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We just got back from seeing Fahrenheit 9/11. I'm a little disappointed really as it just skimmed the surface - still I suppose it will be a revelation to some people.



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I haven't seen that yet - I'm most curious about the Bush/Bin Laden

family connections I've heard it goes into.... Any high points to pass

on on that?



On Fri, 23 Jul 2004 7:08pm, Jo wrote:

> We just got back from seeing Fahrenheit 9/11. I'm a little

> disappointed really as it just skimmed the surface - still I suppose it

> will be a revelation to some people.


> Jo


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Hi Gaije


> I haven't seen that yet - I'm most curious about the Bush/Bin Laden

> family connections I've heard it goes into.... Any high points to pass

> on on that?


Personally, I didn't think it went far enough into the Bush / Bin Laden

family connections, or any of the other dubious Bush & Cheney connections.

In the film, it really only briefly mentions the Carlyle Group and

Haliburton, commenting how a large number of Bush's early oil business

ventures were funded by the Bin Laden family. Some of the things I was

disappointed it didn't mention...


1. That the Bin Laden Construction Group have won several very lucrative

building contracts from the US governments under Bush Sr and Bush Jr,

including the re-building of one American embassy which was destroyed by

Osama Bin Laden.


2. No mention at all of Bilderburg, Bohemian Grove or Skull and Bones

(probably because there was a bit of an attempt to make Clinton look like a

nice guy and he's also involved in those three groups).


3. Very little on the failings of the US government which allowed the

September 11 attacks to happen (including the command specifically not to

follow usual intercept procedures for when aircraft transponder signals



4. The fact that no-one is allowed to inspect the rubble of the Trade Centre

in order to understand exactly how the buildings collapsed (the suggestion

that the collapse was caused by the impacts and jet-fuel burning and melting

steel is highly dubious as jet fuel doesn't burn at a hot enough temperature

to melt steel) - and the fact that it's kept under armed guard by the same

company that keeps the Oklahoma rubble under armed guard to prevent the same

investigations into that.


5. The financial connections between Cheney and Unocal... i.e. the fact that

Cheney made a significant amount from the outcome of the war in Afghanistan

(and Unocal's use of slave labour in Burma, which Cheney shrugged off by

saying something along the lines of " when you do business in other

countries, you can't always apply American values).


And quite a bit more which I can't think of off the top of my head!!!


Still, hopefully the film will introduce a large number of people to ideas

that maybe haven't been made as public as they should have been in the past,

and hopefully people will start to look a bit deeper and understand just how

corrupt people like Bush, Blair & co are.




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OK - Here's what I'm most curious about from your post: First:

Bilderburg & Bohemian Grove? No Clue... And the bit about guarding of

WTC & Oklahoma City rubble... If the official explanations thought to be

sketchy by people who know about these things, what do they think might

more likely have happened?


Since the last election, I've gone with a kind of willful ignorance

about these kinds of details, as it's all just too depressing for words

- Bush is hideous, and each new discovery of a new level of

hideousness.... Well, doesn't make me feel any better about the state of

the world....



On Sat, 24 Jul 2004 6:23am, Peter wrote:

> Hi Gaije

> I haven't seen that yet - I'm most curious about the Bush/Bin Laden

> family connections I've heard it goes into.... Any high points to pass

> on on that?

Personally, I didn't think it went far enough into the Bush / Bin Laden

family connections, or any of the other dubious Bush & Cheney


In the film, it really only briefly mentions the Carlyle Group and

Haliburton, commenting how a large number of Bush's early oil business

ventures were funded by the Bin Laden family. Some of the things I was

disappointed it didn't mention...

1. That the Bin Laden Construction Group have won several very


building contracts from the US governments under Bush Sr and Bush Jr,

including the re-building of one American embassy which was destroyed


Osama Bin Laden.

2. No mention at all of Bilderburg, Bohemian Grove or Skull and Bones

(probably because there was a bit of an attempt to make Clinton look

like a

nice guy and he's also involved in those three groups).

