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*May 2004 issue of Dr. Greger's Newsletter*

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May 2004 issue of Dr. Michael Greger's Monthly Newsletter




CONTENTS (online at http://www.veganmd.org/newsletters.html)


I. Latest Updates in Human Nutrition

A. Mercury Contamination in Fish

B. HIGH Carb Diet for Safe Weight Loss Without Hunger?

C. Insulin Sensitivity and Vegetarianism

D. Skim Milk Versus Soy Milk: Head to Head

E. Iron Status of Young Vegan Women


II. Mad Cow Disease: Comment deadline extended to May 7th


III. Personal Update


IV. MAILBAG: " I heard that a study showed that

soy didn't prevent breast cancer "








A. Mercury Contamination in Fish


Each year in the U.S., up to 600,000 children are

born at risk for lower intelligence and learning

problems due to mercury exposure because their

mothers ate fish. That's the number of children

the Environmental Protection Agency estimated to

be at risk in an analysis published last month

using data from the Centers for Disease Control.

This is double the Agency's previous estimate.[1]


This study follows on the heels of the joint

FDA/EPA advisory in March, which warned young

children, pregnant and breast-feeding women, or

even women just planning to get pregnant to

severely limit the consumption of many types of

fish like canned tuna, and to stay away from some

fish completely, like swordfish, mackerel, etc.

Still, many scientists didn't think the advisory

went far enough.


After learning that the FDA was going to

" disregard " science[2] and allow women to eat a

whole can of albacore tuna once a week, one

leading FDA advisory panel expert resigned in

protest. University of Arizona toxicologist Vas

Aposhian said the advisory should have put more

stringent limits on all canned tuna and warned

women who might get pregnant to avoid albacore

tuna entirely, claiming that " The new

recommendations are dangerous to 99 percent of

pregnant women and their unborn children.[3] " It

seems that one should be more concerned about the

health of the future children of this country, "

he said, " than the albacore tuna industry. " .[4]


The hundreds of thousands of babies born every

year in the U.S. to the one in six women with

enough mercury in their blood to put their babies

at risk suffer most often subtle losses in

potential. Although mercury can cause irreparable

damage to the human central nervous system and

has been found to deform fetuses, more often, " It

might reduce IQ by a few points, " says Dr.

Michael Gochfeld, chairman of New Jersey's

mercury task force. " It might reduce motor

coordination, so that this child is someone we

think of as a klutz. It might make them

unmusical. " [5]


Studies have shown that children born to mothers

who ate a lot of fish were slower to talk, walk

and develop fine motor skills and have weaker

memories and attention spans. And the brain

damage is apparently permanent. Follow-up studies

over a decade later showed that their brains had

not recovered.


The tuna industry feels that tuna is being

unfairly singled out and is quick to point out

that " almost all ocean fish and seafood naturally

contain trace levels of mercury. " [6] One such

leading " natural " source is the smoke that pours

from coal-burning plants across the U.S. And this

past Earth Day it was the coal and power industry

executives that were celebrating.


Lost in Bush's " war on terror " is Bush's war on

the Clean Air Act. As part of Bush's " Clear Skies

Initiative, " the Bush White House proposed to

weaken and delay efforts to clean up mercury

emissions from America's power stations, thus

saving millions for their corporate campaign

contributors. The energy industry alone

contributed $40 million to Republican election

campaigns, including $1.3 million directly to

Bush. And they got their money's worth.


Last December as the EPA signed the first

proposal ever to cut mercury emissions from coal

plants, Bush was busy proposing mercury be

delisted as a toxic air pollutant. The EPA was

hoping to cut mercury emissions 90% by 2008. Bush

had a better idea--how about 70% by 2018? Bush's

plan would also allow coal plants to buy and sell

pollution credits; in other words, bigger plants

could buy the right to continue emitting mercury.


At the same time, Bush is applauding Congress for

passing the Unborn Victims of Violence Act, which

makes harm to a fetus a federal crime separate

from harm to the mother. Of course Bush's " Clear

Skies Initiative " is going to mean harm for both.


We have until June 29th to make our voices heard.

Go to http://www.epa.gov/air/mercuryrule/ to

submit comments to the EPA about their proposed

Utility Mercury Reductions Rule.


On a personal level, people can reduce their

exposure to mercury by not eating fish. In a

recent public relations blitz, Chicken of the Sea

International was quick to point out the

heart-healthy benefits of the omega 3's found in

fish. Thankfully people don't need to choose

between mercury poisoning or heart disease.


