersanding being enlightened:that you may know what is the hope of His


God Bless, Kate





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I'm not sure if I can help because I don't have small kids at home but, I

would like to share a site that I stumbled across that has over 830 raw

recipes and is very user friendly and searchable. You can even enter the

type of appliances you want to use, like a blender, food dehydrator, food

processor or juicer! Go to www.goneraw.com

Also, as far as the budget is concerned...when my husband and I decided to

go raw (which was only last week!) we started to sell off all of our small

appliances that we would no longer need. That gave us money to buy the

neccessities like the dehydrator, blender and saladacco! Sometimes you just

need to get a little creative!

Good luck to you and your family and please try NOT to shop at Walmart!

~ Jackie


rawfood [rawfood ]On Behalf Of


Wednesday, August 15, 2007 4:27 PM


[Raw Food] I need help 3 kids



We stared to eat raw a month and a half ago. It is going ok. Most of

the food is repeats and its getting boring for my kids we are a

family of 5. My 8 year old is getting pretty thin she wasnt fat but

now she looks anarexic and she doesnt look good to me, and everyone

is on my case that i am malnurishing her ,all my family and friends

are, that is. She is eating most of what i give her,but it is just

scaring me some. My other 2 kids are fine.My youngest is having the

hardest time adjusting but he is eatting, So is this normal should i

be worried at how thin my kid is, will she ever gain some of the

weight back.


Also i try to make different things and the stuff i do make isnt

very appealing to my family and they are geting sick of the same

things. I go on line and look up resipes to make and some of the

ingrediences i have never heard of. And we looked for them on line

but most of the stuff is quite expencive we are a low budget family

so we are limited on what we can spend on some things. We also live

in a very small town in the middle of nowhere so we dont have much

suport or things to buy. We do have a walmart and grosery store. I am

just running out of options and my family is getting frustrated with

me and how we are eatting. Plus school is sterting and they are

worried about kids teasing them and how they will be eatting. I just

am desparet to find easy food and things to make. Any ideas. A very

desparate house wife.


P.S. We were big time fast food and McD eatters so this is a big

shock to my kids and my husband.








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Hi Pisces


I am new to raw as well. I already have been so helped by this group.


I need to cook separetly for my DH as he does not agree with eating

raw so how great that your family is actually eating it!


I would drizzle LOTS of cold pressed extra virgin olive oil over

salads and veggies for extra fat. Also eat a lot of avocados too as

well as cashews and almonds- all are high in fat.


I think that you should be concerned about your daughters weight so

perhaps adding more fat is the answer if you have not already done



I am sure that other members have some ideas for you as well.





rawfood , " pisces1021328 " <pisces1021



> We stared to eat raw a month and a half ago. It is going ok. Most


> the food is repeats and its getting boring for my kids we are a

> family of 5. My 8 year old is getting pretty thin she wasnt fat but

> now she looks anarexic and she doesnt look good to me, and everyone

> is on my case that i am malnurishing her ,all my family and friends

> are, that is. She is eating most of what i give her,but it is just

> scaring me some. My other 2 kids are fine.My youngest is having the

> hardest time adjusting but he is eatting, So is this normal should


> be worried at how thin my kid is, will she ever gain some of the

> weight back.


> Also i try to make different things and the stuff i do make isnt

> very appealing to my family and they are geting sick of the same

> things. I go on line and look up resipes to make and some of the

> ingrediences i have never heard of. And we looked for them on line

> but most of the stuff is quite expencive we are a low budget family

> so we are limited on what we can spend on some things. We also live

> in a very small town in the middle of nowhere so we dont have much

> suport or things to buy. We do have a walmart and grosery store. I


> just running out of options and my family is getting frustrated


> me and how we are eatting. Plus school is sterting and they are

> worried about kids teasing them and how they will be eatting. I


> am desparet to find easy food and things to make. Any ideas. A very

> desparate house wife.


> P.S. We were big time fast food and McD eatters so this is a big

> shock to my kids and my husband.


