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Round up friends to buy BK veggie burgers

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I agree with this even though they are sold by a huge fast food joint. Why? Because it gives the general public a veggie option and they (the large companies) can best open up the minds of much of the public and have the where with all to promote this option.


That said, this is what I do: Since I don't eat the veggie burgers because I tend towards the organic whole foods route and I avoid wheat...when I pass by, I buy two of them and then give them to anyone on the street who looks like they might appreciate some food. Here, there are a lot of these unfortunate folks and every one of them have been happy to recieve this.





In a message dated 5/28/04 3:36:52 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

"Anna Blaine" <annacblaineFW: Round up your friends and take a trip to your local Burger King for some BK Veggie burgersI'm just forwarding this because of our recent conversation on veggie burgers. I'm not suggesting that people eat at Burger King.Love,Anna>"PETA" <newsmanager><annacblaine>Round up your friends and take a trip to your local Burger King >for some BK Veggie burgers>Thu, 27 May 2004 15:30:38 -0500>>Dear Friend,>This is a reminder to please round up your friends and take a trip to your >local Burger King for some BK Veggie burgers. The BK Veggie >features a flame-broiled veggie burger made from a delicious blend of >vegetables, whole grains, and spices, topped with lettuce and tomatoes >(hold the mayo), on a sesame seed bun. And yes, the bun and burger are >vegan!>>By adding a veggie burger to its menu, Burger King is setting an example >for the rest of the fast-food industry and making vegetarianism a more >convenient option for mainstream society. It is essential that we support >the restaurant's efforts to provide a more compassionate, health-conscious >alternative for consumers.>>For more information on the BK Veggie, please visit >PETAEats.com/out-bk.asp.>>And please let us know if you encounter a Burger King that doesn't have the >BK Veggie so that we can work with Burger King executives to make sure >that every Burger King location continues to carry it.>>Yours sincerely,>>Alex Arbogast>Vegan Campaigns>

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Hi Fraggle


I do agree with what you say. We have been to one good fast food place - V1 in Nottingham. It's a veggie fast food cafe about 99% vegan. It is quite handy when travelling.






