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Fasting while thin

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My weight 2 years ago was 240lb. I have been stable at 185-190 now

for the last 8 months, which is supposed to be an ideal BMI for my

height of 6`5.

I did 3, 7 day fasts spaced 6 months apart and during those times lost

a LOT of body fat, but now that I am so thin, is it still a good idea

to fastÉ (sorry, the É is supposed to be a question mark, my keyboard

changed languages spontaneously this morning)


I have been feeling a small urge to do another one, for both spiritual

and health reasons (busy summer with many bad-food treats!). So, does

anyone here have experience with fasting while they were already thin

and leanÉ Is it potentially more dangerous, should I aim for a

shorter oneÉ In all the studying I`ve done on it, the

practitioner-authors seem to indicate that fasting while already thin

and healthy is fine, and it is more of a spiritual experience than a

physical-health one at that point. Some even claim to do several 7

day fasts a year.


Would appreciate your thoughts!



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> I have been feeling a small urge to do another one, for both


> and health reasons (busy summer with many bad-food treats!). So,


> anyone here have experience with fasting while they were already thin

> and lean...


Joe, you should be fine fasting. Underweight people have fasted and it

has corrected their metabolism to the point where they lost the toxins

and were finally able to GAIN weight.


You surely still have toxins to get rid of, no matter what your

weight. You fact them daily. Especially in the course of a week, I

would not worry if I were you. Just follow your instincts and enjoy

your cleansing. It's still healthy, no matter what your weight. :-)


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Thanks Erica :) I will let you know what happens, but it may not be

for a while.








rawfood , " Erica " <schoolofrawk wrote:



> >

> > I have been feeling a small urge to do another one, for both

> spiritual

> > and health reasons (busy summer with many bad-food treats!). So,

> does

> > anyone here have experience with fasting while they were already thin

> > and lean...


> Joe, you should be fine fasting. Underweight people have fasted and it

> has corrected their metabolism to the point where they lost the toxins

> and were finally able to GAIN weight.


> You surely still have toxins to get rid of, no matter what your

> weight. You fact them daily. Especially in the course of a week, I

> would not worry if I were you. Just follow your instincts and enjoy

> your cleansing. It's still healthy, no matter what your weight. :-)

> Erica


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I know Elchanan has helped manny during fasts - you might ask for his





rawfood , " Erica " <schoolofrawk wrote:



> >

> > I have been feeling a small urge to do another one, for both

> spiritual

> > and health reasons (busy summer with many bad-food treats!). So,

> does

> > anyone here have experience with fasting while they were already


> > and lean...


> Joe, you should be fine fasting. Underweight people have fasted and


> has corrected their metabolism to the point where they lost the


> and were finally able to GAIN weight.


> You surely still have toxins to get rid of, no matter what your

> weight. You fact them daily. Especially in the course of a week, I

> would not worry if I were you. Just follow your instincts and enjoy

> your cleansing. It's still healthy, no matter what your weight. :-)

> Erica


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At Tue, 18 Sep 2007 it looks like loulin3 composed:


> I know Elchanan has helped manny during fasts - you might ask for his

> guidance.



I recall here in the San Francisco area, a prominent rawfoodist did an

extended fast and had some bad eyesight issues for quite some time till

it healed. I'll have to go find out more about the details once I

remember who told me.


Seeing Elchanan was in our core group, he might remember who that was.

His memory seems much better than mine. ;)




" Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday,

lying in hospitals dying of nothing. "

-- Redd Foxx

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You an I are in nearly the same boat! I am 3 inches shorter though.

.. . My own post may be up tomorrow I think. Anyhow. I was the same

weight you started at though I have not made it down to 185, lowest

was 193. Congratulations on your weight loss.


I did the Master Cleanse for 42 days to achieve mine. Not once did

people say I looked sickly or amatiated. The cleansing was under

direction of a good friend, Bikram Yoga, Nutrition Guru friend of mine.


HE SAYS. Even if you are underweight, and you Master Cleanse (the

lemonade diet) If you need to gain wight you do, if you need to lose

you lose, however you can adjust the amount of maple syrup you use

everyday to moderate things.


I do my drink as follows each day


1 gallon pure water

2 cups fresh squeezed juice " from organic lemons " (I use whatever I

can get in a case from the co-op, im not a millionaire) You will be

using nearly 10 lemons a day.

2 Cups of Pure Grade B maple Syrup.

Every 10 ounces of water should have a 10th of a teaspoon of cayenne

in it. The cayenne can be intense but it really is important.


Laxative Tea (Smooth Move) Every AM and PM. Get the master Cleanser

book if you don't have it already.