3. Very little on the failings of the US government which allowed the

September 11 attacks to happen (including the command specifically not


follow usual intercept procedures for when aircraft transponder signals


4. The fact that no-one is allowed to inspect the rubble of the Trade


in order to understand exactly how the buildings collapsed (the


that the collapse was caused by the impacts and jet-fuel burning and


steel is highly dubious as jet fuel doesn't burn at a hot enough


to melt steel) - and the fact that it's kept under armed guard by the


company that keeps the Oklahoma rubble under armed guard to prevent the


investigations into that.

5. The financial connections between Cheney and Unocal... i.e. the fact


Cheney made a significant amount from the outcome of the war in


(and Unocal's use of slave labour in Burma, which Cheney shrugged off


saying something along the lines of " when you do business in other

countries, you can't always apply American values).

And quite a bit more which I can't think of off the top of my head!!!

Still, hopefully the film will introduce a large number of people to


that maybe haven't been made as public as they should have been in the


and hopefully people will start to look a bit deeper and understand just


corrupt people like Bush, Blair & co are.



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Hi Gaije


> OK - Here's what I'm most curious about from your post: First:

> Bilderburg & Bohemian Grove? No Clue...


Two highly dodgy organisations... Bilderburg is a group that have an annual

meeting, usually at some incredibly expensive hotel. For several years they

actually denied that there was even a meeting going on, but it became pretty

clear after a few years when a particularly expensive hotel (it changes

location each year) completely closed its doors to the public for three or

four days, was surrounded by the tightest security ever known, and had a

vast number of very influential politicians and businessmen arriving in

droves. Because this is all behind closed doors, no-one except those

involved knows what is discussed, but when you have that many highly

influential people in one place, you can bet that pretty much most of the

political manouevering for the following year is decided upon!


Bohemian Grove is even more dodgy. It's a little island where, again, a vast

number of highly influential people meet for a " summer retreat " . Again,

highly guarded, and highly secretive. Someone managed to get in with a

hidden video camera a couple of years ago, and found out at least a bit of

what goes on... people such as good ole fundamentalist Christian George

Bush, Dick Cheney, Tony Blair, Peter Mandelsohn, etc. etc. open the whole

week with a " mock " human sacrifice to the god Molech, as represented by a 40

ft concrete owl. Seems very odd behaviour for supposed Christians! Bohemian

Grove seems to be the place where future Presidents of America are

created... there's a particularly infamous picture taken at a meeting in the

1950s, with Harry Truman (then President) sitting with Ronald Raegan (at the

time, an unheard of B Movie actor) on one side, and Richard Nixon (then some

minor, unheard of politician) on the other side. Virtually every US

President since the 1950s has been a member of Bohemian Grove long before

they are ever heard of by the general public. Again, the members of Bohemian

Grove refuse to talk about what goes on beyond stating that it is a " summer

retreat " .


> And the bit about guarding of

> WTC & Oklahoma City rubble... If the official explanations thought to be

> sketchy by people who know about these things, what do they think might

> more likely have happened?


There's some serious problems with the " official " stories of both incidents.

There is no way that the bomb which supposedly destroyed the Oklahoma

building could have done more than make a small dent in the front door and

break a few windows. Demolition and explosives experts are generally agreed

that the damage was caused by carefully placed charges on pillars inside the

building. Interestingly, the morning that the Oklahoma building was

destroyed, it was evacuated for an " emergency drill " , during which the only

people allowed in the building were " special " CIA agents... It would seem

that these people had both the knowledge and the opportunity to plant

explosives to cause the massive damage that occurred. There seem to be two

general schools of thought on the WTC. Firstly, that the US government knew

the attacks were going to happen, and deliberately decided to do nothing to

stop them. The other is that certain members of the US government were

actually complicit in ensuring that the attacks did happen. Of course, the

usual response to that is " but surely George Bush and Dick Cheney wouldn't

be involved in killing innocent Americans? " , without anyone realising that

they are quite happy to kill innocent Iraqis and Afghans, supply weapons and

funds for terrorist attacks in Britain (the IRA) and other places, are quite

happy to use slave labour in Burma, and get most of their fortunes from

people like the Bin Ladens and Adolf Hitler (the Bush family fortune comes

from money made by GWBs grandfather in Nazi Germany), so personally, I don't

have any problem believing they would be prepared to kill 3,000 innocent

Americans if it meant they could make a bit more money, or take over another



Incidentally, one very important document relating to this appeared in

September 2000. It comes from an organisation called Project for the New

American Century (PNAC), and details a plan to create an American Empire.

