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Holiday Mayhem!!! (need some advice)

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Well, I have just realized that the dreaded Thanksgiving is around

the corner and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on what

would be good to fix. Currently, I have been looking around my local

organic store (Whole Foods market) and I have found Tofurky (tofu

turkey w/ turkey style gravy) but I have heard mixed remarks about

their products. Also I would like to do something homemade

possibly...In case anyone is wondering, this is my first vegan

Thanksgiving and it has given me nothing but headache but rest

assured, the turkey will not be sitting on my table at all costs!!!

Thanks in advance to anyone willing to help me on this issue!!




All smiles,


(blonde vegan from D.C.)

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I'd pick Now and Zens' UnTurkey over tofurkey anyday


thats just me

and don't think ya can get it over on the east coast anyways...


we were just talking about recipes fer thanxfernuthin here

take a look back...





Robin <your_blonde_vegan

Nov 10, 2004 4:51 AM


Holiday Mayhem!!! (need some advice)








Well, I have just realized that the dreaded Thanksgiving is around <BR>

the corner and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on what <BR>

would be good to fix.  Currently, I have been looking around my local <BR>

organic store (Whole Foods market) and I have found Tofurky (tofu <BR>

turkey w/ turkey style gravy) but I have heard mixed remarks about <BR>

their products. Also I would like to do something homemade <BR>

possibly...In case anyone is wondering, this is my first vegan <BR>

Thanksgiving and it has given me nothing but headache but rest <BR>

assured, the turkey will not be sitting on my table at all costs!!!<BR>

Thanks in advance to anyone willing to help me on this issue!!<BR>




All smiles,<BR>


(blonde vegan from D.C.)<BR>








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If you're looking to put something on the table that reminds you of

Thanksgiving try this: buy a good quality stuffing mix (check the

ingredients, there are a few that are vegan) and prepare. Saute a

package of chicken substitute or prepare gardenburger " chik'n "

patties (http://www.gardenburger.com/products/products-

flamegrillchik.html) and cut them up. When the stuffing is done

stir in some raisins, toasted walnuts and the " chicken " . Put it in

a lightly oiled casserole dish and bake (375 for 20-30 minutes I'd

guess). You can serve this with cranberry and gravy made with no-

chicken broth. Whole Foods is selling a canned cranberry sauce this

year without high fructose corn syrup - yeah! My kids LOVE this



Good luck,



, " Robin " <your_blonde_vegan>



> Well, I have just realized that the dreaded Thanksgiving is around

> the corner and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on


> would be good to fix. Currently, I have been looking around my


> organic store (Whole Foods market) and I have found Tofurky (tofu

> turkey w/ turkey style gravy) but I have heard mixed remarks about

> their products. Also I would like to do something homemade

> possibly...In case anyone is wondering, this is my first vegan

> Thanksgiving and it has given me nothing but headache but rest

> assured, the turkey will not be sitting on my table at all costs!!!

> Thanks in advance to anyone willing to help me on this issue!!




> All smiles,

> Robin

> (blonde vegan from D.C.)

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On Wed, 10 Nov 2004, Robin wrote:


> In case anyone is wondering, this is my first vegan

> Thanksgiving and it has given me nothing but headache but rest

> assured, the turkey will not be sitting on my table at all costs!!!


Hi Robin,


I've done lots of vegan Thanksgivings, and there *will* be a turkey on my

table this year (assuming it arrives in time): a framed photograph of my

sponsored Farm Sanctuary turkey. If you go to

http://www.adoptaturkey.org/, you can sponsor a turkey yourself, and get a

turkey photo for your own Thanksgiving centerpiece. Also, you can click on

a link (http://www.adoptaturkey.org/resources_recipes.htm) to some vegan

Thanksgiving recipes.


Good luck, and happy Thanksgiving!


Jim Sinclair jisincla

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Robin, I'd suggest not trying to have just a substitute for the turkey, but a variety of harvest-type dishes. The other day someone on this list (sorry, I forget who) posted a link to a recipe called Bulgur with Leeks, Cranberries and Almonds. It's really, really easy. You'll need to subsitute Earth Balance margerine (which Whole Foods carries) for the butter and vegetable broth for the chicken broth, but I made it for dinner tonight and it was out of this world. Absolutely awesome! Go to: http://recipes.chef2chef.net/recipe-archive/35/191067.shtml. You won't be sorry!Robin <your_blonde_vegan wrote:

Well, I have just realized that the dreaded Thanksgiving is around the corner and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on what would be good to fix. Currently, I have been looking around my local organic store (Whole Foods market) and I have found Tofurky (tofu turkey w/ turkey style gravy) but I have heard mixed remarks about their products. Also I would like to do something homemade possibly...In case anyone is wondering, this is my first vegan Thanksgiving and it has given me nothing but headache but rest assured, the turkey will not be sitting on my table at all costs!!!Thanks in advance to anyone willing to help me on this issue!!All smiles,Robin(blonde vegan from D.C.)To send an email to -





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, Susan Spain <susanspain2004>


>I made it for dinner tonight and it was out of this world.

