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Hello Everyone, my name is Kim and I am new to the group. I have a

story to tell and I hope you all don't mind as it may be a bit

lengthy. I want to be as honest as I can about this, I only made the

concious decision to stop eating meat 5 days ago and within those 5

days I have eaten meat twice. This all started Nov.18th when my

family and I went to the Ringly Bros Circus and their were people

outside passing out leaflets and my sister took one, so my sis read

it and said it was about the cruelty of animals, she said when she

got home she was going to the web site. So she did as she said and

told me to go to the site, I did not want to, though I hate cruelty

to animals, I just didn't want to see it. It took up untill now for

me to go the site, oh I finally did and was in shock, I went from

that site to peta and my sister did not go as far as I did but I took

her there. So now my sister and I have decided not to eat meat ever

again, my mom joked and said all she have to do is put a steak in

front of me and I'll be okay, I said if she did that, all I'll see is

that image.

When I set my mind to do something I do it, when I saw Supersize Me

I stop eating fast food, some people agree/disagree with colonics but

I had one done and my colonic therapist told me all what I was doing

wrong and what I should do, I did as I was told, my cooking habits


I have a husband and 3 children and this is just me who want to

stop this, I can not just put this on them, I don't have enough

knowledge to convince them to do other wise, I still have to clean

and prepare meat for them, I don't know how to shop as a vegatarian,

this is all new to me but this is what I truly want to do. I need the support

yall, I really do, I am done

for real and when I said that I was going to be as honest as possible

I meant that, if I fall short and eat meat I will tell yall and I

will accept whatever feed back I get, if you all know of any face to

face group meetings on this in the Chicago area please would you let

me know, this is 30 years of eating meat, this is a serious journey

for me, this is a transition. I don't think I would need that much

support if my family was in one accord with me but since they are not

I need it.

Well that is my introduction and I am sorry it was so long but I

had to get that out. I hope it doesn't look to overwhelming for

anyone to read because I want you to get a feel of my situation.

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Welcome! As a newer veggie in an omnivore household, I understand

your concerns. First, don't panic! What you eat is your business,

and yours alone, so if you slip up at first, no biggie. Eventually

you will come to a point where it just isn't an option.


Cooking for everyone is less of a challenge than I thought it would

be. Doing things like adding meat to spaghetti sauce AFTER you've

removed some for yourself, or having a " chik-N-patty " instead of a

burger is no big deal. THe important thing is to eat what you want,

and not consider vegetarianism a life sentence for a happy

conscioncious (sp?) but a benefit to yourself, both physically and



Some surprizing benefits- I cook more! It takes a bit more planning,

but the pride I take in a new recipe, if only to be eaten by me, is



It's harder to eat out-Trying to find good food at your local chain

restaurant is a pain; better to eat at home!


Expanding my pallate- I eat stuff I've never tried, as well as stuff

I turned down as a kid, and am now revisiting.


But I digress- The folks here are great, so don't dog yourself for

slipups. Just be who you can be comfortable with!


Happy Eating,


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Thank you so much Sammy, your encouragement means a lot to me that is why I need

this group.


sammythingy <sammything wrote: Kym,

Welcome! As a newer veggie in an omnivore household, I understand

your concerns. First, don't panic! What you eat is your business,

and yours alone, so if you slip up at first, no biggie. Eventually

you will come to a point where it just isn't an option.


Cooking for everyone is less of a challenge than I thought it would

be. Doing things like adding meat to spaghetti sauce AFTER you've

removed some for yourself, or having a " chik-N-patty " instead of a

burger is no big deal. THe important thing is to eat what you want,

and not consider vegetarianism a life sentence for a happy

conscioncious (sp?) but a benefit to yourself, both physically and



Some surprizing benefits- I cook more! It takes a bit more planning,

but the pride I take in a new recipe, if only to be eaten by me, is



It's harder to eat out-Trying to find good food at your local chain

restaurant is a pain; better to eat at home!


Expanding my pallate- I eat stuff I've never tried, as well as stuff

I turned down as a kid, and am now revisiting.


But I digress- The folks here are great, so don't dog yourself for

slipups. Just be who you can be comfortable with!


Happy Eating,








Peace and Nappyness








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Hi Kym!

Funny you mention PETA. I read " Fast Food Nation " and decided I wasn't eating

beef again, then went to PETA's website, and watched the videos. I was so

traumatized by the videos, I went home crying. I went to lay down & my dog

jumped in bed with me, she shares my PILLOW AND BLANKET! I thought to myself,

" if I can't eat my dog, I won't draw that line anymore, I won't eat any animal "

and that was is, I haven't had meat since before Halloween.