What's interesting about it, is that the members of PNAC include Cheney,

Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, and several other high-ups in American government...

this document gives a list of countries which America should attempt to take

control of in the early years of the 21st century. It goes something like...

Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Iran, Jordan, Egypt... and a few others which I

can't remember off the top of my head. Now, here's the interesting thing -

in this document, it is stated that, in order to be able to invade these

countries, they would need the backing of the American people, and the best

way to obtain that backing is to create a situation in which American people

are afraid of an enemy which can be seen to be placed in those countries. It

ends by stating that the best way to achieve this scenario is with " another

Pearl Harbour " ... and a year after that document appeared... Incidentally,

you'll notice that the first two countries on that list have come under

American control. Syria seems to have been bypassed, but there are already

clear moves being made to gain public support for an invasion of Iran...

give it 6 to 12 months is my prediction.


> Since the last election, I've gone with a kind of willful ignorance

> about these kinds of details, as it's all just too depressing for words

> - Bush is hideous, and each new discovery of a new level of

> hideousness.... Well, doesn't make me feel any better about the state of

> the world....


I can understand that. Sometimes you just need to take a breather, otherwise

the whole thing gets on top of you. The real problem is that Bush isn't the

only one. It's pretty much everyone involved in high level politics and

business in the US and the UK (and several other places)... but at least a

lot of people are starting to see at least some of what is really going on

behind the scenes :-)




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Thanks for the info. - Scary, scary stuff indeed. Mock human

sacrifices? Good to know the pack of freaks have found one another....


While I tend to be skeptical about complicity in 9/11, it is certainly

true that Bush and co. Have benefitted endlessly from it.



On Sat, 24 Jul 2004 4:10pm, Peter wrote:

> Hi Gaije

> OK - Here's what I'm most curious about from your post:  First:

> Bilderburg & Bohemian Grove?  No Clue...

Two highly dodgy organisations... Bilderburg is a group that have an


meeting, usually at some incredibly expensive hotel. For several years


actually denied that there was even a meeting going on, but it became


clear after a few years when a particularly expensive hotel (it changes

location each year) completely closed its doors to the public for three


four days, was surrounded by the tightest security ever known, and had


vast number of very influential politicians and businessmen arriving in

droves. Because this is all behind closed doors, no-one except those

involved knows what is discussed, but when you have that many highly

influential people in one place, you can bet that pretty much most of


political manouevering for the following year is decided upon!

Bohemian Grove is even more dodgy. It's a little island where, again, a


number of highly influential people meet for a " summer retreat " . Again,

highly guarded, and highly secretive. Someone managed to get in with a

hidden video camera a couple of years ago, and found out at least a bit


what goes on... people such as good ole fundamentalist Christian George

Bush, Dick Cheney, Tony Blair, Peter Mandelsohn, etc. etc. open the


week with a " mock " human sacrifice to the god Molech, as represented by

a 40

ft concrete owl. Seems very odd behaviour for supposed Christians!


Grove seems to be the place where future Presidents of America are

created... there's a particularly infamous picture taken at a meeting in


1950s, with Harry Truman (then President) sitting with Ronald Raegan (at


time, an unheard of B Movie actor) on one side, and Richard Nixon (then


minor, unheard of politician) on the other side. Virtually every US

President since the 1950s has been a member of Bohemian Grove long


they are ever heard of by the general public. Again, the members of


Grove refuse to talk about what goes on beyond stating that it is a

" summer

retreat " .

> And the bit about guarding of

> WTC & Oklahoma City rubble... If the official explanations thought to

> be

> sketchy by people who know about these things, what do they think

> might

> more likely have happened?

