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Thank you! [Horse Poo]

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Oh, did I enjoy reading this one!!! Fun!!! I love your sense of humor. The

horse poo explanation is priceless!




Congratulations on following your own course, having such a wonderfully

healthy baby.








The Avocadess [avocadess]

Friday, October 12, 2007 8:27 AM


Re: [Raw Food] Thank you! (WAS: North American Union: New Money





You know, I stood my ground and my son was brought into the world naturally

as is supposed to happen. My mother's OB/GYN sent pamphlets of horror of

what can happen without " proper medical care " (LMAO! yeah right) and I

tossed them in the trash where they belonged and followed my midwives

ancient advice on trusting my body, and viola! My son came into the world

when he was ready and my body did EXACTLY what it was designed to do. I was

the only one in my Bradley class on natural child birth to not go to a

medical " doctor " and the only one to have a natural birth. All the women

(5) who went to hospitals had C-Sections. Also, they all had invasive

procedures like amnio, ultra sound, monitors, etc... and most of their

babies have bizarre organ issues, tumors, and learning disabilities. I had

none of those invasive questionable procedures, no vaccinations, no circ.

and how interesting: no problems and a normal healthy intact baby.




My mother's OB/GYN was the most aggressive and rude arrogant individual I've

come in contact with in a long time. Needless to say, I walked out. I

think he wanted to break me at the wheel or burn me at some point. Thumb

screws? He was extremely threatened by my using midwives, not eating animal

products, and him not being able to rob some insurance co. blind. Oh well.





I'm to the point where I no longer pity people for not thinking for

themselves and simply believing and doing what they are told like mindless

dolts. It's time to wake up, educate ourselves and turn off the TV.




You know, we can't blame anyone. We're all victims of the system, and thank

goodness some of us are no longer asleep. It is time to awaken though.




A note about horse poo: It's more elegant than Bull Sh*t. lol! At least I

think so. LOL! I'm sure it may have some healing properties I'm not aware

of, though even I won't be drinking my own urine as if the Gods wished me

too, they wouldn't have placed that equipment so close to the back door. :P

Also we'd see wild animals drinking their urine all the time and old people

and drunks would be thriving in good health. We do not see such things and

so I'll give my wee back to the earth for now. :)




>>> On Oct 12, 2007, at 10:55 AM, Elchanan wrote:




Wow, Avocadess, what a nice message to awaken to (well, give or take an hour

or two :):)




There was a brief period of time, during 1999, when I just realized that

almost everything I'd ever been taught about almost everything was just

plain wrong. Not to blame anyone ... I believe that everyone does his/her

best in every present moment. (I mean, if we really COULD have done

" better " , we would have!!! :)




Eventually, I realized that it's all in the wrist ... oh, wait, wrong

script ....




You mention our presumed no-longer-knowing how to give birth ...




" Give birth?? Oh, down the hall, third door on your left. "




My partner's daughter gave birth not quite 6 months ago. The morons

(medical, not partner and daughter) used a vacuum pump to yank the baby out.





" Hey there, little one, welcome to OUR world!! And a mighty fine

howdy-dooty to ya!! "




You do seem to have an attraction this week to horse poo. Anything you wish

to share?? :):)




Have a great day, and thanks again for your appreciation and encouragement.









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> My mother's OB/GYN was the most aggressive and rude arrogant

individual I've

> come in contact with in a long time.


I never trusted male OB/GYNS. Not that women western medical doctors

are usually better, and not that I probably won't be called

prejudiced, etc, for being honest about that! LOL



Also, I LOVE WHAT YOU SAID about not feeling sorry for anyone anymore

who is a victim of the system, i.e. iatrogenic death or chemo or

whatever. It is so true. Nobody told me " Pssst, Erica! " and proceeded

to tell me all this stuff. I figured out for myself that I was being

lied to, you DON'T have to look very far to uncover this stuff

anymore, geeze. Even so far as the military. That people believe they

are defending freedom and not dying for corporate oil is beyond me.

