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Calcium Acetate

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Can someone tell me what calcium acetate is? Is it vegan? I was looking at a

can of pickled cabbage and it had calcium acetate in the ingredients. It

said the product was 'suitable for vegetarians' but obviously that doesn't

mean it's suitable for vegans. I want to check to see if I can eat them.

Also I saw another sort of pickled cabbage and it had lactic acid in. We

definitely can't eat lactic acid, can we?



Shari Black Velvet

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there are types of lactic acid that we (vegan dudes) can eat, but those are only certain in instances where the products are made especially for vegan consumption (as in tofutti brand foods). Lactic acid should otherwise be ruled out. And the calcium acetate is an ingredient i've seen in vitamin pills made for vegans. Acetate is harmless, and calcium is something that is either unsuitable for both vegetarians and vegans or synthetic.


> >

> Calcium Acetate >Sun, 28 Dec 2003 04:10:34 -0000 > >Can someone tell me what calcium acetate is? Is it vegan? I was looking at a >can of pickled cabbage and it had calcium acetate in the ingredients. It >said the product was 'suitable for vegetarians' but obviously that doesn't >mean it's suitable for vegans. I want to check to see if I can eat them. >Also I saw another sort of pickled cabbage and it had lactic acid in. We >definitely can't eat lactic acid, can we? > ><3 >Shari Black Velvet > > Have fun customizing MSN Messenger — learn how here!

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In a message dated 12/27/03 8:12:25 PM Pacific Standard Time, shari writes:



Can someone tell me what calcium acetate is? Is it vegan? I was looking at a

calcium acetate is produced when acetic acid is processed with lime or calcium carbonate..

acetic acid is a bacteria product ...vinegar!


calcium carbonate can come from mineral deposits er other sources...

lactic acid...another "maybe"..it can be a vegetable source or animal....

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