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Rejuvenation with Raw Foods and Enzymes

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Rejuvenation with Raw Foods and Enzymes


Enzymes are protein molecules found in all living cells. Enzymes are

the spark of life that catalyze and regulate all bodily biochemical

reactions. Approximately 2,700 different enzymes in the human body

can combine with co-enzymes to form approximately 100,000 biochemical

substances that enable us to see, hear, feel, move, think, reproduce

and digest our food. Raw foods provide the most natural source of

one of the most important elements of our well-being – enzymes. All

raw foods - vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, meat and dairy - provide

in the very food itself, specific enzymes for the body to fully

digest it.


Dr. Max Wolf of Columbia University who researched enzymes and

hormones from the 1930's through the 1960's, concluded enzyme

production in humans diminishes after age 27. The vital force

provided by an abundance of enzymes in a young person ensures

recovery quick from illness and injuries and provides flexibility,

agility and energy to accomplish great feats. As we age, depending

on our lifestyle, diet and inherent enzyme potential, digestive

difficulties may develop, the immune system must work harder,

degenerative diseases may appear, and strength, flexibility,

endurance and mental acuity decrease.


There are three types of enzymes: digestive enzymes, metabolic or

systemic enzymes produced by the body, and food enzymes which must be

obtained from the live foods that we eat. Digestive enzymes are

secreted by the digestive system to break down food into nutrients

that can be absorbed into the bloodstream. They are also used to

eliminate waste. The human digestive system secretes the proteolytic

protein-digesting enzymes protease, trypsin and pepsin, fat-digesting

enzymes lipase and cholesterol esterase, and enzymes that break down

carbohydrates, including amylase, sucrase, maltase, lactase, and

ptyalin. Humans don't produce cellulase, an enzyme necessary for

digestion of fiber that is present in raw plant foods. But micro-

flora in the intestines can manufacture cellulase if enough of these

beneficial bacteria have been established by eating fermented foods.

Fermentation is a natural way to preserve food and substantially

enhances the enzyme content of the food. This is why most raw

foodists eat plentiful quantities of fermented sauerkraut and other

plant based fermented foods.


Nature did not design us to make all of the enzymes necessary for

digestion, but intended us to ingest most of our enzymes from live,

raw foods. For thousands of years our ancestors ate mostly raw and

fermented meats, dairy and plant foods and had few if any of the

health problems we have today. Even today, the native Eskimos who

still eat this " primitive origin " diet are recognized as some of the

healthiest people on Earth.


Heating food above 105 degrees F destroys the vital enzymes in food,

forcing us to rely on our own enzyme reserves to complete the job of

digestion. This dietary situation presents a real problem for modern

man, since cooked food dominates our eating. Plant enzymes are most

abundant in vine-ripened fruits and vegetables that are just picked.

In a matter of days after picking, natural enzyme levels typically

drop by 50%. Considering that most produce travels an average of

1,200 miles to get to our table and is often picked unripe to survive

the trip, enzyme levels throughout even our organic food supply are



Systemic enzymes work throughout the body in every system and organ.

Delivering nutrients to the cells and tissues for nourishment and

regeneration, they initiate and speed up chemical reactions within

the cells for energy production and detoxification. Systemic enzymes

provide the necessary energy we use to rebuild muscles, cells,

nerves, tissues, bones and glands. These enzymes also are

instrumental in balancing our hormones, regulating our immune system

and producing the neurotransmitters that modulate our emotions and

enhance mental clarity. Systemic enzymes reduce inflammation,

activate healing and relieve pain. Enzymes clear our blood of

undigested food particles and pathogens. And they also dissolve

excess arterial plaque, strengthen blood vessels and prevent blood

clots. These very same enzymes dissolve scar tissue, adhesions,

tumors and cysts. Finally they regulate metabolism to maintain

optimum weight, and they rejuvenate aging muscles, joints and skin.

That's a lot of work to do everyday!!!!


Systemic enzymes are produced by every living cell. However, the

liver, pancreas, gall bladder and other organs play a vital role in

their production. Some of the enzymes used for digestion also

perform other important functions in the body. When we are deficient

in any of these enzymes due to depleted reserves and insufficient

dietary intake of raw foods, there are not enough enzymes available

in the body for other functions. Health problems ensue. More than

likely, there will not even be enough enzymes available to completely

digest our everyday food. By eating raw foods and/or taking

digestive enzyme supplements with our meals and systemic enzymes

between meals, many health conditions can be reversed and healed.