>Absolutely awesome! Go to: http://recipes.chef2chef.net/recipe-

>archive/35/191067.shtml. You won't be sorry!


Hey Susan - that was me who posted that recipe and I'm glad you

liked it. I've been making that one for a long time. I made

another new recipe tonight that was excellent:


Thanksgiving " Meat " Loaf from vegweb.com


Ingredients (use vegan versions):


substitute for 2 eggs

1 tablespoon soy sauce

1 box med. firm silken tofu (350 g)

3/4 cup chopped walnuts

1 packet vegan dried onion soup mix (1.5 oz) (I used Fantastic Foods

organic onion soup mix)

1tsp oil

1 1/2 cups chopped onion

3/4 cup chopped celery

2 cups chopped mushrooms (I chopped them really fine in the food


oregano, basil, pepper

1 1/2 cups vegan bread crumbs


Mix egg substitute, soy sauce, tofu & onion soup mix together in

blender. Add walnuts & blend until smooth.


Saute vegetables until onions are transparent (add other diced

veggies if you wish - ie peppers, carrotsetc). Add herbs/spices

while vegetables are frying.


Mix blender ingredients, cooked vegetables & vegan bread crumbs

together in a large bowl.


Press into a greased loaf pan.


Bake at 350 degress F. for 45 minutes. Let cool slightly. Turn loaf

out and slice.


I've found that we all prefer these types of dishes to be really

well cooked so rather than putting it in a loaf pan I put it in a

bigger pan so that it was spread out more. I also would cook it at

a higher temp next time because we like it to get a little crisp

around the edges. We polished off the whole thing, kids included.

Had it with fingerling potatoes with slivered garlic, roasted

asparagus and melon. Heaven :-)



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Thanks, Nancy. I've printed it out and will try it soon!njdoane <njdoane wrote:

, Susan Spain <susanspain2004> wrote:>I made it for dinner tonight and it was out of this world. >Absolutely awesome! Go to: http://recipes.chef2chef.net/recipe->archive/35/191067.shtml. You won't be sorry!Hey Susan - that was me who posted that recipe and I'm glad you liked it. I've been making that one for a long time. I made another new recipe tonight that was excellent:Thanksgiving "Meat" Loaf from vegweb.comIngredients (use vegan versions): substitute for 2 eggs 1 tablespoon soy sauce 1 box med. firm silken tofu (350 g) 3/4 cup chopped walnuts 1 packet vegan dried onion soup mix (1.5 oz) (I used Fantastic Foods organic onion soup mix)1tsp oil 1 1/2 cups chopped onion 3/4

cup chopped celery 2 cups chopped mushrooms (I chopped them really fine in the food processor)oregano, basil, pepper1 1/2 cups vegan bread crumbs Directions: Mix egg substitute, soy sauce, tofu & onion soup mix together in blender. Add walnuts & blend until smooth. Saute vegetables until onions are transparent (add other diced veggies if you wish - ie peppers, carrotsetc). Add herbs/spices while vegetables are frying. Mix blender ingredients, cooked vegetables & vegan bread crumbs together in a large bowl. Press into a greased loaf pan. Bake at 350 degress F. for 45 minutes. Let cool slightly. Turn loaf out and slice. I've found that we all prefer these types of dishes to be really well cooked so rather than putting it in a loaf pan I put it in a bigger pan so that it was spread out more. I also would cook it at a higher temp next time because we like it to get a little

crisp around the edges. We polished off the whole thing, kids included. Had it with fingerling potatoes with slivered garlic, roasted asparagus and melon. Heaven :-)nancyTo send an email to -

Check out the new Front Page. www.

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I live in the DC area too and I shop regularly at Whole Foods, which is where I bought my Tofurky for last year's Thanksgiving. I wasn't impressed at all; it was like eating rubber. This year, I found "Un Turkey" at a Healthway store. I heard it is much better than the Tofurky. I hope so.Robin <your_blonde_vegan wrote:

Well, I have just realized that the dreaded Thanksgiving is around the corner and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on what would be good to fix. Currently, I have been looking around my local organic store (Whole Foods market) and I have found Tofurky (tofu turkey w/ turkey style gravy) but I have heard mixed remarks about their products. Also I would like to do something homemade possibly...In case anyone is wondering, this is my first vegan Thanksgiving and it has given me nothing but headache but rest assured, the turkey will not be sitting on my table at all costs!!!Thanks in advance to anyone willing to help me on this issue!!All smiles,Robin(blonde vegan from D.C.)To send an email to -