What's with patriotism? Einstein called it the measles of the human

race, and I am hard-pressed to not agree.


All in all, I LOVED this post. And I LOVE your energy. We need more

people like you!! Everything about how childbirth is handled in the

medical system is a total outrage and utterly fear-based.


My mom had an abnormal pap with like precervical cancer cells.

Dysplasia, etc. Like every one of my friends has that, I swear. They

vacuumed out her entire reproductive system, cervix and all. WTF is

that? She won't hear that it wasn't necessary, but my God, what

THIEFS!!!??!! She was done in like an hour and went home a day later

or so. What an outrage! I've heard you don't enjoy sex as much

without your cervix, but my mom is a **virgin** so I guess it doesn't

matter. (LOL!!!) If she were not one, though, I still wouldn't ask

(and haven't) because, well, she's my mom. Erica

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Me either. I simply don't trust Western G.P.'s in general AT ALL.


We are a nation of TV followers. TV tells us when to eat, sleep, poo,

what drugs we need to be

taking, what we need to be eating, you name it, and people blindly

buy it. Remember the stupidity

behind boycotting the French when they refused to go into Iran? The

ridiculous purchasing of flags?

No wonder other countries think we're idiots. Just look at our so

called commander in chief.


What you said about your mother made me cry... literally. How

disgusting. And why do people let them

get away with such things? Fear? One of my clients just had a baby

the end of July. C-Section of course.

Took her weeks to recover from that butcher.


Thanks for your post Erica. I'm not sure people will smarten up

anytime soon. We definitely need a RAWVOLUTION.

I guess if more folks get angry enough to put their foot down and

take a stand, we're can't expect much change. The information is out


But again, we can lead a horse to water...


So many people I know who had cancer, decided to not go the western

medicine way, but go vegan or raw vegan and were

doing wonderfully, then were talked into chemo/radiation by their

fear mongering give-me-your-insurance-$$$ doctor and it killed them.

The last one had lung cancer. She was doing great with diet, went to

the Dr., he scared her into chemo, and she was dead within a month

from pneumonia from the chemo & toxic drugs. Dr.'s killed both of my

grandparents the same way, but not without draining the insurance

$$$ and a lot of torture. Literally.


It's interesting, you don't see them trying to castrate men, like

they spay women do you? They are doing it more & more though.

You really see how addictive cooked & processed foods are when people

choose them over life, eh?



On Oct 12, 2007, at 7:17 PM, Erica wrote:


> I never trusted male OB/GYNS. Not that women western medical doctors

> are usually better, and not that I probably won't be called

> prejudiced, etc, for being honest about that! LOL


> Also, I LOVE WHAT YOU SAID about not feeling sorry for anyone anymore

> who is a victim of the system, i.e. iatrogenic death or chemo or

> whatever. It is so true. Nobody told me " Pssst, Erica! " and proceeded

> to tell me all this stuff. I figured out for myself that I was being

> lied to, you DON'T have to look very far to uncover this stuff

> anymore, geeze. Even so far as the military. That people believe they

> are defending freedom and not dying for corporate oil is beyond me.

> What's with patriotism? Einstein called it the measles of the human

> race, and I am hard-pressed to not agree.


> All in all, I LOVED this post. And I LOVE your energy. We need more

> people like you!! Everything about how childbirth is handled in the

> medical system is a total outrage and utterly fear-based.


> My mom had an abnormal pap with like precervical cancer cells.

> Dysplasia, etc. Like every one of my friends has that, I swear. They

> vacuumed out her entire reproductive system, cervix and all. WTF is

> that? She won't hear that it wasn't necessary, but my God, what

> THIEFS!!!??!! She was done in like an hour and went home a day later

> or so. What an outrage! I've heard you don't enjoy sex as much

> without your cervix, but my mom is a **virgin** so I guess it doesn't

> matter. (LOL!!!) If she were not one, though, I still wouldn't ask

> (and haven't) because, well, she's my mom. Erica





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We are a nation of TV followers.

So true. So true. So sickening.


> What you said about your mother made me cry... literally.

