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news from jolly ol england(mostly(

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This week's SchNEWS: www.schnews.org.uk/archive/news439.htm




Friday 13th February 2004, Issue 441










"This is the frontline. It's not just about trees. If people want

to continue anti-war protests, it doesn't take much to make the

connection between this and the war for oil. This is the

Anti-Roads Movement Part II. Cast your mind back to the early

nineties-the first Gulf War had just ended, there was a Climate

Change Summit. Now things have turned a full circle and a whole

new generation are on board." Holly, protester at Blackwood

Protest Camp.


This week there are three separate protest camps all on urgent

eviction alert: ecological direct action camps at Blackwood near

Newport, Sherwood Forest in Nottingham, and Nine Ladies in

Derbyshire - all competing for limited amounts of people and

resources. Are we back to the protest camp halcyon days of the





Five acres of St Davids Wood in Blackwood, south Wales, is

currently under threat of being trashed for the sake of an access

road to an industrial park - and would already be gone if it

wasn't for some hardy protesters and a ten-year local campaign

which involved two High Court battles. This camp needs urgent help

to protect the site - but before you go down to the woods, you'd

better leaf through the dusty pages of Hogwart's book on tree

protest wizardry...


We now know that magic can happen in the woods, but things got

truly surreal this week when Harry Potter weaved a spell into the

story. This new development has come about because contractors

Costain and the Caerphilly Borough Council have used the obscure

'Harry Potter ruling' to secure a High Court civil injunction on

the entire camp. In the Harry Potter case, some of the kid wizard

books went missing from the publishing company Bloomsbury and were

then given to the press before publication. Because the company

didn't know the specific names of the persons who had taken the

books, they simply described them to the court. The court then

decided for the first time that persons described, rather than

actually named, could be defendants to an injunction. This means

an injunction can be served against anybody - no names are

needed - so therefore any person entering or remaining in a

specified area (the woodland at Blackwood, in this case) can be

immediately removed. Bindmans, the solicitors giving free legal

advice to the camp, told SchNEWS "it's the first time the 'Harry

Potter ruling' has been used against protesters."


The injunction is a useful legal tool for companies wanting to get

rid of pesky protesters. In the hearing for the Blackwood case,

the judge only heard evidence from the 'interested party' - the

developers - leaving the defendants (the protesters) with no

chance to defend themselves. It is possible to later appeal the

injunction in court - but it becomes a David and Goliath battle

between a cashed up company and a campaign which doesn't get legal



The woodland under threat - owned by Costain and under the spell

of Harry Potter - is now 'protected' from protesters, but while

the trees are still under threat, the protest camp itself is on

adjoining land NOT owned by Costain, making it safe from eviction

for the moment.


Currently, the anti-roads campaigners are trying furiously to mix

a legal potion to fight the Harry Potter ruling - throwing in such

ingredients as the Section 6 status of the camp and the presence

of dormice on Costain's woodland site. It's a shame that the

dormice can't get an injunction so they can live undisturbed. Work

stopped on the site when dormice - were found. Legally, dormice

are protected and they must be "re-located" (evicted) if the

chopping of the trees is to continue- but work has continued,

around their habitat. The presence of dormice has meant that a

wildlife group is taking Costain to court and maybe even criminal

proceedings will occur, but don't hold your breath as courts tend

to be more chummy with the likes of Costain than dormice lovers.


We asked one protester on site, Holly, if the protest camp was

mostly Twyford Down or Newbury veterans like herself? She told

SchNEWS that while there is unbelievable local support, there is

also a whole new generation of protesters present. This is the

generation who took the anti-war protests by storm last year, so

watch out cos hopefully there's plenty more where they came from.


People and climbing equipment are needed at the camp now. To

contact the camp phone 07952 774525 or 07708 420446 For a map and

details visit www.schnews.org.uk/pap/protestcamps.htm






Sherwood Forest Protest Camp is also in urgent need of help.

Bailiffs have been on site recently and eviction seems imminent.

"Security" forces had planned an illegal eviction but were

thwarted when extra people and the cops turned up.


Bellway, the property developers, want to turn these magnificent

woods into sawdust and build almost 300 poor-quality overpriced

houses there instead.


