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Green Smoothies Reconsidered [PathOfHealth Post #13507] (WAS: Green Juice v Green Smoothies)

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The GREENS are essential. The smoothies are irrelevant. Here is something

you might find constructive.






Green Smoothies Reconsidered: Alkaloids, Casomorphons in Mother's Milk;

Nature's Design

[PathOfHealth Post #13507]


Yes, I am aware of this teaching about chewing one's smoothies. But few, in

my experience, possess such patience. And this " solution " does not address

at all certain other concerns, set forth below.


1. Masking of Nonfoods

The current " green smoothie " fad masks a somewhat serious problem: People

use the sweeter components in the smoothie to mask the unpleasant taste (and

often texture) of certain greens that would otherwise be entirely

unappetizing to the human palette. In other words, people are using blending

to " force down " greens that are not food for our species and which they

would otherwise never eat or eat only infrequently and/or in very small



Specifically, I have in mind those greens characterized by one or both of:


- Very bitter taste.

- Harsh, almost unchewable fiber.


Whenever we consume such greens, we bring into our system alkaloid

substances that are explicitly not good for us. These substances have their

place in Nature's design ... often as natural insecticides (e.g., caffeine).



In my brief forays into green-smoothie conversations, I have observed people

expressing concern about overloading with alkaloids. The " solution " I heard

discussed is to rotate the greens. But really, the correct solution is to

stop eating that which is not food for our species.


A few examples of well-known alkaloid substances may help to bring home this

point: caffeine, nicotine, theobromine, morphine, cocaine .... Hopefully,

you can see where this is going. These are all stimulants, not foods, with

certain very specific exceptions found embedded in Nature's design.


An example of such an exception is found in the mother's milk of most

mammals. (I would say " all " , but I have not checked for all mammalian

species, nor am I certain that studies of such an extent have ever been

conducted.) The milk contains a small quantity of substances that, when

digested, break down into morphine-like byproducts. The best-known example

are a family of substances called " casomorphins " , byproducts of the

digestion of the protein casein. These serve to hold a nursing infants

interest in its own mother's milk until the time of weaning.


One significant challenge many humans now face is letting go of dairy,

particularly cheese. This challenge arises partly because people are

addicted to the salt in the cheese, and partly because the concentration of

casein, and therefore of casomorphins, in the milks of ruminants,

particularly cows, is many times that found in human mother's milk. In other

words, people are genuinely physically addicted to dairy, and cheese in

particular, where the concentration is highest due to withdrawal of all the

water. For those interested in learning more about this particular topic, I

recommend the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (

<http://www.pcrm.org/> www.pcrm.org) and in particular the writings of its

leader, Neal Barnard, MD.


2. Green Smoothies Reconsidered

Let's look more thoughtfully, for a moment, at what changes are actually

made by those who embrace green smoothies:


1. They increase their consumption of fruits. Therefore, they increase their

consumption of oxygen, water, simple sugars, vitamins, minerals, etc.. In

other words, oxygenation, hydration, fueling, and micronutrient availability

all skyrocket.


2. They increase their overall consumption of greens, dramatically expanding

consumption of minerals and phytonutrients, as well as both soluble and SOFT

insoluble fiber.


3. They decrease their overall consumption of high-fat foods (nuts and seeds

in particular).


4. They correspondingly decrease their consumption of HARD insoluble fiber

(quasitree bark).


5. They decrease their overall consumption of calories ... a HUGE win in

terms of cleansing and overall health.


6. They throw the food into a blender.


In other words, they improve the CONTENT of their diet dramatically. The

quality of absorption this depends on the overall health of the individual,

which now improves considerably.


And people give credit to the blender.


If this way of thinking and understanding appeals to you, then by all means,

hold fast to it. It does not, however, appeal to me.


Best to all,






rawfood [rawfood ] On Behalf Of

Carla Rose

Friday, October 19, 2007 8:19 AM


[Raw Food] Green Juice v Green Smoothies



For several months, I had been drinking green smoothies almost daily. I had

stopped because it seems like it was needlessly increasing my hunger and

cravings for horrible foods I had not had in years! My smoothies was always

strong with just one serving of fruit or a hand full of berries. W/o the

smoothies, I feel more in control of my hunger and cravings---not that I

ever gave in to them, but at least I'm not feeling miserable.


I recently got a juicer and started juicing the greens and noticed an

improvement in how I feel overall. I know there are people who have low

opinions about juicing, so I'm not seeking a right or wrong type answer.


My question is, besides the fiber, what is really so great about green

smoothies? I read so much positive information about it, but starting to

feel they dont mix with my chemistry which can be discouraging. At the same

time though, I do very well with green juice and salads. Is there something

about it I dont know?






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If this way of thinking and understanding appeals to you, then by all


> hold fast to it.


I personally think the greens are very important to health and that we

are intended to eat them. And blending them is very wise. I love green

smoothies! Erica

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What do you mean? The smoothies seem to be the most relevant part in this

since we need the greens broken down for absorption. The article below is

a good reminder, but doesn't address the insane hunger and cravings I get

when I partake in GS---I dont get that with green juice. Maybe this only

happens to me.... :)




On 10/19/07, Elchanan <Elchanan wrote:


> Carla,


> The GREENS are essential. The smoothies are irrelevant. Here is something

> you might find constructive.


