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RE: Signature Line

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It only becomes relevant in terms of veganism if you actually count a foetus as being an unborn child rather than a bunch of cells in process. Thats the starting point of the whole abortino debate really isn't it? So if for you a foetus is a living unborn child then its relevant to you as a vegan, but if you don't believe that then I don't think veganism and pro choice are mutually exclusive ideas.


DarinSuzyGates [DarinSuzyGates]31 October 2003 11:38 Subject: Signature LineCatherine,I thought your email was interesting. You know....believe it or not.....abstinence really IS a choice as well. With the exception of rape, people aren't forced to get pregnant. Personally I used to be "Pro-choice" -- then I became an advocate of not murdering animals. On my way home from work I used to pass by this house....a residential house.....that had this sign in the front yard that said "Abortion...the worst form of Child Abuse!"....It wasn't offensive to me.....but at the time I didn't necessarily agree with it. One day I really thought about it....and I thought ...how rediculous of me to think that it was horrendous to see a child that was outside of the womb get murdered and call it that....but if it's not born yet.....it's OK. I also thought about the fact that I have such strong convictions on the murdering of animals....yet again....I didn't necessarily think of the murdering of unborn children the same way. Now you may not agree with my signature line....and I am OK with that. However... even if it's an unpopular opinion....it's still an opinion and as much as you may disagree...it does have relation to the principles of "Veganism".Have a Great Day! :0)SuzanneAbortion...the worst form of Child Abuse! People often say that humans have always eaten animals as if this is a justification for continuing the practice. According to this logic, we should not try to prevent people from murdering other people, since this has also been done since the earliest of times.-- Isaac Bashevis SingerUntil we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages.-- Thomas JeffersonIn a message dated 10/30/03 10:23:45 PM Eastern Standard Time, cait2 writes:

Catherine said....a womans right to choose, every time, To send an email to -

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abstinence isnt possible for all women, we might or might not, be lucky enough to be inrelationships where we have power, but i have worked and do work with women, even in this day and age, whose husbands do not agree with contraception and who have to endure endless enforced pregnancies................

and in positions of power, partners can and do coerce women into sex for myriad reasons........so conception is not just either rape or consensual.............

if only life........and of course it is life...........where that simple............

if power was equal always too..............

i work with empowering women and hopefully towards a world where pain and suffering abuse violence rape and coercion do not happen..................

this entirely fits in with my committment as a vegan, and pro choice.......



>"Lee Delaney"

> >

>RE: Signature Line >Fri, 31 Oct 2003 15:07:18 -0000 > >It only becomes relevant in terms of veganism if you actually count a foetus >as being an unborn child rather than a bunch of cells in process. Thats the >starting point of the whole abortino debate really isn't it? So if for you a >foetus is a living unborn child then its relevant to you as a vegan, but if >you don't believe that then I don't think veganism and pro choice are >mutually exclusive ideas. > > DarinSuzyGates [DarinSuzyGates] > 31 October 2003 11:38 > > Signature Line > > > Catherine, > > I thought your email was interesting. You know....believe it or >not.....abstinence really IS a choice as well. With the exception of rape, >people aren't forced to get pregnant. Personally I used to be >"Pro-choice" -- then I became an advocate of not murdering animals. On my >way home from work I used to pass by this house....a residential >house.....that had this sign in the front yard that said "Abortion...the >worst form of Child Abuse!"....It wasn't offensive to me.....but at the time >I didn't necessarily agree with it. > > One day I really thought about it....and I thought ...how rediculous of me >to think that it was horrendous to see a child that was outside of the womb >get murdered and call it that....but if it's not born yet.....it's OK. I >also thought about the fact that I have such strong convictions on the >murdering of animals....yet again....I didn't necessarily think of the >murdering of unborn children the same way. Now you may not agree with my >signature line....and I am OK with that. However... even if it's an >unpopular opinion....it's still an opinion and as much as you may >disagree...it does have relation to the principles of "Veganism". > > Have a Great Day! :0) > Suzanne > > Abortion...the worst form of Child Abuse! > > People often say that humans have always eaten animals as if this is a >justification for continuing the practice. According to this logic, we >should not try to prevent people from murdering other people, since this has >also been done since the earliest of times. > > -- Isaac Bashevis Singer > > Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages. > > -- Thomas Jefferson > > In a message dated 10/30/03 10:23:45 PM Eastern Standard Time, >cait2 writes: > > > Catherine said....a womans right to choose, every time, >

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Whether or not this is a 'vegan' issue it is an emotive one, agreed. But

think: if we were to agree that harming all life, animal life including

human life, is a vegan issue, then I could readily start, for example,

an anti-military discussion here, starting with advocating the boycott

of all taxes that go to help the military, all companies that support

the military, all persons who have ever, from choice or necessity/law,

been involved in the military - the list could go on. And I could argue

it as being relevant to veganism, of course, very easily. Of course,

*no* one would be offended, would they, because after all the higher

vegan principle would apply.