A 300-year old beech tree is at the heart of the forest and serves

as the HQ of the Protest Camp. Massive local support has been

apparent since the camp was established 6 months ago. Meanwhile,

60-odd security, an ambulance (!) and cutting machinery have been

hovering near the area, waiting to go in for the kill.


Support is vital over the next couple of days. 07050 656410


If you can't get down to the woods, you might want to phone

Bellway on 0116 2727000 to tell them what you think, POLITELY of





* The Nine Ladies anti-quarry camp is still expecting to be

evicted any day now. More people and climbing equipment needed.

Contact 07005942212 for details.


* A camp has been set up to stop the construction of a privately

financed road at Bilston, 8 miles south of Edinburgh. Construction

work has started on the road, but at the moment the camp remains

untouched. The camp now has a kitchen/ cafe and infoshop and

welcomes visitors 07986 632429 www.bilstonglen-abs.org.uk


* A housing development of 2,500 homes is planned on a Greenfield

site in East Grinstead, West Sussex for 2006. If the plan gets the

go ahead, the council must build a by-pass around the town which

will destroy an Area of Oustanding Natural Beauty and maybe even

encroach on Ashdown Forest. peterveresimmons


* Next Tuesday sees the opening of a public inquiry into proposals

to construct a new four-lane road through the Stonehenge World

Heritage Site. Campaigners warn that the public inquiry may simply

"rubber stamp" the road. www.savestonehenge.co.uk


* The Scottish Executive plans to build a 6-lane elevated motorway

through the southern suburbs of Glasgow. The M74 Northern

Extension, as it would called, would be raised on 40 feet concrete

stilts for parts of its journey and at £375-500 million, it will

be the most expensive transport project in Scotland www.jam74.org




Crap Arrest of the Week


For hanging a banner from a bridge

A man who was charged with 'Causing a Public Nuisance' after

hanging a banner saying STOP BUSH at Cambridge railway station in

the run-up to Bush's visit in November last year was re-arrested



He has been charged on a public order offence for using

threatening or abusive words or behaviour. Yet, according to

witnesses and video footage from Cambridge IndyMedia and even the

police officers who arrested him, the activist didn't use

offensive language. On top of all the this, the man was also

investigated for defacing a local war memorial, something that

actually took place at the same time that he was on the bridge. So

not only is the poor chap a non-threatening threatener, he also

seems to be a non-defacing defacer as well.




Another Brick in the Wall


Ever daydream during one of those long, boring school lectures on

the periodic table and King What's-his-face the 10th that

something interesting would actually happen at yer school? Like

the school closing down, for instance, and then becoming a

battleground between squatters who want to turn it into a space

for alternative energies projects and a community centre for local

kids, and developers who want to turn it into yet another soulless

housing estate?? Well, that's exactly what's happened at an

abandoned primary school in South London.


The squatters took up residence in Harland First School in

Colliers Wood last autumn following the local Council's decision

to close the school in August and sell the land to property

developers Kings Oak Homes, part of the giant Barratt group. Kings

Oak Homes want to demolish the school and build thousands of ugly,

poorly-constructed, identical boxes. The squatters, on the other

hand, have been running the school as a social centre and free

space since Christmas, with more than a dozen local children

regularly using the facilities, including a fully-equipped

computer area. The group, which calls itself Alternate Energies,

say they want to protect the school for future generations and

have been forced to take action as the land is protected by a

covenant that forbids any use other than education. In court this

winter, however, the covenant was dismissed by a judge who ruled

that now that Kings Oak Homes has bought the property, the company

can do whatever they want with it.


On Monday, police and bailiffs moved in to remove the squatters

but were prevented when many, including local children, barricaded

themselves onto the roof, dancing in the face of the big heavies

who'd come to turf them off their space. To try and force them

out, a representative from Kings Oak Homes entered the building

and disabled the electrical circuits. The water was also turned

off. But Alternate Energies is holding strong. A representative

for the group named Dave told SchNEWS that the local area has no

youth clubs or facilities for the local kids at all. "We have

cleaned this site up and are only interested in ensuring it is

preserved as an educational and social space," says Dave. The

group is interested in getting more people down, people are who

are interested in permaculture, alternative energies, and hard

work. If you're interested in helping the group to save their

space, contact Dave on 07986 465552.




