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Lump in breast

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Hey everyone,

I hope I don't upset too many of you who may feel that my question

doesn't apply to this topic of eating Raw. I'll be brief as possible.

I'm interested in you all's input regarding my issue since a great

many of you are very much into natural health like myself. Here it


I have 2 cysts and an unidentified lump in my left breast. I'm

considering getting a lumpectomy for the questionable lump. I'm not

too worried about the cysts. Have any of you had an experience with

getting a lumpectomy? Or know someone who has? Did they heal OK? I'd

rather get the lumpectomy instead of biopsy because if the lump is

cancerous I want it removed. I've read a lot about how needle biopsies

may not be safe because they deform they lump and could cause cancer

to spread if the lump is cancerous. Also, if any of you have dealt

with cysts, I'm curious to know what you did about it and what the

results were.


Thanks and take care

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I am currently in treatment for breast cancer, and know of an online support

group where you could ask this question and most likely get some really good

answers. Please contact me privately if you are interested.


Jennifer in SoCA




On 10/2/07, potential917 <adean_1 wrote:


> Hey everyone,

> I hope I don't upset too many of you who may feel that my question

> doesn't apply to this topic of eating Raw. I'll be brief as possible.

> I'm interested in you all's input regarding my issue since a great

> many of you are very much into natural health like myself. Here it

> goes:

> I have 2 cysts and an unidentified lump in my left breast. I'm

> considering getting a lumpectomy for the questionable lump. I'm not

> too worried about the cysts. Have any of you had an experience with

> getting a lumpectomy? Or know someone who has? Did they heal OK? I'd

> rather get the lumpectomy instead of biopsy because if the lump is

> cancerous I want it removed. I've read a lot about how needle biopsies

> may not be safe because they deform they lump and could cause cancer

> to spread if the lump is cancerous. Also, if any of you have dealt

> with cysts, I'm curious to know what you did about it and what the

> results were.


> Thanks and take care







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I'm curious to know what you did about it and what the

> > results were.


Cancer is 100% reversible with diet. Lumps, too. I myself would do the

cancer-curing herbs (red clover, chapparral) and a juice fast, etc,

before operating/removing things. As well as rebouding and skin-

brushing, etc. In 30 days you should be even able to see/feel a


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Hello potential917,


I use to get cysts (mastitis) quite often around my menstrual periods, most of

which would go down on their own. I remember some being quite tender and

painful. One time I had one that lingered on, so I aspirated it with a needle

and syringe which was the common procedure back then. It turned out to be a

blue dome cyst, which would have eventually absorb on it's own. In fact that

was the way the doctor I worked for determined whether it was a cyst or a solid


I know of several women who have had lumpectomies with out any problems.

With breast cancer on the rise, I think doctors are overly cautious about any

type of lump in the breast today.

As soon as I went thru menopause, I have not had any more cysts.



Faith the gift of God. Faith is also a choice.


I am currently in treatment for breast cancer, and know of an online support

group where you could ask this question and most likely get some really good

answers. Please contact me privately if you are interested.


Jennifer in SoCA



On 10/2/07, potential917 <adean_1<adean_1> wrote:


> Hey everyone,

> I hope I don't upset too many of you who may feel that my question

> doesn't apply to this topic of eating Raw. I'll be brief as possible.

> I'm interested in you all's input regarding my issue since a great

> many of you are very much into natural health like myself. Here it

> goes:

> I have 2 cysts and an unidentified lump in my left breast. I'm

> considering getting a lumpectomy for the questionable lump. I'm not

> too worried about the cysts. Have any of you had an experience with

> getting a lumpectomy? Or know someone who has? Did they heal OK? I'd

> rather get the lumpectomy instead of biopsy because if the lump is

> cancerous I want it removed. I've read a lot about how needle biopsies

> may not be safe because they deform they lump and could cause cancer

> to spread if the lump is cancerous. Also, if any of you have dealt

> with cysts, I'm curious to know what you did about it and what the

> results were.


