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Thank you! (WAS: North American Union: New Money [NAU])

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Wow, Avocadess, what a nice message to awaken to (well, give or take an hour

or two :):)


There was a brief period of time, during 1999, when I just realized that

almost everything I'd ever been taught about almost everything was just

plain wrong. Not to blame anyone ... I believe that everyone does his/her

best in every present moment. (I mean, if we really COULD have done

" better " , we would have!!! :)


Eventually, I realized that it's all in the wrist ... oh, wait, wrong script



You mention our presumed no-longer-knowing how to give birth ...


" Give birth?? Oh, down the hall, third door on your left. "


My partner's daughter gave birth not quite 6 months ago. The morons

(medical, not partner and daughter) used a vacuum pump to yank the baby out.



" Hey there, little one, welcome to OUR world!! And a mighty fine howdy-dooty

to ya!! "


You do seem to have an attraction this week to horse poo. Anything you wish

to share?? :):)


Have a great day, and thanks again for your appreciation and encouragement.





rawfood [rawfood ] On Behalf Of

The Avocadess

Thursday, October 11, 2007 8:00 PM


Re: [Raw Food] North American Union: New Money [NAU]



I'll ditto the thank you. There is SO much misinformation drummed by the

media to the US 24/7 and we are constantly taught to not trust Nature/our

bodies that were designed SO WELL to the point of this sick sheeple society

not being able to think for themselves, but believe everything they're told

by lying religious zealots, the AMA, government, pharmaceutical companies

and the like to scare us into thinking we are nothing and will die without

drugs, processed foods, animal products, religion, war, fear based beliefs,

etc... etc... My goodness us women folk can't even do something as natural

as give birth anymore because we've been told we can't trust our bodies.

Horse poo! (LOL... sorry, couldn't resist!)


I love a thinking person and I love your posts Elchanan. They even make me

see how much, though I try to think for myself, I've even been misinformed

by the mainstream funk.


Keep on giving us those good thoughts and info.!


Thank you... really... thank you.


The Avocadess




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You know, I stood my ground and my son was brought into the world

naturally as

is supposed to happen. My mother's OB/GYN sent pamphlets of horror of

what can happen without " proper

medical care " (LMAO! yeah right) and I tossed them in the trash where

they belonged and followed my

midwives ancient advice on trusting my body, and viola! My son came

into the world when he was ready and my body

did EXACTLY what it was designed to do. I was the only one in my

Bradley class on natural child birth to not go

to a medical " doctor " and the only one to have a natural birth. All

the women (5) who went to hospitals had C-Sections.

Also, they all had invasive procedures like amnio, ultra sound,

monitors, etc... and most of their babies have bizarre organ issues,


and learning disabilities. I had none of those invasive questionable

procedures, no vaccinations, no circ. and how interesting:

no problems and a normal healthy intact baby.


My mother's OB/GYN was the most aggressive and rude arrogant

individual I've come in contact with

in a long time. Needless to say, I walked out. I think he wanted to

break me at the wheel or burn me at some point. Thumb screws?

He was extremely threatened by my using midwives, not eating animal

products, and him not being able to rob some

insurance co. blind. Oh well.


I'm to the point where I no longer pity people for not thinking for

themselves and

simply believing and doing what they are told like mindless dolts.

It's time to wake up, educate ourselves and turn off the TV.


You know, we can't blame anyone. We're all victims of the system, and

thank goodness some of us are no

longer asleep. It is time to awaken though.


A note about horse poo: It's more elegant than Bull Sh*t. lol! At

least I think so. LOL! I'm

sure it may have some healing properties I'm not aware of, though

even I won't be drinking my

own urine as if the Gods wished me too, they wouldn't have placed

that equipment so close to

the back door. :P Also we'd see wild animals drinking their urine all

the time and old people and drunks

would be thriving in good health. We do not see such things and so I'll

give my wee back to the earth for now. :)




On Oct 12, 2007, at 10:55 AM, Elchanan wrote:


> Wow, Avocadess, what a nice message to awaken to (well, give or

> take an hour

> or two :):)


> There was a brief period of time, during 1999, when I just realized

> that

> almost everything I'd ever been taught about almost everything was

> just

> plain wrong. Not to blame anyone ... I believe that everyone does

> his/her

> best in every present moment. (I mean, if we really COULD have done

> " better " , we would have!!! :)


> Eventually, I realized that it's all in the wrist ... oh, wait,

> wrong script

> ....