Midland Expresspay


Britain's first toll motorway - the Birmingham Northern Relief

Road - was built in part to divert heavily polluting trucks out of

Birmingham. There's just one small snag. Midland Expressway, the

private company who built the road, have decided to charge lorries

£11 to use it.


Under a 53-year deal, the company can charge whatever price it

likes to motorists - without the regulatory restrictions that are

imposed on other toll roads around the world. Because of its

weight, a lorry damages the road infrastructure as much as 100

times more than a car. So obviously, Midland Expressway want to

attract cars, which give them revenue, but not lorries, which

cause damage.


The company are also preparing a multi-million pound advertising

campaign to urge motorists to use the road, despite the

government's official policy of encouraging people to switch to

public transport. Doh!




Dublin Craic-Down


Ill-informed Irish journalists are stirring things up in Dublin

over plans to celebrate this year's May Day. The Irish Presidency

of the EU ends on the first of May, and 10 new states join the EU

capitalist gang-bang. The Irish government plan a "Welcome

Celebration", including a state-sponsored street party, for

diplomats from such bastions of freedom as Turkey. To combat all

this capitalist clap-trap, Grassroots, an Irish anarchist network,

have put out a worldwide call inviting people to come and

celebrate resistance to the EU expansion. A Dublin-based week of

action from April 30 to May 3 has been called for, the highlight

being Saturday May 1st. This piece of information was seized upon

by a journalist from the Independent on Sunday (think an Irish

Sunday Times). Armed with the fewest of facts, the corporate

journo has run a mile down the road of fantasy. Apart from

predicting 15,000 (wouldn't that be nice) demonstrators from all

over Europe, she also seems to think that the Wombles apparently

have "strong links with the PKK", a Kurdish communist group! This

self-styled journalist goes on to bemoan the fact that there are

only 1,000 trained riot cops in Ireland. She fears they will be

unable to deal with the likes of "Italian and Greek" anarchists

who will flood the city and fears the army may be called for!


Ireland is experiencing a growth in direct action at the moment,

especially since the use of Shannon airport as a refuelling base

for US warplanes during the last Gulf war. Recent years have seen

streets reclaimed and warplanes sabotaged. The Irish police have

even been getting lessons recently from the good ol' Met and

Europol on how to stomp out protest. They were spotted hovering on

the edges of last years DSEI arms fair in London taking notes and

learning the ropes. Preparing for Dublin perhaps?


Links are being made between Ireland and European-based activists.

People fed up with the over-policing at recent London Mayday

events may feel Dublin is a good opportunity to forge alliances

and affect some positive action. A day of socialising and events

for people interested in going to Dublin for the week/weekend is

happening at the Occupied Social Centre at 93 Fortess Rd., Kentish

Town on Saturday 28th February.


Support for the EU expansion in Eire is weak. The first referendum

on whether to accept the new states or not was rejected, partly

because of the dire human rights records of some of the new

members. Turkey, in particular, is one place you don't want to do

time in. Torture in prison is rife and suppression of dissent

endemic. Showing their true colours already, the old-school EU

have decreed that citizens of the new, mainly Eastern European

states will have to wait a mere 6 years before being allowed to

travel freely. Consumer products, naturally, get the go-ahead

straight away. www.geocities.com/eufortress or www.indymedia.ie






In the northern province of Santiago de Estero, Argentina, the

local government has banned all types of public meetings that

don't have prior consent. Anyone not complying is subject to

imprisonment between 1- 30 days or a fine of between 10-20 days



The new law comes in response to demonstrations (all of which have

been peaceful) and a memorial service to mark the first

anniversary of the brutal torturing and murder of two young girls

by an ex-policeman. Witnesses in the case have received death

threats from the governor of the province. It seems the local

authorities and police are closing ranks to suppress protests

against violence, corruption and impunity, a return to the bad old

days for Argentina.





SchNEWS In Brief


* All those arrested by the Italian police at the brutal raid on

the Diaz school in Genoa following the anti-G8 protests in 2001

(SchNEWS 314) have had all their charges dropped. But there are

still cases against 73 police involved in the raid, including

senior officers, who are facing trial for slander, false arrest,

assault, battery, and abuse of authority.