There's some serious problems with the " official " stories of both


There is no way that the bomb which supposedly destroyed the Oklahoma

building could have done more than make a small dent in the front door


break a few windows. Demolition and explosives experts are generally


that the damage was caused by carefully placed charges on pillars inside


building. Interestingly, the morning that the Oklahoma building was

destroyed, it was evacuated for an " emergency drill " , during which the


people allowed in the building were " special " CIA agents... It would


that these people had both the knowledge and the opportunity to plant

explosives to cause the massive damage that occurred. There seem to be


general schools of thought on the WTC. Firstly, that the US government


the attacks were going to happen, and deliberately decided to do nothing


stop them. The other is that certain members of the US government were

actually complicit in ensuring that the attacks did happen. Of course,


usual response to that is " but surely George Bush and Dick Cheney


be involved in killing innocent Americans? " , without anyone realising


they are quite happy to kill innocent Iraqis and Afghans, supply weapons


funds for terrorist attacks in Britain (the IRA) and other places, are


happy to use slave labour in Burma, and get most of their fortunes from

people like the Bin Ladens and Adolf Hitler (the Bush family fortune


from money made by GWBs grandfather in Nazi Germany), so personally, I


have any problem believing they would be prepared to kill 3,000


Americans if it meant they could make a bit more money, or take over



Incidentally, one very important document relating to this appeared in

September 2000. It comes from an organisation called Project for the


American Century (PNAC), and details a plan to create an American


What's interesting about it, is that the members of PNAC include


Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, and several other high-ups in American


this document gives a list of countries which America should attempt to


control of in the early years of the 21st century. It goes something


Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Iran, Jordan, Egypt... and a few others which


can't remember off the top of my head. Now, here's the interesting thing


in this document, it is stated that, in order to be able to invade


countries, they would need the backing of the American people, and the


way to obtain that backing is to create a situation in which American


are afraid of an enemy which can be seen to be placed in those

countries. It

ends by stating that the best way to achieve this scenario is with

" another

Pearl Harbour " ... and a year after that document appeared...


you'll notice that the first two countries on that list have come under

American control. Syria seems to have been bypassed, but there are


clear moves being made to gain public support for an invasion of


give it 6 to 12 months is my prediction.

> Since the last election, I've gone with a kind of willful ignorance

> about these kinds of details, as it's all just too depressing for

> words

> - Bush is hideous, and each new discovery of a new level of

> hideousness.... Well, doesn't make me feel any better about the state

> of

> the world....

I can understand that. Sometimes you just need to take a breather,


the whole thing gets on top of you. The real problem is that Bush isn't


only one. It's pretty much everyone involved in high level politics and

business in the US and the UK (and several other places)... but at least


lot of people are starting to see at least some of what is really going


behind the scenes :-)



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Hi Gaije


> Thanks for the info. - Scary, scary stuff indeed. Mock human

> sacrifices? Good to know the pack of freaks have found one another....


Well, we assume they are " mock " human sacrifices... basically, they bring in

what looks distinctly like a human bound up like a mummy, put it on a pire

and set fire to it... after a few moments on the video, there's a pretty

clear scream... probably taped and played through load speakers... but what

sort of person does that, even if it is " mock " ????


> While I tend to be skeptical about complicity in 9/11, it is certainly

> true that Bush and co. Have benefitted endlessly from it.


I'm not sure it's all that important as to whether they were complicit, or

whether they just allowed it to happen... either way, not a particularly

responsible way to be running a country. Incidentally, did you know that

Ariel Sharon was due to be visiting the WTC that day, but decided to cancel

the visit for no apparent reason about a week beforehand!?! Strange... this

was only ever on the news once, and was then never repeated... but then,

it's those articles which are way more important than those which are

repeated over and over!




