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Frozen Fruit?

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I agree completely, Bryan. Anyone can explore and discover the distinction

between fresh and not-fresh through simple experimentation, as you describe.

There is no need for anyone blindly to believe anyone else. There may be,

however, a need to discuss trusting our own sensory awareness, placing our

awareness above those hallowed " studies " that some hold so dear.


I would add that anyone can observe, in Nature, how other large mammals

approach old and/or frozen foods. Behaviors are quite consistent in this



So experimentation and observation, either or both lead us to the same

conclusion here.







Saturday, November 17, 2007 7:48 AM


[Raw Food] Re: Frozen Fruit?



Hi GardenGreetings,


I will use frozen fruit from time to time. I buy bananas in large volumes,

and sometimes I can't get through them all before they start to go overripe.

So I will freeze those bananas, and make banana ice cream or a smoothie from

them. I certainly prefer fresh over frozen.


Elchanan is correct about the nature of frozen fruits. Why look for

external authorities, when you can do this simple experiment: Take a fresh

strawberry, and a frozen strawberry. Let the frozen strawberry completely

thaw. Now, eat both strawberries. Let your senses tell you which

strawberry has more nutrients and value to your body.






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rawfood , " Elchanan " <Elchanan wrote:


> Yes, I experience similarly, I really only " enjoy " eating those


> and frozen bananas in some altered, processed state. And yes, this


> our sensory awareness that we are no longer eating an ideal food

for us.


> I also share the same about buying bananas, at times, and I've

found that

> I'm much happier when I buy more frequently, in smaller quantities.


> Part of the problem we experience with refrigerating and freezing


> simply because we may tend to wait " until the last moment " before


> the bananas into the cooler in the first place. Hope does seem to


> eternal among us humans!! :):)


> Best,

> Elchanan

> _____


> Jen

> Saturday, November 17, 2007 6:41 AM

> rawfood

> [Raw Food] Re: Frozen Fruit?



> Although I'll put bananas in the fridge or freezer if they start

getting too

> ripe, I'll only use them for banana whips (ice cream) or smoothies


> something where they're in a different form than I would normally

eat them.

> I find that they taste different even after just being in the


> and I don't like the taste, by themselves, so I'll use them for


> things. I don't know if this has anything to do with much damage

to the

> fruit, being only in the refrigerator, but they definitely taste


> not nearly as good, even when allowed to reach room temperature. I


> buy bananas by the case for this reason, because they ripen faster

than I

> can eat them all :( I need someone to help me eat them :)


> Jen


> rawfood , " Elchanan " <Elchanan@> wrote:


> Still, I've often seen bananas turn colors in the freezer and come


> tasting quite different than when they went in, a clear sign of


> Much has to do with how the bananas are packaged going into the

freezer, the

> temperature and crowding in the freezer, and the ripeness of the


> before freezing.

> <http://geo./serv?


> =36118/stime=1195310463/nc1=4763757/nc2=4834085/nc3=4840951>





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The freezer ony slows down the riping process not stop it. I think I

read somewhere that bananas ripe very quickly anywhere. One week to

10 days in the freezer max then they are rotten.


rawfood , " Elchanan " <Elchanan wrote:


> Yes, I experience similarly, I really only " enjoy " eating those


> and frozen bananas in some altered, processed state. And yes, this


> our sensory awareness that we are no longer eating an ideal food

for us.


> I also share the same about buying bananas, at times, and I've

found that

> I'm much happier when I buy more frequently, in smaller quantities.


> Part of the problem we experience with refrigerating and freezing


> simply because we may tend to wait " until the last moment " before


> the bananas into the cooler in the first place. Hope does seem to


> eternal among us humans!! :):)


> Best,

> Elchanan

> _____


> Jen

> Saturday, November 17, 2007 6:41 AM

> rawfood

> [Raw Food] Re: Frozen Fruit?



> Although I'll put bananas in the fridge or freezer if they start

getting too

> ripe, I'll only use them for banana whips (ice cream) or smoothies


> something where they're in a different form than I would normally

eat them.

> I find that they taste different even after just being in the


> and I don't like the taste, by themselves, so I'll use them for


> things. I don't know if this has anything to do with much damage

to the

> fruit, being only in the refrigerator, but they definitely taste


> not nearly as good, even when allowed to reach room temperature. I


> buy bananas by the case for this reason, because they ripen faster

than I

> can eat them all :( I need someone to help me eat them :)


> Jen


> rawfood , " Elchanan " <Elchanan@> wrote:


> Still, I've often seen bananas turn colors in the freezer and come


> tasting quite different than when they went in, a clear sign of


> Much has to do with how the bananas are packaged going into the

freezer, the

> temperature and crowding in the freezer, and the ripeness of the


> before freezing.

> <http://geo./serv?


> =36118/stime=1195310463/nc1=4763757/nc2=4834085/nc3=4840951>





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Elchanan wrote:


Erica> Can you actually see nutrients spilling out under the

microscope........? I don't think so.


Elchanan> Depends upon the microscope ... and the observer!


Are you now claiming that fructose can be SEEN under the microscope;

evidence please. What type of microscope is this?