* Radio 4A broadcasts across Brighton this weekend on 101.4FM and

on the net at http://web.ukonline.co.uk/radio4a/


* Ever ran out of breath sabbing a hunt or running away from a

friendly neighborhood officer? Do your hands get tired holding a

banner or a bunch of leaflets? Ever lost your stamina in those

marathon meetings? Then check out www.veganfitness.net


* Peace Not War Festival this weekend at the Hackney Ocean,

www.peace-not-war.org/Festival/, 020 7515 4702


* Planning meeting for the next Big Blether, Scotland's biggest

activist gathering, 23rd February, 7pm, Forest Cafe, Bristol

Place, Edinburgh.


* To celebrate the beginning of DISSENT! A Network of Resistance

Against the G8, Oxford Indymedia and Undercurrents are launching

monthly film nights starting with a showing of 'The Fourth World

War' 22nd February, 7.30pm Northgate Hall, St Michaels Street.



* 'Struggle and Solidarity - Discussion on Anarchist Insurrection

and Prisoner Solidarity in Southern Europe', 5pm, Sunday 15th.

Occupied Social Centre, 93 Fortess Road, London NW1 and a

soundsystem on 21st Feb 8pm www.wombles.org.uk


* Six people charged with political crimes under the Terrorism Act

2000 for importing a magazine on sale in Turkey and Europe are in

court this Monday (16) Picket from 9.30am, Kingston Crown Court,

Penrhyn Road, Kingston. hoc 07966 739061




Inside SchNEWS


* American James Borek has been sent down for four and a half

years for his part in the June 18th protests in 1999 (SchNEWS 217)

and would appreciate letters of support. James Borek, B4-14, HMP

Wandsworth, PO Box 757, Heathfield Road, London SW18 3HS.


* Benefit punk night for animal rights mag Arkangel and Simon

Chapman, who was stitched up and imprisoned following

demonstrations against the EU meeting in Thessaloniki, Greece.

Chat's Palace, 49 Brooksbys Walk, Hackney East London on Saturday

21st Feb, 7.30-11:30pm.


* Simon Shaw, who was nicked in Edinburgh during a demonstration

against the war for carrying an upside down American flag with a

swastika and the words 'Fuck Bush' imprinted on it, was this week

found not guilty of inciting racial hatred.




...and finally...


A US man is suing a cable television company for making his wife

fat and turning his two teenage children into "lazy channel

surfers.I believe the reason that I smoke and drink every day

and that my wife is overweight is because we watched TV everyday

for the last four years," he said in a written complaint.


Timothy Dumouchel told his TV company to stop his cable service in

August 1999 - but four years later he was still getting it for

free. So just before Christmas, Timothy paid a visit to the

company's offices, where workers said he intimidated them with

"low level threats". Timothy is now demanding $5,000 or three

computers, and a lifetime supply of free Internet service from the

cable company in compensation for the suffering he has endured at

the hands of cable television- we reckon he should ask for an

exercise bike instead.





SchNEWS warns all readers...we don't believe in magic, but we'll

spell it out for you next week Honest!






What's On? Check out out Party and Protest guide at

www.schnews.org.uk/pap/guide.htm It's updated every week, has

sections on regular events, local events, protest camps and


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Hi Fraggle


Thanks for all the news - some I knew some I didn't. I fear the government here are not really encouraging people to use public transport. Our bus service has just been cut so there are no buses after 7 p.m. weekdays and Saturdays, and no buses at all on Sundays. They have also removed local park and ride services. We reckon they are preparing to make a congestion charge in the next few years, and leave people with almost no alternative to using their cars.



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hi all

i live in london and i do not drive and i rely on public transport, which in london is very efficient compared to other parts.......when i visit friends/relatives out side of london i am very often kind of stranded and i dont like the feeling of not being independent.......how people who are elderly or disabled manage i dont know.......my son lives in a village where there is no bus at all, at any time......the only way out is by car.........

i would love someday to live in the country but the idea of not having my independence would be a deterent



> >

>Re: news from jolly ol england(mostly( >Fri, 13 Feb 2004 23:56:08 -0000 > >Hi Fraggle > >Thanks for all the news - some I knew some I didn't. I fear the government here are not really encouraging people to use public transport. Our bus service has just been cut so there are no buses after 7 p.m. weekdays and Saturdays, and no buses at all on Sundays. They have also removed local park and ride services. We reckon they are preparing to make a congestion charge in the next few years, and leave people with almost no alternative to using their cars. > >Jo Find out more about the new range of Premium Web services from MSN. Click here for more information.