Aw. You're a sweetie. She totally defends and loves her doctor. She has

no regrets. It's sickening. People literally come to the defense of

their enemy, and attack their allies. Brainwashing at it's finest.


> It's interesting, you don't see them trying to castrate men,

BRILLIANT POINT!!! I really like you! lol


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- Just so ya'll have a walk on the other side, I wanted to let you

know that there are some physicians, especially male OB/GYNs who see

the truth and follow their intuition. My father is an OB/GYN who

abandoned traditional medicine for a more alternative route. He got

so sick of everyone thinking he was a quack for advising patients on

diets, advising them herbal treatments rather than strictly

prescribing them some crap substance, and for trying to treat their

bodies as a whole, not just as an isolated set of symptoms.


He now happily practices, very successfully, in the Chicago region.

I just introduced him to the use of raw food diets in treating major

illnesses like diabetes. I showed him the " thirty days raw " trailer,

and he was astonished. He's been very active in the holistic

community for the last few years, and even he hasn't heard of the

efficacy of raw food diets. I blame scientist and doctors for being

great proponents of information gathering, and poor proponents of

information sharing. There is a tendency to hoard info among those

of us with a science background. Nobody wants to share info freely

because competition is so fierce. It's a sad thing, really.


I'd also like to answer the insurance companies being " robbed blind "

by physicians. This is NOT the case. The reason for many of the

higher risk practices losing practitioners is that they simply cannot

afford their malpractice insurance any longer. And depending on

bylaws, physicians simply cannot in most cases practice without said

insurance. This especially impacts neurosurgeons, cardio-thoracic

surgeons, and OB/GYN's. If a case goes to trial for these

professions, the monetary awards are usually higher, the likelihood

of an insurance company settling are much greater (they pay out

without a trial, and the doctor's insurance rates increase as a

result), and the chances of a frivolous suit making it to trial are

increased because of the emotion behind these cases.


I would argue that the insurance companies are directly responsible

in many cases for the state of modern medicine. And luckily for us,

for the doctors who weren't satisfied with the limited treatments

available for their patients, they're also directly responsible for

the growth in the holistic sector :)





-- In rawfood , " Elchanan " <Elchanan wrote:


> Oh, did I enjoy reading this one!!! Fun!!! I love your sense of

humor. The

> horse poo explanation is priceless!




> Congratulations on following your own course, having such a


> healthy baby.




> Elchanan


> _____


> The Avocadess [avocadess]

> Friday, October 12, 2007 8:27 AM

> rawfood

> Re: [Raw Food] Thank you! (WAS: North American Union: New


> [NAU])




> You know, I stood my ground and my son was brought into the world


> as is supposed to happen. My mother's OB/GYN sent pamphlets of

horror of

> what can happen without " proper medical care " (LMAO! yeah right)

and I

> tossed them in the trash where they belonged and followed my


> ancient advice on trusting my body, and viola! My son came into

the world

> when he was ready and my body did EXACTLY what it was designed to

do. I was

> the only one in my Bradley class on natural child birth to not go

to a

> medical " doctor " and the only one to have a natural birth. All the


> (5) who went to hospitals had C-Sections. Also, they all had


> procedures like amnio, ultra sound, monitors, etc... and most of


> babies have bizarre organ issues, tumors, and learning

disabilities. I had

> none of those invasive questionable procedures, no vaccinations, no


> and how interesting: no problems and a normal healthy intact baby.




> My mother's OB/GYN was the most aggressive and rude arrogant

individual I've

> come in contact with in a long time. Needless to say, I walked

out. I

> think he wanted to break me at the wheel or burn me at some point.


> screws? He was extremely threatened by my using midwives, not

eating animal

> products, and him not being able to rob some insurance co. blind.

Oh well.





> I'm to the point where I no longer pity people for not thinking for

> themselves and simply believing and doing what they are told like


> dolts. It's time to wake up, educate ourselves and turn off the TV.