Friday, May 28, 2004 5:02 PM

Re: Re: Round up friends to buy BK veggie burgers

while i admire yer goodness in givin out food to those who look hungry/are without, etc..i fer one can never ever eat at one of those places..ever again...as a kid, i of course luved em...it seemed like the greatest thing in the universe...but...i haven't been inside a mcdonalds er their ilk in..gawd...16 yrs? 18yrs??..something like that..imo, fast food restuarants are a pariah..a disease...i loathe them..and everything they gleefully stand for.it still bugs the livin sh*t out of me when vegans and veggies harp constantly about not being able to go out where everyone else does....yes, it is horrible to have to search fer a place you can actually eat at, without resorting to a plate of limp iceburg lettuce and olive oil..but..methinks we put waaaaaaay toooo much emphasis on tryin to fit in and be like everyone else, and have the same things everyone else does...i'm sorry..i can't support the scum suckin leech maggots of mcdeathburger et al, even if they do come out with something geared toward *us*..if you buy their overprocessed garbage, you are still buying into their game plan, supporting their bloated earth raping corporation, which still serves billions of pounds of seared dead flesh every year...to me, its like if the nazi's had decided that, ok, we'll put up some curtains in the barracks fer the jews/gypsies/whomever else they decied to lock up, and let them have a smidge more food, and had them beautify their work camps..while behind them the smokestacks still belched their death into the air..see..everything better...those stormtroopers aren't sooo bad..they made life a little better fer those prisoners over there...see..they got a flower pot..no no no..pay no attention to those smokestacks and the cries of the dead..they are just pining for the fjords...*rolls eyes*as far as i'm concerned, and again, this is just my lil ol thoughts, they don't mean a whole hill of old tofu in reality...but...even if murder king and mcdeathburger suddenly announced tomorrow that their whole menu would go vegan(hurrah!), i couldn't trust em, wouldn't trust em....even if they came out with this whole "healthy" menu..ITS STILL THEM!!! ..sure, maybe its a vegan burger..yum yum..but it would be produced by the same soul less mega corp whose main goal apparantly is to spread its uniform blandness throughout the McWorld, it would still be a tasteless burger filled with tons of unneeded chemicals, from GMO grain harvested from fields covered in pesticides that had once been rainforests...the burger would be some cardboard overprocessed piece of garbage laden with presevatives and stuck on some glutonous air puffed stale bun that had to be shipped upteen billion miles, the lettuce would have come from some flippin monsanto owned labor camp in central america and s! pray painted with green dye #72, etc and so forth..they'd find a way to turn something good er better into some heinous evil bent twisted disaster, because THAT IS WOT THEY ARE!..they can't help it..its their corporate mission...they would just as happily blanket the world in vegan mcdonalds if that was where they could make $$$..but it would be some monstrous thing, *vegan* only in name,,,,sorry..to me, vegan isn't just about not eatin animals*shrug*everyone is different...and we all take it to different levels...it is IMPOSSIBLE to be totally vegan and live in western society...something, somewhere died under that road tarmac you drove over today, etc and so forth...its all on where you want to take it...where you go..its a personal journey..some vegans happily eat lays potato chips and Subway sandwiches all day...others go raw..its all up to you...sure..i eat the pseudo meats..and bacchus help me, i'm sure i'm tossin money down the gullet of some evil cow killin corporation along the way...i'm not perfect..never ever said that..i'm got faults a mile wide, and those are the smaller ones...in this day and age, it seems most of the smaller vegan food companies(er clothes, er..) get swallowed up whole by some other corporation...i'm sure Silk soymilk looks good in the portfolio of Dean foods, right next to their slaughterhouses and dairy factory farms....i understand the argument PETA and others make..about showin the world how good our food can be, about makin it easily accessible, about makin little changes in the way *they* do business...i just don't buy into em..i can't..something inside me screams its wrong somehow...sorry...its just hard fer me i guess..why do *we* have to be like them???why do *we* have to join in their reindeer games??screw it..forge yer own path...ya know..sometimes i can't help but think, we don't need em..as they go about in their gas snorting SUV's, toolin down the road on their way to Mcdeathburger, singin the "i'm lovin it" song from the commercial..is that the future of veganism??to be just another commodity in their consumerist world? another number on the accountants spread sheet???is that all there is???fraggle*go eat a piece of fruit!* To send an email to -

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there's just something about fast food and its whole concept that

urks me...

big time

everything has to be faster and faster in our society...

someone said that " instant gratification wasn't fast enough anymore "


our food has to be overprocessed, cooked fer us, reheated a dozen

times, so we can go thru the drive thru, and eat it while scurrying

from one pointless place to another, in our little moving metal

boxes, while squawkin on a cell phone, the drippin death burger

balanced on our lap, as we scream at other drivers who's drivin

offends us....



dang..who left that soap box out again....


, " Heartwork " <Heartwork@o...> wrote:

> Hi Fraggle


> I do agree with what you say. We have been to one good fast food

place - V1 in Nottingham. It's a veggie fast food cafe about 99%

vegan. It is quite handy when travelling.


> Jo


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Hey! Give me back the soap box!

I was just about to go off on about the same rant about fast food and

McDeath, etc., but you beat me to it. :)

Food and the sharing of food has had a central place in human culture

for a hell of a lot time. The culture we live in (McWorld) is

drastically changing that. I fear for us all.




, " fraggle " <EBbrewpunx@c...> wrote:

> there's just something about fast food and its whole concept that

> urks me...

> big time

> everything has to be faster and faster in our society...

> someone said that " instant gratification wasn't fast enough anymore "


> our food has to be overprocessed, cooked fer us, reheated a dozen

> times, so we can go thru the drive thru, and eat it while scurrying

> from one pointless place to another, in our little moving metal

> boxes, while squawkin on a cell phone, the drippin death burger

> balanced on our lap, as we scream at other drivers who's drivin

> offends us....


