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The Truth About Raw Cacao (and Cayenne, and more ...)

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Greetings everyone,


One topic of conversation that seems to come up repeatedly in RF groups

involves the efficacy of eating raw cacao. David Wolfe is the leading

proponent of this item. Following is a link to a video of David speaking on

various topics. If you can actually get through this entire program, more

power to you!!! If not, then just watch from 4:43 to 6:58, that's where he

covers raw cacao.


Or just read the partial transcription of that section, immediately below.

(But text alone does not do this presentation justice.)




Now, here's the chocolate element ... here's what it means, kind of, in the

Steiner sense or from the planetary sense: Chocolate lines up planetarily

with the sun. Chocolate is an octave of sun energy. In fact, it's the energy

of the center of the sun. It's a male energy that comes down off the sun,

and actually out of all the plants, the cacao is right online target with

the center of the sun, which we call, in our body, the heart. And actually

cacao is right up with the center of the sun, which is the center of the

heart, which is called the sacred heart. So the cacao is hitting that

frequency of the sacred heart. And it's an energy that comes from the sun.


Now, in terms of planetary alchemy, what you want to use to balance off the

cacao, because it's an alchemical process, you need something that's coming

up with the earth force, or we call it the ormus -- an energy that moves out

of the earth towards the sun -- that's ormus. Remember what I was telling

you about? Like if you become loaded with ormus, all the cosmic energies

come right into you, because it wants to mate with you. Coconut water is an

ormus energy substance. It comes from out of the earth. When you cut it

open, you'll see it has a blue shimmer in there, sometimes, especially wild

coconuts, in Hawaii. That's an indicator of the ormus. Goji berry has the

ormus in it. It's in the polysaccharide. I don't know if maca does, but I

suspect it does, because it has that alchemical synergy with the cacao.


The herbal components that we like to put in there like the medicinal

mushrooms have that ormus force, an energy that uplifts and levitates.

Mushroom spores have been found at every altitude of the earth. Right up

into the troposphere. Right in the ionosphere, stratosphere, everywhere --

every single height has been found mushroom spores. Because they can

levitate off the planet, because they're surrounded by a shell of ormus,

which actually is trying to get to the center of the sun. Occasionally, it

gets sling-shotted right off the center of the sun and gets propelled out

into the solar system, and eventually gets sling-shotted out across the

galaxy, like the way we do our satellites. And so mushrooms are in fact, not

from here. They're from somewhere else. They came here. They rode in on the

cosmic wind.


I hope this helps raise people's awareness of the REAL reasons for eating

raw cacao.


Best to all,





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LOL! I've always thought he was a little out there.

I admire his energy and enthusiasm, but here again,

as with the video of that muscle-bound rawk star guy,

the image being portrayed is one of a lunatic fringe.









rawfood , " Elchanan " <Elchanan wrote:


> Greetings everyone,


> One topic of conversation that seems to come up repeatedly in RF


> involves the efficacy of eating raw cacao. David Wolfe is the


> proponent of this item. Following is a link to a video of David

speaking on

> various topics. If you can actually get through this entire

program, more

> power to you!!! If not, then just watch from 4:43 to 6:58, that's

where he

> covers raw cacao.


> Or just read the partial transcription of that section, immediately


> (But text alone does not do this presentation justice.)






> I hope this helps raise people's awareness of the REAL reasons for


> raw cacao.


> Best to all,

> Elchanan

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I don't think he is " out there " at all.


Someday I hope to be at the point I can examine all these intricasies

in detail.


For now, I find it challenging enough to stay 100% vegan and 50% raw,

while working hard to consume the widest possible variety of plants,

have my MD monitor my blood for vitamins and minerals, etc. Prepping

and carrying my food is very time consuming, but rewarding to

absolutely control what I eat and drink 100% of the time, with not a

single exception.