> You mention our presumed no-longer-knowing how to give birth ...


> " Give birth?? Oh, down the hall, third door on your left. "


> My partner's daughter gave birth not quite 6 months ago. The morons

> (medical, not partner and daughter) used a vacuum pump to yank the

> baby out.


> " Hey there, little one, welcome to OUR world!! And a mighty fine

> howdy-dooty

> to ya!! "


> You do seem to have an attraction this week to horse poo. Anything

> you wish

> to share?? :):)


> Have a great day, and thanks again for your appreciation and

> encouragement.


> Elchanan





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As a Veterinary Technician and wildlife rehaber for over 20 years and

have a partner who is

a well known practicing Vet, neither of us have ever seen any animal,


or wild drink their own urine or use it as a cure. Mother animals

will clean their young and do

probably ingest *unintentionally* their young's urine or feces. This

of course is for sanitary reasons

and not to ingest for any ailment.


As for my back door, amen to what you said... if the Gods deemed it

necessary for me to

drink my own urine, I'd be doing so. And my friend, if I could lick

my own arse, I'd

probably have the cleanest yoni this side of the so-called free

world. :D LOL! I guess the

fact that unless we are well practiced in yoga, we are anatomically

unable to ingest our own urine,

we shouldn't. BUT! As for the B12 recent discussion, the main reason

our primate sisters & brothers don't

have such a deficiency as they do ingest their own feces when

grooming which contains B12. What a perfect way

to get your own natural B12! I won't be opting for this method

anytime soon though. :D


On a side note about apes, youngsters do play with urine, but adults,

other than to clean themselves, do not drink

their own urine. Again, I feel nature knows best.


I don't always feel it's our business to wake the sleeping unless

they attempt a debate

with me. My own feeling is we are all here to learn and should all be

responsible for ourselves, though

I do find it annoying to witness freedoms disappearing, vegetables &

fruits being genetically modified, and

religious zealots attempting to force beliefs on state & government.

You bring up a good point. How much do we ignore and

what should we fight for? Or is all karma and predestined?

Interesting stuff.




On Oct 12, 2007, at 2:34 PM, the kneeling fool wrote:


> I don't know about old people and drunks though, do they

> drink their urine?, but I have seen animals use urine for

> self-healing. I once watched a dog (of a friend) urinate

> into its mouth and then lick over and over a tear it had on

> one of its paws and a sheepdog do the same having lost a

> chunk of flesh from the front of a shin. A nursing dog will

> recycle her pups' urine and extcreter. But I have never

> seen an animal drink as such. But then I haven't stopped

> observing yet either. :)





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Well, many times they (elderly/drunks) are covered in urine and yet

to see any relief from sores and other skin ailments.

As for people with skin issues such as a fungus or bacterial

infection, the ammonia in the urine might kill of the offending

bugs, but is everyone's urine the same? And wouldn't food grade

Hydro. Peroxide, grapefruit seed extract, or other more sanitary be a

better option?

Hey! Better yet! How about a 100% raw living foods diet? ;)

Works for me!


On Oct 12, 2007, at 2:34 PM, the kneeling fool wrote:


> I don't know about old people and drunks though, do they

> drink their urine?





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First I applaud you for your post!


On Friday 12 October 2007, The Avocadess wrote:

> even I won't be drinking my

> own urine as if the Gods wished me too,


then you would be.


> they wouldn't have placed  

> that equipment so close to

> the back door. :P Also we'd see wild animals drinking

> their urine all   the time and old people and drunks

> would be thriving in good health. We do not see such

> things and so I'll give my wee back to the earth for now.

> :)


IIUC tho, a lot of it goes to Big Pharma, who repackage as



Close to the back door? How do you know it wasn't placed

there intentionally to get you to question your belief

about such things? That is what nature tells me constantly.