> *sigh*

> dang..who left that soap box out again....

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In a message dated 5/28/04 4:13:04 PM Pacific Daylight Time, SamADemers writes:


where is nottingham jo?


thats where king john has the sheriff beat up da poor, and robin hood and lil john steal it back

heh heh

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I must say i did not read that whole e-mail that you wrote fraggle, sorry. i think i know everything that was probably written in there though anyways. but i wanted to comment...i saw a movie a couple days ago...supersize me. it is a documentary about a guy who eats mcdonalds food for 30 days. he got so sick, one of the doctors were saying he may die too. hopefully that movie will get people to stop eating at fast food places.


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Is this the chap who decided to make a documentary and live totally off McDonalds food for 30 days to see what the health effects were. His blood profiles were very bad afterwards and he put on 40 lb. His vegan girlfriend then put him on a strict vegan detox diet, and after three months his profile was almost healthy again.




Re: Re: Round up friends to buy BK veggie burgers


I must say i did not read that whole e-mail that you wrote fraggle, sorry. i think i know everything that was probably written in there though anyways. but i wanted to comment...i saw a movie a couple days ago...supersize me. it is a documentary about a guy who eats mcdonalds food for 30 days. he got so sick, one of the doctors were saying he may die too. hopefully that movie will get people to stop eating at fast food places.




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My kids (almost 13 and 15) went to see this last weekend with their

friends. They've been talking about it pretty much nonstop. It's

pretty cool, in their social circle at least, to be anti-fastfood.

From what I've heard the guy is pretty amusing to watch and the

movie really hits home.



, " Peter " <metalscarab@o...> wrote:

> Is this the chap who decided to make a documentary and live

totally off McDonalds food for 30 days to see what the health

effects were. His blood profiles were very bad afterwards and he

put on 40 lb. His vegan girlfriend then put him on a strict vegan

detox diet, and after three months his profile was almost healthy



> Jo

> Re: Re: Round up friends to buy BK veggie




> I must say i did not read that whole e-mail that you wrote

fraggle, sorry. i think i know everything that was probably written

in there though anyways. but i wanted to comment...i saw a movie a

couple days ago...supersize me. it is a documentary about a guy who

eats mcdonalds food for 30 days. he got so sick, one of the doctors

were saying he may die too. hopefully that movie will get people to

stop eating at fast food places.

> -samantha



> -



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That sounds as though it could be helpful if enough people get to see it.





> My kids (almost 13 and 15) went to see this last weekend with their

> friends. They've been talking about it pretty much nonstop. It's

> pretty cool, in their social circle at least, to be anti-fastfood.

> From what I've heard the guy is pretty amusing to watch and the

> movie really hits home.

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In a message dated 6/1/04 10:25:09 AM Pacific Daylight Time, swpgh01 writes:

but I have started digging a tunnel to an alternative dimension where the air smells blue and the sky is sweet.....


sounds like a good idea...

don't forget to brace those side walls well..it wouldn't do if it all came crashin down....


i'm still lookin fer the big rock candy mountain myself...

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Fraggle, my fury friend, you sure did say a mouthful!

and yes, that is all there is.............

but I have started digging a tunnel to an alternative dimension where the air smells blue and the sky is sweet.......

In the mean time...

To all the burgler pushers,

Your time will come my friends, Karma.

To all the burgler junkies

Don`t believe the hype, " I`m Lovin` It"?!?!?!?!? No I bleedin` well aint pal!

and niether are my pals at bovine university.