I confess I am a pacifist ;=) but I would not put a pacifist line in my

sig on a list such as this for fear of offending many lovely people,

some of whom may have lost loved ones or fear the loss or injury of

loved ones. (My quotation from Leonardo, below, being the closest I

would be willing to come to such a statement.) Likewise, I would not put

a pro-choice tag at the end of my emails to this list for fear of

offending people who, say, believe that abortion is murder and/or a

*form* of child abuse (surely not the worst kind!) and that abstinence

is the solution, etc. Cruelty is not merely a physical thing: psychic

cruelty can have devastating effects.










* " I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet " - Gandhi


* " The time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of

animals as they now look upon the murder of men " - Leonardo da Vinci


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Very clear and well thought out, Suzanne. Thanks for sharing this. -Becky




Friday, October 31, 2003 6:37 AM

Signature Line

Catherine,I thought your email was interesting. You know....believe it or not.....abstinence really IS a choice as well. With the exception of rape, people aren't forced to get pregnant. Personally I used to be "Pro-choice" -- then I became an advocate of not murdering animals. On my way home from work I used to pass by this house....a residential house.....that had this sign in the front yard that said "Abortion...the worst form of Child Abuse!"....It wasn't offensive to me.....but at the time I didn't necessarily agree with it. One day I really thought about it....and I thought ...how rediculous of me to think that it was horrendous to see a child that was outside of the womb get murdered and call it that....but if it's not born yet.....it's OK. I also thought about the fact that I have such strong convictions on the murdering of animals....yet again....I didn't necessarily think of the murdering of unborn children the same way. Now you may not agree with my signature line....and I am OK with that. However... even if it's an unpopular opinion....it's still an opinion and as much as you may disagree...it does have relation to the principles of "Veganism".Have a Great Day! :0)SuzanneAbortion...the worst form of Child Abuse! People often say that humans have always eaten animals as if this is a justification for continuing the practice. According to this logic, we should not try to prevent people from murdering other people, since this has also been done since the earliest of times.-- Isaac Bashevis SingerUntil we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages.-- Thomas JeffersonIn a message dated 10/30/03 10:23:45 PM Eastern Standard Time, cait2 writes:

Catherine said....a womans right to choose, every time, To send an email to -

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Pat, I have to say, I completely agree with you.


I think this was a good discussion. Some may never have thought about some

of these issues, and I believe this kind of forum is perfect for these

discussions. Sometimes it is good to be a little offended or fired up - it

causes you to think...to act...and possibly to grow.




" Sant & Brown " <santbrown


Saturday, November 01, 2003 8:50 AM

Re: Signature Line



> Whether or not this is a 'vegan' issue it is an emotive one, agreed. But

> think: if we were to agree that harming all life, animal life including

> human life, is a vegan issue, then I could readily start, for example,

> an anti-military discussion here, starting with advocating the boycott

> of all taxes that go to help the military, all companies that support

> the military, all persons who have ever, from choice or necessity/law,

> been involved in the military - the list could go on. And I could argue

> it as being relevant to veganism, of course, very easily. Of course,

> *no* one would be offended, would they, because after all the higher

> vegan principle would apply.


> I confess I am a pacifist ;=) but I would not put a pacifist line in my

> sig on a list such as this for fear of offending many lovely people,

> some of whom may have lost loved ones or fear the loss or injury of

> loved ones. (My quotation from Leonardo, below, being the closest I

> would be willing to come to such a statement.) Likewise, I would not put

> a pro-choice tag at the end of my emails to this list for fear of

> offending people who, say, believe that abortion is murder and/or a

> *form* of child abuse (surely not the worst kind!) and that abstinence

> is the solution, etc. Cruelty is not merely a physical thing: psychic

> cruelty can have devastating effects.


