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Thanksgiving Shopping

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I do blame the people at the top, in retail business, they promote

merchandise very irresponsibly.


I work at a famous store, one which everyone of you have heard of.

I'm not usually one to give away company secrets or any secrets,

however for the sake of this argument. I will say that I am

absouluty disgusted with the retail industry, at least where I work.


They will try to get away, with selling the most possible

merchandise, the bottom line is sell, sell, sell. They are just

interested in the $ales figures. They could care less, about the



I feel that I am being made to lie to people. and to shamelessly

promote products and things that I don't believe in.


from the very start, training videos, tell you to not let a customer

leave the store. They have various lines, which they tell you to

feed a customer.

" housewives have all the time in the world to shop, they are usually

bored and glad to get out of the house. Make sure you tell them how

cute their baby is, they love to hear this and it's an excellent ice

breaker "


" always tell customers that they can always bring something back, if

they don't like it. Most of the time the average doesn't bother

bringing something back to the store "


This video session lasted two days. basically it should've been call

how to lie to people. They give you test on the basic types of

customers. i.e.

The fast shopper- don't burden her with details, move as fast as she


The I'm just looking customer- usually they are not, they want to

buy something, smile and follow them a bit.


The detail oriented shopper- making a major " this is a big deal to

me " purchase. Offer them a lot of product talk, scientific jargon,

about how the product performs and it's features.


it goes on and on and on.


three weeks before thanksgiving. I was told to help design a Table,

that customers first see when they walk into our department.

Everything ergonomically correct.

This table, had everysingle thing you can think of related to

turkey. Roasters, tablecloths, meat thermometers, ovens, meat

brushes, cookbook. basters. you name it. The trick was to make a

person feel insecure, and say " gosh, I did'nt know I needed all this

to make a turkey "


they day after thanksgiving, all the christmas stuff was put up.

Dishes, glasses, tablecloths, gloves, socks, dresses, you name it, it

had a little christmas tree on it. They couldn't wait.


one thing I have a major problem with is credit card promotions or

should I say pushings. They don't want people to use cash.

Cash people can see, they can see that their money is leaving their

pockets. When they people use credit cards, its just a number and

they can buy anything they want, they don't actually ever see those $

five hundred, forty one dollars and twenty three cents. or whatever.


Whenever someone is buying something, we have rehearsed lines which

we feed customers.

The first thing we say is " would you like to pay with (our store

name) credit card? if the customer says " no I don't have one. Then

we are told to say " why that's too bad, because you could've saved

15% percent on you purchase today "

This gets the customer excited. but if they still say no, we try

other techniques.


We get $5 dollars everytime a customer opens a credit card. On the

weekends we get $7 dollars. I seen cowokers shamelessly swiping the

cards wrong on purpose, So that the customer has to open a store

credit card right on the spot!

One coworker tells people after taking out a credit card and then

leave " you just payed for my lunch, sucka "

We have quotas of cc orders to fill. Recently my boss had a talk with

me about how I am not getting that many cc openings.

right before we open, the store manager has this huge meeting in the

lobby and reads out loud the names of the people who opened the most

credit cards. Everyone applauds at this stupid contest in which

additional bonuses are offered.


another one of the things this store does is jack up the prices 50%

and then have 50% off sale, so that you are actually paying, what it

should have cost in the first place. but you don't think that you



They constantly change merchandise around so that old, unselling

items look new and refreshing.

They put items like chocolate and candies, and little cute trinkets

right by the cash register so that impusively you can throw one more

little item in when you pay for something.


Stores, together create a monopoly(agree) on the price of items such

as coffemakers and digital cameras. a recent coffemaker (cuisinart)

was $149 same set price at six different major stores that I checked.

When just a year ago this same one (with no major changes in model

type) sold for $99.



They make items as cheaply as possible, so that you will buy

replacement ones soon. Two years ago, I got a digital camera, the

plastic button which you shoot pictures with, broke off. Because It

had already been a year, Kodak told me, themselves. " it's best you

buy a new one m'aam, it would cost the same to fix it, as to buy a

new one " . When I was little, we actually fixed things, like

televisions, radios, and cameras. Today it's a trow it away, buy a

new one culture, which harms the environment.