For all I have observed about what is natural, there is

beautiful simplicity, elegant harmony and definite



I don't know about old people and drunks though, do they

drink their urine?, but I have seen animals use urine for

self-healing. I once watched a dog (of a friend) urinate

into its mouth and then lick over and over a tear it had on

one of its paws and a sheepdog do the same having lost a

chunk of flesh from the front of a shin. A nursing dog will

recycle her pups' urine and extcreter. But I have never

seen an animal drink as such. But then I haven't stopped

observing yet either. :)


People are asleep, but is it our business to go try waking

them up? If they ask, sure, otherwise...


below is copied chapter 1 from Awareness Anthony de Mello

cited for education purposes only






Spirituality means waking up



Spirituality means waking up.  Most people, even though they

don't know it, are asleep.  They're born asleep, they live

asleep, they marry in their sleep, they breed children in

their sleep, they die in their sleep, without ever waking

up. They never understand the loveliness and the beauty of

this thing that we call human existence.  You know, all

mystics -Catholic, Christian, non-Christian, no matter what

their theology, no matter what their religion -- are

unanimous on one thing: that all is well, all is

well.  Though everything is a mess, all is well.  Strange

paradox, to be sure.  But, tragically, most people never

get to see that all is well because they are asleep.  They

are having a nightmare.


Last year on Spanish television I heard a story about this

gentleman who knocks on his son's door.   " Jaime, " he

says, " wake up! " Jaime answers, " I don't want to get up,

Papa. " The father shouts, " Get up, you have to go to

school. " Jaime says, " I don't want to go to school. " " Why

not? " asks the father.   " Three reasons, " says

Jaime.   " First, because it's so dull; second, the kids

tease me; and third, I hate school. " And the father

says, " Well, I am going to give you three reasons why you

must go to school.  First, because it is your duty; second,

because you are forty-five years old, and third, because

you are the headmaster. " Wake up, wake up! You've grown

up.  You're too big to be asleep.  Wake up! Stop playing

with your toys.


Most people tell you they want to get out of kindergarten,

but don't believe them.  Don't believe them! All they want

you to do is to mend their broken toys.   " Give me back my

wife.  Give me back my job. Give me back my money.  Give me

back my reputation, my success. " This is what they want;

they want their toys replaced.  That's all.  Even the best

psychologist will tell you that, that people don't really

want to be cured.  What they want is relief; a cure is



Waking up is unpleasant, you know.  You are nice and

comfortable in bed.  It's irritating to be woken

up.  That's the reason the wise guru will not attempt to

wake people up.  I hope I'm going to be wise here and make

no attempt whatsoever to wake you up if you are asleep.  It

is really none of my business, even though I say to you at

times, " Wake up! " My business is to do my thing, to dance

my dance.  If you profit from it, fine; if you don't, too

bad! As the Arabs say, " The nature of rain is the same,

but it makes thorns grow in the marshes and flowers in the

gardens. "


Anthony De Mello, SJ




de Mello was a Catholic priest, a psychologist and one who

awoke, that I call quirky! :)



the kneeling fool

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> I don't know about old people and drunks though, do they

> drink their urine?


I wondered about that one, too.


> People are asleep, but is it our business to go try waking

> them up? If they ask, sure, otherwise...


> below is copied chapter 1 from Awareness Anthony de Mello

> cited for education purposes only


THAT WAS AWESOME! Thanks for posting! Is the whole book that good?

People ARE asleep. There is so much we KNOW, but we don't change

anything, just keep repeating the same thing. We KNOW violent images

and even " fake " -video game killing/bloodlust severely conditions and

damages young children, but we still just go buy them all for our

kids, etc. And so much more. So upsetting. I wrote an article, by the

way, on this topic. Might as well reference it -

http://www.turnoffyourtv.com/reviews/mediaviolence.html. It's from

awhiles ago and was edited to my dissatisfaction, but oh well. The

point is, people are asleep. Unconscious. We are surrounded by pod

people!:-( Erica

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I like the way you think! :-D




rawfood , The Avocadess <avocadess wrote:


> You know, I stood my ground and my son was brought into the world

> naturally as

> is supposed to happen. My mother's OB/GYN sent pamphlets of horror of

> what can happen without " proper

> medical care " (LMAO! yeah right) and I tossed them in the trash where

> they belonged and followed my

> midwives ancient advice on trusting my body, and viola! My son came

> into the world when he was ready and my body

> did EXACTLY what it was designed to do. I was the only one in my

> Bradley class on natural child birth to not go

> to a medical " doctor " and the only one to have a natural birth. All

> the women (5) who went to hospitals had C-Sections.