> Thanks and take care





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Hey everyone,

First off, let me tell you all that your messages have been so inspiring. I

appreciate the honesty and the straightforward advice immensely. I have a big

decision to make and I think I just need to decide how hard am I willing to work

to heal myself. If I decide that I don’t have what it takes to really become

disciplined in eating better and living better then I might as well just get the

surgery. However, the thought of that just drives me crazy.

Elchanan mentioned that I have toxic waste dumps. I’ve learned that cysts are

formed from too much estrogen in the body and that we ingest so many chemicals

that mimic estrogen. I’m currently trying to fix that problem. I’m changing my

hair products, skin products, and whatever else that I can so that I won’t

ingest so much estrogen. I do agree that I’d only be treating the symptom which

of course I don’t want to do, I want to fix the problem. It’s just that the word

CANCER really throws you for a loop you know? However, I know I’d be very pissed

if I got the surgery and then the lump came back which I’ve heard happens and I

bet quite often.

I don’t want to write a book now but there’s so much more I’d like to say but

I’ll just save it for later. However, I’ve been considering the surgery because

my doctor who I found through the ACAM website believes that it wouldn’t do any

good for me to go through some kind of treatment now since we don’t actually

know if I have cancer or not. My thermogram showed that I have heating patterns

in that area so I’m thinking this lump is cancerous. If any of you see a more

holistic type healer please let me know how you came across them. I know we’re

not all in the same city (I’m in Columbus, Ohio) but any suggestions on how else

I can search for a doctor that believes in self-healing will be greatly

appreciated. I’m not too sure of this doctor I have now considering that she

doesn’t believe that colon cleanses are necessary and that waste doesn’t get

backed up in the colon. I underwent a colon hydrotherapy session and I’m sure

that that black stuff that came out of me had

been there for a long time you know?

Well whatever, I’ve said enough, don’t want to bog you all down.


Thanks again everyone





Amber Smith



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I want to fix the problem. It's just that the word CANCER really

throws you for a loop you know?


Hey, please get the video " Cancer Does Not Scare Me Anymore " by Dr.

Lorraine Day. She is at www.drday.com. She IS a religious person, and

not that there is anything wrong with that, but most who are not just

overlook it. Besides, this video is great, it does not reference her

select religious views much. She is also a head doctor, and knows her

stuff. She had breast cancer.... reversed it naturally.

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rawfood , " Jennifer Keeney " <6glasswalls



> I am currently in treatment for breast cancer, and know of an online


> group where you could ask this question and most likely get some

really good

> answers.


Don't forget about rife machines! There are some great ones, I love


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Hi Amber,


I am so glad that you are sharing all of this with us. I pray that

your body fights off this cancer as your immune system get strenghend

through raw foods and healthy living.


May God Bless you with health and long Life!



rawfood , " Ms. Amber Smith " <adean_1 wrote:


> Hey everyone,

> First off, let me tell you all that your messages have been so

inspiring. I appreciate the honesty and the straightforward advice

immensely. I have a big decision to make and I think I just need to

decide how hard am I willing to work to heal myself. If I decide that

I don't have what it takes to really become disciplined in eating

better and living better then I might as well just get the surgery.

However, the thought of that just drives me crazy.

> Elchanan mentioned that I have toxic waste dumps. I've learned

that cysts are formed from too much estrogen in the body and that we

ingest so many chemicals that mimic estrogen. I'm currently trying to

fix that problem. I'm changing my hair products, skin products, and

whatever else that I can so that I won't ingest so much estrogen. I

do agree that I'd only be treating the symptom which of course I

don't want to do, I want to fix the problem. It's just that the word

CANCER really throws you for a loop you know? However, I know I'd be

very pissed if I got the surgery and then the lump came back which

I've heard happens and I bet quite often.