For adults, mercury overload from eating fish can

cause fatigue and memory loss--something we

clinicians often call " fish fog " . Mercury poisons

the heart and may double one's risk of dying from

a heart attack. In fact, the mercury

contamination in fish and fish oil may be so

extensive that some recent data suggests that it

may cancel out the benefits of the omega 3's in

the fish. There are a number of studies, for

example, showing increased mortality among

fish-eaters, which we think is from the toxic

mercury. Thankfully, plant-based sources of omega

3's provide a safe and healthy alternative.


Our bodies convert some of the short chain omega

3's found in flax seeds, for example, into the

long chain omega 3's found in fish fat, so one

can choose to get omega 3's packaged with soluble

fiber and antioxidants in flax, rather than

getting them packaged with heavy metals and

carcinogens in fish. I recommend everyone eat 2

tablespoons of ground flax seeds a day.


For those who want to take supplemental long

chain omega 3's directly, but don't want to be

exposed to the high concentrations of PCBs and

pesticides in fish oil capsules,[7] there are two

vegan algae-based contamination-free supplements

in veggie-caps currently on the market.[8]


So when a fish-eating woman comes into my office,

I've really got to just put my hand up and say,

" Just the flax, maam. "





B. HIGH Carb Diet for Safe Weight Loss Without Hunger?


Any diet that restricts calorie intake can cause

people to lose weight. Many fad diets accomplish

this be being so restrictive or monotonous that

people end up eating less. But lifelong weight

control requires dietary changes people can

safely and satisfactorily live with for a

lifetime. And high carb diets may fit the bill.


A recent study published in the Archives of

Internal Medicine showed that people randomized

to an all-you-can-eat high carbohydrate diet

actually lost weight.[9] People were provided

with piles of food, 50% more than they needed to

cover daily caloric requirements and were

specifically told to eat as much as they wanted.

Not only did those eating the high carb diets

lose weight, but CT scans of their thighs showed

that while those eating the control diet

increased their percentage body fat, those on the

high carb diet lost thigh fat mass while

preserving muscle mass. And all this despite

exercising less than the control group (who ate

unlimited amounts of a lower-carb, higher-fat

diet). The researchers theorized that the

explanation lay in the fact that

carbohydrate-rich foods tend to be more satiating

and less calorie-dense than higher fat foods.


Proponents of low carb diets like the Atkins Diet

claim that carbs stimulate insulin production,

which leads to increased fat storage and

decreased fat breakdown. Studies like this one in

fact show exactly the opposite. Reputable

scientific organizations like the American

College of Sports Medicine, the American Heart

Association, and the American Dietetics

Association have all issued statements that

high-protein high-fat low-carbohydrate diets are

not only mostly ineffective, but may in fact

cause harm.


By eating a whole foods plant-based diet one can

control one's weight without risking one's health.





C. Insulin Sensitivity and Vegetarianism


Impaired insulin sensitivity sets people up for a

whole host of life-threatening problems,

including obesity, hypertension, atherosclerosis,

and diabetes. It is also thought to be at the

heart of so-called syndrome X (now called

metabolic syndrome) affecting 50 million



A new study in China compared the insulin

sensitivity of vegetarians and meateaters, and

even though the vegetarians were on average years

older than the meateaters, the vegetarians were

significantly more insulin sensitive. Yet another

clue to explain why vegetarians have so much less

cardiac mortality. And the longer the research

subjects were vegetarian, the better their values



The researchers summarize: " In conclusion, the

vegetarian diets had significant beneficial

effects on insulin sensitivity of subjects in a

low-risk population. The degree of beneficial

effects appeared to be correlated with years on a

vegetarian diet. " [11]


It seems vegetarians are sensitive in more ways than one. :)





D. Skim Milk Versus Soy Milk: Head to Head


Last month researchers in Brazil studied the

effects of skim cow milk consumption compared to

soy milk consumption using what's called a

double-blind randomized crossover study. People

were randomly split into two groups and given

four cups of either soy milk or skim milk to

drink every day. The milks were identically

packaged and flavored such that neither the

research subjects nor the researchers knew who

was drinking which. Then at six weeks the skim

milk group was secretly switched to soy and vice

versa. So after 3 months each participant had

spent 6 weeks on soy and six on skim in random

order. The codes were broken and data tallied:

Soy won hands down.


When the subjects were drinking soy milk, their

bad cholesterol went down and their good

cholesterol went up (exactly the reverse of what

happened when they were drinking milk from a

cow). The amount of rancid fat circulating in

their blood stream (a further risk factor for

heart disease) was also reduced drinking the soy

milk (and marginally higher drinking cow milk).


The American Heart Association recommends people

switch from whole milk to skim milk. But this new

research suggests that it would be much healthier

for people to wean themselves from bovine milk

altogether and switch from veal milk to real

milk--soy milk.[12]





E. Iron Status of Young Vegan Women


Iron deficiency is considered the most common

nutrient deficiency in the world. In the United

States, up to 1 in 25 menstruating women are so

iron deficient that their bodies can't produce

enough blood and they become anemic.


