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Mad cow

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the biggest and scariest thing is

that we don't know what the % infection turns to death in humans


I am talking from memory here so don't quote me

but the prion disease that causes mad cow and CJD

is 100% fatal to chinchilla

and 5-10% fatal to dogs

sheep about 30%

cows about 25%

AND the incubation rate is relative to the lifespan of the animal..

so in other words when infected meat or animal product is consumed say in

Chinchilla who's natural lifespan is only about 2-5 years they will be overcome very quickly within a year or two

in humans where our life span is much longer it may take 20-30 years or more

there was a major contamination of the beef around about 1984 in the

UK where as several animals that were showing symptoms of mad cow (not yet named then)

were RE-processed into cattle feed and fed back to the herd they ended up destroying Millions of cows

as we all know... but think about it NO government would destroy that many high dollar animals

unless the fear of a greater outbreak was possible. the extent of humans who ate contaminated meat

is unknown but could be as high as 95% of the population of the UK not to mention the beef that was sent to Europe.

if we followed the chinchilla example well ....yikes..

if we follow the dog then still we are talking 300,000 people.


my grandparents both contracted Alzheimer's at the same time (within months of each other)

they both died in the 1980's.

I never gave it another thought till I started recently reading about CJD

the problem is that Cows Have been fed to other Cows since the 1950's

and this whole Twisted cannibal attitude has persisted.


so who is to say there haven't been other outbreaks here and there in the past and gone unrecognised

there are several Doctors and scientists who do believe that

this is a natural occurring condition in cows and happens to about 1-1,000,000

so the chance of catching still occur but are rare in the old days

but now they are reprocessing the down cows into cattle food so the infection rate per cow can be as low as 1 -50

the thought makes me ILL to say the least.


well enough babbling

I am glad to be Vegan wish I had been all my life

take care



This is so scary. I can barely think of the implications. Are we going to have an epidemic? its already here...its already herehas been...the thing about nvCrustfeld/Jacob..it takes years if not decades to show up many a time...look at all those Alzheimer patients.....

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just want to say I hope you get elected

the US congress could use a few dozen Vegans in order to put our point across

as I live in Australia it's a bit hard to vote for you though

good luck

all the best


Jack Truman [equalitarian2003]Saturday, May 29, 2004 4:25 AM Subject: Re: Mad cow

Yes, this is scary.


It's terrible what is happening. The best way to avoid this is to keep from eating animal products. Period.




Jack Truman Jack Truman for Congress U.S. Congress Democratic Candidate 7th District Southwest Missouri 417-398-2800 http://trumanforcongress.tripod.com lv2breathe wrote:



This is so scary. I can barely think of the implications. Are we going to have an epidemic? That would mean many of my family members would be affected. And you know, even those who are veg, but who have had gelatin capsules (however I avoid them) could be affected. Yikes...too scary.




In a message dated 5/28/04 3:36:52 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