Enzymes and Raw Foods

All raw food enzymes are destroyed by heat. Most raw food, like our

body, is quite perishable. When raw foods are exposed to temperatures

above 105 degrees F, they rapidly break down, just as our bodies

would if we had a fever that high. Enzymes, sensitive and yet

powerful, help us digest our food, are proteins that break down as

easily. A three dimensional protein structure, enzymes, once they

are heated much above 105 degrees F, structurally, molecularly



Once raw food enzymes are exposed to heat, they are no longer able to

provide the function for which they were designed. Non raw foods

contribute to chronic illness, because their enzyme content is

damaged. This damage requires the body to create enzymes to process

the food. The digestion of cooked food uses valuable metabolic

enzymes in order to help digest your food. Digestion of cooked food

demands much more energy than the digestion of raw food. In general,

raw food is so much more easily digested that it passes through the

digestive tract in 1/2 to 1/3 of the time it takes for cooked food.

Eating dead foods places a burden on the pancreas and other organs,

overworking them. Eventually these organs become exhausted and

disease progresses. Many people gradually impair their pancreas and

progressively lose the ability to digest their food after a lifetime

of ingesting processed foods.


In 1930, under the direction of Dr. Paul Kouchakoff, research was

conducted at the Institute of Clinical Chemistry in Lausanne,

Switzerland. The effect of food (cooked and processed versus raw and

natural) on the immune system was tested and documented.

Dr. Kouchakoff's discovery concerned the leukocytes, or white blood

cells. It was found that after a person eats cooked food, his/her

blood responds immediately by increasing the number of white blood

cells. This is a well-known phenomena called 'digestive

leukocytosis', in which there is a rise in the number of leukocytes -

white blood cells - after eating.


Since digestive leukocytosis was always observed after a meal, it was

considered to be a normal physiological response to eating. No one

knew why the number of white cells rises after eating, since this

appeared to be a stress response, as if the body was somehow reacting

to something harmful such as infection, exposure to toxic chemicals

or trauma. However, the Swiss researchers at the Institute of

Clinical Chemistry made another remarkable discovery. They found that

eating raw, unaltered food did not cause a reaction in the blood. In

addition, they found that if a food had been heated beyond a certain

temperature (unique to each food), or if the food was processed

(refined, chemicals added, etc.); this always caused a rise in the

number of white cells in the blood.


Kouchakoff's researchers renamed this reaction 'pathological

leukocytosis', since the body was reacting to highly altered food.

They tested many different types of food. Time and again Kouchakoff

and his researchers found that if the foods were not refined or

overheated, they caused no reaction. The body saw them as 'friendly

foods'. However, these same foods, if heated at too high a

temperature, caused a negative reaction in the blood, a reaction

found only when the body is invaded by a dangerous pathogen or



Kouchakoff's researchers found the worst offenders of all, whether

heated or not, were processed foods which had been refined (such as

white flour and white rice), or pasteurized (a process in which milk

is flash-heated to high temperatures to kill bacteria), or

homogenized (also seen in milk where the fat in milk is subjected to

artificial suspension), or preserved (chemicals are added to food to

delay spoilage or to enhance texture or taste).


To ensure continued good health, raw foods gift the human body

nutrients and enzymes it requires. For illnesses raw foods provide

the human body the necessary nutrients and enzymes it requires for

healing. All raw foodists agree: when it comes to radiant health,

de-aging and overall well-being, raw is the law! If you must cook

your food, the best way to cook food is to lightly steam, stew, or

use a slow crock cooker. Eat as few over-processed and over-cooked

foods as possible. The body has a difficult time digesting fried,

pasteurized, barbecued, dried, and other over-processed and over-

cooked foods which you find in boxed and processed foods. Consume at

least 50% of your food raw, living and enzyme rich. A good vegetable

juicing program will easily help you reach the volume necessary to

achieve the 50% raw foods percentage.


For more information on how to begin your enzyme-rich, living foods

life, please contact BodyByBliss ™ for your free consultation @

www.bodybybliss.com or Anne @ bodybybliss.

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Anne Kaspar wrote:


> Rejuvenation with Raw Foods and Enzymes

> Raw foods provide the most natural source of

one of the most important elements of our well-being – enzymes.