I am with you, my family are omnivores, but they're becoming more supportive,

they eat meat mostly when I work nights, or when we go out to eat. DH will also

do lunches with his friends & not expect me to cook any of that. This is a slow

process, especially for your family so hang in there and be patient. I sat down

with my husband and calmly told him that I wasn't going to be eating it anymore,

but it's a compromise, I promised him I won't nag or try to show him the PETA

videos (he won't watch them) but in return, I don't want to hear any whining &

complaining when I have them try something new, like tofu or meatless dishes. So

far so good...some of my meals flopped, but that's to be expected in any dietary



So sorry to get long winded, you'll be fine with this, like another poster

said, what you eat is your business, nobody elses :)




kym_kyn <kym_kyn wrote:

Hello Everyone, my name is Kim and I am new to the group. I have a

story to tell and I hope you all don't mind as it may be a bit

lengthy. I want to be as honest as I can about this, I only made the

concious decision to stop eating meat 5 days ago and within those 5

days I have eaten meat twice. This all started Nov.18th when my

family and I went to the Ringly Bros Circus and their were people

outside passing out leaflets and my sister took one, so my sis read

it and said it was about the cruelty of animals, she said when she

got home she was going to the web site. So she did as she said and

told me to go to the site, I did not want to, though I hate cruelty

to animals, I just didn't want to see it. It took up untill now for

me to go the site, oh I finally did and was in shock, I went from

that site to peta and my sister did not go as far as I did but I took

her there. So now my sister and I have decided not to eat meat ever

again, my mom joked and said all she have to do is put a steak in

front of me and I'll be okay, I said if she did that, all I'll see is

that image.

When I set my mind to do something I do it, when I saw Supersize Me

I stop eating fast food, some people agree/disagree with colonics but

I had one done and my colonic therapist told me all what I was doing

wrong and what I should do, I did as I was told, my cooking habits


I have a husband and 3 children and this is just me who want to

stop this, I can not just put this on them, I don't have enough

knowledge to convince them to do other wise, I still have to clean

and prepare meat for them, I don't know how to shop as a vegatarian,

this is all new to me but this is what I truly want to do. I need the support

yall, I really do, I am done

for real and when I said that I was going to be as honest as possible

I meant that, if I fall short and eat meat I will tell yall and I

will accept whatever feed back I get, if you all know of any face to

face group meetings on this in the Chicago area please would you let

me know, this is 30 years of eating meat, this is a serious journey

for me, this is a transition. I don't think I would need that much

support if my family was in one accord with me but since they are not

I need it.

Well that is my introduction and I am sorry it was so long but I

had to get that out. I hope it doesn't look to overwhelming for

anyone to read because I want you to get a feel of my situation.








Feminism is the radical notion that women are people.



























































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I tell everyone that is trying to better themselves either via diet, not

smoking, not using .... or becoming a vegetsarian ....


Do not tell your self your going to, just tell yourself your going to try.


If you sany you absolutely will not smaoke, and then you do. You now tell

your self you failed. Most will then use that as a reason to begin smoking

again. If on the other hand you say you will try .. one, there is less

pressure on you. two, if you have that coffen-nail you say ... OK .. I went

for three days ... now lets try to go longer this time. It's all positive



Breaking any type of habit is difficult. Ordering yourself to do it is like

taking orders, very 'unappitizing'. Asking yourself to try is much more

appitizing. It is more condusive to success as is a supervisor who asks you

nicely to do something rather than ordering you to.


Chook dee ka ... Best of luck to you as one of our newest vegetarians.




A motor-mouth PS (Alyssia=Motor-Mouth)


There are many 'tastes just like meat' vegetarian products on the market.

Quron I know for a fact maks some wonderful tasting ones. Keep these in

your freezer. Tempted .... about to throw yourself on the floor and slap

your wrists on the tile in a 'carnivorous fit' ? Toss some Quorn Chicken

Nuggets in the oven. Dip the finished one in Nasoya's Non-dairy Thousand

Island Dressing.

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Thats a rough spot you are in. I went veggie three years ago because of a

history of colon cancer in my family and my husband( who used to be a meat

cutter) struggled until he read the book " Mad Cowboy " then later watched the

PETA video Meet your meat. I have two boys 5 & 10. The 5 year old is a natural

animal lover so he quickly adapted my 10 year old still wants meat. I tell him

what eats in school stays in school. He ate meat a lot for a while but then day

after day he would come home and say I didnt eat meat and is actually cool now

because he is a veggie. I will be honest I still crave tuna fish. As simple as

that is it is hard for me three years later. Just educate yourself and be kind

to yourself you have been eating meat more then half your life be patient to

make the transition.








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I absolutly agree with you In the beginning I would just say oh I will just have

a tuna sandwich then this will be my last but like diets this lifestyle will

fail without the passion and desire to save animals and our earth. Thats why

education is so important. It is hard to go back to meat when you really know

what is going with these animals.








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