> I don't want to write a book now but there's so much more I'd

like to say but I'll just save it for later. However, I've been

considering the surgery because my doctor who I found through the

ACAM website believes that it wouldn't do any good for me to go

through some kind of treatment now since we don't actually know if I

have cancer or not. My thermogram showed that I have heating patterns

in that area so I'm thinking this lump is cancerous. If any of you

see a more holistic type healer please let me know how you came

across them. I know we're not all in the same city (I'm in Columbus,

Ohio) but any suggestions on how else I can search for a doctor that

believes in self-healing will be greatly appreciated. I'm not too

sure of this doctor I have now considering that she doesn't believe

that colon cleanses are necessary and that waste doesn't get backed

up in the colon. I underwent a colon hydrotherapy session and I'm

sure that that black stuff that came out of me had

> been there for a long time you know?

> Well whatever, I've said enough, don't want to bog you all down.


> Thanks again everyone




> Sincerely,

> Amber Smith



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Hello Amber, I have a friend going through exactly

what you are going through and she had me accompany

her to Port Charlotte, Florida to see a Naturopathic

Doctor which believes highly in the healing power of

living food and herbs. BEFORE you have anting removed

I recommend you speak to him. Have you ever wondered

why cancer shows up in our lymph nodes? Since our

lymph nodes are part of the bodies sewer system maybe

they are on there way out until they reach a blockage.

Won't the logical thing to do is clear the blockage

and let them continue on there way out? I believe a

raw diet and herbs will help accomplish this. The

Doctors name is Robert Morse, N.D.,D. Sc.

www.godsherbs.com. Good luck and do your research

before you do anything permanent. Raoul





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You mention Rife machines. This IS my area. Rife is an interesting

frequency medicine area, but VERY difficult. Similar results are

obtained with " zappers " designed by Hulda Clark and Bob Beck. I

know, I make these things for researchers. HOWEVER these, like

traditional drugs are effective at acute condition treatment. It is

still (and always will be) the chronic state of the body that allowed

these problems to manifest in the first place. A highly disciplined,

at least 50% raw (don't start) all vegan diet, with adequate rest and

exercise is the only known long term effective " treatment " that I am

aware of. treatment for immediate life threatening acute conditions

is great and we are lucky to have good choices. However if you don't

change the underlying cause, you will shortly find yourself in

trouble again. Simply pouring less gas on a fire doesn't make it go



People tend to become obsessed with what magic thing can they ADD.

People have serious health challenges and listen to bad, often plain

wrong advice about what product, drug, surgery or supplement will

help them. The short answer is there aren't any.


The only " cure " is a properly functioning immune system. Many things

cause the immune system to not function properly. Frequency medicine

and drugs can straighten out things that have gone too far, BUT if

you keep doing what you were doing that caused the problems in the

first place, they will quickly return.


The serious challenge is to find what caused the problems and change

what you eat. That is one of the hardest things to do. They say it

is easier to change someone's religion than their diet. Many of us

would never have adopted this sort of diet if our lives weren't

threatened in a crisis. We are the lucky ones and mostly still here

and healthy.


Good health is more a matter of what you SUBTRACT from your diet,

rather than what you ADD.


The #1 thing to subtract is all dairy products. This is hard as

dairy protiens are ingredients in almost all processed foods. Even

tuna in a can generally has diary in it (sodium casinate / casien).

It's used as a glue to make the tuna appear more solid. Dairy

protiens are horrible, forget " lactose " that isn't the big problem,

it's the protiens. See notmilk.com for through details and

references. Dairy products, including raw / organic are almost

perfect cancer fuel.


The #2 thing to subtract is all animal products. Chicken is the same

as beef, pork or fish. Only marketing makes you believe that there

are distinctions between them.


The #3 thing is all processed foods and oils.


You have to control 100% of what you eat. That means preparing your

food and taking it with you, without exception.


You can easily take a " green smoothie " with you, many people do

this. Just listen and try.


