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Principle: Self-Cleansing; Mucoid plaque ... another myth (MORE)

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No, not eating dinner (thankfully! :):)


Erica, thanks for sharing all this. The difference you experienced may be

expressed as between power, an aspect of self-love, and force. In power, the

body recaptures and recycles as much as it can, eliminating only that

portion it cannot use. We may readily observe such activities throughout the

whole of Nature. In force, there is simply a blast, or a series of blasts.

(I'll not be more graphic. :)


Whenever we use a cleanse, we act with force upon ... and against ...

ourselves. Do we observe some sort of results? Of course. Are we creating

for ourselves the most healthful experience available to us? Absolutely not.



Those " OTHER " instances you mention are common. If you take any impacted gut

and then EITHER provide hydration OR apply force to it, stuff is going to

come out. Please keep in mind that, when you do one of these cleanses, you

add a LOT of water and you remove many other things from your diet, for a

period of time. ALL of these influence the outcome ... and people tend to

acknowledge only the " cleanse " ... in all likelihood because that is the

part for which they, as you say, coughed up the money. But this is a poor

observational practice, as you well know.


What you eliminate following a long fast, as you describe, consists

primarily of not-fully-digested material from your last 2-3 days of eating

before you began your fast. Your body continued digesting this material

during the first 2-3 days of your fast ... in fact, this is why fasting

teachers routinely say that it takes most people 2-3 days to really " begin

fasting " . What they really mean is that the body is still fueling itself, at

least in part, from the foods eaten immediately prior to commencement of the



From this material, your body has extracted ALL that it can ... including

most of the water. (Water is recaptured in the colon of a healthy person.)

So yes, what you experienced is quite normal ... and required no cleansing

additives to produce.


For clarity, in those first few poops following a fast, one might experience

more " diarrhea " , if the body leaves more water in the stool. The body would

do this is the stool is sufficiently toxic to require such dilution.

Throughout Nature's design, the solution to pollution is dilution.


Also for clarity, in addition to the foods one has eaten immediately prior

to the fast, if one's colon is impacted, then the first several poops

following a fast can be larger, nastier looking, smellier ... in other

words, genuine toxic waste.


I remember listening to long-time RF Smokey Santillo speaking of his very

first day eating RF. Now, Smokey came from a " real " Italian family, meats

and breads and oh-so-wonderful fat things were " staples " in his diet for

years. On his first day as a RF, he reported moving his bowels 14 times.

This is not at all uncommon, for the moment we add water and fiber to the

system, things begin to move. That's ALL that is needed and that is the ONLY

approach that respects and supports our bodies in their biologically normal

recapture and recycling activities.


Smokey's story actually had a funny side. You see, apparently he had a first

date that day with someone .... he never elaborated in great detail. :)


Anyway, to cleanse is to use force upon oneself and to block the body's own,

natural recapture and recycling activities. Whenever we block the body from

such recycling, we increase the body's need to replenish itself from outside

.... in other words, we increase our need to eat!!!


I hope this makes some sense.







rawfood [rawfood ] On Behalf Of


Friday, September 28, 2007 7:28 PM


[Raw Food] Re: Principle: Self-Cleansing; Mucoid plaque ... another




Elchanan - I agree with you about some of the colon cleanses. I finally did

the Blessed Herbs cleanse - friends had done it and FINALLY released

" plaque " (which I do feel I know exists, but...) and so I coughed up the

money and did it. I knew from the first..er..evacuation that it was a lot

of the herbs and stuff, totally. I told my friends my consensus, and at

first they were all " nooo! " , but it was just obvious to me. HOWEVER, what

nobody can explain are the OTHER instances. That argument is all well and

good and is DEFINITELY the case at times. But I did a thirty-four day water

fast a few years back. I read all my Shelton, Ehret and even Meyeorowtiz

(sp?) has a nice intro book on it, and even Furhman's book on it (which I

love). I was still new to cleansing / raw, and so I didn't recognize it,

but - without being graphic, LOL - when I eliminated for the first time

after 34 days of water, it was black, rubbery, super long... and looked

like my intestines! Like a jello mold! I honestly, in my wee bit of

naivete', for a second thought I had eliminated my intestines. It even felt

different than regular elimination. There was no way it was betonite,

charcoal or the like. So, I definitely agree that it's not always mucoid

plaque, but how can I not say it exists when I experienced it? What was

that, then? Hope you're not eating dinner, Erica




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> What you eliminate following a long fast, as you describe, consists

> primarily of not-fully-digested material from your last 2-3 days of


> before you began your fast. Your body continued digesting this


> during the first 2-3 days of your fast ...



I really appreciate your answer. I would never believe that what came

out of me after that fast was simply the 2 - 3 days food I ate

previous to the fast, though. Especially because we do eliminate solid

waste the first few days into the fast, easy. And it seems more likely

that that is when we are eliminating it. Yes, we do still have waste

in us throughout the fast, but many also eliminate heavily during

fasts (others do not). I do believe it is a plaque-like substance,

which makes perfect sense to me, nutritionally and physically, plus

having examined it. But it's neat to discuss. I definitely think a lot

of what some think is plaque is nothing of the sort, and it is

obvious. Erica

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