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New Member and Newby Vegan Intro

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In a message dated 12/17/06 11:50:03 AM Eastern Standard Time,

jodi38107 writes:


> Can our furry family members be healthy on such a diet?


Dogs, probably. Cats, iffy. While there are companies that make vegan pet

food that supposedly contains all the nutrients that a cat requires you would

have to start the cat off with when it was very, very young. Cats,

notoriously, don't handle change well and tend to be far pickier about what they

eat as

opposed to dogs. Also, if a cat is prone to any urinary problems, a strictly

vegan diet is not a good idea. I, personally, would never even attempt it.






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Hi. My name is Jodi and I have just joined the list and as of

yesterday took the plunge to adopt a vegan lifestyle. I'm feeling a

wee bit overwhelmed, especially since Christmas is almost here and I

have two non-vegan/vegetarian guests coming for dinner. What do you

do for your " non " family members/friends? I'm doing this for ethical

reasons, not health reasons, and I don't feel right purchasing meat

even though it's not for me.


Another question: what do you do about your pets? I noticed there is

a file for pet recipes, but I'd like to hear from people who have

vegan pets. Can our furry family members be healthy on such a diet?


Too many questions...sigh...


Thanks for reading this.


Jodi in Memphis

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Hi Jodi

I am not sure putting pets on a vegan / vegetarian diet is beneficial. I know

with cats that there are certain nutrients that they can only obtain from bone

marrow and other sources.

As for you guests, make it clear from the start that you will be serving a

vegan meal. most vegetarians do not mind. In fact, most people will be open

minded enough to try it. The benefit of belonging to this group is that there is

a huge range of ideas and recipes that I knw will make your Christmas Dinner a



jodi38107 <jodi38107 wrote:

Hi. My name is Jodi and I have just joined the list and as of

yesterday took the plunge to adopt a vegan lifestyle. I'm feeling a

wee bit overwhelmed, especially since Christmas is almost here and I

have two non-vegan/vegetarian guests coming for dinner. What do you

do for your " non " family members/friends? I'm doing this for ethical

reasons, not health reasons, and I don't feel right purchasing meat

even though it's not for me.


Another question: what do you do about your pets? I noticed there is

a file for pet recipes, but I'd like to hear from people who have

vegan pets. Can our furry family members be healthy on such a diet?


Too many questions...sigh...


Thanks for reading this.


Jodi in Memphis








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I'm sorry I'm not much help regarding veganism because I'm a L/O vegetarian. My

family eats meat, but I don't, I won't buy it or cook it, but I won't argue w/

DH cooking it if he wants it, after all he's an adult. I'd say go for making a

great vegan spread & let your guests bring dishes with them if they'd like.

They'll probably enjoy your vegan food and might not notice the difference


Good luck & congrats on your decision


PS. My choice to be a veggie was ethical as well...I won't eat my dog I won't

eat any other animal.



jodi38107 <jodi38107 wrote:

Hi. My name is Jodi and I have just joined the list and as of

yesterday took the plunge to adopt a vegan lifestyle. I'm feeling a

wee bit overwhelmed, especially since Christmas is almost here and I

have two non-vegan/vegetarian guests coming for dinner. What do you

do for your " non " family members/friends? I'm doing this for ethical

reasons, not health reasons, and I don't feel right purchasing meat

even though it's not for me.


Another question: what do you do about your pets? I noticed there is

a file for pet recipes, but I'd like to hear from people who have

vegan pets. Can our furry family members be healthy on such a diet?


Too many questions...sigh...


Thanks for reading this.


Jodi in Memphis








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Well for us I am the only one that is not eating meat. So my FIL is buying a

ham and bringing it for everyone else to eat. I told DH I wasn't buying it and

so FIL said he would order one and bring it. I'm not thrilled about it but I

didn't buy it and it makes them all happy. If we were at their house it would

be there anyway so I figure that its just better everyone is happy. Mine is for

health reasons though so I probably don't feel as strongly about it as you do.





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Sunday, December 17, 2006 11:29 AM

New Member and Newby Vegan Intro



Hi. My name is Jodi and I have just joined the list and as of

yesterday took the plunge to adopt a vegan lifestyle. I'm feeling a

wee bit overwhelmed, especially since Christmas is almost here and I

have two non-vegan/vegetarian guests coming for dinner. What do you

do for your " non " family members/friends? I'm doing this for ethical

reasons, not health reasons, and I don't feel right purchasing meat

even though it's not for me.


Another question: what do you do about your pets? I noticed there is

a file for pet recipes, but I'd like to hear from people who have

vegan pets. Can our furry family members be healthy on such a diet?


Too many questions...sigh...


Thanks for reading this.


Jodi in Memphis





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On humans


There are many " meat-like " recipes available. If you look back at the past

messages in the group's website you will find archives a discussion on

TofyTurkey, Quorn Roast (tastes great, that one I did try). Quorn also

makes a great no chicken chicken nugget. These are all vegitarian, but not



I made a vegan luchin kuggel (spelling) for a " House Lighting " last nicgt.

A number of the women there complemented the kuggle. When I told them there

was no cheeze in it, they did not believe me. When I said it was tofu, they

were very surprised as they did not like tofu ... till last night.


I am sure that this post will precipitate a few good recipes for you to make

your guests.


As for out pets.


Yes there are vegitarian recipes available. My feelings. These are not

good for your dogs, cats, etc..