> Peace,


> Pat/Canada

> --


> townhounds/

> http://www.angelfire.com/art/pendragon/

> ----------

> * " I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet " -



> * " The time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of

> animals as they now look upon the murder of men " - Leonardo da Vinci

> ----------



> To send an email to -



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Catherine Harris

Friday, October 31, 2003 11:34 PM

RE: Signature Line




abstinence isnt possible for all women, we might or might not, be lucky enough to be inrelationships where we have power, but i have worked and do work with women, even in this day and age, whose husbands do not agree with contraception and who have to endure endless enforced pregnancies................>

Well ..Don't things have to change then..Why would a women allow herself to be in pregnanted against her will?

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iv calmed a bit from before, this discussion isnt very good in my opinion, if people found the sig offencive and its not what is wanted on the mailing lists then it should have been handled privatly and before now, like when it was first seen,


as for findin it offensive, thats how it makes u feel, have any of u thought how all this might be making her feel??


im really dissapointed at how this has been gone about, i dont even agree with the sig and the first time i read it really upset me as id recently had to have an abortion but after that i just ignored it its someones opinion and a big thing doesnt need to be made out of it.so anyway im cancelling this list, you are all for treating people right and if someone does stuff wrong or are offensive u are off the list fair enough, but i find that uv been offencive urselves by waitin for a new member to bring it up as iv said it should have been sorted off list/ privatly this isnt fair or nice.


anyway it was nice knowing u all and i hope u all have long happy lives.Vegan and loving it!!!! :)


Exclusive Video Premiere - Britney Spears

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Magick Nuts


I'm sorry you have been upset, and sorry you are leaving.


I must admit that I had not noticed the footer before Dave pointed it out. It is unfortunate that this has all cropped up while Peter is on holiday as I am sure he would have dealt with it quicky and wisely.


If you have not already gone, please reconsider your decision.







Magick Nuts

Saturday, November 01, 2003 10:30 PM

Re: Signature Line




iv calmed a bit from before, this discussion isnt very good in my opinion, if people found the sig offencive and its not what is wanted on the mailing lists then it should have been handled privatly and before now, like when it was first seen,


as for findin it offensive, thats how it makes u feel, have any of u thought how all this might be making her feel??


im really dissapointed at how this has been gone about, i dont even agree with the sig and the first time i read it really upset me as id recently had to have an abortion but after that i just ignored it its someones opinion and a big thing doesnt need to be made out of it.so anyway im cancelling this list, you are all for treating people right and if someone does stuff wrong or are offensive u are off the list fair enough, but i find that uv been offencive urselves by waitin for a new member to bring it up as iv said it should have been sorted off list/ privatly this isnt fair or nice.


anyway it was nice knowing u all and i hope u all have long happy lives.Vegan and loving it!!!! :)



Exclusive Video Premiere - Britney Spears

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With reference to my previous email, can I ask that if you notice something offensive that I have missed you email Peter off list so that action can be considered.




I'm sorry you have been upset, and sorry you are leaving.


I must admit that I had not noticed the footer before Dave pointed it out. It is unfortunate that this has all cropped up while Peter is on holiday as I am sure he would have dealt with it quicky and wisely.


If you have not already gone, please reconsider your decision.







Magick Nuts

Saturday, November 01, 2003 10:30 PM

Re: Signature Line




iv calmed a bit from before, this discussion isnt very good in my opinion, if people found the sig offencive and its not what is wanted on the mailing lists then it should have been handled privatly and before now, like when it was first seen,


as for findin it offensive, thats how it makes u feel, have any of u thought how all this might be making her feel??


im really dissapointed at how this has been gone about, i dont even agree with the sig and the first time i read it really upset me as id recently had to have an abortion but after that i just ignored it its someones opinion and a big thing doesnt need to be made out of it.so anyway im cancelling this list, you are all for treating people right and if someone does stuff wrong or are offensive u are off the list fair enough, but i find that uv been offencive urselves by waitin for a new member to bring it up as iv said it should have been sorted off list/ privatly this isnt fair or nice.


anyway it was nice knowing u all and i hope u all have long happy lives.Vegan and loving it!!!! :)


Exclusive Video Premiere - Britney Spears

To send an email to -

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I sorry to hear you had to have an abortion..would it have been life threathing to you if you didn't have it?