There is absolutely NO evidence that suggests that plant enzymes participate in

human biochemistry. Plant enzymes mediate plant biochemistry, and

internally-produced enzymes mediate animal biochemistry.






Scientifically-credible info on human diet:



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Is Ecologos your own site? Are you here just to promote that?

Sigh. We have enough of that here.




Laurie < wrote:

Anne Kaspar wrote:


> Rejuvenation with Raw Foods and Enzymes

> Raw foods provide the most natural source of

one of the most important elements of our well-being – enzymes.

There is absolutely NO evidence that suggests that plant enzymes participate in

human biochemistry. Plant enzymes mediate plant biochemistry, and

internally-produced enzymes mediate animal biochemistry.






Scientifically-credible info on human diet:








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Unfortunately, both of these directions for conversation are incorrect.


Annie, enzymes are not magic, they are not " life force " or anything of the

kind. They are proteins doing what they are designed to do ... in this case,

rip molecules apart.


Laurie, enzymes absolutely play a role, and there is a veritable mountain of

research on this going back decades, generations in fact. However, what that

role is remains open to some discussion, because such research is not

exactly very well funded.


I believe you may be confused between the role that STRUCTURED enzymes ...

those that are integral within, say, the structure of a cell membrane, play

vs. the role that UNSTRUCTURE enzymes play. We need only look as far as the

laundry detergent industry to learn about the latter!






rawfood [rawfood ] On Behalf Of


Tuesday, November 13, 2007 11:49 AM


Re: [Raw Food] Rejuvenation with Raw Foods and Enzymes


Anne Kaspar wrote:


> Rejuvenation with Raw Foods and Enzymes

> Raw foods provide the most natural source of

one of the most important elements of our well-being - enzymes.

There is absolutely NO evidence that suggests that plant enzymes

participate in human biochemistry. Plant enzymes mediate plant

biochemistry, and internally-produced enzymes mediate animal biochemistry.






Scientifically-credible info on human diet:







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Elchanan wrote:


> They are proteins doing what they are designed to do ... in this

case, rip molecules apart.

You can not provide any support for the claim that plant enzymes

mediate human digestion.


> ..., because such research is not exactly very well funded.

You have data on the FUNDING of research; you are just making this up.


> " UNSTRUCTURE enzymes " , Let's make believe you meant " unstructured

enzymes " ; why are there NO Google or Wiki hits for this term that you

imply commonly exists?


> We need only look as far as the

laundry detergent industry to learn about the latter!

Irrelevant to any discussion of human digestion.


Oh, if you are going to USE scientific terminology, you have to

frame your arguments within the consensus structure of contemporary

science; that is, it is intellectually dishonest to use scientific terms

in your own private way in direct opposition of consensus scientific






Scientifically-credible info on human diet:

http://ecologos.org/ttdd.html <http://ecologos.org/ttdd.html>




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School Of Rawk wrote:


> We have enough of that here.

We have more than enough lying here; support your scientific claims

with real science, or withdraw them.

Try to be HONEST; repeating the errors and advertising propaganda of

others is not HONEST.





Scientifically-credible info on human diet:



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> I did NOT say don't eat plants; I asked for some science that

indicates that plant enzymes have ANY beneficial effects in the human

body, and you have presented NOTHING.


Try reading and digesting the experiments of Paul Kouchakoff.


Then try reading and digesting the 200+ scientific experiments cited by

Dr. Howell in his works.


You do know how to read scientific studies, don't you?


Then come up with an alternate theory that explains the findings of

Kouchakoff and those of Howell's cited studies better than Dr. Howell's

theory does.


Get back to us when you have finished. There will be a quiz.


A good scientist doesn't just trash another's theory without even looking

at it and without having an alternate hypothesis of his own to better it.


It's easy to detroy. It takes work to build.


Even better, try eating a raw food diet yourself! You just might

experience some otherwise inexplicable beneficial results in your own

health, physical and mental alike.


Bob Avery

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What I understand about Kouchakoff and his research concerning

leukocytosis, this is more the body's response to toxins in cooked

foods rather than the lack of enzymes in cooked foods. And as for long

term health effects of eating cooked foods, I would say that the toxin

issue far outweighs any dead enzyme issue.


What do you think?

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