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Balanced diet?

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I'm not sure I'm getting a good balance in my diet. Tthere are

probably just as many menus as there are people eating RAW. However,

can someone please tell me-- in your opinion-- what does a well

balanced RAW Organic diet look like? What would a typical entire

day's diet look like?



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I typically eat half a seeded watermelon for breakfast (or a large cantaloupe).

Some sweet fruit like bananas and mangoes for lunch. Some more fruit at dinner

time (whatever is in season) followed by a large salad topped with fresh

tomatoes and other fruits/veggies on a various leafy greens (romaine, spinach,

etc). I may have a 1 oz serving of nuts, seeds, or part of an avocado with my

salad...or I may not. I hope that helps :)




k <kjnielsen7 wrote:

I'm not sure I'm getting a good balance in my diet. Tthere are

probably just as many menus as there are people eating RAW. However,

can someone please tell me-- in your opinion-- what does a well

balanced RAW Organic diet look like? What would a typical entire

day's diet look like?











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rawfood , k <kjnielsen7 wrote:


> I'm not sure I'm getting a good balance in my diet. Tthere are

> probably just as many menus as there are people eating RAW. However,

> can someone please tell me-- in your opinion-- what does a well

> balanced RAW Organic diet look like? What would a typical entire

> day's diet look like?


> Kj



It honestly varies. There are varying opinions. Some are very strictly

high fruit, very low fat, but other experts disagree with that and

thrive on lower fat, higher vegetable, and medium fats, etc. I would

shy away from anyone who promotes just one extreme diet for ALL, and

look towards those who DO promote some flexibility and balance within

raw vegan foods. Most importantly, see what makes sense to you. Nobody

knows everything, and nobody knows your body more than you. Also, what

works for you for a year or a few years even may not be what works for

you FOR LIFE. Stay open.

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Thank you... I need all the help I can get.


I apologize for the sporadic communications-- I ask questions and

then don't get back to see answers for a few days sometimes.


My husband has advanced stage 4 melanoma (cancer) and I don't get

much time to myself (much less time on the computer!) unless I rob my

sleep-- or get up before everyone! (I got up to help my husband-- and

can't seem to get back to sleep! Maybe if I write-- It will lull me

back to sleep!)


Thanks for your ideas.


For breakfast I usually make a green drink in the morning, followed

by a smoothie of raspberries, blueberries, and almond nut milk. My

husband loves homemade raw yoghurt and blueberries, and my 15 yo son

loves equal amounts of homemade raw yoghurt, fresh banana, fresh

apple juice, and fresh strawberries. I'm so glad he doesn't go for

soft drinks! He goes for smoothies! Not a junk food junkie! He was

raised on good food and he can tell when he has eaten poorly. I know

many raw fooders don't eat yoghurt- but we do. (and I'm not going to

apologize for it-- so there!) :)


For lunch we have a huge salad of a mixed variety of wonderfully

colorful fresh lettuces, and many other greens and herbs and

vegetables- carrots, zucchini, etc... (from a wonderful organic farm

in Escondido), adorned with fresh tomatoes and avocado from my

friend's garden. And we usually top it with a sprinkling of nuts,

seeds and dried fruits and then a spattering of olive oil.


And for dinner we usually have a pureed soup of some kind with a

green cocktail. I try to make the food and meal times as appetizing

as I can. My husband is getting to like the loving rituals more than

the food at this point. But I think someday he will come around.


He has made huge strides from the coffee, alcohol, sugar junkie I met

20 years ago! However- he is getting bored with the same old stuff-

and I have to agree with him-- I'm bored too. And yet, I don't have

time to experiment. So if anyone has recipes that are absolutely

delicious-- I would be over the moon for them! I am banking my

husband's life on this raw alkaline diet! And I want him to like it



Anyway, I could sure use some help- so if you think of any great

recipes-- please post them!


I finally bought the great Champion Juicer that everyone was raving

about! For over a year I have been been preparing our raw cuisine

with a knife, a cutting board, a stainless steel hand grater, a glass

hand juicer, a mini prep food processor (bought two months ago), a 20

dollar blender from Target, Oh yes-- and the sun!


As one of you mentioned-- I'm sure I will get through this phase in

our lives and one by one the machines I am now buying will find

themselves in the back of the kitchen cabinets-- and I will gravitate

back to the simpler food style-- but right now- I need help! I

actually need a maid and a butler!- but Monsieur Champion will have

to do for now! I also bought a workhorse of a blender too!


Thank you all for the mountain of (off line) comments I was able to

sift through in order to make an informed decision! I really enjoyed

your posts about your experiences with all of the equipment you have

used over the years. As well as the various stages each of you are

at-- in the evolution of your eating!


Thank you all again!


My husband is very sick- so if I don't get back to you for a few

days-- it is not because I don't want to. I look forward to your

posts! I need the support right now.


Until next time--




Kj (Kj and carrot top have been my nicknames from birth)

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rawfood , k <kjnielsen7 wrote:

>Anyway, I could sure use some help- so if you think of any

>great recipes-- please post them!


>I finally bought the great Champion Juicer that everyone was

>raving about!




the champion does one thing better than any other juicer i have tried:

melon juice. sometimes, i add a little lemon. it is the closest thing

to nectar from the gods. a mature white honeydew, a casaba, even



there is another thing that it is really good for: macademia nuts and

frozen bananas (ala the Beverly Hills Juice Club.) better than ice

cream ever was.



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