I understand if you do not want to answer.










im really dissapointed at how this has been gone about, i dont even agree with the sig and the first time i read it really upset me as id recently had to have an abortion but after that i just ignored it its someones opinion and a big thing doesnt need to be made out of it.so anyway im cancelling this list, you are all for treating people right and if someone does stuff wrong or are offensive u are off the list fair enough, but i find that uv been offencive urselves by waitin for a new member to bring it up as iv said it should have been sorted off list/ privatly this isnt fair or nice.


anyway it was nice knowing u all and i hope u all have long happy lives.Vegan and loving it!!!! :)


Exclusive Video Premiere - Britney Spears

To send an email to -

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can anyone out there tell me why is it when we get one of these emails, we get numerous duplicates of the same exact email? it;s very frustrating & time consuming!Magick Nuts <magick_nuts wrote:




iv calmed a bit from before, this discussion isnt very good in my opinion, if people found the sig offencive and its not what is wanted on the mailing lists then it should have been handled privatly and before now, like when it was first seen,


as for findin it offensive, thats how it makes u feel, have any of u thought how all this might be making her feel??


im really dissapointed at how this has been gone about, i dont even agree with the sig and the first time i read it really upset me as id recently had to have an abortion but after that i just ignored it its someones opinion and a big thing doesnt need to be made out of it.so anyway im cancelling this list, you are all for treating people right and if someone does stuff wrong or are offensive u are off the list fair enough, but i find that uv been offencive urselves by waitin for a new member to bring it up as iv said it should have been sorted off list/ privatly this isnt fair or nice.


anyway it was nice knowing u all and i hope u all have long happy lives.Vegan and loving it!!!! :)



Exclusive Video Premiere - Britney Spears To send an email to -

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In a message dated 11/3/03 9:36:36 AM Pacific Standard Time, auntdarween writes:

can anyone out there tell me why is it when we get one of these emails, we get numerous duplicates of the same exact email? it;s very frustrating & time consuming



if its the same exact e-mail its generally the server kickin it out more then once

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Becky, Right on!rgosky <rgosky wrote:

Pat, I have to say, I completely agree with you.I think this was a good discussion. Some may never have thought about someof these issues, and I believe this kind of forum is perfect for thesediscussions. Sometimes it is good to be a little offended or fired up - itcauses you to think...to act...and possibly to grow.-Becky- "Sant & Brown" <santbrownSaturday, November 01, 2003 8:50 AM Re: Signature Line> Whether or not this is a 'vegan' issue it is an emotive one, agreed. But> think: if we were to agree that harming all life, animal life including> human life, is a vegan issue, then I could readily start, for example,> an anti-military discussion here, starting with

advocating the boycott> of all taxes that go to help the military, all companies that support> the military, all persons who have ever, from choice or necessity/law,> been involved in the military - the list could go on. And I could argue> it as being relevant to veganism, of course, very easily. Of course,> *no* one would be offended, would they, because after all the higher> vegan principle would apply.>> I confess I am a pacifist ;=) but I would not put a pacifist line in my> sig on a list such as this for fear of offending many lovely people,> some of whom may have lost loved ones or fear the loss or injury of> loved ones. (My quotation from Leonardo, below, being the closest I> would be willing to come to such a statement.) Likewise, I would not put> a pro-choice tag at the end of my emails to this list for fear of> offending people who, say, believe that abortion is murder and/or

a> *form* of child abuse (surely not the worst kind!) and that abstinence> is the solution, etc. Cruelty is not merely a physical thing: psychic> cruelty can have devastating effects.>> Peace,>> Pat/Canada> -- > SANTBROWN townhounds/> http://www.angelfire.com/art/pendragon/> ----------> *"I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet" -Gandhi>> * "The time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of> animals as they now look upon the murder of men" - Leonardo da Vinci> ---------->>> To send an email to - >>

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In a message dated 11/5/03 4:44:01 AM Pacific Standard Time, nikkimack writes:


Um, which came first, the chicken er the egg


AH geez!


nikki - sorry sorry sorry Pete

great choice...KFC or Horizon Grade A......

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Hi all!


Personally I think we are all entitled to our opinions on everything.

From being vegan to eating meat, whether right or wrong this is our



I find no offense in the sig line just as I would find no offense in

one that read Eating Meat is a Treat and so on. Why? Because that's

their opinion. And I choose whether I read it er not. I choose

whether I believe it er not. I choose.


