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[Raw Food]Urine therapy, was Candida and rash

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the kneeling fool

>If you repeat this for a week or so and then check the

quality of the skin where the urine has been massaged and

compare it with untreated skin, touch it and feel its

softness, examine it with a magnifying glass, you will be



sodium bicarbonate, vinegar, orange juice, and a host of other, far more

caustic, substances have a similar effect - that of breaking down outer/dead

skin cells, causing them to be shed more easily, revealing new, live,

killable skin cells underneath...


One thing I'm really curious about, Neal (real curiosity here, as in, I do

want to know your answer), is how you equate painful arthritis with health?

Pain isn't something that should be ongoing, it's purpose is to serve as a

warning (eg, fire burns, the pain tells you to remove the area from the fire

before more damage is done), and it should dissapate as healing occurs.

Ongoing pain, chronic pain, is debilitating, and not at all conducive to

health. I've had chronic pain for years, nearly a full decade. Yes, I can

ignore it, but then it just gets louder and more insistant, and I've learned

that it's capable of knocking me flat out, so now I don't push. I do what I

can to remove the source of the pain (am slowly learning what those sources

are, and how to do it), because, after all, that's the message of pain -

remove the source of damage.


Anyway, this was one of my random thoughts that occured during some late

night reading, and it stuck with me, so I thought I'd ask. The train went

something like, you practice urine therapy frequently (I'm guessing every

day, but I'm not sure I recall you actually stating a frequency?), urine is

often acidic, and urea is something that can crystalise, arthritis is often

caused by a buildup of acid and/or crystals in the joints, therefore, etc.

Was very tired at the time ;o) I'd love to hear your take on this, when you

have time.



PS It was you, Neal, who mentioned arthritis, yes? If not, feel free to

disregard :o)

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Questions -


1) Elchanan, you mentioned you had chronic pain for a decade. May I ask

your story? I love hearing other people's stories, their successes,

their journey.....


2) Regarding arthritis and/or pain signifying health. Odd I mentioned

nerve damage already today. I do think that some pain cannot be helped,

such as nerve damage. It can be minimalized, though. IN terms of

arthritis, though, I know of people who had massive success with very

severe rhuematoid arth (sp?) and the like, through raw vegan food, etc.

I am not an expert on it and I could be wrong, but I thought arthritis

could be reversed, or severely minimalized. I know not all of us are

herb-friendly (which means something totally different here in Oregon -

LOL), but Cat's Claw/Samento, for example, is a huge aid with this,

I've read many times. And of course wheatgrass.....



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On Friday 12 October 2007, Caron wrote:

> >-

> >the kneeling fool

> >

> >If you repeat this for a week or so and then check the

> >

> >quality of the skin where the urine has been massaged and

> >compare it with untreated skin, touch it and feel its

> >softness, examine it with a magnifying glass, you will be

> >astonished!

> >

> sodium bicarbonate, vinegar, orange juice, and a host of

> other, far more caustic, substances have a similar effect

> - that of breaking down outer/dead skin cells, causing

> them to be shed more easily, revealing new, live,

> killable skin cells underneath...


OK, you state then that you believe fresh urine to be

caustic, based on what? Remember we are talking about fresh



And I am curious here, I find it 'odd' (no offense intended)

that you describe the cells underneath as 'killable'.


> One thing I'm really curious about, Neal (real curiosity

> here, as in, I do want to know your answer), is how you

> equate painful arthritis with health?


Have I done that? I do have painful arthritis and I do not

have health problems. If someone breaks a leg and it heals

but no longer functions correctly due to this damage is

that ill health?


> Pain isn't

> something that should be ongoing,


says who?


> it's purpose is to


our interpreted purpose, i.e. the one that is taught in our



> serve as a warning (eg, fire burns, the pain tells you to

> remove the area from the fire before more damage is

> done), and it should dissapate as healing occurs.


I agree.


> Ongoing

> pain, chronic pain, is debilitating, and not at all

> conducive to


fitness, not health.


> health. I've had chronic pain for years,

> nearly a full decade.


Then I've got well more than a decade on you there. ;)


> Yes, I can ignore it, but then it

> just gets louder and more insistant,


when that happens I just give it full attention, all

attention, as in a meditation. But it hasn't been necessary

for at least a year. It can actually be a very good point

of focus for meditation because it really is what is

happening right now this moment!


> and I've learned

> that it's capable of knocking me flat out, so now I don't

> push. I do what I can to remove the source of the pain

> (am slowly learning what those sources are, and how to do

> it), because, after all, that's the message of pain -

> remove the source of damage.


Yes, I do exactly this too.


> Anyway, this was one of my random thoughts that occured

> during some late night reading, and it stuck with me, so

> I thought I'd ask.


I don't consider myself unhealthy just because I have

constant pain. The pain is a result of physical damage but

the biggest problem with it is the mental stories that

arise because of the pain, at least they used to be. But

pain has been an incredible teacher too.


As I see it, believing that we should be pain free is a

result of the marketing for medication and continuing

treatment by wrongly called 'Health Services'.


> The train went something like, you

> practice urine therapy frequently (I'm guessing every

> day, but I'm not sure I recall you actually stating a

> frequency?),


Yes every day, the first thing that goes into the stomach

and its a great start to the day, the body feels full of

energy, full of 'living'.


> urine is often acidic, and urea is something

> that can crystalise,


and gout, which I had before I started drinking is also a

build up of crystal, yet it went away after starting U.T.


> arthritis is often caused by a

> buildup of acid and/or crystals in the joints, therefore,

> etc.

That is not my understanding. It is that arthritis is a

result of IIRC geophages actually consuming living tissue

through a process of mis-learning, hehe, hey! that's the

story of man isn't it! LOL


> Was very tired at the time ;o) I'd love to hear your

> take on this, when you have time.


> Caron


there you have it. :)


the kneeling fool

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