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i like unturkey much better then tofurkey...

tho..its prolly up to the individual...

the *skin* certainly is very interesting



Jennifer Stolk <jennstolk77

Nov 16, 2004 10:31 AM


Re: Holiday Mayhem!!! (need some advice)





<DIV>I live in the DC area too and I shop regularly at Whole Foods, which is

where I bought my Tofurky for last year's Thanksgiving.  I wasn't impressed at

all; it was like eating rubber.  This year, I found " Un Turkey "  at a Healthway

store.  I heard it is much better than the Tofurky.  I hope

so.<BR><BR><B><I>Robin <your_blonde_vegan</I></B> wrote:

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Has anyone else tried the Tofu Not A Turkey recipe Peta had on their

site a few years back? I found it here:

http://www.vegan-food.net/index.cgi?sid=822 & pf=1 I've made this a few

times, and I love it. If it's just going to be mostly me eating it I'll

half the recipe. It's really easy to make too. Although I keep saying

I'm going to get some sort of mold to press it into because it turns

out looking like a brown mound. Eats just fine though!





On Nov 16, 2004, at 1:31 PM, Jennifer Stolk wrote:


> I live in the DC area too and I shop regularly at Whole Foods, which

> is where I bought my Tofurky for last year's Thanksgiving.  I wasn't

> impressed at all; it was like eating rubber.  This year, I found " Un

> Turkey "  at a Healthway store.  I heard it is much better than the

> Tofurky.  I hope so.


> -snip-

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I considered buying an Unturkey based on your suggestion, Fraggle, but the

fucker was huge! It's just me this year, so I bought a Tofurkey roast,

which will feed me for about two days. I've always liked Tofurkey just

fine, and I adore the stuffing.






> [Original Message]

> fraggle <EBbrewpunx


> 11/16/2004 1:06:24 PM

> Re: Holiday Mayhem!!! (need some advice)



> i like unturkey much better then tofurkey...

> tho..its prolly up to the individual...

> the *skin* certainly is very interesting



> Jennifer Stolk <jennstolk77

> Nov 16, 2004 10:31 AM


> Re: Holiday Mayhem!!! (need some advice)


> <html><body>



> <DIV>I live in the DC area too and I shop regularly at Whole Foods, which

is where I bought my Tofurky for last year's Thanksgiving.  I wasn't

impressed at all; it was like eating rubber.  This year, I found " Un

Turkey "  at a Healthway store.  I heard it is much better than the Tofurky. 

I hope so.<BR><BR><B><I>Robin <your_blonde_vegan</I></B> wrote:





> To send an email to -


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yeah..unturkey is big

try taking it home in a backpack sometime!!!




Anna Blaine <anna333

Nov 16, 2004 4:48 PM


Re: Holiday Mayhem!!! (need some advice)



I considered buying an Unturkey based on your suggestion, Fraggle, but the

fucker was huge! It's just me this year, so I bought a Tofurkey roast,

which will feed me for about two days. I've always liked Tofurkey just

fine, and I adore the stuffing.






> [Original Message]

> fraggle <EBbrewpunx


> 11/16/2004 1:06:24 PM

> Re: Holiday Mayhem!!! (need some advice)



> i like unturkey much better then tofurkey...

> tho..its prolly up to the individual...

> the *skin* certainly is very interesting



> Jennifer Stolk <jennstolk77

> Nov 16, 2004 10:31 AM


> Re: Holiday Mayhem!!! (need some advice)


> <html><body>



> <DIV>I live in the DC area too and I shop regularly at Whole Foods, which

is where I bought my Tofurky for last year's Thanksgiving.  I wasn't

impressed at all; it was like eating rubber.  This year, I found " Un

Turkey "  at a Healthway store.  I heard it is much better than the Tofurky. 

I hope so.<BR><BR><B><I>Robin <your_blonde_vegan</I></B> wrote:





> To send an email to -


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I bought an Unturkey that serves 2-4. It came with stuffing and gravy, too. Got it at Whole Foods.Anna Blaine <anna333 wrote:

I considered buying an Unturkey based on your suggestion, Fraggle, but thefucker was huge! It's just me this year, so I bought a Tofurkey roast,which will feed me for about two days. I've always liked Tofurkey justfine, and I adore the stuffing.Love,Anna> [Original Message]> fraggle > > 11/16/2004 1:06:24 PM> Re: Holiday Mayhem!!! (need some advice)>>> i like unturkey much better then tofurkey...> tho..its prolly up to the individual...> the *skin* certainly is very interesting>> > Jennifer Stolk > Nov 16, 2004 10:31 AM> > Re: Holiday

Mayhem!!! (need some advice)>> >>> I live in the DC area too and I shop regularly at Whole Foods, whichis where I bought my Tofurky for last year's Thanksgiving. I wasn'timpressed at all; it was like eating rubber. This year, I found "UnTurkey" at a Healthway store. I heard it is much better than the Tofurky. I hope so.Robin wrote:>>>>> To send an email to - >

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Oh my God, that's funny!!! I just eat veggies on Thanksgiving.

