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Newbie Needs Encouragement

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Hi all! My name is Kim and I've transitioned from a hard core SAD

(Standard American Diet) method of eating to a 90% raw whole food

diet in the past 6 weeks. I've given up all processed food (except

for Diet Coke...I'm still working that one out of my forte.) The

driving force behind my switch has been a rather sudden realization

of just how much I've abused my body in my relatively young 38

years...and a desire to change that trend and let my body heal

naturally. Prior to this realization, if I couldn't microwave it or

buy it from a restaurant, I didn't eat it. I'm NOT kidding. This is a

big change for me. I get surprised everytime I open the fridge and

see green food.


I have a history of Bipolar Disorder, and have taken anywhere between

8 - 15 (yes, you read that right) medications daily over the last 15

years to supposedly stabilize my mood. Long story short - I'm down to

just one medication since May of this year, when a rather bold

spiritual experience woke me up to the fact that I have a lot more

control over what was happening internally to me than I had ever

imagined. My doctors are baffled with my progress, as are all who

know me. I starting wheening off the meds before I ever started this

diet, but I know that healthier eating will help sustain my newfound



Here's where I need your help: I'm impatient!! The detox my body is

going through is TOUGH. I am so tired some days I don't want to leave

the house. And the instant weight loss that I keep reading about in

books just hasn't happened for me... I must admit, I'm greedy. It

would be nice to drop 10 quick pounds as a visible reward for the

changes I'm making. (Changes that still feel like sacrifices right

now given how new all of this is to me.)


I think my honeymoon stage with the raw food way is over, and I just

would like reassurance from someone that, yes, what I'm going through

is normal, especially given my history, and that yes, it will indeed

get better. I don't plan on divorcing the diet, but wise words from

other raw food compadres could make the marriage a little more

enjoyable in the rough spots.




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I've gotten fatter since the change in my diet and addition of herbs. I think

it's part of the detoxing process. I know that most people lose weight, some

lose weight later, and some just don't. The fact that your meds are way down

and you're doing so much better in general is GREAT encouragement.






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What is your diet? You can add some things - you should not be feeling so

miserable if it's been since May...


Please watch the documentary SWEET MISERY (www.dorway.com) regarding the

aspartame. They actually show manic-depression in it, caused by the excitotoxins

in diet coke alone.... (I was a big DC-er in my day)




" Kimberly A. Rogers " <kimrogers1969 wrote:

Hi all! My name is Kim and I've transitioned from a hard core SAD

(Standard American Diet) method of eating to a 90% raw whole food

diet in the past 6 weeks. I've given up all processed food (except

for Diet Coke...I'm still working that one out of my forte.) The

driving force behind my switch has been a rather sudden realization

of just how much I've abused my body in my relatively young 38

years...and a desire to change that trend and let my body heal

naturally. Prior to this realization, if I couldn't microwave it or

buy it from a restaurant, I didn't eat it. I'm NOT kidding. This is a

big change for me. I get surprised everytime I open the fridge and

see green food.


I have a history of Bipolar Disorder, and have taken anywhere between

8 - 15 (yes, you read that right) medications daily over the last 15

years to supposedly stabilize my mood. Long story short - I'm down to

just one medication since May of this year, when a rather bold

spiritual experience woke me up to the fact that I have a lot more

control over what was happening internally to me than I had ever

imagined. My doctors are baffled with my progress, as are all who

know me. I starting wheening off the meds before I ever started this

diet, but I know that healthier eating will help sustain my newfound



Here's where I need your help: I'm impatient!! The detox my body is

going through is TOUGH. I am so tired some days I don't want to leave

the house. And the instant weight loss that I keep reading about in

books just hasn't happened for me... I must admit, I'm greedy. It

would be nice to drop 10 quick pounds as a visible reward for the

changes I'm making. (Changes that still feel like sacrifices right

now given how new all of this is to me.)


I think my honeymoon stage with the raw food way is over, and I just

would like reassurance from someone that, yes, what I'm going through

is normal, especially given my history, and that yes, it will indeed

get better. I don't plan on divorcing the diet, but wise words from

other raw food compadres could make the marriage a little more

enjoyable in the rough spots.









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Kimberly A. Rogers wrote


> The detox my body is going through is TOUGH.

One has to know how to control the intensity of the

cleansing process for successful dietary change.



> I am so tired some days I don't want to leave the house.

That is because of toxins flowing through your blood,

and affecting the brain, on the way to your toilet bowl.


> And the instant weight loss ...






Scientifically-credible info on human diet:



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On Monday 12 November 2007, Kimberly A. Rogers wrote:

> Here's where I need your help: I'm impatient!!


No Kimberly, you don't need our help. Your resistance to

what is right now will not be effected by asking our help.

Nothing outside of yourself can change your impatience.

Drop your ideas about self-image and wants and allow nature

to take its course. When you have thoughts about being

impatient, just say hello and let them go on their way. Let

them come and go as clouds come and go. In truth, you can

do nothing about either (clouds or thoughts).



the kneeling fool


raw, holistic, natural diet for body and mind



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" Thoughts are like birds in the sky. You can't stop them from flying

over your head. But you can stop them from building a nest in your

hair " . Quote from somewhere in the past (o;. ~ Claudia




rawfood , the kneeling fool <kneel.pardoe



> On Monday 12 November 2007, Kimberly A. Rogers wrote:

> > Here's where I need your help: I'm impatient!!


> No Kimberly, you don't need our help. Your resistance to

> what is right now will not be effected by asking our help.