If the " observer " influences the observation, that ain't science.








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Tommie wrote:


> I can make better use of my time than to read messages

> that aren't encouraging.

Encouraging people to present truthful, accurate

statements about scientific principles is useful to some people, but

honesty IS a personal choice.





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The observer always influences the results:



You asked about the word " acerbic " in another

thread and implied it was mischosen. It's a

real word meaning " sour or astringent in taste "











Sunday, November 25, 2007 11:03 AM

Re: [Raw Food] Frozen Fruit?


Elchanan wrote:


Erica> Can you actually see nutrients spilling out under the

microscope........? I don't think so.


Elchanan> Depends upon the microscope ... and the observer!


Are you now claiming that fructose can be SEEN under the microscope;

evidence please. What type of microscope is this?


If the " observer " influences the observation, that ain't science.




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  • 2 weeks later...

gardengreetings wrote:


> ... elchanan, i don't follow your reasoning that fiber can be damaged by

freezing ...

He presents NO " reasoning " , just unsubstantiated erroneous statements about

scientific topics; yet, he could not pass an 8th grade science quiz.

This kind of erroneous nonsense propagated by raw foodists has cast a heavy

pall over the 'movement', if one exists. Raw Foodists are considered the

weirdos amongst, get this, -other diet cultists- due to this idiotic

nutribabble; like 'living enzymes " , 'pre-digested foods', 'superfoods', ...





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Elchanan wrote:


> ... we are designed to eat FRESH, whole, ripe, raw, organic or better fruits

and tender greens.

Please, present you data regarding the " design " to " eat " "

tender greens " .


> Frozen is no longer fresh, any more than cooked is no longer fresh. (Though

the damage may be less.)

The damage is DIFFERENT; try some physical chemistry.

STOP making science up.






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Elchanan wrote:


> ... and dates toward 30%, ...

20-21% according to USDA nutrient database. But what's a 100% error among


Get Jerry Story's DMAK



> ... some heavier fiber ...

What do you mean: weighs more, tougher, more rigid, ???

Try to learn how to speak Engleesh.


> In other words, they are more dense.

Density, in real science, refers to wright/unit volume.

Try to learn how to speak Engleesh.


> So the damage to bananas and dates (and several other denser fruits, such as

durian) from freezing is considerably less than that to most fruits.



> Data based upon information from The 80/10/10 Success Guide, ...

Graham and Masters can not understand 5th grade arithmetic! Their rap is








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bryan_yamamoto wrote:


> Let the frozen strawberry completely thaw. Now, eat both strawberries. Let

your senses tell you which strawberry has more nutrients and value to your body.

HOW does calcium 'taste', how does iron 'taste' how does selenium 'taste', and

how do you know when you get enough?

You are telling a lie, based on your pre-supposed belief system.





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Elchanan wrote:


> ... placing our awareness above those hallowed " studies " that some hold so


You have made still-unsupported claims about " damage " to nutrients during

freezing; I have challenged you REPEATEDLY to present the evidence supporting

this claim. How about some " hallowed " studies " " instead of your own made up


YOU have FAILED to even =try= to substantiate your false claims.

You LIE about science, you have NO intellectual integrity, you are a food

fraud, an embarrassment to both the raw food movement and the human species.





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Laurie, Laurie...


" The raw food movement " ...OK, but " an embarrassment " to the whole human


Whew...a bit harsh don cha think?


Especially during the holdiay season...Can we get just a little bit of charity

until say, just after the first of the year?




>>>Elchanan wrote:


You LIE about science, you have NO intellectual integrity, you are a food fraud,

an embarrassment to both the raw food movement and the human species.






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Can we all chip in and buy Laurie a seat in the next Dale Carnegie

course on human relations? She has some good points, but a rather

toxic delivery. Also no one owes you the time to argue with you,

friendly debate is acceptable, but no one is interested in debating

someone caustic, sarcastic and insulting... just my opinion ?


> You have made still-unsupported claims about " damage " to

nutrients during freezing; I have challenged you REPEATEDLY to present

the evidence supporting this claim. How about

some " hallowed " studies " " instead of your own made up crap?

> YOU have FAILED to even =try= to substantiate your false claims.

> You LIE about science, you have NO intellectual integrity, you

are a food fraud, an embarrassment to both the raw food movement and

the human species.


> Laurie

> --


> Scientifically-credible info on human diet:

> http://ecologos.org/ttdd.html

> news:alt.food.vegan.science


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Tim wrote:


>>>>Laurie, Laurie...


" The raw food movement " ... OK, but " an embarrassment " to the whole human


Whew...a bit harsh don cha think?


Especially during the holdiay season...Can we get just a little bit of charity

until say, just after the first of the year?<<<<<


Mstrong56 wrote:


>>>Can we all chip in and buy Laurie a seat in the next Dale Carnegie

course on human relations? She has some good points, but a rather

toxic delivery. Also no one owes you the time to argue with you,

friendly debate is acceptable, but no one is interested in debating

someone caustic, sarcastic and insulting... just my opinion ?<<<<<<


I agree X2. This person is just out of control. Did she jump into this group

just to undermine the group dynamics?








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