I have completely reversed some very nasty impending medical issues

and am less than 5 years down this road. I very much want to explore

some of these tangents, but for now I can only read about them

becuase my feeling is that I have to put my energy towards

maintaining and improving the basic foundation that has helped me so



I find since I have been eating this way that I have enourmous, yet

very even, well controlled energy. No manic bursts, just real

steady. However there are matching demands on my energy, which I

enjoy greatly because I am able to accomplish so much in my chosen

areas of endeavor.


It's great to be a part of this group because I get to read about

things I had never considered. Thanks everyone.



rawfood , " Erin " <truepatriot wrote:


> LOL! I've always thought he was a little out there.

> I admire his energy and enthusiasm, but here again,

> as with the video of that muscle-bound rawk star guy,

> the image being portrayed is one of a lunatic fringe.

> Unfortunate.



> -Erin

> http://www.vegandonelight.com

> http://www.zenpawn.com/vegblog



> rawfood , " Elchanan " <Elchanan@> wrote:

> >

> > Greetings everyone,

> >

> > One topic of conversation that seems to come up repeatedly in RF

> groups

> > involves the efficacy of eating raw cacao. David Wolfe is the

> leading

> > proponent of this item. Following is a link to a video of David

> speaking on

> > various topics. If you can actually get through this entire

> program, more

> > power to you!!! If not, then just watch from 4:43 to 6:58, that's

> where he

> > covers raw cacao.

> >

> > Or just read the partial transcription of that section,


> below.

> > (But text alone does not do this presentation justice.)

> >

> >


> [...]


> > I hope this helps raise people's awareness of the REAL reasons


> eating

> > raw cacao.

> >

> > Best to all,

> > Elchanan


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mstrong56 (am I the only one who wishes we knew your name?),


I must not have communicated well as it seems you have

misunderstood me greatly. Please allow me to clarify.


I am very much in favor of the so-called superfoods,

including cacao, coffee, cayenne, maca, honey, shrooms,

etc., all mentioned in his pressentation. (I'm not a

proponent of coconut though.) And I certainly believe

raw foods are healthy.


Indeed, it is from this position of cacao advocacy that

I come when I lament that David resorts to sun energy

and extraterrestial seeding (of mushrooms) to explain

why these are healthy foods, because it leaves the door

open to exactly the kind of ad hominem attack used by

Elchanan. Now, I suspect he did it half in jest, but

many actually do rest their case on this flawed debate

" logic " /tactic: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_hominem






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> I hope this helps raise people's awareness of the REAL reasons for


> raw cacao.


> Elchanan


I do think it should be mentioned that it is a Natural Hygiene

principle to exclude herbs, cayenne, cacao and other raw

foods/herbs/plants that don't make the cut. I don't do a lot of cacao,

but I respect that there are those who it works for. Ditto for Goji

Berries, etc. For the purpose of the newcomers to this group, there is

a difference between the raw food diet and the natural hygiene diet.

Maybe a general post distinguishing the differences might be helpful?


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> > LOL! I've always thought he was a little out there.


David Wolfe is a bit out there, but that would never undermine his

intelligence to me. I know he's a salesman, which I don't really care

for, but to me it is obvious he is brilliant in whatever he attempts,

and is very talented. At even just speaking. He does walk it like he

talks it, which I like, but he also sat down and told my friend

everything to do to fight her adrenal cancer once, and in great

detail. And the whole program worked to shrink this very aggressive

tumor. So, overall, even though I think his little groupie scene is

kind of gross, and that yeah, he surely has an ego, he has always been

super kind to me and he knows his stuff. It's important to remember

that cacao works very well for some people. Only Natural Hygienists,

not raw foodists, really, find things like cacao and cayenne to

be " poisons " . I think it's important for people to know that. ERica

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> I am very much in favor of the so-called superfoods,

> including cacao, coffee, cayenne, maca, honey, shrooms,

> etc., all mentioned in his pressentation. (I'm not a

> proponent of coconut though.) And I certainly believe

> raw foods are healthy.


So am I, as well as the majority of raw foodists, once again, just not

natural hygienists. Basically, when you study the soil or talk to

organic farmers, we simply cannot get everything we need from our food

alone. Erica

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