> You know, we can't blame anyone. We're all victims of the system,

and thank

> goodness some of us are no longer asleep. It is time to awaken





> A note about horse poo: It's more elegant than Bull Sh*t. lol! At

least I

> think so. LOL! I'm sure it may have some healing properties I'm

not aware

> of, though even I won't be drinking my own urine as if the Gods

wished me

> too, they wouldn't have placed that equipment so close to the back

door. :P

> Also we'd see wild animals drinking their urine all the time and

old people

> and drunks would be thriving in good health. We do not see such

things and

> so I'll give my wee back to the earth for now. :)




> >>> On Oct 12, 2007, at 10:55 AM, Elchanan wrote:




> Wow, Avocadess, what a nice message to awaken to (well, give or

take an hour

> or two :):)




> There was a brief period of time, during 1999, when I just realized


> almost everything I'd ever been taught about almost everything was


> plain wrong. Not to blame anyone ... I believe that everyone does


> best in every present moment. (I mean, if we really COULD have done

> " better " , we would have!!! :)




> Eventually, I realized that it's all in the wrist ... oh, wait,


> script ....




> You mention our presumed no-longer-knowing how to give birth ...




> " Give birth?? Oh, down the hall, third door on your left. "




> My partner's daughter gave birth not quite 6 months ago. The morons

> (medical, not partner and daughter) used a vacuum pump to yank the

baby out.





> " Hey there, little one, welcome to OUR world!! And a mighty fine

> howdy-dooty to ya!! "




> You do seem to have an attraction this week to horse poo. Anything

you wish

> to share?? :):)




> Have a great day, and thanks again for your appreciation and





> Elchanan





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Without going into a rant, I'll just say that your father is 1 in a


The truth is, that no M.D. in my entire area practices and I'm

fairly sure that your father

isn't the norm or we'd hear about it in this county... state. An

average M.D. is no comparison to your father

and I'd have to question why he's still an M.D. and not a Naturopath,

Homeopath, etc...


As, for your comment about health insurance, horse poo.

I used to work years ago handling insurance for many M.D.'s and I

know exactly what goes on.

Most visits to the Dr. don't start with " How are you today? " but

" What insurance co. do you use? " .


After losing so many family members & friends to terrible so called

" health care " and bad mistakes made by Physicians, misdiagnoses,

lack of dietary knowledge of the real human diet and a pharmaceutical

free for all with prescription drugs (many addictive), I simply &

completely disagree with you.


I've heard time & time again, aside from my own experiences, of the

arrogant God like attitude and refusal to be open to patients who

have gone raw.

Rather than admit food can heal or kill you, they will claim any such

healing was an act of a God. Some were downright rude and nasty. Gods

forbid you say their pills don't work or you heal yourself or worse

yet, disagree. GASP!


The truth is that our so called health care in this country is

nothing more these days than big business. Cancer & heart disease are


money makers! So are women. Eat Atkins & keep us in business! Good

grief, just turn on a TV and watch all the commercials for weight loss

and pharmaceuticals. Almost every commercial is for some drug. Turn

off those TV's!


We can agree to disagree, and nothing against you personally, but in

my opinion, your post is wishful thinking.


On Oct 15, 2007, at 1:23 PM, sci_lite wrote:


> I'd also like to answer the insurance companies being " robbed blind "

> by physicians. This is NOT the case. The reason for many of the

> higher risk practices losing practitioners is that they simply cannot

> afford their malpractice insurance any longer.





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I don't mind if you rant. My family is Italian. So it's cool with

me if you let it fly :)


You are welcome to disagree with my point of view, but I don't think

I will agree that it is wishful thinking.


And I thank you for the spanking ;)


I will agree that my dad is one in a billion, and I am very proud of

him. I don't care that he's an MD, I think given the reaction

his " peers " had to him, it's mud in their eye because they should

know better than to think they know better. Or given the fear of

being wrong and humiliated in front of their colleagues that is

drilled into those in scientific disciplines, they should rediscover

their backbones, and realize that being " wrong " isn't the greatest

evil after all.