They study, study, study people. Survey companies, which my store

s to, give prizes to people who take surveys so that they

know everything about them, not because they are interested but

because they want to know how to market you most effectively, they

even study vegans, but are not that interested since we are a

minority and have little buying power.

This store gets the results of many of these surveys daily.


I could go on and on about how stores try to sell you things that you

didn't even know you needed. This store could care less about

where/how the merchandise was made and the impact it has on this

planet. They do their best to try to get you to buy as much as you

possibly can.

I don't necesaryliy blame the customer.



" Have a nice day isn't good enough anymore, tell customers to have an

















-- In , lv2breathe@a... wrote:

> Um Craig I actually agree with alot of what you say.


> I guess I don't understand the " white man's crap " line.


> I feel it's full of hatred...and it's not really true. Many " non-

whites " are

> ardent consumers who care nothing about where their products come

from. Many

> people in retail, who depend upon the industry to eat, are not

white. What

> is this blaming whitey for everything? I think it is sick. I have


> for everyone who has been effected by globalization in any way

shape or

> form...whatever their color. And I don't assume that just because

someone is white

> that they are part of the problem. As I said before...many non-

whites, here

> and abroad are very into fancy thing, buying things consumerism. I

know for a

> fact...there are many wealthy people in asian countries who just

love their

> jewels and cars.


> In my own personal life...I actually live pretty simply. I shop at


> sales for one thing and try to buy only what I need. And if I buy

more than what

> I need...like the silk flowers...I make a point to really enjoy

them and

> appreciate them. I also shope " cruelty free " more than anyone else

around me...so

> I am not the enemy.


> If you have the time or inclination...read my prior post. I am

totally for

> unions, I don't like WalMart at all, I voted for the California

referendum to

> force employers with more than 50 employees to pay for health

insurance (it

> didn't win, sadly) and, I am disgusted with the abuse of labor

abroad and

> here...and very empathic towards those Americans whose wages have

been lowered due

> to globalization. I have compassion for everyone effected by

globalization no

> matter who they are.


> Kristina




> In a message dated 11/29/04 1:55:02 PM Pacific Standard Time,

> writes:

> well Frag

> I couldn't agree with you more.




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Firstly I think 'ppl like you' shows a misunderstanding on your

part. If everyone in the world was like Fraggle it would be a far,

far better place than it is now.


I am sure that Fraggle will help you to understand his point of view,

but if he doesn't I will.




, lv2breathe@a... wrote:

> In a message dated 11/29/04 1:55:02 PM Pacific Standard Time,

> writes:


> Fraggle

> Please don't by the *white man's burden* crap about how this helps

ppl by

> giving them jobs,.,....

> You know...I've met people like you before...who have total disdain


> Western, or " white " people. If you were one of those people in

retail it would

> matter to you where you'd get your next meal. I wonder why some

care so much for

> people far away (and yes, this is a good value) but care nothing

for those

> next door. And by the way...many of those people in retail

are " not white " . Is

> it possible to have compassion for everyone? There are a lot of


> Westerners...poor whites who are suffering because of

globalization. Do they not

> matter, too? I guess not, they are the wrong color. I think for

you, probably

> not.


> please remember that most of these " third world " nations had

vibrant local

> economies at one time, and each was crushed repeatedly by outside

influences and

> greed..colonialism, american banana boat and gun boat diplomacy,

and nowadays

> by the WTO, IMF, and globalilization...


> I totally agree with this. I am not a cheerleader for

globalization at all.

> I have many deep concerns. I guess the main difference is I don't

hate those

> who shop. I don' t think their actions are necessarily " bad "

however...I do

> see that in this world there is a lot of ramifications

to " globalization " . I

> just see them caught up in this whole thing that they did not

create. And I

> don't think shopping, in itself, is so horrible. Yes, many of the

effects of

> globalization ARE horrible...and I wish it weren't so at all...but

shopping in

> itself is not the evil...it's the greed that is the evil of those

at the top

> who are benefitting from all of it.


> and fer every piece of crap we buy from wally-mart that is oh so

cheap, it

> means the loss of some union job here in all reality..as its

cheaper to pay

> someone a pittance halfway around the world and dump yer waste

there, then ship it

> across the globe, then it is to pay someone a livable wage here


> I totally totally agree with you here. WalMart is depressing to

me. I have

> been in there a couple of times I always felt bad. I HATE what

they are doing.

