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My husband does not have diverticulitis but he does experience extreme

discomfort from intestinal blockages caused by adhesions that formed as a

result of long-ago surgery. We watch the nuts, seeds, and any vegetable

that has strings or tough skins or peels, like celery or beans or asparagus.

He was hospitalized for four days last year under emergency conditions

following a delicious dinner of homemade tacos made with Morningstar Farms

crumbles. Since then we have been very careful about soy products for him,

which bring on cramps and bloating. I don't have any problem with any of

these foods but my husband has learned to stay bland and low fiber, go easy

on the onions, and avoid some meat analogues altogether. Oh, one more

thing. After his last serious attack and hospitalization, he gave up juice

completely after drinking quite a lot of it each day for many years. Not

only did his stomach and intestines calm down but he also lost 15 pounds.


Good luck.



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The following is a short paraphrasing from " Foods That Fight Pain " by

Dr. Neal Barnard on this topic. I'll advertise his organization to

give him credit (just in case you don't know about it). He founded

the PCRM (Physician's Committee for Responsible Medicine). I have

been a long-time member and receive the great publication: " Good

Medicine. " An offshoot organization is The Cancer Project. I'm a

cooking instructor for that organization. The websites are: http://

www.pcrm.org/ and http://www.cancerproject.org/ . These are really

excellent, reputable organizations. Check them out!!!



Doctors used to treat it with low-fiber diets on the theory that

compact, low-fiber stools would be easier on the intestinal tract.

It turned out that the opposite was true. Small, hard stools are

like rocks going through your digestive tract. High-fiber foods hold

water and keep stools soft, allowing diverticuli to heal.


Of the high-fiber plant foods, he recommends whole grains, such as

brown rice, oats, and ww bread, and any foods from the legume group.


If you have irritable bowel symptoms as well, he says to favor

soluble fiber in oatmeal and beans rather than wheat and other

grains. Perhaps keep bean servings moderate.


Stay away from animal products and white bread or pasta.


Fiber supplements are available, but are rarely necessary for people

on a diet that eliminates animal products.


I hope this helps,



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  • 1 year later...

as we speak, as i type, and as the world turns today...

my cousin is in the hospital

he is around ten years younger than i

he didn't seem to have any previous chronic problems or pain

three weeks ago, he experienced acute pains in his belly

so he went to a doctor

the doctor gave him antibiotics

it continued to bother him

the last week was not good

but today it was terrible

so he went to the emergency room

where he was fitted with a bag to carry around

they tell him it will be at least three months

they say that he has diverticulitis

that one of the pouches on his colon did burst

they say they can't operate because it's too inflamed

so they gave him a bag

(actually my aunt told me this story a few hours ago)




is there anyone in this group who would have gone to a doctor and

taken antibiotics

i hope not

i would like to think that at least we are all smarter than that




his father was fifty years old when the hospital admitted him under a

doctor's threatened scenario

.... snip, snip ...

twenty years later, he can't walk or talk at all, and they change his

diapers once a day.

i hugged him at his last hospital stay. he was so scared, he squeezed

for a long time.

.... snip, snip ...

the son didn't learn a thing




well, i wouldn't go to a doctor or a hospital unless they carried me

against my will

the last time i went to a doctor, i was almost three hundred pounds.

he told me my cholesterol was so high i should take lipitor

i said i didn't want to take it

he said he was the doctor and if i didn't do what he said, he would

refuse to see me as a patient anymore

i proceeded to lose 120 pounds ( " caviar diet " ), and never saw an md

again (except for harold, who is sort of different)



here is a story that shows why I shouldn't see doctors







when i was a teenager i would jerk off two or three times a day

as i got older, it dwindled to around one

and then it almost stopped for many years

i had been on prednisone for that time (painful back)...

doctor prescribed for years, and then self medicated with central

american sources

the prednisone had pretty much made me sterile

i stopped the prednisone, but my sexual prowess did not return

until after i got very sick




i was in washington, when my balls (testicles) enlarged to the size of

big baseballs

it was painful

it was scary

i can't really know what went on

but this is what i think



i think that i had been swimming in a river that flowed down from

canada containing their wastes. (i won't even go into the bush league

that enables this crap.) but there were very high concentrations of

small creatures that i believe attacked my balls when i swam in the

water. i am not really mad about that. it actually saved me in a way.

because when it was all over, i could come (sp) again. so it turned

out that the microbes really enabled me to heal, and i don't really

know why. but i believe what i have lived, and not what i am told.



i did not go to a doctor. i waited it out. if i had gone to a doctor,

they would have killed my little friends, and i would be sterile today.

.... And carrying around a bag?








this is what i think:

giving him (my cousin) antibiotics, left him less tools to cope with

the overflow of poisons his that lifestyle supplied

he didn't change his diet, all he did was become weaker

until his body had no choice but to burst



if he had spoken to me

i would have said,

" you must stop eating immediately

you must start fasting

you must avoid the doctors "

but he didn't ask me

i am supposed to be the patriarch of the extended family because i am

the oldest cousin

but they all would rather i not be in their lives, amen



at this point, i wouldn't give him advice if he asked me

which he wouldn't anyway

because i can't give advice for things like this

once you make the decision to submit to doctor god

i really think its over



he is forty years old and carrying around a bag full of sheet (sp)

all because he ignored his own pain

and only changed his life to add an fda approved drug



i would like to be smart enough (which i am not) to recommended instead:

that he find some nice germ to help him out

(instead of wontonly killing every germ they could find)

like the microbes that healed my testicles

there might be many microbes that could alleviate a myriad of symptoms

how about a science that does research to find out which microbes

would be best for which problems

instead, they consider that and only look for antibiotics and

immunization shots

never being able to produce a healing flora/fauna environment



as a country, we have not pursued using microbes to cause illnesses as

a way to heal (except for lactobillus types)

because we don't have to (the field is not being deregulated, just the


the pharms are making as much money as they can

the sicker you get, the more they make

they can overcharge murderously, because competition is illegal

so i have to make do with only my own wits

because science has become illegal in the united states

its one of the signs, or symptoms, of the collapse of the usa



but at least he could have fasted,

(short water and/or long juice)

thats what i would do today

maybe even colonic irrigation

i might eat clay too

he did have three weeks warning



look at the reward he receives (/deserves) for being a good citizen

they tell him they saved his life

he is happy he has insurance and lives in america



ka ching



ps - quote from his wife, overheard by my aunt at the hosptial,

" i married a younger man so i wouldn't have to take care of him when

he got old "

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