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orthorexia nervosa

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Hi Anouk - what a terrible thing to suffer from- actually caring

about what we shove into our mouths - disgraceful, it must be a

disease!!!!! It is a shame that caring people (nurses and doctors)

have somehow been duped into a different mindset that thinks caring

about eating healthy food is an illness. Surely the only aim of

eating should be to build and maintain health - and surely also this

is better done by eating healthy food.





, " Anouk Sickler " <zurumato@e...>




> I went to the supermarket, to shop with my cousin,

> of course I rejected many foods, as this was not a health food


> She said that I suffer from a disease called orthorexia.

> " I'm telling you, you have it "


> I thought that she was joking at first, she's a nurse, but I've


> heard of this term.

> but I looked it up and sure enough, Orthorexia is a person who

> suffers from an obsession with healthy foods.


> there is a website, www.orthorexia.com.

> she is a school nurse in the bronx.

> her job is to administer ritalin to kids in school every morning.

> anyway, I don't think I have this, I am just trying to analyze her

> comment, as my thought is that she probably just has a problem with

> veganism.


> -anouk

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Well then they must suffer from a

condition called “I couldn’t give a sh!t about my health”

Balls to ‘em







Andrew Barnes








Sickler [zurumato]

13 January 2005 04:55








I went to the supermarket, to shop with my cousin,


of course I rejected many foods, as this was not a

health food store.

She said that I suffer from a disease called


" I'm telling you, you have it "


I thought that she was joking at first, she's a

nurse, but I've never

heard of this term.

but I looked it up and sure enough,

Orthorexia is a person who

suffers from an obsession with healthy foods.


there is a website, www.orthorexia.com.

she is a school nurse in the bronx.

her job is to administer ritalin to kids in school

every morning.

anyway, I don't think I have this, I am just

trying to analyze her

comment, as my thought is that she probably just

has a problem with










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Andrew Barnes

Thursday, January 13, 2005 9:18 AM

RE: orthorexia nervosa



Well then they must suffer from a condition called “I couldn’t give a sh!t about my health”

Balls to ‘em






Andrew Barnes





Anouk Sickler [zurumato] 13 January 2005 04:55 Subject: orthorexia nervosa


I went to the supermarket, to shop with my cousin, of course I rejected many foods, as this was not a health food store.She said that I suffer from a disease called orthorexia. "I'm telling you, you have it"I thought that she was joking at first, she's a nurse, but I've never heard of this term.but I looked it up and sure enough, Orthorexia is a person who suffers from an obsession with healthy foods. there is a website, www.orthorexia.com.she is a school nurse in the bronx.her job is to administer ritalin to kids in school every morning.anyway, I don't think I have this, I am just trying to analyze her comment, as my thought is that she probably just has a problem with veganism. -anoukTo send an email to - ______________________This e-mail has been scanned for all viruses by Star. Theservice is powered by MessageLabs. For more information on a proactiveanti-virus service working around the clock, around the globe, visit:http://www.star.net.uk______________________

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  • 1 year later...
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Leah, I agree with your assessment. I first read about it several

years ago, and think it is mostly hooey. Some of the " warning signs "

are definitely OCD, but mostly, they are just excuses.





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I also agree with Leah's assessment of the symptoms of ON. I heard about

this " syndrome " some time ago regarding vegetarian diets.


* Spending more than three hours a day thinking about healthy food


I think about " healthy food " every time I'm about to eat or getting hungry.

If that constitutes three hours, I'd be surprised, but why is three the

magic number?


* Planning tomorrow's menu today


I do this occasionally, and -yes- it's called being organized and prepared!

I dislike going home from work and spending extra time figuring out what

we're going to eat, when we only have so much time before going to bed.

* Feeling virtuous about what they eat, but not enjoying it much


I feel both virtuous AND enjoy my food immensely. hahaha

Of course, I don't think about feeling virtuous when I eat! I usually think

about how much time I have to eat (if I'm getting ready for work or on

lunch), how wonderful the food tastes, how good the company is (if eating

with others), how much room I need to leave for dessert, if I'm going to

HAVE dessert, etc., etc., etc.


* Continually limiting the number of foods they eat


I don't consciously think, " Gee, I want to further limit the foods I can

eat. " I have, however, found that occasionally I had to eliminate something

that I previously thought okay. (Typically, that happened as I grew more

and more aware of the choices I made.)

* Experiencing a reduced quality of life or social isolation (because their

diet makes it difficult for them to eat anywhere but at home)


Yes, I have felt left out in the past, or intentionally not attended a

gathering because I knew it would revolve around a carcass. Just because

this society embraces unhealthy foods and often builds events around them,

doesn't mean I have to participate or I have a disorder.

However, I know have a very strong network of friends who are vegan, and I

have no lack of social occasions or gatherings from which to choose now.

(Does that mean I'm cured? ;)


* Feeling critical of others who do not eat as well they do


I feel critical when others don't seem to care, but I also feel critical

when someone takes up two parking spaces in my office parking structure. Is

THAT a disorder too? FA, maybe? The syndrome of the Frequently Annoyed. ;)


* Skipping foods they once enjoyed in order to eat the " right " foods


Yes, I " skip " foods I used to enjoy. I also " skip " cigarettes that I used

to enjoy (thanks, Leah, for making the point), and some other things that I

once enjoyed.