The human being is not a carnevor. We have enjoyed terming ourselves as

omnivores ... animials that eat a wide range of animial and plant life, but

we forced ourselves to this. It is not what we were evoved for. i believe

it is estimated that we digest about 10% of the beef we eat. The remainder

either adhears to the walls of our intestines for long periods of time or is

eliminated, nutrients and all. If we has the percentages of acids in our

stomach that your pet dog has, that acid would eat it's way to your feet in



The dog ann cat families however are evolved as meat eaters. Thay are the

difinition of Carnevour. They have the tooth structure to trear apart their

prey and to gulp the meat down with out chewing as we know it. They have

the acids in their stomach to desolve the meat and get the nurishment from



You may be against the killing of animials, and for that matter I am also.

You have however taken it on yourself to raise a pet that by nature eats

other animials. I feel that to be responsible means that your obligated to

feed that pet what nature intended it to eat. I also feel that by

restricting it to a vegetarian diet will ultimately be harmful to the pet's



I am not saying that this is a fact. I am sure in my mind however that

there is a very good possibility that manufactures just might say ... " Here

is a great opportunity to make money. Let's ,make vegetarian cat and dog

foods. We can charge more also as it will be condidered a 'speciality

item'. Hay. NYC used to have, may still, a restaurant for pets. They had

place settings, napkins and all ... and charged through the nose for the



My feelings ... Just say ... " I love you " ... hold your nose and dump that

can of meat into your pet's dish. That, or buy a rabbit, Cockatoo or a

duck. They are vegetarian by evolution.









" jodi38107 " <jodi38107


Sunday, December 17, 2006 11:29 AM

New Member and Newby Vegan Intro



> Hi. My name is Jodi and I have just joined the list and as of

> yesterday took the plunge to adopt a vegan lifestyle. I'm feeling a

> wee bit overwhelmed, especially since Christmas is almost here and I

> have two non-vegan/vegetarian guests coming for dinner. What do you

> do for your " non " family members/friends? I'm doing this for ethical

> reasons, not health reasons, and I don't feel right purchasing meat

> even though it's not for me.


> Another question: what do you do about your pets? I noticed there is

> a file for pet recipes, but I'd like to hear from people who have

> vegan pets. Can our furry family members be healthy on such a diet?


> Too many questions...sigh...


> Thanks for reading this.


> Jodi in Memphis






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Look through the recipe files, we have a vegan lentil

loaf and many yummy recipes that even the non-vegs

enjoy. I'm L/O vegetarian and my cat isn't a

vegetarian, I talked to him about it and he said NO

WAY! LOL Welcome in here with us.


--- jodi38107 <jodi38107 wrote:


> Hi. My name is Jodi and I have just joined the list

> and as of

> yesterday took the plunge to adopt a vegan

> lifestyle.


Don't be angry with life.

There are so many things to be happy for.

Cold, fresh water,

green leaves

and the eyes of good people.


Eva Hedén






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Hi Jodi. :) Good for you for switching! I'm not quite vegan (yet) but I do hope

to be one day... till then at least I'm not killing anybody. :) For Christmas

there are bizillions of things you can make that are waaaaay too good for anyone

eating it to miss the meat. My parents aren't vegetarian and yet they're really

looking forward to coming here in a couple of weeks, they can't wait to try the

new things I've learned to make.


As for pets- it is difficult to keep them healthy on a vegetarian or vegan diet,

but it is possible. Both my dogs are vegetarian, nearly vegan, and in great

health. Well, my older girl has some problems but they're not diet-related. Even

cats and ferrets can eat a veg diet. Supplements like carnitine and taurine are

absolutely necessary for cats, and very beneficial for dogs. There's a

group called Veggie Pets, you could check it out and ask any questions you have

about a veg diet for pets. I'm pretty new to it so I don't know everything, but

there are some people there who have been doing this for years and have very

healthy animals. It's definitely possible. My dogs, rats, mice, and hamster are

all vegetarian. One day we will have a cat, who will be vegetarian as well. Done

correctly a veg diet for animals can reduce heart disease and cancer. So it's

possible, just get lots of information first and supplement whatever you need

to. There are even several brands of

commercial vegetarian and vegan pet foods. Most of them seem to not be made

from crap like other food is made out of. Some of it is really good stuff. :)





Kadee Sedtal


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Mine wouldn't either. LOL They would stomp their little feet and yowl loudly.

Then they would progress over to my screens and toe nail it, trying to get my

attention, saying " Where's the beef? " LOL




Sunday, December 17, 2006 3:00 PM

Re: New Member and Newby Vegan Intro



LOL Donna I dont think my cats would make the transition easy at all.








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We sort of became vegetarian because of one of our pets. For the last few years,

we've had

guinea pigs. (Before that, we had cats and I was raised with a dog. It's a

different world.)

DH started to have some difficulty eating his rare roast beef sandwich (which he


while looking down at the pigger in his run. When that little furboy died, DH


vegetarian. Rather than cook two meals, I ate veggie at home. We don't go out

that often,

so after a couple of months, I went L-O veggie too. :-)


We are now on piggies number two and four. (Number three had to be put down in


from cancer.) Da Boyz are herbivores by nature. I think DH thinks they recruited

him to

their club. :-)


Our old cats would NOT have approved. My dog would have been confused.



north of Boston

piggy slave to Butterscotch J. Furpants and Mike T. Pig

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