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Hi There! I definitely understand where you are coming from. I have three kids

too and we have definitely had our struggles with raw food. As far as the

recipes go, I can honestly tell you that I have tried lots of different ones

(probably more than 100) and have only found TWO that my kids would actually eat

and they were both for desserts. Yes, I know, when you are raw, dessert can be

the meal, but honestly, I am not going to serve chocolate pudding and chocolate

chip cookies to my kids and call it dinner. Gee... now that I think about it,

I guess even those two recipes were not totally raw. So, that means we are

batting zero as far as fancy recipes go. What has worked well for me was just

serving plain fruit. We all like that. I rotate through different melons each

day for breakfast, some kind of in season fruit for lunch, and then a salad for

dinner that is good lettuce and some kind of fruit mixed in. If we use tomatoes

then I also add some avocado, if it is fruit then I may add a handful of nuts

chopped up. I have discovered this week that it helps if I make individual

salads on the plate, that way they can be decorated a little bit more nicely

than just scooping out of the big bow. For me, I don't mind scooping out of the

bowl, but my kids (age 8, 4 and almost 2) really like to see the bananas made

into a smiley face or some other crazy think like that. It's not a big deal to

me and if it gets them to eat more... great. Earlier this year my oldest

daughter was sick with some kind of a stomach bug for about a week (prior to

eating raw) and really got thin and had her ribs showing. Now that I know what

that looks like I have definitely been on the lookout for more of the same since

going mostly raw back in May. She does complain about the food selections

sometime, but she is not starving by any means. I am sure to keep lots of

fruits on hand so there is definitely something she can eat when she is hungry -

lots of bananas, or grapes, or she loves kiwis too. If I had ANY other food

(junk type food) in the house I am sure she would go for that too... heck, I

might also, so it has been very important to get all the other stuff out and

only have good alternatives. The salads don't have to be boring either. One

night we have lettuce with cherries and macadamia nuts, the next night greens

with lots of heirloom tomatoes and avo, next night lettuce with bananas and

grapes and a few dates chopped up, next night spring rolls (yeah, yeah, I know,

not technically raw) - rice paper with lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, avos, sprouts

and any other veggies wrapped inside. The girls get to make their own so this

adds an element of fun for them. Oh, I almost forgot, I make a smoothie for us

every afternoon too. It is a way to sneak some extra greens in. It is usually

something like green leaf or romaine lettuce, bananas, and some kind of seasonal

fruit. Yesterday it was peaches and raspberries. Several days earlier this

week it was lettuce, banana, and fig because there are fresh figs at my local

market. Banana and strawberry is a big hit too.


I hope this helps you.





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Hi Nancy, you have a recipe for raw chocolate chip cookies? I would

love to try those- do you have the recipe on hand??





rawfood , " Nancy Anderson-Berkson "

<mojomama7 wrote:


> Hi There! I definitely understand where you are coming from. I

have three kids too and we have definitely had our struggles with raw

food. As far as the recipes go, I can honestly tell you that I have

tried lots of different ones (probably more than 100) and have only

found TWO that my kids would actually eat and they were both for

desserts. Yes, I know, when you are raw, dessert can be the meal,

but honestly, I am not going to serve chocolate pudding and chocolate

chip cookies to my kids and call it dinner. Gee... now that I think

about it, I guess even those two recipes were not totally raw. So,

that means we are batting zero as far as fancy recipes go. What has

worked well for me was just serving plain fruit. We all like that.

I rotate through different melons each day for breakfast, some kind

of in season fruit for lunch, and then a salad for dinner that is

good lettuce and some kind of fruit mixed in. If we use tomatoes

then I also add some avocado, if it is fruit then I may add a handful

of nuts chopped up. I have discovered this week that it helps if I

make individual salads on the plate, that way they can be decorated a

little bit more nicely than just scooping out of the big bow. For

me, I don't mind scooping out of the bowl, but my kids (age 8, 4 and

almost 2) really like to see the bananas made into a smiley face or

some other crazy think like that. It's not a big deal to me and if

it gets them to eat more... great. Earlier this year my oldest

daughter was sick with some kind of a stomach bug for about a week

(prior to eating raw) and really got thin and had her ribs showing.

Now that I know what that looks like I have definitely been on the

lookout for more of the same since going mostly raw back in May. She

does complain about the food selections sometime, but she is not

starving by any means. I am sure to keep lots of fruits on hand so

there is definitely something she can eat when she is hungry - lots

of bananas, or grapes, or she loves kiwis too. If I had ANY other

food (junk type food) in the house I am sure she would go for that

too... heck, I might also, so it has been very important to get all

the other stuff out and only have good alternatives. The salads

don't have to be boring either. One night we have lettuce with

cherries and macadamia nuts, the next night greens with lots of

heirloom tomatoes and avo, next night lettuce with bananas and grapes

and a few dates chopped up, next night spring rolls (yeah, yeah, I

know, not technically raw) - rice paper with lettuce, carrots,

tomatoes, avos, sprouts and any other veggies wrapped inside. The

girls get to make their own so this adds an element of fun for them.

Oh, I almost forgot, I make a smoothie for us every afternoon too.