[vegan] MAD COW WHISTLEBLOWER tells his story..REQUESTS MEDIAATTENTIOIN TO HUGE PROBLEMSubj: MAD COW WHISTLEBLOWER tells his story..REQUESTS MEDIA ATTENTIOIN TOHUGE PROBLEM5/26/04 11:37:10 PM Eastern Daylight Time-----DAVE LOUTHAN ASKING FOR HELP---- HE KILLED THE "MAD COW" - DID THEWHISTLEBLOWER THING FOR US & WANTS MEDIA COVERAGE...THIS STORY NEEDS TO BE"OUT THERE"!LET'S NETWORK THIS ALL OVER THE WORLD! Thanks, Shoshanna===================================Maddddcowhttp://www.davelouthan.orgBovine Spongiform Encephelopathy...Mad Cow...right from the horses mouth !!!5/26/04 2:58:09 AM Eastern Daylight TimeRather interesting "first hand" email on "mad cow" and how it is gettinginto the food supply, even organic beef... it mentions the possible"hidden" sources, like gelatin pearls and capsules (made from bovinesources) that are used for vitamin supplements, and bovine ingredients usedin make-up products. While I tend to believe that these kinds of politicsare going on, I would like to get my hands on some facts that can be used asan information sheet. David W.Hi friends.Dave Louthan here. I'm the guy that killed that mad cow.I killed that cow Dec.9. It was processed into hamburger along with 50 othercows and shipped to 8 states and it was eaten by 1000's of people. Some ofthose people will contract BSE and die.We took a brain sample from that cow and gave it to the USDA the day wekilled her. It took the USDA 2 weeks to get the results back from the lab inAimes, Iowa. It only took us 1 day to get that meat to market.Here's a curious thing. At the time when everybody was up in arms about thatcow being shipped and eaten the USDA said it couldn't be helped because thetest they used takes two weeks to get a result. Now they are saying that any"non-negatives" also known as positives that turn up during the new testprocedures using the fast test will be sent to Aimes to be retested usingthe same test they used on my cow. But now that exact same test will beready in 24 to 48 hours.Here's another curious. During the 2 weeks after we killed the mad cow andbefore it was announced, for no apparent reason, the cattle futures marketwent crazy. It was as if somebody at the USDA called some of her cow tradingfriends and had them buy short and sell long. Yet another investigation isunderway.Out of an "abundance of caution" the USDA blocked the import of all beeffrom Canada after the discovery of a mad cow there. That was in May of 2003.That day at Vern's Moses Lake Meat we had a couple of dozen steers andheifers in the pens. They all had Canadian ear tags. We asked the USDAinspector what to do with them. He made a phone call. He informed us after ashort time that the USDA had decided that all Canadian cattle that were onthis side of the border were safe to eat. We slaughtered them and a flood ofCanadians in the days that followed. No BSE testing was done.Here is something that ought to scare the hell out of anybody who hascontinued to eat hamburgers since word of the mad cow epidemic came out. Wehave been sliding into the burger stands and ordering up what we thought wasgood safe U.S. hamburger. After all BSE is a Canadian problem. Our mad cowwas a Canadian. We didn't do anymore testing so the BSE won't be able tofind us. What we didn't know was the USDA secretly let they're friends inthe meat business smuggle in 30,000,000 pounds of Canadian hamburger.Untested hamburger. Hamburger from a place that not even the USDA can denyis contaminated with BSE. 30,000,000 pounds = 120,000,000 quarter poundhamburgers. That's one mad cow sandwich for exactly half the people in theUnited States.If you have had a hamburger in the last year you have probably got a bellyfull of prions. These prions are small and tough. They go through yourstomach lining into your blood stream. From there they find nerve tissue inyour spinal cord, brain stem, and brain. They live there for a few yearseating and multiplying until a few prions turn into billions and then theyget down to some serious brain consumption.You will be moody and unproductive at first. Then you will become verydepressed. You will walk funny and be uncoordinated. Your family will thinkyou're drunk or have a drug problem. A visit to the doctor will reveal abrain problem. It will be called genetic or spontaneous. The medicos and thegovernment will be falling all over themselves to deny it's madcow. Thedoctors do not want to do an autopsy because they may be exposed to thedisease and the government won't let them because it might spoil the beefbusiness. You'll fall into a coma and you will die, but not before yourfamily has been buried in hospital bills. Better start saving.A mad cow was found in San Angelo, Texas at a slaughter house. The USDA vetcalled the district office to see if he could test it. No absolutely not.Kill it and get it out of there quick. Word slipped out. Apparently I'm notthe only whistle blower out here.The USDA said well yes we did have a little procedure problem there butdon't worry that cow never made it into the food chain.That is the exact same thing they said about my cow. Don'tworry, they say that cow was sent to the rendering plant and made into pigfood, pet food, and cosmetics. If you don't eat meat but you do wear makeupor you take medicine in capsules or gel caps you are also in danger ofcontracting BSE. The gel in the gel cap is made from rendered mad cows.Pig Feed. They say it's OK to feed mad cows to pigs because they don't thinkpigs get mad cow. Dr Stanley Pruisner, the man who discovered prions hastold us ALL mammals can get mad cow.A farmer needs some feed for his cows.He goes to the feed store. A sack of cow feed is $14.59. A sack of pig feedis $6.29. He knows the cows can't read. What do you think he is going tobuy. Nobody is going to follow him home and make sure he gives that feed topigs.His cows are now contaminated. They look perfectly healthy but inside theirbrains they are developing little pink holes. They'll go to slaughter and notests will be done because we don't do that. The meat will be cut intosteaks and go to the butcher shop. You will go in and you'll ask the butcherif the meat is safe. Of course it is. This is Organic meat from Oregon. Itcosts more but it's worth it because it's Organic. Sure itis.....suuuuurrrrrrreeeeee it is.Here is the whole point of this tale. 5 months have gone by since I killedthe mad cow. 5 months. The USDA has not tested one single solitary beefgoing into your dinner. Not one. Some meat companies have tried to, butMadame Secretary Ann Veneman and her henchmen at the USDA stomped them flat!!There is no way they are going to let another mad cow surface. The idea wasto hold out long e nough that the world, starved of good American beef,would fold and start importing our beef again. That didn't happen.Mexico did cave in. Dr. DeHaven, henchman #1, says all the riskier meat theUSDA was smuggling in from Canada was destined for Mexico so it should causeno one here concern. Sorry Senior.Better pick your ministers a little more careful next time. That one soldyou out.The Big Four meat packers bought the USDA lock, stock, andbarrel. The USDA-Food Safety Inspection Service carefully examines each madcow and passes it, if it has no other problems. It's processed into nicelywrapped pieces of meat. You take it home and eat it. The more you eat themore prions you get.I want to stop this mad cow madness. You can help me. I have talked to allthe newspapers and radio and internet shows until I am blue in the face. Iwent to Olympia, Washington and talked to the Legislature and they changedthe law.I went to Sacramento, California and talked to the Senate. They are changingtheir law. That law allows the meat packers in Ca. to test they're beef forBSE. Soon California will own the export business and the beef raisers therewill be mega rich. But for the life of me I can't get any network attention.If I could just get the word out on the evening news andsome of our favorite daytime talk shows I know I could get this fixed. Ifyou would be kind enough to start calling CBS, NBC, ABC, and FOX and tellthem who I am and that I have something that needs to be said.Call your Congressperson and tell them that I'm still here and squawking myhead off and I need to get into the hearings in D.C. They know me. I talk tothem all on the phone and often. I have taught them what questions to askbut that isnot the same as standing at the podium and spewing out the cold hard truth.Any help you people can give me on this will help all of us. If you can helpget me there I can take the heat. I can't get there alone. I need all thehelp I can get. Take care friends. DaveREAD THIS:DON'T trust USDA about mad cowSeattle Post Intelligencer - Seattle,WA,USAAmid concerns about beef's safety, the US Department of Agriculture hasconsistently sent a clear message: Trust us. We've got mad cow diseaseunder control. ...http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/opinion/174478_beefed.htmlMaddddcowhttp://www.davelouthan.org

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Jack Truman Jack Truman, Vegan for Congress

U.S. Congressional Candidate


Southwest Missouri 7th District

(417) 398-2800







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