I've never disagreed with the assertion that medicine was big

business. I've worked as a pharmaceutical chemist, and there's no

doubt in my mind from my experiences that profit drives discovery

efforts on the drug-making end. I didn't work on it personally, but I

remember a cancer drug called Cell Cycle Inhibitor that was in the

development stages. It was supposed to stop the replication of

cancer cells, but the target didn't work correctly, so in animals it

shut down replication of ALL cells. And the byproducts were so toxic

that the company couldn't dispose of it anywhere safely as it was.

So some of the scientists formulated it into paint and painted one of

their sheds with it, because supposedly the epoxy resins in paint

encased the toxins and kept them from being harmful. And they still

had hope for it in human trials....LOL!!!!!


What I am saying is there is proof that things can/will/will continue

to change. This is what I see with the desire first of all for

patients to explore more holistic treatments, and secondly, with

evidence that there are " traditional " physicians who recognize the

value in holistic treatments. I'm sure there are more MD's who are

jumping the traditional medicine ship, but I use my dad in this

example because I'm proud of him as I said before, and because the

best examples are those that hit closest to home.


And in case nurses ever figure into your volumes on traditional

healthcare, I'll be starting nursing school in January. I'll get my

NP, and then I'll be looking to see what the naturopathic route can

offer me degree-wise by that time. I am also setting up

certification in raw food living with Alissa Cohen's peeps, so when

more and more of my patients tell me about their diets being raw

(because it will happen), I'll trade recipes with them rather than

give them " the look " . And I am not worried at all about taking the

traditional schooling for nursing to start. It's a start. The

process is what I'm after.














In rawfood , The Avocadess <avocadess wrote:


> Without going into a rant, I'll just say that your father is 1 in


> billion.

> The truth is, that no M.D. in my entire area practices and I'm

> fairly sure that your father

> isn't the norm or we'd hear about it in this county... state. An

> average M.D. is no comparison to your father

> and I'd have to question why he's still an M.D. and not a


> Homeopath, etc...


> As, for your comment about health insurance, horse poo.

> I used to work years ago handling insurance for many M.D.'s and I

> know exactly what goes on.

> Most visits to the Dr. don't start with " How are you today? " but

> " What insurance co. do you use? " .


> After losing so many family members & friends to terrible so


> " health care " and bad mistakes made by Physicians, misdiagnoses,

> lack of dietary knowledge of the real human diet and a


> free for all with prescription drugs (many addictive), I simply &

> completely disagree with you.


> I've heard time & time again, aside from my own experiences, of


> arrogant God like attitude and refusal to be open to patients who

> have gone raw.

> Rather than admit food can heal or kill you, they will claim any


> healing was an act of a God. Some were downright rude and nasty.


> forbid you say their pills don't work or you heal yourself or


> yet, disagree. GASP!


> The truth is that our so called health care in this country is

> nothing more these days than big business. Cancer & heart disease


> wonderful

> money makers! So are women. Eat Atkins & keep us in business! Good

> grief, just turn on a TV and watch all the commercials for weight


> and pharmaceuticals. Almost every commercial is for some drug.


> off those TV's!


> We can agree to disagree, and nothing against you personally, but


> my opinion, your post is wishful thinking.


> On Oct 15, 2007, at 1:23 PM, sci_lite wrote:


> > I'd also like to answer the insurance companies being " robbed

blind "

> > by physicians. This is NOT the case. The reason for many of the

> > higher risk practices losing practitioners is that they simply


> > afford their malpractice insurance any longer.





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Man I hope you're right. I hope we do have a rawvolution and people

continue to get

furious with the medical establishment and government and demand real

health care and organic foods

and refuse GMO or all things artificial. Looking at mainstream

society and seeing what has and continues to happen

to friends and family living a mainstream lifestyle, eating SAD,

watching TV, blindly believing and doing every single thing their Dr.'s

& religious leaders say, I'm having a hard time being optimistic, but

hey... where there's life there's hope.