> I voted for the California measure to insist on health care

coverage for

> industries that employ more than 50 people. I was very sorry to

see it lose...I

> can't imagine what others were thinking. I think it's sickening


> WalMart's heirs have more money than Buffett or Gates COMBINED but

they still can't

> seem to share enough to provide decents jobs or health care and

want to stick

> it to the taxpayers. And I am totally for unions...I wish WalMart

and Target

> and all those stores would unionize...it would be a great thing.


> as fer litter

> where do you think litter comes from????


> Most of the litter I have seen is fast food wrappers. And very

often I have

> some some people throw litter when a trash can is 5 feet away. To

me this

> shows a huge disrespect for those around them...and huge

inconsideration. I wish

> for more consideration for everyone in society...not just in my

> neighborhood...but the world. Litter brings down the quality of

life...and it's really

> negative and thoughtless. Shopping does not equal littering.

Littering is

> caused by a lack of consideration....it's not a given that if one

shops one

> litters. It has to do with the individual. They don't want to

bother to use trash

> cans.


> as fer retail.....

> pssst..got a litttle secret for you....

> its not sustainable

> we've become a society of consumers...we eat eat eat..freaking


> people...

> we produce nuthin but waste

> who cares if there are 5 billion jobs available at mcdeathburger


> wal-mart..when they don't lead anywhere, they don't pay a livable

wage, and give

> nothing to society...

> sorry i seem to have hit a nerve with you


> Um, Fraggle...you should know by now that I am not for fast food or

> WalMart...if you've read my responses. I guess the only nerve

you've hit with me is

> your...what is it called...exaggeration? Or selective compassion?

I have met

> others like you who hate the West...who have no feeling for fellow


> I don't think it's a nice or caring attitude...and quite frankly I

think it's

> kind of sick.


> Kristina

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thanx fer sharing!!!!!! Anouk Sickler Dec 2, 2004 12:42 PM Thanksgiving Shopping - I do blame the people at the top, in retail business, they promote merchandise very irresponsibly. I work at a famous store,

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It's nice that I rarely have to do this, but, just occassionally.... *putting on moderators hat*


This topic seems to be heading down a road that could get nasty, and is already starting to get personal.


We have just the one rule on this list, which is to keep things civil when disagreements occur - and people are just starting to edge over that line.


So... let's give this topic a break. If people want to continue discussing this particular issue, please take it off list.


Also, just to clarify, this is not "banning a topic" for good, just a firm but polite insistence that we take a breather on this particular issue.


Please note that if it is really necessary, I will moderate people in order to keep things polite, but it would be nice if it didn't have to come to that.



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oh, there's a blody well frightening thought

"everyone like me"

i don't think the planet could handle it

the brewing industry certainly couldn't....

:) heartwerk Dec 2, 2004 12:51 PM Re: Thanksgiving shopping KristinaFirstly I think 'ppl like you' shows a misunderstanding on your part. If everyone in the world was like Fraggle it would be a far, far better place than it is now.I am sure that Fraggle will help you to understand his point of view, but if he doesn't I will.Jo , lv2breathe@a... wrote:> In a message dated 11/29/04 1:55:02 PM Pacific Standard Time, > writes:>

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*steals yer hat and skips away*


*trips over discarded fast food wrappers*

gawddammit! Peter Dec 2, 2004 5:20 PM Re: Re: Thanksgiving shopping




It's nice that I rarely have to do this, but, just occassionally.... *putting on moderators hat*


This topic seems to be heading down a road that could get nasty, and is already starting to get personal.


We have just the one rule on this list, which is to keep things civil when disagreements occur - and people are just starting to edge over that line.


So... let's give this topic a break. If people want to continue discussing this particular issue, please take it off list.


Also, just to clarify, this is not "banning a topic" for good, just a firm but polite insistence that we take a breather on this particular issue.


Please note that if it is really necessary, I will moderate people in order to keep things polite, but it would be nice if it didn't have to come to that.



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, fraggle <EBbrewpunx@e...> wrote:



Hi Fraggle:


Thanks for your open, understanding and friendly spirit. I feel encouraged to

post this.