Get that Vita Mix out and do this, which I have modified for a

bit less sugar:


Put in Vita Mix container:


1) Granny Smith or other tart apple

1) Frozen banana (peel before freezing)

2) glasses ice water (fill with ice before adding water)

2) leaves collard greens

2) leaves kale


Pulverize into liquid, add water if required to get a consistency you



The result is a green drink that should taste pretty much like a

banana milkshake, surprisingly palatable. Extremely high nutrition,

reasonable amount of calories (very high nutrition per calorie) and

tons of fiber for peristalsis and to scrub your tubes the natural

way. Drink 2 or 3 Nalgene bottles of these a day, have a giant salad

and some raw or steamed vegetables. Do not touch dairy, animal

products or processed foods. Do it for 30 days and evaluate where

you are.


I followed that advice 2 years ago and all my health problems (CAD,

Type 2 diabetes & pancreatic cancer) are all GONE with no surgery or

drugs. Not a trace of any of them left. Note that I was diagnosed

and followed up on at major university teaching hospitals by dept

heads, PET scanners, heads of protocol development for chemo, head of

cardiology, etc. This isn't some anectdote from bumf____ general

hospital. It was Cleveland Clinic and M D Anderson. I did not take

their advice (surgery, chemo & drugs) but I made sure they monitored

my conditions to be certain I wasn't deluding myself.


Start with one book; Eat to Live by Joel Fuhrman MD and watch the

RAVE Diet video (sells nothing), which I will send you free if you

contact me privately. Watching that changed and saved my life.


Some people can't afford organic. You don't have too.

Here is the definitive guide to what to buy organic and what doesn't

matter if it's organic;




Finally, you need some support. Go to meetup.com type in raw food

and join a local raw pot luck group. The stories are all the same,

only the names of the diseases are different (there will be plenty of

breast cancer stories).


Many of these folks think a 100% raw diet is best and they cite the

enzyme theory which is nonsense. At MINIMUM a 1/2 raw, 1/2 cooked,

100% vegan diet is what you are after and that's hard enough to

comply with, but these groups are great and highly motivating and

educational. Just question it all, demand evidence (current

evidence, not 60 y/o evidence) and stay away from miracle multi level

marketing food & nutrition products from the juice+ folks and others

that are always trolling the pot lucks and fad stuff like Goji, Hemp,

Coconut Oil, etc. - EVERYTHING you need is in the produce section of

the grocery store, NOT in the aisles, dairy or meat cases.


Many people say a raw diet gives you everything you need, maybe in

olden non-depleted soil times. I suggest taking a sub-lingual B-12

of around 1,200uG once a week. Get methylcobalamin NOT

Cyanocobalamin. Also I suggest about 100 (not more) mcg/day of D-2,

NOT D-3. D is VERY important and does a LOT of what people think C

does. Check out veganhealth.org for more sound, science based,



Iodine is something we have to watch too. I know it's heresay, but

you are way better off using common iodized salt than " special

himalayan salt " salt in processed foods is generally not iodized,

especially in " health food " . About 1/4 tsp a day will do ya (76 mcg

iodine). The Himalyan people suffered greatly from iodine deficiency

and had high goiter rates and thyroid problems. THEY now eat iodized

salt and all those problems have gone away. So the Himalayan people

import and eat iodized salt. We import their salt and belive it is

extra good for us and pay through the nose for it. Go figure.


Fasting is great too (the body's reset button) if you can find the

time and supportive environment. Dr Fuhrman has an excellent book on

that too. See drfuhrman.com


Good Luck


rawfood , " Erica " <schoolofrawk wrote:


> rawfood , " Jennifer Keeney " <6glasswalls@>

> wrote:

> >

> > I am currently in treatment for breast cancer, and know of an


> support

> > group where you could ask this question and most likely get some

> really good

> > answers.


> Don't forget about rife machines! There are some great ones, I love

> them!


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It is

> still (and always will be) the chronic state of the body that


> these problems to manifest in the first place.


Of course diet is important, absolutely. But I would get a GB4000

frequency generator machine in a HEARTBEAT if I had a cancer, etc., as

well as change my diet. Erica

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