Id like to keep in touch with you since we both had similar weight

loss, Id be interested in your daily eating, as I am anxious to lose

another 15 lbs. (at 200 now) Feeling that would be ideal.


Best of luck to you my friend


Good Things




rawfood , " Joe Postma " <joepostma wrote:


> Hello,

> My weight 2 years ago was 240lb. I have been stable at 185-190 now

> for the last 8 months, which is supposed to be an ideal BMI for my

> height of 6`5.

> I did 3, 7 day fasts spaced 6 months apart and during those times lost

> a LOT of body fat, but now that I am so thin, is it still a good idea

> to fastÉ (sorry, the É is supposed to be a question mark, my keyboard

> changed languages spontaneously this morning)


> I have been feeling a small urge to do another one, for both spiritual

> and health reasons (busy summer with many bad-food treats!). So, does

> anyone here have experience with fasting while they were already thin

> and leanÉ Is it potentially more dangerous, should I aim for a

> shorter oneÉ In all the studying I`ve done on it, the

> practitioner-authors seem to indicate that fasting while already thin

> and healthy is fine, and it is more of a spiritual experience than a

> physical-health one at that point. Some even claim to do several 7

> day fasts a year.


> Would appreciate your thoughts!


> Joe


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Hi Colby,


I find I do not like the lemon cleanse at all...it is too painful in

the sense that my hunger never diminishes. Having carbs keeps the

body from going fully into ketosis which is when the deep cleansing

happens. Most people do highly recommend the lemon cleanse though, so

if you like it thats great! I prefer the water only fast...I find it

keeps my mind more clear as well because I'm not thinking about when I

will get to have my lemon water! I usually break my fast with a raw

lemon tea with cayenne though (among other things).


My daily eating is fruit in the morning, sometimes ALL day. Various

fruits eaten one at a time - not in combination. My favorite salad,

pretty much the veggie staple of my diet, is red and green cabbage

chopped (lots!), any type of green lettuce (lots!), 2 thin slices of

onion minced, 1 tbsp feta minced, 1/2 cup any type of bean, 1/2-1 tbsp

olive oil, and a whole lemon squeezed over it. I eat 2 of those

salads a day.


The other thing I love is oatmeal (cooked food here!). 3/4 cup rolled

oats dry (makes 1.5 cooked?), then 1-2 tbsp maple syrup, 2-3 tsp

cinnamon, raisins, and soy milk poured over it all. Oh god its so

good and makes me so happy to eat it...I think its the organic

cinnamon, it just makes me smile so easily!

And of course there's other tidbits of stuff I eat, but they don't

make up a large part of my diet - like nuts, dried fruits, and breads

even less frequently, etc.


So I fasted the last time down to 182 from 195 (7 days), and have

remained very stable at 185 since then, eating the sort of diet

described above. I am fully satiated, happy, and vigorously healthy

on this diet.

If you're 22 and going to be eating so healthy, I hope you have a

girlfriend. I'm 29 but feel 18, if you know what I mean!


You can lose that last 15 pounds either by fasting (when you're ready

for it), or, eat a lot of veggies. Seriously. Eat huge veggie trays

for a few days in a row, with all sorts of mixed cruciferous and high

water content veggies - they can all be eaten together. Use whatever

dip you want, sparingly of course unless its a raw-recipe dip. You'll

get quite thirsty! But the excess fat will just be sucked out of your

body like nobodies business! If you try it for just one day you will

see what I mean. Again, the veggie tray is ALL you eat, and you eat

as much a you want...i.e., LOTS (but not all at once, only as much as

you need/can fit!). There aren't many calories in those veggies and

most of them have a negative caloric effect.



I didn't start eating this way for the weightloss at all!! I was

perfectly happy with my body :) I started eating like this for the

health benefits - but not that I had any real health problems either.

However, the weightloss has been nice and I definitely never want to

go back, and haven't " caught " a flu or cold or anything for 2 years

now! I used to " catch " something at least twice a year before, but of

course I thought that was normal, like everyone else.


Cheers Colby! Talk again






rawfood , " colbyshawis " <colbyshawis wrote:


> Id like to keep in touch with you since we both had similar weight

> loss, Id be interested in your daily eating, as I am anxious to lose

> another 15 lbs. (at 200 now) Feeling that would be ideal.


> Best of luck to you my friend


> Good Things

> Colby



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On Wednesday 19 September 2007 15:36, Joe Postma wrote:

> and soy milk poured over it all.


Hi Joe,


I posted these before but maybe you missed them; (or maybe

you don't care ;-)









btw, have you considered cocunut milk instead?