I have to admit that I support Kristina a little. Blaming any one part of the

society like the white man for problems/colonizations/the past is not logical.


Some Related Facts:

1. The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, they attacked China ferrociously then

2. There was so much infighting in China for power even from the times of


3. Before taking up Buddhism, the Indian Emperor Ashoka went on a conquering

spree, blood flowed like river then it is said

4. The Moghuls conquered and plundered as much as they could

5. The Mongolians under Chengiz Khan did the same and ruled ferrociously.

6. Spain was Conquered and ruled by the Islamists

7. In Africa there were several acts of Cannibalism that can't be undermined at

all. Look at what happened in Rawanda even VERY RECENTLY !! (As a Canadian I

have to share this as several men who went to help there including the White

were emotionally shattered including a Canadian General !!!)

8. The Khymer Rouge in Cambodia was bad to its own people.


History can't be denied. All this is documented. Also, in terms of environmental

damage everyone is equally resposible.


Looking at history clearly and this understanding is very important and will

benefit future discussions.



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Hi Fraggle


> oh, there's a blody well frightening thought

> "everyone like me"

> i don't think the planet could handle it

> the brewing industry certainly couldn't....


Not to mention the poor old Doozers :-)




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Hi, I just got a chance to try to catch up to any rebuttals to my last post on this topic.


I get it in digest form...and none of them came through. They were not in the correct format. So I have no idea what any of you said.


Having said that...I want to make one more comment about the whole WalMart shopping thing:


I was speaking to a friend about it and he felt many are very judgemental about those who shop there. Many, call it "cheap plastic crap" but, truly, the reason people shop there is because it fills a need. That "cheap plastic crap" is something that helps them live better at a price they can afford.


It seems to me it's mostly those who have a good income who judge those who need to save money going to WalMart. If I were living on minimum wage...I'd go there to! I don't think it's nice to be so judgemental on what people buy there because it could be filling a real need. And god knows, there are many many people living on low wages that need to save.


I'll say again...that I don't like how Walmart exploits every situation..how they are so rapacious....or how they refuse to give their employees health insurance..or how they teach their employees to get welfare benefits to make up for what they should be paying for. I feel all this is disgusting.


But we won't solve the problem by being so judgemental to those who shop there. We need to accept the fact that it fills a need and gives a lot of people what they want at a price they can afford.





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Thanks for sharing. I've been in retail, too and I hate the

duplicity. You are right...it is not really a positive industry in

many ways.


Look, I don't love retail at all. I am just being realistic. Right

now it provides a lot of jobs. If the jobs all left...what will they

do? Where will they go? With outsourcing and with machines taking

over jobs...I just wonder, where will they go? I am not in favor of

crappy jobs at all...but a low paying job is better than no job at





, " Anouk Sickler " <zurumato@e...>



> -

> I do blame the people at the top, in retail business, they


> merchandise very irresponsibly.


> I work at a famous store, one which everyone of you have heard of.

> I'm not usually one to give away company secrets or any secrets,

> however for the sake of this argument. I will say that I am

> absouluty disgusted with the retail industry, at least where I work.


> They will try to get away, with selling the most possible

> merchandise, the bottom line is sell, sell, sell. They are just

> interested in the $ales figures. They could care less, about the

> environment.


> I feel that I am being made to lie to people. and to shamelessly

> promote products and things that I don't believe in.


> from the very start, training videos, tell you to not let a


> leave the store. They have various lines, which they tell you to

> feed a customer.

> " housewives have all the time in the world to shop, they are


> bored and glad to get out of the house. Make sure you tell them


> cute their baby is, they love to hear this and it's an excellent


> breaker "


> " always tell customers that they can always bring something back,


> they don't like it. Most of the time the average doesn't bother

> bringing something back to the store "


> This video session lasted two days. basically it should've been


> how to lie to people. They give you test on the basic types of

> customers. i.e.

> The fast shopper- don't burden her with details, move as fast as


> does.

> The I'm just looking customer- usually they are not, they want to

> buy something, smile and follow them a bit.


> The detail oriented shopper- making a major " this is a big deal to

> me " purchase. Offer them a lot of product talk, scientific jargon,

> about how the product performs and it's features.


> it goes on and on and on.


