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Oh My Gosh What Do You Eat?

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Ever have someone say " Oh my gosh what do you eat? " when they find out

you are a Vegetarian?. I laugh and say " there are not enough hours in

the day/ months to try all the wonderful fruits, grains and veggies

that I would like. And there is no 'recipe' that I cannot adapt to make

it Vegetarian. When I was growing up a 'vegetable' with our meal was

canned corn. How my eating habits have changed..LOL

I still believe that being Vegetarian/Vegan is a lifestyle not a diet.

You can snack or eat several meals a day and never gain weight if you

do not eat packaged /'junk' food.

I must admit it is easier now that the children are grown and I have

only myself to feed. However I did make all my meals from scratch when

the children were young, including granola , etc.

To all you 'newbies' you will find that becoming Vegetarian/Vegan is a

habit that after awhile you don't even think about.

Have fun..Life is a great adventure

Sending smiles and hugs your way

Deanna in Colorado

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I get that at least once a day!!! Then when I start listing everything I do eat,

they sit and think...ohhh LOL!




genny_y2k <genny_y2k wrote:

Ever have someone say " Oh my gosh what do you eat? " when they find out

you are a Vegetarian?. I laugh and say " there are not enough hours in

the day/ months to try all the wonderful fruits, grains and veggies

that I would like. And there is no 'recipe' that I cannot adapt to make

it Vegetarian. When I was growing up a 'vegetable' with our meal was

canned corn. How my eating habits have changed..LOL

I still believe that being Vegetarian/Vegan is a lifestyle not a diet.

You can snack or eat several meals a day and never gain weight if you

do not eat packaged /'junk' food.

I must admit it is easier now that the children are grown and I have

only myself to feed. However I did make all my meals from scratch when

the children were young, including granola , etc.

To all you 'newbies' you will find that becoming Vegetarian/Vegan is a

habit that after awhile you don't even think about.

Have fun..Life is a great adventure

Sending smiles and hugs your way

Deanna in Colorado








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On 1/23/07, Susan Flewelling <kmm wrote:


> My stock answer is " do I look like I'm starving?? "




I've always pointed out that there are far more food items that aren't

meat than those that are.

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I was hurt in a car accident 10 days ago and the ladies of my church have been

bringing dinner for my husband and me. They know I am vegetarian so the ladies

were challanged to fix meals for me. Because of this, several of them have said

how much variety there is and how delicious some of the recipies sound and they

are going to start eating some meatless meals.



Jen <jenstk06 wrote:

I get that at least once a day!!! Then when I start listing everything

I do eat, they sit and think...ohhh LOL!




genny_y2k <genny_y2k wrote:

Ever have someone say " Oh my gosh what do you eat? " when they find out

you are a Vegetarian?. I laugh and say " there are not enough hours in

the day/ months to try all the wonderful fruits, grains and veggies

that I would like. And there is no 'recipe' that I cannot adapt to make

it Vegetarian. When I was growing up a 'vegetable' with our meal was

canned corn. How my eating habits have changed..LOL

I still believe that being Vegetarian/Vegan is a lifestyle not a diet.

You can snack or eat several meals a day and never gain weight if you

do not eat packaged /'junk' food.

I must admit it is easier now that the children are grown and I have

only myself to feed. However I did make all my meals from scratch when

the children were young, including granola , etc.

To all you 'newbies' you will find that becoming Vegetarian/Vegan is a

habit that after awhile you don't even think about.

Have fun..Life is a great adventure

Sending smiles and hugs your way

Deanna in Colorado



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Many people think vegetarians only eat veggie, we eat greans, beans, veggies,

and fruits.

I have been asked how do I get my protien when I say I eat beans, soy, lentils

they say you do?








Tue, 23 Jan 2007 12:49 PM

Re: Re: " Oh My Gosh What Do You Eat? "



On 1/23/07, Susan Flewelling <kmm wrote:


> My stock answer is " do I look like I'm starving?? "



I've always pointed out that there are far more food items that aren't

meat than those that are.