> Best,

> Elchanan

> __


> Green Smoothies Reconsidered: Alkaloids, Casomorphons in Mother's Milk;

> Nature's Design

> [PathOfHealth Post #13507]


> Yes, I am aware of this teaching about chewing one's smoothies. But few,

> in

> my experience, possess such patience. And this " solution " does not address

> at all certain other concerns, set forth below.


> 1. Masking of Nonfoods

> The current " green smoothie " fad masks a somewhat serious problem: People

> use the sweeter components in the smoothie to mask the unpleasant taste

> (and

> often texture) of certain greens that would otherwise be entirely

> unappetizing to the human palette. In other words, people are using

> blending

> to " force down " greens that are not food for our species and which they

> would otherwise never eat or eat only infrequently and/or in very small

> quantities.


> Specifically, I have in mind those greens characterized by one or both of:


> - Very bitter taste.

> - Harsh, almost unchewable fiber.


> Whenever we consume such greens, we bring into our system alkaloid

> substances that are explicitly not good for us. These substances have

> their

> place in Nature's design ... often as natural insecticides (e.g.,

> caffeine).


> In my brief forays into green-smoothie conversations, I have observed

> people

> expressing concern about overloading with alkaloids. The " solution " I

> heard

> discussed is to rotate the greens. But really, the correct solution is to

> stop eating that which is not food for our species.


> A few examples of well-known alkaloid substances may help to bring home

> this

> point: caffeine, nicotine, theobromine, morphine, cocaine .... Hopefully,

> you can see where this is going. These are all stimulants, not foods, with

> certain very specific exceptions found embedded in Nature's design.


> An example of such an exception is found in the mother's milk of most

> mammals. (I would say " all " , but I have not checked for all mammalian

> species, nor am I certain that studies of such an extent have ever been

> conducted.) The milk contains a small quantity of substances that, when

> digested, break down into morphine-like byproducts. The best-known example

> are a family of substances called " casomorphins " , byproducts of the

> digestion of the protein casein. These serve to hold a nursing infants

> interest in its own mother's milk until the time of weaning.


> One significant challenge many humans now face is letting go of dairy,

> particularly cheese. This challenge arises partly because people are

> addicted to the salt in the cheese, and partly because the concentration

> of

> casein, and therefore of casomorphins, in the milks of ruminants,

> particularly cows, is many times that found in human mother's milk. In

> other

> words, people are genuinely physically addicted to dairy, and cheese in

> particular, where the concentration is highest due to withdrawal of all

> the

> water. For those interested in learning more about this particular topic,

> I

> recommend the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (

> <http://www.pcrm.org/> www.pcrm.org) and in particular the writings of its

> leader, Neal Barnard, MD.


> 2. Green Smoothies Reconsidered

> Let's look more thoughtfully, for a moment, at what changes are actually

> made by those who embrace green smoothies:


> 1. They increase their consumption of fruits. Therefore, they increase

> their

> consumption of oxygen, water, simple sugars, vitamins, minerals, etc.. In

> other words, oxygenation, hydration, fueling, and micronutrient

> availability

> all skyrocket.


> 2. They increase their overall consumption of greens, dramatically

> expanding

> consumption of minerals and phytonutrients, as well as both soluble and


> insoluble fiber.


> 3. They decrease their overall consumption of high-fat foods (nuts and

> seeds

> in particular).


> 4. They correspondingly decrease their consumption of HARD insoluble fiber

> (quasitree bark).


> 5. They decrease their overall consumption of calories ... a HUGE win in

> terms of cleansing and overall health.


> 6. They throw the food into a blender.


> In other words, they improve the CONTENT of their diet dramatically. The

> quality of absorption this depends on the overall health of the

> individual,

> which now improves considerably.


> And people give credit to the blender.


> If this way of thinking and understanding appeals to you, then by all

> means,

> hold fast to it. It does not, however, appeal to me.


> Best to all,

> Elchanan


> _____


> rawfood <rawfood%40> [

> rawfood <rawfood%40>] On Behalf Of

> Carla Rose

> Friday, October 19, 2007 8:19 AM

> rawfood <rawfood%40>

> [Raw Food] Green Juice v Green Smoothies


> For several months, I had been drinking green smoothies almost daily. I

> had

> stopped because it seems like it was needlessly increasing my hunger and

> cravings for horrible foods I had not had in years! My smoothies was

> always

> strong with just one serving of fruit or a hand full of berries. W/o the

> smoothies, I feel more in control of my hunger and cravings---not that I

> ever gave in to them, but at least I'm not feeling miserable.


> I recently got a juicer and started juicing the greens and noticed an

> improvement in how I feel overall. I know there are people who have low

> opinions about juicing, so I'm not seeking a right or wrong type answer.


> My question is, besides the fiber, what is really so great about green

> smoothies? I read so much positive information about it, but starting to

> feel they dont mix with my chemistry which can be discouraging. At the

> same

> time though, I do very well with green juice and salads. Is there

> something

> about it I dont know?


> Carla



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What else are you putting in your smoothies ingredients wise?

I'm wondering because I was using a supposedly " raw " coconut butter

and had a reaction to it, but don't from plain young coconuts.

What's your smoothie recipe?


On Oct 19, 2007, at 5:51 PM, Carla Rose wrote:


> What do you mean? The smoothies seem to be the most relevant part

> in this

> since we need the greens broken down for absorption. The article

> below is

> a good reminder, but doesn't address the insane hunger and cravings

> I get

> when I partake in GS---I dont get that with green juice. Maybe this

> only

> happens to me.... :)


> Carla





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