Drives my family crazy. Can't imagine springing a huge fucker of an

Unturkey on them, hahaha. I'm way overtired, signing off before you

all think I " ve lost it...the turkey or my mind..



, " Anna Blaine " <anna333@e...> wrote:

> I considered buying an Unturkey based on your suggestion, Fraggle,

but the

> fucker was huge! It's just me this year, so I bought a Tofurkey roast,

> which will feed me for about two days. I've always liked Tofurkey just

> fine, and I adore the stuffing.


> Love,

> Anna



> > [Original Message]

> > fraggle <EBbrewpunx@e...>

> >

> > 11/16/2004 1:06:24 PM

> > Re: Holiday Mayhem!!! (need some advice)

> >

> >

> > i like unturkey much better then tofurkey...

> > tho..its prolly up to the individual...

> > the *skin* certainly is very interesting

> >

> >

> > Jennifer Stolk <jennstolk77>

> > Nov 16, 2004 10:31 AM

> >

> > Re: Holiday Mayhem!!! (need some advice)

> >

> > <html><body>

> >

> >

> > <DIV>I live in the DC area too and I shop regularly at Whole

Foods, which

> is where I bought my Tofurky for last year's Thanksgiving. I wasn't

> impressed at all; it was like eating rubber. This year, I found " Un

> Turkey " at a Healthway store. I heard it is much better than the


> I hope so.<BR><BR><B><I>Robin <your_blonde_vegan></I></B> wrote:

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > To send an email to


> >

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I usually have a Christmas Chracker Surprise with my veg on the day.( and have a few for the fridge), what it is , is basically a puff pastry ( shop bought of course!) cracker shape with two different fillings. One for the middle - stuffing or somesuch, and a contrasting one for the two ends ( tomato rice etc.), the patry then gets tied up at each end to form a cracker!

As I have to use a whole pack of pastry, I usually end up with four or five in the freezer.

I still cant stomach turker , analogue or dead bird. Both too simular. And Fraggle, STOP mentioning how interesting the skin is! YUK....

The Valley Vegan.......silvertree173 <stellarlunar77 wrote:

Oh my God, that's funny!!! I just eat veggies on Thanksgiving. Drives my family crazy. Can't imagine springing a huge fucker of anUnturkey on them, hahaha. I'm way overtired, signing off before youall think I"ve lost it...the turkey or my mind..~Chrissie~ , "Anna Blaine" wrote:> I considered buying an Unturkey based on your suggestion, Fraggle,but the> fucker was huge! It's just me this year, so I bought a Tofurkey roast,> which will feed me for about two days. I've always liked Tofurkey just> fine, and I adore the stuffing.> > Love,> Anna> > > > [Original Message]> > fraggle > > > > 11/16/2004 1:06:24 PM> > Re:

Holiday Mayhem!!! (need some advice)> >> >> > i like unturkey much better then tofurkey...> > tho..its prolly up to the individual...> > the *skin* certainly is very interesting> >> > > > Jennifer Stolk > > Nov 16, 2004 10:31 AM> > > > Re: Holiday Mayhem!!! (need some advice)> >> > > >> >> > I live in the DC area too and I shop regularly at WholeFoods, which> is where I bought my Tofurky for last year's Thanksgiving. I wasn't> impressed at all; it was like eating rubber. This year, I found "Un> Turkey" at a Healthway store. I heard it is much better than theTofurky. > I hope so.Robin wrote:> >> >> >> >> > To send an email to- > >

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You'll just have to invite us all over next year :)





Anna Blaine wrote:


>I considered buying an Unturkey based on your suggestion, Fraggle, but the

>fucker was huge! It's just me this year, so I bought a Tofurkey roast,

>which will feed me for about two days. I've always liked Tofurkey just

>fine, and I adore the stuffing.







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Consider it done. Just remember that there's only one veggie restaurant in

town and it's really not all that great.






> [Original Message]

> Dave <dave


> 11/22/2004 6:48:40 PM

> Re: Holiday Mayhem!!! (need some advice)



> You'll just have to invite us all over next year :)


> Dave



> Anna Blaine wrote:


> >I considered buying an Unturkey based on your suggestion, Fraggle, but


> >fucker was huge! It's just me this year, so I bought a Tofurkey roast,

> >which will feed me for about two days. I've always liked Tofurkey just

> >fine, and I adore the stuffing.

> >

> >Love,

> >Anna

> >

> >

> >





> To send an email to -


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