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No I didn't see those before but was aware of it through other

sources. I have to have SOMETHING to enjoy in my life!


Thanks though, I'll read them over. And yah coconut milk would be

even better wouldn't it!






rawfood , neal <kneel.pardoe wrote:


> On Wednesday 19 September 2007 15:36, Joe Postma wrote:

> > and soy milk poured over it all.


> Hi Joe,


> I posted these before but maybe you missed them; (or maybe

> you don't care ;-)



> http://www.nexusmagazine.com/articles/soydangers.html



> http://www.nexusmagazine.com/articles/Soy%20Allergens.html



> btw, have you considered cocunut milk instead?


> neal.


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Your response was so much more than I expected and really, really

appreciated. I definitely did not expect the actually helpful

information you gave me. I am going to be on top of the veggie tray

post haste. Fasting isn't really a big deal to me... I feel like I

could probably just live that way If I needed, so Ill be interested to

see how the water fast goes. Stoked to wipe off my stomach.


I do have a GF. She is most impressed with the results. When I met

her I was... heavier, after nearly a year of being together I was...

definitely... heaviest. Being kind she didn't make me feel bad but

rather offered that if I wanted to achieve some of the goals I speak

of it would require being in tip top shape. I realized it was true

and went for it. I would say Joe, that you stand a much better

chance in fact, nearly 100% that as long as your a decent sort, you

should have no trouble falling into a relationship of meaning and

depth in the near future.


My hypothesis is that people like us... will soon be a tiny minority.

What I mean is... People who are conscious of there health. Look

around. Everyone, everyone, is seemingly a bit overweight, and even

if they are not... the skinny girl eating mc d's... does she really...

look, all that healthy. I don't know about you but more than I get

comments on my weight, people say " You just look healthy " and chicks

dig healthy looking guys.


You were so helpful to me, now ill throw in a few here you might be

interested in.


This is like.. my own personal extreme make over. (for what I do it is

necessary to be aesthetically pleasing) If you love the health you

have, don't be afraid to correct anything else you were unhappy

with... Now I'm not talking butt implants, chin job plastic surgery.

I would consider that changing yourself. Lets say, You already have a

great car, so, add some racing stripes, leather seats, fresh paint...


I don't have super eye sight, so rather than have to wear glasses, I

am looking at Laser surgery or contacts. My teeth are not super

straight, nor super white, so I'm headed for a free consult with the

dentist, for some invisilines (invisible braces) and whitening. (all

these things I will finance, they can be actually very affordable that

way) I sometimes have skin problems. Skin care isle. 3 products.

Cleaner, Deep Cleanser, Toner. Done. (trying to find some good

natural products currently, but until then, the $3 product with s2%

salicilic acid is doing the job.


Maybe you are perfectly happy. But I just know that when it comes to

finding a wonderful companion in this world... she will accept you for

who you are if she loves you, one day. But initially woman, at least

many, like a guy who is confident in himself. And the better you

feel about every aspect of yourself the more others will

subconsciously want to be around you. I used to have super low self

confidence, I would have never met the lovely girl I am with now.

Everyday, I woke up, looked in the mirror and said " Look at you, you

have great things to offer " Most of the time I didn't believe it, or

laughed, but I tell you it made a diff.


Thanks again Joe so Much for your help. If You ever need help with a

speech let me know, thats what I do. Aside from that its about all I

have to offer.





rawfood , " Joe Postma " <joepostma wrote:


> Hi Colby,


> I find I do not like the lemon cleanse at all...it is too painful in

> the sense that my hunger never diminishes. Having carbs keeps the

> body from going fully into ketosis which is when the deep cleansing

> happens. Most people do highly recommend the lemon cleanse though, so

> if you like it thats great! I prefer the water only fast...I find it

> keeps my mind more clear as well because I'm not thinking about when I

> will get to have my lemon water! I usually break my fast with a raw

> lemon tea with cayenne though (among other things).


> My daily eating is fruit in the morning, sometimes ALL day. Various

> fruits eaten one at a time - not in combination. My favorite salad,

> pretty much the veggie staple of my diet, is red and green cabbage

> chopped (lots!), any type of green lettuce (lots!), 2 thin slices of

> onion minced, 1 tbsp feta minced, 1/2 cup any type of bean, 1/2-1 tbsp

> olive oil, and a whole lemon squeezed over it. I eat 2 of those

> salads a day.


> The other thing I love is oatmeal (cooked food here!). 3/4 cup rolled

> oats dry (makes 1.5 cooked?), then 1-2 tbsp maple syrup, 2-3 tsp

> cinnamon, raisins, and soy milk poured over it all. Oh god its so

> good and makes me so happy to eat it...I think its the organic

> cinnamon, it just makes me smile so easily!