> Nothing outside of yourself can change your impatience.

> Drop your ideas about self-image and wants and allow nature

> to take its course. When you have thoughts about being

> impatient, just say hello and let them go on their way. Let

> them come and go as clouds come and go. In truth, you can

> do nothing about either (clouds or thoughts).


> --

> the kneeling fool


> raw, holistic, natural diet for body and mind

> http://health.rawfoodsforhealth/

> urine_therapy


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the kneeling fool wrote:


> In truth, you can do nothing about either (clouds or thoughts).

Perhaps, YOU can not, but many can successfully decondition repetitive negative

thoughts, emotions, behaviors, or images.





Scientifically-credible info on human diet:



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> In truth, you can do nothing about either (clouds or thoughts).


Perhaps, YOU can not, but many can successfully decondition repetitive negative

thoughts, emotions, behaviors, or images.




I didn't take that as all to be what he meant, really. Interesting that

Kneeling Fool is so peaceful and yet....







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On Tuesday 13 November 2007, Laurie wrote:

> the kneeling fool wrote:

> > In truth, you can do nothing about either (clouds or

> > thoughts).


>         Perhaps, YOU can not, but many can successfully

> decondition repetitive negative thoughts, emotions,

> behaviors, or images.


>         Laurie


Hi Laurie,


you make a perfectly valid point, and it is not in

contradiction with the originally stated self-evident truth

of my post. With genuine looking anyone can see this for

themselves. I was comparing clouds to thoughts, in the way

that they arrive and depart. What I said does not exclude

your premise in any way. Contrary to what rancour may tell

you, I have in fact quite successfully employed many

different emotional discharge techniques which did in fact

bring good if temporary relief.


My original statement does not classify thoughts to be

either positive or negative, just thoughts, simply as they

are *prior* to the judgement made that determines good/bad,

want/reject, positive/negative.


Whatever the kind of thought that appears to us, the problem

is not in the appearance of the thought but in what we do

with it. The problem as such is in the compulsive grasping

of the thought by the tail and spinning it into a mental

story about *me*. This too anyone can observe for

themselves with honest self enquiry.


What you say is true, there is relief in discharging these

so called 'negatives' as they come into our lives. Yet in

seeing thoughts simply as thoughts prior to any judgement,

there is freedom.



the kneeling fool


raw, holistic, natural diet for body and mind



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  • 3 weeks later...

the kneeling fool wrote:


> In truth, you can do nothing about either (clouds or thoughts).

> ... and it is not in contradiction with the originally stated

> self-evident truth of my post.

HINT: NOthing means nothing; not something.

Why don't you understand this simple word?


> Contrary to what rancour may tell you, ...

There is no rancor, stop claiming that you can read minds through the Internet.

And, please stop making negative, and unsupportable, statements about what you

" see " in my consciousness.





Scientifically-credible info on human diet:



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You don't have to read minds to percive the obvious. Your mouth

speaks what overflows from your heart. " Hot-tempered people stir up

strife, but patient people quiet quarrels. " Proverbs 15;18 ~





rawfood , Laurie < wrote:


> the kneeling fool wrote:


> > In truth, you can do nothing about either (clouds or thoughts).

> > ... and it is not in contradiction with the originally stated

> > self-evident truth of my post.

> HINT: NOthing means nothing; not something.

> Why don't you understand this simple word?


> > Contrary to what rancour may tell you, ...

> There is no rancor, stop claiming that you can read minds

through the Internet. And, please stop making negative, and

unsupportable, statements about what you " see " in my consciousness.


> Laurie


> --

> Scientifically-credible info on human diet:

> http://ecologos.org/ttdd.html

> news:alt.food.vegan.science


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> > In truth, you can do nothing about either (clouds or

> > thoughts). ... and it is not in contradiction with the

> > originally stated self-evident truth of my post.


>         HINT: NOthing means nothing; not something.

>         Why don't you  understand this simple word?


It comes from many years of conditioning where I get

asked " what have you done? " and I reply " nothing " , then I

get hit.


> > Contrary to what rancour may tell you, ...


>         There is no rancor, stop claiming that you can

> read minds through the Internet.  


Oh, but I can. I bought these plans and a big roll of tin

foil and followed instructions meticulously. Now you are

telling me it doesn't work!


> And, please stop making

> negative, and unsupportable, statements about what you

> " see " in my consciousness.


>         Laurie


I see only emptiness, everywhere. :o



the kneeling fool


raw, holistic, natural diet for body and mind



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does tinfoil work?

I have been using flexible drinking straws without much luck



-- In rawfood , the kneeling fool <kneel.pardoe wrote:


> > > In truth, you can do nothing about either (clouds or

> > > thoughts). ... and it is not in contradiction with the

> > > originally stated self-evident truth of my post.

> >

> > HINT: NOthing means nothing; not something.

> > Why don't you understand this simple word?


> It comes from many years of conditioning where I get

> asked " what have you done? " and I reply " nothing " , then I

> get hit.


> > > Contrary to what rancour may tell you, ...

> >

> > There is no rancor, stop claiming that you can

> > read minds through the Internet.


> Oh, but I can. I bought these plans and a big roll of tin

> foil and followed instructions meticulously. Now you are

> telling me it doesn't work!


> > And, please stop making

> > negative, and unsupportable, statements about what you

> > " see " in my consciousness.

> >

> > Laurie


> I see only emptiness, everywhere. :o


> --

> the kneeling fool


> raw, holistic, natural diet for body and mind

> http://health.rawfoodsforhealth/

> urine_therapy


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