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Thank you, Amy. I am stiff and sore, but no permanent damage, though. I drive

a little Honda and a Ford Explorer rear ended me. It totaled my car, but I got

out lucky.



akfral wrote:

that is sweet of them! I hope you weren't hurt too badly. Amy



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I have been a vegetarian for almost 20 year, and I can't even imagine

how many times I have been asked a question like that! Or, about

protein intake.Being a person who is a little " rubenesque " (I like that

term, rather than some of the others, lol)when I am asked the " Oh My

Gosh What Do You Eat? " question.........I often simply answer... " Do I

look like I am lacking in good foods to eat? " That usually quiets them!


My children were raised without meat, and I even had one man tell me

that children not being fed meat was akin to child abuse, and he was

positive they would have lasting health difficulties because of their

vegetarian diets.(believe it or not this lovely soul was a distant

relative!lol) I calmly smiled, told him that both my sons(now in their

late teens/early twenties) are award winning cross country runners and

athletes, my daughter(now age 10)had never been ill other than a

seasonal cold, and that all three had exemplary health, and always

have, since infancy. I have always given my children the option to

eat other foods, if they choose. My sons , now off at college, have

occasionally had meat......but my daughter is a steadfast(and

staunchly opinionated, lol) strict vegetarian, as am I.

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My 15 year old granddaughter has been vegetarian for about 2 years now. The

problem is that she is a very picky eater and just doesn't like so much stuff.

She really doesn't like any vegetables except corn which is actually a grain.

She usually subsists on peanut butter on whole wheat toast and a couple nuts and

fruit. After much begging she finially agreen to take a vitimin B complex, but

only if I buy it for her. (A small price to pay) I am so concerned about her

health. I really have little sympathy for people who just don't like a lot of

foods. If I was her mother I would tell her I don't care what she likes and to

eat it anyway. If I make vegetarian food for her, lasagna and pasta dishes she

will usually eat them, but her mother doesn't cook that was for her and the

child won't cook for herself. If I lived closer I would cook for her just to be

get a little more nutritian into her, but she is 50 miles away. All I can do is

hope she uses the brains she has and

starts eating right before she ruins her health for life.



Lori <loris3032 wrote:

I have been a vegetarian for almost 20 year, and I can't even imagine

how many times I have been asked a question like that! Or, about

protein intake.Being a person who is a little " rubenesque " (I like that

term, rather than some of the others, lol)when I am asked the " Oh My

Gosh What Do You Eat? " question.........I often simply answer... " Do I

look like I am lacking in good foods to eat? " That usually quiets them!


My children were raised without meat, and I even had one man tell me

that children not being fed meat was akin to child abuse, and he was

positive they would have lasting health difficulties because of their

vegetarian diets.(believe it or not this lovely soul was a distant

relative!lol) I calmly smiled, told him that both my sons(now in their

late teens/early twenties) are award winning cross country runners and

athletes, my daughter(now age 10)had never been ill other than a

seasonal cold, and that all three had exemplary health, and always

have, since infancy. I have always given my children the option to

eat other foods, if they choose. My sons , now off at college, have

occasionally had meat......but my daughter is a steadfast(and

staunchly opinionated, lol) strict vegetarian, as am I.








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Since developing liver problems about 9 years ago, there are days when

I can't stand the sight or smell of meat, let alone the taste. Add in

a family history of colon cancer and you have two serious health

reasons to eat less meat. Did my suggestions for more vegetarian

meals affect my husband and three sons? Sure, they said, " Ewwwww!

NO!!!! " Along comes our oldest son's vegetarian girlfriend.

Suddenly, they are enthusiastic about trying vegetarian meals. They

are even reading recipes and doing some of the cooking. At this

point, I don't care why they are more open to the idea just as long as

we get there!


After reading some of the excellent vegetarian recipes - and seeing

the cost of meat these days! - I wonder why more people aren't eating

like this. Maybe we need to get the word out.


, Katie M <cozycate wrote:

> I was hurt in a car accident 10 days ago and the ladies of my church

have been bringing dinner for my husband and me. They know I am

vegetarian so the ladies were challanged to fix meals for me. Because

of this, several of them have said how much variety there is and how

delicious some of the recipies sound and they are going to start

eating some meatless meals.

> Katie

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