Now I won't get into a discussion on my views on abortion only

because I fear that I am so behind on this group right now there may

be a mod letter asking this topic to cease. And if there is I am

sorry fer bringing it back up in case their was an argument on this



Peace & Light,

nikki :)


, DarinSuzyGates@a... wrote:

> Catherine,


> I thought your email was interesting. You know....believe it or

> not.....abstinence really IS a choice as well. With the exception

of rape, people

> aren't forced to get pregnant. Personally I used to be " Pro-

choice " -- then I

> became an advocate of not murdering animals. On my way home from

work I used to

> pass by this house....a residential house.....that had this sign in

the front

> yard that said " Abortion...the worst form of Child Abuse! " ....It


> offensive to me.....but at the time I didn't necessarily agree with



> One day I really thought about it....and I thought ...how

rediculous of me to

> think that it was horrendous to see a child that was outside of the

womb get

> murdered and call it that....but if it's not born yet.....it's

OK. I also

> thought about the fact that I have such strong convictions on the

murdering of

> animals....yet again....I didn't necessarily think of the murdering

of unborn

> children the same way. Now you may not agree with my signature

line....and I

> am OK with that. However... even if it's an unpopular

opinion....it's still

> an opinion and as much as you may disagree...it does have relation

to the

> principles of " Veganism " .


> Have a Great Day! :0)

> Suzanne


> Abortion...the worst form of Child Abuse!


> People often say that humans have always eaten animals as if this

is a

> justification for continuing the practice. According to this

logic, we should not

> try to prevent people from murdering other people, since this has

also been

> done since the earliest of times.


> -- Isaac Bashevis Singer


> Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages.


> -- Thomas Jefferson


> In a message dated 10/30/03 10:23:45 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> cait2@h... writes:


> > Catherine said....a womans right to choose, every time,

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*trying to resist temptation*

*know not a good idea to post*

*struggles with fingers on the keys*


Um, which came first, the chicken er the egg


AH geez!


nikki - sorry sorry sorry Peter



, " Lee Delaney " <lee.delaney@k...>


> It only becomes relevant in terms of veganism if you actually count

a foetus

> as being an unborn child rather than a bunch of cells in process.

Thats the

> starting point of the whole abortino debate really isn't it? So if

for you a

> foetus is a living unborn child then its relevant to you as a

vegan, but if

> you don't believe that then I don't think veganism and pro choice


> mutually exclusive ideas.


> DarinSuzyGates@a... [DarinSuzyGates@a...]

> 31 October 2003 11:38


> Signature Line



> Catherine,


> I thought your email was interesting. You know....believe it or

> not.....abstinence really IS a choice as well. With the exception

of rape,

> people aren't forced to get pregnant. Personally I used to be

> " Pro-choice " -- then I became an advocate of not murdering

animals. On my

> way home from work I used to pass by this house....a residential

> house.....that had this sign in the front yard that

said " Abortion...the

> worst form of Child Abuse! " ....It wasn't offensive to me.....but at

the time

> I didn't necessarily agree with it.


> One day I really thought about it....and I thought ...how

rediculous of me

> to think that it was horrendous to see a child that was outside of

the womb

> get murdered and call it that....but if it's not born yet.....it's


> also thought about the fact that I have such strong convictions on


> murdering of animals....yet again....I didn't necessarily think of


> murdering of unborn children the same way. Now you may not agree

with my

> signature line....and I am OK with that. However... even if it's an

> unpopular opinion....it's still an opinion and as much as you may

> disagree...it does have relation to the principles of " Veganism " .


> Have a Great Day! :0)

> Suzanne


> Abortion...the worst form of Child Abuse!


> People often say that humans have always eaten animals as if this

is a

> justification for continuing the practice. According to this

logic, we

> should not try to prevent people from murdering other people, since

this has

> also been done since the earliest of times.


> -- Isaac Bashevis Singer


> Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still



> -- Thomas Jefferson


> In a message dated 10/30/03 10:23:45 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> cait2@h... writes:



> Catherine said....a womans right to choose, every time,


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In a message dated 11/5/03 11:05:17 AM Pacific Standard Time, Heartwork writes:



....and if it was the chicken - why did it cross the road???


to get away from the Colonel(KFC)


new commercial here toting how "healthy" eating KFC chicken is..crowing(pun not intended) on the benefits of their low carb diet!

gee,..wasn't that long ago that they changed their name from Kentucky FRIED chicken because of the publics health concerns...

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Hi Nikki


Very sensible, as usual. You must have been busy lately, but it's good you're back.




Personally I think we are all entitled to our opinions on everything. From being vegan to eating meat, whether right or wrong this is our freedom.I find no offense in the sig line just as I would find no offense in one that read Eating Meat is a Treat and so on. Why? Because that's their opinion. And I choose whether I read it er not. I choose whether I believe it er not. I choose.Now I won't get into a discussion on my views on abortion only because I fear that I am so behind on this group right now there may be a mod letter asking this topic to cease. And if there is I am sorry fer bringing it back up in case their was an argument on this topic.Peace & Light,nikki :)


---Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).Version: 6.0.530 / Virus Database: 325 - Release 22/10/03

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....and if it was the chicken - why did it cross the road???