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just like those put options

they were on the news fer about a day..

til they realized that the put options didn't stem from any *arab* nations or groups, and instead went back to groups linked with the CIA and had offices in..tada, the WTC bldg..all the files went up in flames along with everything else

convinient that..


fer those who don't know..a put option is putting money inro a stock HOPING it will go down quickly....

very risky...

it seems someone put some hefty put options into several key airlines..just before they plowed into the WTC...the pentagon..and a field in PA...


someone made a ton of cash..


as fer Bush and complicity...


he is either the biggest f*ck up in american history, er a devious SOB...

look up the Project fer a New American Century...signed in the late 90's...by Cheney, William Kristol, et al..

they spell it plan and simple...

america needs a new direction

america needs to rule the world to protect itself

we need the oilfields..Back to Iraq!

but, to do these things, we need to Rally the American sheep..i mean people...

we need another Pearl Harbor...

there words....

gawd bless america...


fraggleI'm not sure it's all that important as to whether they were complicit, orwhether they just allowed it to happen... either way, not a particularlyresponsible way to be running a country. Incidentally, did you know thatAriel Sharon was due to be visiting the WTC that day, but decided to cancelthe visit for no apparent reason about a week beforehand!?! Strange... thiswas only ever on the news once, and was then never repeated... but then,it's those articles which are way more important than those which arerepeated over and over!BBPeter

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apparantly i need to read e-mails faster before responding..

wot peter said!!!



Peter <metalscarab wrote:

Hi Gaije> OK - Here's what I'm most curious about from your post: First:> Bilderburg & Bohemian Grove? No Clue...Two highly dodgy organisations... Bilderburg is a group that have an annualmeeting, usually at some incredibly expensive hotel. For several years theyactually denied that there was even a meeting going on, but it became prettyclear after a few years when a particularly expensive hotel (it changeslocation each year) completely closed its doors to the public for three orfour days, was surrounded by the tightest security ever known, and had avast number of very influential politicians and businessmen arriving indroves. Because this is all behind closed doors, no-one except thoseinvolved knows what is discussed, but when you have that many highlyinfluential people in one place, you can bet that pretty much most

of thepolitical manouevering for the following year is decided upon!Bohemian Grove is even more dodgy. It's a little island where, again, a vastnumber of highly influential people meet for a "summer retreat". Again,highly guarded, and highly secretive. Someone managed to get in with ahidden video camera a couple of years ago, and found out at least a bit ofwhat goes on... people such as good ole fundamentalist Christian GeorgeBush, Dick Cheney, Tony Blair, Peter Mandelsohn, etc. etc. open the wholeweek with a "mock" human sacrifice to the god Molech, as represented by a 40ft concrete owl. Seems very odd behaviour for supposed Christians! BohemianGrove seems to be the place where future Presidents of America arecreated... there's a particularly infamous picture taken at a meeting in the1950s, with Harry Truman (then President) sitting with Ronald Raegan (at thetime, an unheard of B Movie actor) on one side, and Richard Nixon

(then someminor, unheard of politician) on the other side. Virtually every USPresident since the 1950s has been a member of Bohemian Grove long beforethey are ever heard of by the general public. Again, the members of BohemianGrove refuse to talk about what goes on beyond stating that it is a "summerretreat".> And the bit about guarding of> WTC & Oklahoma City rubble... If the official explanations thought to be> sketchy by people who know about these things, what do they think might> more likely have happened?There's some serious problems with the "official" stories of both incidents.There is no way that the bomb which supposedly destroyed the Oklahomabuilding could have done more than make a small dent in the front door andbreak a few windows. Demolition and explosives experts are generally agreedthat the damage was caused by carefully placed charges on pillars inside thebuilding. Interestingly,

the morning that the Oklahoma building wasdestroyed, it was evacuated for an "emergency drill", during which the onlypeople allowed in the building were "special" CIA agents... It would seemthat these people had both the knowledge and the opportunity to plantexplosives to cause the massive damage that occurred. There seem to be twogeneral schools of thought on the WTC. Firstly, that the US government knewthe attacks were going to happen, and deliberately decided to do nothing tostop them. The other is that certain members of the US government wereactually complicit in ensuring that the attacks did happen. Of course, theusual response to that is "but surely George Bush and Dick Cheney wouldn'tbe involved in killing innocent Americans?", without anyone realising thatthey are quite happy to kill innocent Iraqis and Afghans, supply weapons andfunds for terrorist attacks in Britain (the IRA) and other places, are quitehappy to use slave