> Also, they all had invasive procedures like amnio, ultra sound,

> monitors, etc... and most of their babies have bizarre organ issues,

> tumors,

> and learning disabilities. I had none of those invasive questionable

> procedures, no vaccinations, no circ. and how interesting:

> no problems and a normal healthy intact baby.


> My mother's OB/GYN was the most aggressive and rude arrogant

> individual I've come in contact with

> in a long time. Needless to say, I walked out. I think he wanted to

> break me at the wheel or burn me at some point. Thumb screws?

> He was extremely threatened by my using midwives, not eating animal

> products, and him not being able to rob some

> insurance co. blind. Oh well.


> I'm to the point where I no longer pity people for not thinking for

> themselves and

> simply believing and doing what they are told like mindless dolts.

> It's time to wake up, educate ourselves and turn off the TV.


> You know, we can't blame anyone. We're all victims of the system, and

> thank goodness some of us are no

> longer asleep. It is time to awaken though.


> A note about horse poo: It's more elegant than Bull Sh*t. lol! At

> least I think so. LOL! I'm

> sure it may have some healing properties I'm not aware of, though

> even I won't be drinking my

> own urine as if the Gods wished me too, they wouldn't have placed

> that equipment so close to

> the back door. :P Also we'd see wild animals drinking their urine all

> the time and old people and drunks

> would be thriving in good health. We do not see such things and so I'll

> give my wee back to the earth for now. :)




> On Oct 12, 2007, at 10:55 AM, Elchanan wrote:


> > Wow, Avocadess, what a nice message to awaken to (well, give or

> > take an hour

> > or two :):)

> >

> > There was a brief period of time, during 1999, when I just realized

> > that

> > almost everything I'd ever been taught about almost everything was

> > just

> > plain wrong. Not to blame anyone ... I believe that everyone does

> > his/her

> > best in every present moment. (I mean, if we really COULD have done

> > " better " , we would have!!! :)

> >

> > Eventually, I realized that it's all in the wrist ... oh, wait,

> > wrong script

> > ....

> >

> > You mention our presumed no-longer-knowing how to give birth ...

> >

> > " Give birth?? Oh, down the hall, third door on your left. "

> >

> > My partner's daughter gave birth not quite 6 months ago. The morons

> > (medical, not partner and daughter) used a vacuum pump to yank the

> > baby out.

> >

> > " Hey there, little one, welcome to OUR world!! And a mighty fine

> > howdy-dooty

> > to ya!! "

> >

> > You do seem to have an attraction this week to horse poo. Anything

> > you wish

> > to share?? :):)

> >

> > Have a great day, and thanks again for your appreciation and

> > encouragement.

> >

> > Elchanan





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On Friday 12 October 2007, Erica wrote:

> THAT WAS AWESOME! Thanks for posting! Is the whole book

> that good?




Write me offlist if you want more, for educational purposes

that is. ;)



the kneeling fool

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On Friday 12 October 2007, The Avocadess wrote:

> Mother animals will clean their young and do probably

> ingest *unintentionally* their young's urine or feces.This  

> of course is for sanitary reasons

> and not to ingest for any ailment.


people are gonna start complainin!


This is curious to me. Do animals know of sanitation?


I don't agree with the 'unintentionally', not when I have

seen my own and many others' dogs on many many occasions,

eating faeces. But for me to say it is for nourishment is

my interpretation and probably unprovable.



the kneeling fool

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On Friday 12 October 2007, The Avocadess wrote:

> Well, many times they (elderly/drunks) are covered in

> urine and yet   to see any relief from sores and other

> skin ailments.


Of course, it is the same with knappy rash, probably our

first taste of ignorant propaganda.


Fresh urine massaged gently into the skin does not have the

kind of effect as stale urine soaked clothing on the skin.


> As for people with skin issues such as a

> fungus or bacterial infection, the ammonia in the urine

> might kill of the offending bugs,


It is not the ammonia, there is none in fresh urine, the

ammonia only comes by the degradation of the urine. In

fresh urine is rich in anti-viral/fungal/septic substances

all produced naturally by the body itself.


> but is everyone's urine

> the same?


No, depends *entirely* on what you eat.


> And wouldn't food grade Hydro. Peroxide,

> grapefruit seed extract, or other more sanitary be a

> better option?


Sometimes better sometimes not. Each has its place.


> Hey! Better yet! How about a 100% raw living foods diet?

> ;) Works for me!


Not there yet, but sure if it works for you.



the kneeling fool

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