> And of course there's other tidbits of stuff I eat, but they don't

> make up a large part of my diet - like nuts, dried fruits, and breads

> even less frequently, etc.


> So I fasted the last time down to 182 from 195 (7 days), and have

> remained very stable at 185 since then, eating the sort of diet

> described above. I am fully satiated, happy, and vigorously healthy

> on this diet.

> If you're 22 and going to be eating so healthy, I hope you have a

> girlfriend. I'm 29 but feel 18, if you know what I mean!


> You can lose that last 15 pounds either by fasting (when you're ready

> for it), or, eat a lot of veggies. Seriously. Eat huge veggie trays

> for a few days in a row, with all sorts of mixed cruciferous and high

> water content veggies - they can all be eaten together. Use whatever

> dip you want, sparingly of course unless its a raw-recipe dip. You'll

> get quite thirsty! But the excess fat will just be sucked out of your

> body like nobodies business! If you try it for just one day you will

> see what I mean. Again, the veggie tray is ALL you eat, and you eat

> as much a you want...i.e., LOTS (but not all at once, only as much as

> you need/can fit!). There aren't many calories in those veggies and

> most of them have a negative caloric effect.



> I didn't start eating this way for the weightloss at all!! I was

> perfectly happy with my body :) I started eating like this for the

> health benefits - but not that I had any real health problems either.

> However, the weightloss has been nice and I definitely never want to

> go back, and haven't " caught " a flu or cold or anything for 2 years

> now! I used to " catch " something at least twice a year before, but of

> course I thought that was normal, like everyone else.


> Cheers Colby! Talk again


> Joe




> rawfood , " colbyshawis " <colbyshawis@> wrote:

> >

> > Id like to keep in touch with you since we both had similar weight

> > loss, Id be interested in your daily eating, as I am anxious to lose

> > another 15 lbs. (at 200 now) Feeling that would be ideal.

> >

> > Best of luck to you my friend

> >

> > Good Things

> > Colby

> >

> >


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-Joe wrote:

> I have been stable at 185-190 now

> for the last 8 months,

[i am] 6`5 " .

> now that I am so thin, is it still a good idea to fast


Okay, Joe... are you exercising? Is your body muscle or flab?

If you are at 185-190 without exercise, you have a lot of flab.

Nothing but exercise will ever change that.


Who says you are too thin? You? (okay, listen). People around you?

(What do you think?) Shut them out and look in the mirror and decide

for yourself. How heavy do you want to be/how chunky do you want to

look? (if you want to look really chunky, then you should look at some

of the websites for raw vegan body-builders listed in the list's links

rawfood/links )


If you are exercising, you are probably at the right body weight and

fasting is not going to hurt you.. particularly not if you are talking

about " master cleanse " , which will only affect your body weight if you

need to lose some -- amazing stuff this -- I am at a good,

exercise-toned body weight, and a recent master cleanse did nothing

but cleanse me) When I did my nutrition training, we were told that,

if a person needs to gain weight, he or she will gain weight on the

master cleanse (so I was a bit nervous going in, because I think I

look and feel good where I am, but I did not gain an ounce-- and I did

not lose anything either)


I hope this helps.





> I have been feeling a small urge to do another one, for both spiritual

> and health reasons (busy summer with many bad-food treats!). So, does

> anyone here have experience with fasting while they were already thin

> and leanÉ Is it potentially more dangerous, should I aim for a

> shorter oneÉ In all the studying I`ve done on it, the

> practitioner-authors seem to indicate that fasting while already thin

> and healthy is fine, and it is more of a spiritual experience than a

> physical-health one at that point. Some even claim to do several 7

> day fasts a year.


> Would appreciate your thoughts!


> Joe


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Hi Margaret,



> Okay, Joe... are you exercising? Is your body muscle or flab?

> If you are at 185-190 without exercise, you have a lot of flab.

> Nothing but exercise will ever change that.


At 6'5 " and 185, there not much room for either! And, I don't have

much of either, but I am exercising regularly. I would say I am more

toned than flabby for sure!



> Who says you are too thin?


I didn't say I was TOO thin, just thin! I think I look wonderful in

the mirror haha. Could use some extra muscle maybe but that just

takes too much time, and is ultimately useless.


> I hope this helps.


Yes it did Margaret, thanks! Sounds like if I do a fast now it will

all be about cleansing! I do still have a tiny little bit of man-fat

on my tummy, I likely could get it with sit-ups but why not do a fast

and THEN sit-ups and make it easier!





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