labour in Burma, and get most of their fortunes frompeople like the Bin Ladens and Adolf Hitler (the Bush family fortune comesfrom money made by GWBs grandfather in Nazi Germany), so personally, I don'thave any problem believing they would be prepared to kill 3,000 innocentAmericans if it meant they could make a bit more money, or take over anothercountry.Incidentally, one very important document relating to this appeared inSeptember 2000. It comes from an organisation called Project for the NewAmerican Century (PNAC), and details a plan to create an American Empire.What's interesting about it, is that the members of PNAC include Cheney,Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, and several other high-ups in American government...this document gives a list of countries which America should attempt to takecontrol of in the early years of the 21st century. It goes something like...Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Iran, Jordan, Egypt... and a few others which

Ican't remember off the top of my head. Now, here's the interesting thing -in this document, it is stated that, in order to be able to invade thesecountries, they would need the backing of the American people, and the bestway to obtain that backing is to create a situation in which American peopleare afraid of an enemy which can be seen to be placed in those countries. Itends by stating that the best way to achieve this scenario is with "anotherPearl Harbour"... and a year after that document appeared... Incidentally,you'll notice that the first two countries on that list have come underAmerican control. Syria seems to have been bypassed, but there are alreadyclear moves being made to gain public support for an invasion of Iran...give it 6 to 12 months is my prediction.> Since the last election, I've gone with a kind of willful ignorance> about these kinds of details, as it's all just too depressing for words> -

Bush is hideous, and each new discovery of a new level of> hideousness.... Well, doesn't make me feel any better about the state of> the world....I can understand that. Sometimes you just need to take a breather, otherwisethe whole thing gets on top of you. The real problem is that Bush isn't theonly one. It's pretty much everyone involved in high level politics andbusiness in the US and the UK (and several other places)... but at least alot of people are starting to see at least some of what is really going onbehind the scenes :-)BBPeter

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We saw it the other night, and, let me tell you, it WAS a revelation!! I had no idea W was so slimy! I knew he had no idea what he was doing but jeeze, he needs to go, NOW!




Friday, July 23, 2004 7:00 PM

Fahrenheit 9/11


We just got back from seeing Fahrenheit 9/11. I'm a little disappointed really as it just skimmed the surface - still I suppose it will be a revelation to some people.


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Hi David


That's good. I hope it reaches a lot of people.





David Johnson

Sunday, July 25, 2004 5:20 AM

Re: Fahrenheit 9/11


We saw it the other night, and, let me tell you, it WAS a revelation!! I had no idea W was so slimy! I knew he had no idea what he was doing but jeeze, he needs to go, NOW!




Friday, July 23, 2004 7:00 PM

Fahrenheit 9/11


We just got back from seeing Fahrenheit 9/11. I'm a little disappointed really as it just skimmed the surface - still I suppose it will be a revelation to some people.


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Hi Jo,

Was it any good?

I don`t think most people will need this film to tell them what a clown Bush is.

From what I can gather, Moore seems to be picking on two or three facts, adding a few theories ( passed as facts ), and relying on emotion to fill a lot of this one.

The Valley Vegan......Jo <Heartwork wrote:


We just got back from seeing Fahrenheit 9/11. I'm a little disappointed really as it just skimmed the surface - still I suppose it will be a revelation to some people.


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Hi Peter


I agree with your description. We were disappointed because it didn't give many facts. However, a couple of people have said they found it to be a revelation, so maybe it will reach people who hadn't given any previous thought to what their 'leaders' do.





peter hurd

Tuesday, July 27, 2004 5:27 PM

Re: Fahrenheit 9/11


Hi Jo,

Was it any good?

I don`t think most people will need this film to tell them what a clown Bush is.

From what I can gather, Moore seems to be picking on two or three facts, adding a few theories ( passed as facts ), and relying on emotion to fill a lot of this one.

The Valley Vegan......Jo <Heartwork wrote:


We just got back from seeing Fahrenheit 9/11. I'm a little disappointed really as it just skimmed the surface - still I suppose it will be a revelation to some people.


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Peter H




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