The iron in animal blood is generally absorbed

better in the digestive tract than the iron in

plants, so there was a concern that people who

didn't eat or drink blood - vegetarians -- would

have higher rates of iron deficiency anemia.

Thankfully the concern was unfounded, as

vegetarians have been shown to generally have the

same rates of iron deficiency anemia as



The latest from the German Vegan Study was just

published and showed that 4% of vegan women had

iron deficiency anemia,[13] the same rate of

anemia we see generally here in the U.S.[14] But

just because vegans don't have worse rates than

meateaters here doesn't mean much, because

meateaters have such crappy rates in the first



All menstruating women, vegan or not, should be

screened for anemia between 15 and 25 years of

age. They should then consider getting rescreened

once every 5 to 10 years, unless they have a lot

of kids, frequently donate blood, have heavy

periods, live in poverty or were previously

diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia, in which

case they should consider getting screened more







II. MAD COW DISEASE: Comment Deadline Extended to May 7th


So if anyone missed a chance to send the USDA

comments on their proposed mad cow regulations,

the USDA announced that they were going to

extend the deadline for comments until May 7th,



So please go to


for information about the regulations and how to

contact USDA.








Just finished filming a new DVD on Friday -- a

lecture/cooking show based on my " Stopping Cancer

Before it Starts " talk. It's hard for me to gauge

how well it went without an audience, but I

should have it out and available by July and

everyone can tell me how I did. I'm just so

excited that it's done! I also have a mad cow

talk DVD currently in press.


Now that those are out of the way I've basically

cleared the next few months to finish the vegan

nutrition book whose writing was so rudely

interrupted by the mad cow in Washington. A very

generous activist is graciously welcoming me into

their home in Massachusetts to spend the Summer

writing. Then in July I'll be at Vegetarian

Summerfest and AR2004 and, assuming the book is

done, go back on the road speaking for another

year or so starting in the Fall. I'm getting

tired just thinking about it. :)






VI. MAILBAG: " I heard that a study showed that

soy didn't prevent breast cancer "


Back in February, there was this Dutch study

published that followed thousands of women for a

few years and found that those who ate the most

phytoestrogens did NOT have lower rates of breast

cancer, as might be expected. So a reader wrote

me and asked why I didn't mention that study in

any of my newsletters.


Sometimes you have to really dig to discover

flaws in experimental design; other times it's a

bit more obvious. Phytoestrogen intake in the

Netherlands? To study a nutrient you need a good

range of intake levels. How much soy do Dutch

women eat? Not much, it turns out.


The group with the highest intake was eating

0.5mg of isoflavones a day; the group with the

lowest intake was eating 0.3mg a day. That means

they were comparing people who drank like a

single spoonful of soy milk a day to people who

drank like half a spoonful. Or comparing people

who ate like 1.5 grams of tofu to people who only

ate1 gram of tofu a day (a gram is the weight of

a paper clip). And they're surprised they didn't

find any difference in breast cancer rates?


Listen to how this study was described in the press, though:


" Dietary Isoflavones Not Linked to Breast Cancer "

" High intake of isoflavones does not increase risk of breast cancer " [15]

" Study Shows Reduction in Breast Cancer Risk Not

Seen Even if Started at Early Age "

" You may have heard that diets rich in soy that

contain phytoestrogen help protect against breast

cancer. Now, new research from The Netherlands

indicatesŠ [no] protective effect. " [16]


So always take media reports of studies with a

grain of salt, or, at the very least shoot me an

email and I'd be happy to check it out.







(Full text of specific articles available by

emailing article-request)

[1] Environmental Health Perspectives 112(April 2004).

[2] Connecticut Post (Bridgeport, CT). March 20, 2004.

[3] The Boston Globe. March 20, 2004.

[4] USA TODAY. March 22, 2004.

[5] Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (Wisconsin). April 12, 2004.

[6] Greenwire. March 22, 2004.

[7] Times Newspapers Limited, January 11, 2004

[8] http://veganessentials.com/ and http://drfurhman.com/

[9] Archives of Internal Medicine 164(2004):210.

[10] JAMA 287(2002):356.

[11] European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 58(2004)312.

[12] Nutrition 20(2004):200.

[13] Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism 48(2994):103.

[14] Centers for Disease Control MMWR 51(2002);897.

[15] http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/468113

[16] http://content.health.msn.com/content/article/81/96999.htm






If anyone missed previous months, check out my

newsletter archive at



Until next month,

peace, love, and kale,




(206) 312-8640




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HEART FAILURE: Diary of a Third Year Medical

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The thinker that most changed my life: Noam Chomsky


The single article that most changed my life:


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