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Hi Catherine


> i live in london and i do not drive and i rely on public transport, which in london is very efficient compared to other

> parts.......when i visit friends/relatives out side of london i am very often kind of stranded and i dont like the feeling of not

> being independent.......how people who are elderly or disabled manage i dont know.......my son lives in a village where there

> is no bus at all, at any time......the only way out is by car.........


I understand that all too well. I went to Uni in London for 3 years, and the public transport was really good... but as I live in a small village now, we're lucky if we get a bus more than about once every two hours. One local village has a bus twice a week!!! I don't know how I'd manage if I didn't drive, because the town is too far away to walk.


I think the problem is that the government is largely based in London, so they just assume that public transport is fine everywhere!




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My town transport sucks too. I thought it was just my town so it's

interesting seeing others with the same problem. There are no buses after

about 6.30 at all.

when i lived down behnd the orange curtain(orange county, SoCal), i had to take the bus everywhere, before i got my yamaha...

and it was pretty horrid..as most lines just up at quit by 7pm...

now..OC has MILLIONS of people...

basically, if you don't drive..yer sunk

things are a bit better up here..but just a bit

BART stops runnin at midnite...that makes it hard to go to SF to see a show...

there are buses across the bridge all nite long..but they become few and far between as the nite progresses

they keep raising fares....on BART, on buses, on all public transportation..saying "they aren't making money.."....funny, i don't see them complaining about the freeways costing a pretty penny and i don't see them making any money...



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Peter wrote:

>I understand that all too well. I went to Uni in London for 3 years, and

the public transport was really good... but as I live in a small village

now, we're >lucky if we get a bus more than about once every two hours. One

local village has a bus twice a week!!! I don't know how I'd manage if I

didn't drive, >because the town is too far away to walk.


My town transport sucks too. I thought it was just my town so it's

interesting seeing others with the same problem. There are no buses after

about 6.30 at all. Some areas of the town apparently don't have them after 2

or 3pm. It's crazy. Do they expect us to either a) all drive, or b) have

enough money for taxis all the time. My town apparently has one of the

lowest average wages so it's not like we can afford taxis all the time. I go

to gigs in Birmingham a lot and it sucks that when I come back I have to pay

£4 for a taxi to my house when a bus would have cost less than half that. I

wouldn't mind if I was rolling in money but I'm not. Also as a single female

it's probably best not to walk for half an hour at midnight (I'd do it in

the daytime, but I guess on my own at night is not wise). I think they

should at least have a bus that goes around the town when the last train

comes back from Birmingham even if they don't have one every hour in the



That's my public transport rant...



Shari Black Velvet

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In a message dated 2/17/04 7:09:28 AM Pacific Standard Time, simonpjones writes:

It wouldn't suprise me if the

car/van industry is paying the goverment to keep public

tranport not too efficient.

they certainly did that hear many years ago..in a round about fashion

the car makers, along with the petroleum industry and folks like DuPont bought up all the municipal railines here in the 1940's....

tore up all the tracks....

well, wot do you know, can't use the trolley anymore..guess you have to drive..

and pushed for the freeways to be built all over....

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> i live in london and i do not drive and i rely on public

transport, which in london is very efficient compared to other

> parts.......when i visit friends/relatives out side of

london i am very often kind of stranded and i dont like the

feeling of not

> being independent.......how people who are elderly or

disabled manage i dont know.......my son lives in a village

where there

> is no bus at all, at any time......the only way out is by



I understand that all too well. I went to Uni in London for 3

years, and the public transport was really good... but as I

live in a small village now, we're lucky if we get a bus more

than about once every two hours. One local village has a bus

twice a week!!! I don't know how I'd manage if I didn't

drive, because the town is too far away to walk.>


The car industry would suffer the more public transport

improved around the country.It wouldn't suprise me if the

car/van industry is paying the goverment to keep public

tranport not too efficient.

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they certainly did that hear many years ago..in a round about


the car makers, along with the petroleum industry and folks

like DuPont bought up all the municipal railines here in the


tore up all the tracks....

well, wot do you know, can't use the trolley anymore..guess

you have to drive..

and pushed for the freeways to be built all over....




I saw a TV progamme a few years ago reporting on electric

coaches in St Francis...I'm guessing elec vechicles are still

very rare there..>

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