* Feeling guilt or self-loathing when they stray from their diet


Nope... no guilt, because there is no straying. (Of course, I'm speaking of

being vegan here, not being raw. I have strayed from the raw diet a lot,

and have never felt " guilt " and certainly not " self-loathing. "


* Feeling in " total " control when they eat the correct diet


I'm not sure what " total " control is here... what does that mean?

I like to control what I eat and when I eat it. Does that mean I have a

disorder? I also like to control when I sleep, what I watch on television,

the radio station to which I listen in the car... Is THAT a syndrome?


I'm not sure who coined this " disorder, " but I feel sorry for anyone who has

ever been diagnosed with it! No planning or thinking about healthy foods,

no feeling good about what you eat and why, no feeling in control over your

food choices, no skipping things that are bad for you, and no pangs of

anything if you eat something you feel you shouldn't!






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In orthorexia nervosa, it is easy to focus on the " orthorexia " part as a

condemnation of " right eating " ('ortho'-correct, right; 'rexia'-eating),

while the most important aspect is really the " nervosa " element or the



I have heard it said that the clearest indication of neurosis is

inflexibility of thought, or inability to rationally discuss alternatives.


It is not unusual to find individuals who will 'obsessively' put themselves

through a mono-diet because they are convinced that this is the only correct

path, and become extremely agitated when alternatives are discussed.


I think that it is important to view our way in the world as an

ever-evolving process. As we learn knew things intellectually and as our

bodies gain new physical knowledge of how we react to different things, we

learn and adapt.


Rigidity, inflexibility, and obsessive behaviour are never fun.


One of my greatest teachers, who has been raw-vegan for 15 years, goes out

for her favourite pizza once a year on her birthday, and enjoys herself

immensely without any guilt. She is one of the most balanced and healthy

people that I know.


I am not a psychiatrist but I think that the one helpful message to take

from this is to lighten up and enjoy life. Avoid the " raw-ligion " of it.





Tom Spontelli


Ann Wigmore Natural Health Institute


Aguada PR 00602 USA




Two week Living Foods Lifestyle Certification Program on tropical beach at

one of the world's most respected Lifing Foods Institutes.



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I agree with Leah about this creation of a medical termed disorder being an

excuse for for people not taking responsibility for their health.

Also, it's like the old bully syndrome, 'putting others down to make yourself

feel good'.

And, I believe that this is yet another attempt for the medical industry to

keep people on the SAD diet so that doctors get more business from

disease-stricken patients!

I could not imagine any of us OBSESSING over our raw diet! That article is

such a long shot!


Leah Morrison <l_morrison2002 wrote:


Thank you for bringing ON to my attention, I didn't even know there was such a

disorder. I did a quick internet search to see what ON is and found the short

article below.

But part of it made me angry. " planning tomorrow's menu today " was a symptom.

Wow, then I must really be in trouble! Even when I ate SAD I planned menus a

week in advance to simplify shopping. I will even plan what I am going to WEAR

tomorrow tonight before I go to bed.

Maybe that is OCD, but it use to be called being well organized. Flylady is

really in trouble too, since she plans her cleaning routines a week or a month

in advance!!

Another symptom that ticked me off was " skipping meals they once enjoyed to eat

the " right " foods. I once enjoyed eating fried onion rings from Burger King or

milk shakes processed in a Styrofoam cup, but now that I know better I don't eat

either one. Since when did enjoyment replace common sense and good judgment?

While we are on the topic of enjoyment, smokers ENJOY smoking but it sure

doesn't make it HEALTHY.

The last one that got under my skin was, " Experiencing a reduced quality of life

or social isolation (because their diet makes it difficult for them to eat

anywhere but at home) " Just because the rest of the world eating SAD or some

thing worse does not mean that I should too just for the social interaction. If

everyone jumped off the roof, would you jump too? I would certainly hope not.

Overall, I thought the symptoms of ON were EXCUSES not to take responsibility

for your health and well being. I actually believe in balance in all areas of

life, which would include not being obsessed with food regardless of it being

the " right food " or not. Kindest Regards,





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  • 1 year later...

I believe we've talked of this " diagnosis " before,

but it's just come up in the lay press again...


I'm presenting it, not as any form of agreement,

but rather as a window into the mindset of the

general public (or at least how the media its

industry providers would have us believe) with

regard to those of us seeking healthy food choices:




Note: There is a comment section at the bottom. ;)






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>I believe we've talked of this " diagnosis " before,

but it's just come up in the lay press again...


>I'm presenting it, not as any form of agreement,

but rather as a window into the mindset of the

general public (or at least how the media its

industry providers would have us believe) with

regard to those of us seeking healthy food choices:


" Sarah " is just plain anorexic. I think a better definition of " orthorexia "

might be " food companies are scared of losing customers because they're not

eating as much processed, packaged crap " .



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OMG! This is hilarious!!!



" So what view should we take when it comes to eating well and staying

healthy? " A moderate level of fitness, taking care of yourself and

getting enough sleep will keep you healthy, " says Jade. " After that

our bodies are pretty resilient, and we can eat pretty much an

enormous range of food, without it really doing us any harm or

shortening our lives. I truly believe that a little bit of what you

fancy will do you enormous good. "

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