It is a way to sneak some extra greens in. It is usually something

like green leaf or romaine lettuce, bananas, and some kind of

seasonal fruit. Yesterday it was peaches and raspberries. Several

days earlier this week it was lettuce, banana, and fig because there

are fresh figs at my local market. Banana and strawberry is a big

hit too.


> I hope this helps you.


> Nancy



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Hi! I totally understand where you are coming from. I have two children (ages

6 and 7) and we began this raw journey in April. Stay encouraged, it takes some

trial and error and a whole lot of persistence.


We keep a LOT of fruit in our house. Bananas are inexpensive and typically a

favorite of children. Fruit is higher in calories than veggies and the sweet

flavor appeals to children (and adults). An average banana has around 100

calories, some protein, and traces of fat as well. My children usually melon

for breakfast, or a fruit smoothie made from berries, pineapple, and bananas.

Lunch at our house is a large plate of fruit. Peaches, grapes, plums, bananas,

strawberries, pears, apples, and cherries (or any other fruit you can think of).


My children are excited to choose their own foods, and I don't have to worry

because I eliminated all the junk food when we made the switch. In the summer,

I blend fruits and fill popcicle molds for cool treats in the afternoons. Supper

is typically a salad with fruit for DH and I. My children aren't too happy

about lettuce, so I only give it to them a few nights a week. The rest of the

time they eat whatever they want from the table. Tonight we will have fresh

summer squash, zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, grapes, blueberries, strawberries,

raspberries, sweet peppers, and romaine lettuce (the contents of my fridge). My

children will probably eat 2-3 plates full of food (they just skip the lettuce).

I'll build a salad with fresh tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, and grapes topping my

lettuce. Occasionally, I will add avocados or nuts. I have found that we all

feel better without the added fats, so that is only an occasional treat.


It's been 4 months and my children are not looking anorexic. They eat ALOT,

but it isn't fats...its fruit. They haven't been sick since beginning this

lifestyle. I love it!


To cut back on costs, I bargin shop. I buy most of my produce and fruit from

local farmers markets and produce stands. The remainder I purchase at the

supermarket, but I only buy what is on sale. If peaches are cheap this week,

then we buy ALOT of them. I always buy several pounds of bananas (close to

40lbs a week). It may seem overwhelming at first, but you CAN do this.






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I have found 2 recipes my children just love! One is the carrot cake

recipe in Juliano's cookbook Raw. I make just the cake part (I don't

usually make the crust, glaze or whip cream parts) and then dry it in

the dehydrator. You don't have to dry it - the recipe does not call

for that - but we like it better and it makes it easy to pack. The

other is the grawnola recipe in Raw Food Real World. It's actually

called something a little different, like cranberry nut granola. I

leave out the maple syrup, but still find it to be sweet so make it

into cookies. I also soak everything overnight. This recipe calls for

dehydration, but we also eat it before we dehydrate it. Dehydration

just helps the shelf life (however, it usually gets eaten before that

would ever be an issue!). Oh and my children love what Juliano refers

to as " buckwheaties " - buckwheat soaked overnight and sprouted for

about 2 days and then dehydrated. Makes for a crunchy cereal that goes

great with nut milk, dates, and whatever you like with your cereal!




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pisces1021328 <pisces1021 wrote:

We stared to eat raw a month and a half ago. It is going ok. Most of

the food is repeats and its getting boring for my kids we are a

family of 5. My 8 year old is getting pretty thin she wasnt fat but

now she looks anarexic and she doesnt look good to me, and everyone

is on my case that i am malnurishing her ,all my family and friends

are, that is. She is eating most of what i give her,but it is just

scaring me some. My other 2 kids are fine.My youngest is having the

hardest time adjusting but he is eatting, So is this normal should i

be worried at how thin my kid is, will she ever gain some of the

weight back.


Also i try to make different things and the stuff i do make isnt

very appealing to my family and they are geting sick of the same

things. I go on line and look up resipes to make and some of the

ingrediences i have never heard of. And we looked for them on line

but most of the stuff is quite expencive we are a low budget family

so we are limited on what we can spend on some things. We also live

in a very small town in the middle of nowhere so we dont have much

suport or things to buy. We do have a walmart and grosery store. I am

just running out of options and my family is getting frustrated with

me and how we are eatting. Plus school is sterting and they are

worried about kids teasing them and how they will be eatting. I just

am desparet to find easy food and things to make. Any ideas. A very

desparate house wife.


P.S. We were big time fast food and McD eatters so this is a big

shock to my kids and my husband.






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