See you on the streets


The Valley VeganEBbrewpunx wrote:

while i admire yer goodness in givin out food to those who look hungry/are without, etc..i fer one can never ever eat at one of those places..ever again...as a kid, i of course luved em...it seemed like the greatest thing in the universe...but...i haven't been inside a mcdonalds er their ilk in..gawd...16 yrs? 18yrs??..something like that..imo, fast food restuarants are a pariah..a disease...i loathe them..and everything they gleefully stand for.it still bugs the livin sh*t out of me when vegans and veggies harp constantly about not being able to go out where everyone else does....yes, it is horrible to have to search fer a place you can actually eat at, without resorting to a plate of limp iceburg lettuce and olive oil..but..methinks we put waaaaaaay toooo much emphasis on

tryin to fit in and be like everyone else, and have the same things everyone else does...i'm sorry..i can't support the scum suckin leech maggots of mcdeathburger et al, even if they do come out with something geared toward *us*..if you buy their overprocessed garbage, you are still buying into their game plan, supporting their bloated earth raping corporation, which still serves billions of pounds of seared dead flesh every year...to me, its like if the nazi's had decided that, ok, we'll put up some curtains in the barracks fer the jews/gypsies/whomever else they decied to lock up, and let them have a smidge more food, and had them beautify their work camps..while behind them the smokestacks still belched their death into the air..see..everything better...those stormtroopers aren't sooo bad..they made life a little better fer those prisoners over there...see..they got a flower pot..no no no..pay no attention to those smokestacks and the cries of the dead..they are just

pining for the fjords...*rolls eyes*as far as i'm concerned, and again, this is just my lil ol thoughts, they don't mean a whole hill of old tofu in reality...but...even if murder king and mcdeathburger suddenly announced tomorrow that their whole menu would go vegan(hurrah!), i couldn't trust em, wouldn't trust em....even if they came out with this whole "healthy" menu..ITS STILL THEM!!! ..sure, maybe its a vegan burger..yum yum..but it would be produced by the same soul less mega corp whose main goal apparantly is to spread its uniform blandness throughout the McWorld, it would still be a tasteless burger filled with tons of unneeded chemicals, from GMO grain harvested from fields covered in pesticides that had once been rainforests...the burger would be some cardboard overprocessed piece of garbage laden with presevatives and stuck on some glutonous air puffed stale bun that had to be shipped upteen billion miles, the lettuce would have come from some flippin monsanto

owned labor camp in central america and spray painted with green dye #72, etc and so forth..they'd find a way to turn something good er better into some heinous evil bent twisted disaster, because THAT IS WOT THEY ARE!..they can't help it..its their corporate mission...they would just as happily blanket the world in vegan mcdonalds if that was where they could make $$$..but it would be some monstrous thing, *vegan* only in name,,,,sorry..to me, vegan isn't just about not eatin animals*shrug*everyone is different...and we all take it to different levels...it is IMPOSSIBLE to be totally vegan and live in western society...something, somewhere died under that road tarmac you drove over today, etc and so forth...its all on where you want to take it...where you go..its a personal journey..some vegans happily eat lays potato chips and Subway sandwiches all day...others go raw..its all up to you...sure..i eat the pseudo meats..and bacchus help me, i'm sure

i'm tossin money down the gullet of some evil cow killin corporation along the way...i'm not perfect..never ever said that..i'm got faults a mile wide, and those are the smaller ones...in this day and age, it seems most of the smaller vegan food companies(er clothes, er..) get swallowed up whole by some other corporation...i'm sure Silk soymilk looks good in the portfolio of Dean foods, right next to their slaughterhouses and dairy factory farms....i understand the argument PETA and others make..about showin the world how good our food can be, about makin it easily accessible, about makin little changes in the way *they* do business...i just don't buy into em..i can't..something inside me screams its wrong somehow...sorry...its just hard fer me i guess..why do *we* have to be like them???why do *we* have to join in their reindeer games??screw it..forge yer own path...ya know..sometimes i can't help but think, we don't need em..as they go about in

their gas snorting SUV's, toolin down the road on their way to Mcdeathburger, singin the "i'm lovin it" song from the commercial..is that the future of veganism??to be just another commodity in their consumerist world? another number on the accountants spread sheet???is that all there is???fraggle*go eat a piece of fruit!* To send an email to -

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