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ant calisthenics

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I look at ants. They are all so busy, or maybe they are just on their

best behavior for my benefit. Most of the time, they don't seem to

care about me, scurrying around, carrying stuff, running, hiding,

doing, going… yes, ants are always busy. They seem to know what they

are doing. They have ant hills, and little ant tunnels. Many ants seem

to be willing to die for the other ants. Some ants sacrifice their

lives by trying to divert attentions from the true path back to their

ant hill. They are intelligent enough to lie, and brave enough to die.


I wonder about the ants. I wonder if they are living up to their

potential. They all seem to work for the colony, as if they want no

other choice. They seem to be successful, as far as ecological fits

go; successful as growing communities; but would they be different if

the focus was on the individual ant, as opposed to the ant hill?


I wonder if I had one ant as a pet; not a colony, or an ant hill, or

sand wedged between panes of glass; but one single ant. What if I knew

what was best for the ant. Instead of giving the ant stale pieces of

bread or a rotting carcass, how about if I served the ant gaia melons

and eagle scat. Yes, I would do lots of research and find out what

food is healthiest for the ant, and I would have little ant plates

with little chopsticks. The ant wouldn't have to work all day and run

around anymore, yes, my ant can lounge around and relax for most of

the day. Maybe I would take my ant to the beach and teach her how to

swim. So the question is, can I make my ant happy? Can she live

longer? Can she have a more fulfilling life? Will my ant know love?

And how will I know if the ant is happy? I mean, who can talk to an ant?


I wonder how much the average ant is sacrificing to do what is best

for the community. I wonder what each ant might do if they could be

more successfully selfish. Maybe with proper activity or exercise and

an optimal diet, a pioneering ant can transcend the traditional

limitations of her species.


I don't know why I am asking you, I should be finding an ant expert.

You probably don't know any more about ants than I do… Of course, I

wonder how much people compromise in order to follow the cultural

norms of their tribes. To do that, look not at the differences between

peoples, but their similarities. For the most part, the observable

base line of human normalcy represents the culmination of cultural

contributions to evolution. In other words, what we think of as

normal, are merely social conventions that have been hardwired.

Concepts like god, mine, love, mommy and daddy reside in the brains of

all humans. Concepts like winning, shame, good and bad are common to

all modern day citizens. It enables us to act accordingly in social



I compare ants to people to illustrate the mindless social rote and

physical activity that we take for granted. We concentrate on our

freedom of choices, while becoming inured to the bulk of our daily

conventions. We sacrifice our health, our gifts, and our purpose for

the state; without ever realizing it. We accept that public nudity is

immoral, without asking why. We put our trust in a president who

flaunts being an elitist traitor. We cook our food, without ever

asking why. We support the war on drugs, the war on terrorism, and

ultimately, the war on free spirits. We don't flinch while sacrificing

our privacy and freedoms under the tyrants' banner of necessity. We

turn a cold shoulder to the cries of torture from our own prisons. We

believe what we are told more than what we feel. We grow to learn that

we are basically evil, and what degree of repression is necessary and

sufficient for the state.


My point is that a new basic truth is necessary for the modern day

free spirit to transcend the constant abuses that pass unnoticed

because they are all perceived as normal: the ultimate invisibility

shield. While a chiropractor can adjust subluxations with manual

manipulations, I intend to adjust subluxations by permitting you to

walk straight, and alleviating the stress that causes the

subluxations. I intend to remove the need to walk crooked, by removing

the need for self deception. What the ants teach us; is that some

sacrifices and compromises for the tribe are unavoidable. However,

people have the resources to intelligently make better personal choices.


The journey is truth and the tool is love. (or is it the other way

around?) Join me. Be all you can be. Be more than just an ant. Be you.




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