I'm not completely anti-medical. If my arm fell off or I needed

trauma care to save my life for some accident, ok, but

I'll make sure I try to get the hell out of that germ factory

a.s.a.p. LOL! as soon as I can drag what's left or hobble away. :)


Man, that would make my dat to trade raw recipes with an M.D. Ha!~ I

love it!


And that was no spanking... If I was spanking, you'd REALLY feel it! ;)


On Oct 16, 2007, at 6:30 PM, sci_lite wrote:


> What I am saying is there is proof that things can/will/will continue

> to change. This is what I see with the desire first of all for

> patients to explore more holistic treatments, and secondly, with

> evidence that there are " traditional " physicians who recognize the

> value in holistic treatments. I'm sure there are more MD's who are

> jumping the traditional medicine ship, but I use my dad in this

> example because I'm proud of him as I said before, and because the

> best examples are those that hit closest to home.


> And in case nurses ever figure into your volumes on traditional

> healthcare, I'll be starting nursing school in January. I'll get my

> NP, and then I'll be looking to see what the naturopathic route can

> offer me degree-wise by that time. I am also setting up

> certification in raw food living with Alissa Cohen's peeps, so when

> more and more of my patients tell me about their diets being raw

> (because it will happen), I'll trade recipes with them rather than

> give them " the look " . And I am not worried at all about taking the

> traditional schooling for nursing to start. It's a start. The

> process is what I'm after.





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Unfortunately, you have to go the " certified " route just to gain credibility in

the public's eyes. In other words, they'll only listen to your advice on

natural healing methods if you have the degree that they think means everything.








And in case nurses ever figure into your volumes on traditional


healthcare, I'll be starting nursing school in January. I'll get my


NP, and then I'll be looking to see what the naturopathic route can


offer me degree-wise by that time. I am also setting up


certification in raw food living with Alissa Cohen's peeps, so when


more and more of my patients tell me about their diets being raw


(because it will happen), I'll trade recipes with them rather than


give them " the look " . And I am not worried at all about taking the


traditional schooling for nursing to start. It's a start. The


process is what I'm after.



























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I know I won't be able to step foot in a hospital to practice

without the degree. Beyond that, I won't worry about people's

motivations for unplugging their ears :) Chances are there are

plenty of people who still won't listen to me even when I do have

the degree, God Love 'em!




rawfood , Marsh <billnmarsh wrote:


> Unfortunately, you have to go the " certified " route just to gain

credibility in the public's eyes. In other words, they'll only

listen to your advice on natural healing methods if you have the

degree that they think means everything.


> Marsh






> And in case nurses ever figure into your volumes on traditional


> healthcare, I'll be starting nursing school in January. I'll get



> NP, and then I'll be looking to see what the naturopathic route



> offer me degree-wise by that time. I am also setting up


> certification in raw food living with Alissa Cohen's peeps, so



> more and more of my patients tell me about their diets being raw


> (because it will happen), I'll trade recipes with them rather than


> give them " the look " . And I am not worried at all about taking



> traditional schooling for nursing to start. It's a start. The


> process is what I'm after.




> .

















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> I don't mind if you rant. My family is Italian. So it's cool with

> me if you let it fly :)



LOL - Has anyone doubted my full-Italian heritage??? LOL!!! Just be

glad MY DAD isn't into raw and in this group! Don't get me wrong, he's

fabulous, but...... :-D Erica

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I hope we do have a rawvolution and people

> continue to get

> furious with the medical establishment and government and demand


> health care and organic foods

> and refuse GMO or all things artificial.


AMEN! If people are not angry, they are not paying attention... Erica

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I wanted to let you

> know that there are some physicians, especially male OB/GYNs who see

> the truth and follow their intuition. My father is an OB/GYN


thanks for sharing. While your dr. is an " MD " , it is very obvious he is

more of an alternative practioner. Awesome, but I don't think

discredits what people say about conventional medicine since you said

yourself that patients and other professionals now view his " MD " self

as more of a quack. That said, WE NEED MORE MD'S LIKE YOUR DAD! Alas, I

moved away from Chicago and need a good gynecologist. Doh! ERica

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