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Rice & pasta & a warning about the stomach flu

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Thanks to those who answered my veggie staples question.. looks like

i'll be eating alot of rice and pasta... good think i like it!! just

a warning, i just got over a nasty stomach flu that had me down for 3

days... if any of that stuff's going around where you are- RUN!!! i

like carrots, but not when they are coming out of my nose. ok, i'm

done being gross ;o)


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sorry to hear you were sick

hope its gettin all better now



and..just an fyi..

technically, stomach flu is a misnomer..influenza is a respiratory disease..

wot we call stomach flu can be caused by any numberof things...from bacteria to viruses to worse..often, the real culprit is salmonella er the like..mishandled er badly prepared/washed food..

and since food poisoning takes up to SEVERAL weeks fer symptoms to show up, good luck figuring out wot it was

but..drink plenty of fluids and take care


fraggle silvertree173 Oct 12, 2004 2:14 PM Rice & pasta & a warning about the stomach flu Thanks to those who answered my veggie staples question.. looks like i'll be eating alot of rice and pasta... good think i like it!! just a warning, i just got over a nasty stomach flu that had me down for 3 days... if any of that stuff's going around where you are- RUN!!! i like carrots, but not when they are coming out of my nose. ok, i'm done being gross ;o)~Chrissie~To send an email to -






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it could have been this nasty donut i ate- it was this

chocolate-covered lemon thingy and it weighed a ton. but i'm feeling

better now though, thanks ;o)


, fraggle <EBbrewpunx@e...> wrote:


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