*trying to resist temptation**know not a good idea to post**struggles with fingers on the keys*Um, which came first, the chicken er the eggAH geez!


---Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).Version: 6.0.530 / Virus Database: 325 - Release 22/10/03

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Nah, Nikki: 'Eating Meat is a Treat' is just downright offensive on a

list such as this ;=)






> Hi all!


> Personally I think we are all entitled to our opinions on everything.

> >From being vegan to eating meat, whether right or wrong this is our

> freedom.


> I find no offense in the sig line just as I would find no offense in

> one that read Eating Meat is a Treat and so on. Why? Because that's

> their opinion. And I choose whether I read it er not. I choose

> whether I believe it er not. I choose.


> Now I won't get into a discussion on my views on abortion only

> because I fear that I am so behind on this group right now there may

> be a mod letter asking this topic to cease. And if there is I am

> sorry fer bringing it back up in case their was an argument on this

> topic.


> Peace & Light,

> nikki :)








* " I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet " - Gandhi


* " The time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of

animals as they now look upon the murder of men " - Leonardo da Vinci


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Hi Jo




Thx! It's great to be back! Missed ya guys while I was gone.


Work is just getting a bit hectic, but hopefully it should even out a

bit soon.


nikki :)




, " Heartwork " <Heartwork@o...> wrote:

> Hi Nikki


> Very sensible, as usual. You must have been busy lately, but it's

good you're back.


> Jo

> Personally I think we are all entitled to our opinions on


> From being vegan to eating meat, whether right or wrong this is


> freedom.


> I find no offense in the sig line just as I would find no offense


> one that read Eating Meat is a Treat and so on. Why? Because


> their opinion. And I choose whether I read it er not. I choose

> whether I believe it er not. I choose.


> Now I won't get into a discussion on my views on abortion only

> because I fear that I am so behind on this group right now there


> be a mod letter asking this topic to cease. And if there is I am

> sorry fer bringing it back up in case their was an argument on


> topic.


> Peace & Light,

> nikki :)



> ---

> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.

> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).

> Version: 6.0.530 / Virus Database: 325 - Release 22/10/03

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Hi Pat


Not to me, honestly. Because then it means it is not offensive

elsewhere if it is only offensive here. I don't like it, I am dead

against it, I do not follow it, wish it didn't happen, will

petition/fight/protest against it and surely don't agree. But again,

a right to an opinion is a right.


Besides, I was talking in general not just here.


But I do know what ya meant!


nikki :)



, Sant & Brown <santbrown@l...>


> Nah, Nikki: 'Eating Meat is a Treat' is just downright offensive on


> list such as this ;=)


> Best,

> Pat/Canada


> >

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" nikki_mackovitch " <nikkimack


Thursday, November 06, 2003 11:49 AM

Re: Signature Line

Maybe it should read something like 'Eating Meat is a trap' not a treat.





'Eating Meat is a Treat' is just downright offensive on

> a

> > list such as this ;=)

> >

> > Best,

> > Pat/Canada

> >

> > >





> To send an email to -



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Hi again Nikki,


Okay, I see where you are coming from ;=) No probs!


Actually, I also agree that everyone is entitled to an opinion, but

(there's always a 'but' *lol*) I also think that some opinions are best

kept to oneself, especially in situations whereby expressing them runs

counter to the intent of the group one has chosen to be in. For eg., if

I choose to join a group whose members are all secular humanists, I

would be deliberately stirring up trouble if I were to start thumping a

bible - the group would get enough of that without my infiltrating in

order to try to 'save' them. Similarly, a church club one chooses to

join might not be the best place to start chatting about how neat, say,

devil worship is. (And no, I'm not getting at anyone here or anything

that's been said here - I just make the religious analagy because to

some people veganism is almost like a religion, you know?) But we are

going to differ on this, and that's okay with me if it's okay with you



I guess I would like to think that is a *safe* space -

totally vegan friendly, that is.





> Hi Pat


> Not to me, honestly. Because then it means it is not offensive

> elsewhere if it is only offensive here. I don't like it, I am dead

> against it, I do not follow it, wish it didn't happen, will

> petition/fight/protest against it and surely don't agree. But again,

> a right to an opinion is a right.


> Besides, I was talking in general not just here.


> But I do know what ya meant!


> nikki :)








* " I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet " - Gandhi


* " The time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of

animals as they now look upon the murder of men " - Leonardo da Vinci


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