> three weeks before thanksgiving. I was told to help design a Table,

> that customers first see when they walk into our department.

> Everything ergonomically correct.

> This table, had everysingle thing you can think of related to

> turkey. Roasters, tablecloths, meat thermometers, ovens, meat

> brushes, cookbook. basters. you name it. The trick was to make a

> person feel insecure, and say " gosh, I did'nt know I needed all


> to make a turkey "


> they day after thanksgiving, all the christmas stuff was put up.

> Dishes, glasses, tablecloths, gloves, socks, dresses, you name it,


> had a little christmas tree on it. They couldn't wait.


> one thing I have a major problem with is credit card promotions or

> should I say pushings. They don't want people to use cash.

> Cash people can see, they can see that their money is leaving


> pockets. When they people use credit cards, its just a number and

> they can buy anything they want, they don't actually ever see those


> five hundred, forty one dollars and twenty three cents. or



> Whenever someone is buying something, we have rehearsed lines which

> we feed customers.

> The first thing we say is " would you like to pay with (our store

> name) credit card? if the customer says " no I don't have one.


> we are told to say " why that's too bad, because you could've saved

> 15% percent on you purchase today "

> This gets the customer excited. but if they still say no, we try

> other techniques.


> We get $5 dollars everytime a customer opens a credit card. On the

> weekends we get $7 dollars. I seen cowokers shamelessly swiping the

> cards wrong on purpose, So that the customer has to open a store

> credit card right on the spot!

> One coworker tells people after taking out a credit card and then

> leave " you just payed for my lunch, sucka "

> We have quotas of cc orders to fill. Recently my boss had a talk


> me about how I am not getting that many cc openings.

> right before we open, the store manager has this huge meeting in


> lobby and reads out loud the names of the people who opened the


> credit cards. Everyone applauds at this stupid contest in which

> additional bonuses are offered.


> another one of the things this store does is jack up the prices 50%

> and then have 50% off sale, so that you are actually paying, what


> should have cost in the first place. but you don't think that you

> are.


> They constantly change merchandise around so that old, unselling

> items look new and refreshing.

> They put items like chocolate and candies, and little cute trinkets

> right by the cash register so that impusively you can throw one


> little item in when you pay for something.


> Stores, together create a monopoly(agree) on the price of items


> as coffemakers and digital cameras. a recent coffemaker (cuisinart)

> was $149 same set price at six different major stores that I


> When just a year ago this same one (with no major changes in model

> type) sold for $99.



> They make items as cheaply as possible, so that you will buy

> replacement ones soon. Two years ago, I got a digital camera, the

> plastic button which you shoot pictures with, broke off. Because It

> had already been a year, Kodak told me, themselves. " it's best you

> buy a new one m'aam, it would cost the same to fix it, as to buy a

> new one " . When I was little, we actually fixed things, like

> televisions, radios, and cameras. Today it's a trow it away, buy a

> new one culture, which harms the environment.


> They study, study, study people. Survey companies, which my store

> s to, give prizes to people who take surveys so that they

> know everything about them, not because they are interested but

> because they want to know how to market you most effectively, they

> even study vegans, but are not that interested since we are a

> minority and have little buying power.

> This store gets the results of many of these surveys daily.


> I could go on and on about how stores try to sell you things that


> didn't even know you needed. This store could care less about

> where/how the merchandise was made and the impact it has on this

> planet. They do their best to try to get you to buy as much as you

> possibly can.

> I don't necesaryliy blame the customer.



> " Have a nice day isn't good enough anymore, tell customers to have




> -anouk








> -- In , lv2breathe@a... wrote:

> > Um Craig I actually agree with alot of what you say.

> >

> > I guess I don't understand the " white man's crap " line.

> >

> > I feel it's full of hatred...and it's not really true. Many " non-

> whites " are

> > ardent consumers who care nothing about where their products come

> from. Many

> > people in retail, who depend upon the industry to eat, are not

> white. What

> > is this blaming whitey for everything? I think it is sick. I


> compassion

> > for everyone who has been effected by globalization in any way

> shape or

> > form...whatever their color. And I don't assume that just


> someone is white

> > that they are part of the problem. As I said before...many non-

> whites, here

> > and abroad are very into fancy thing, buying things consumerism.


> know for a

> > fact...there are many wealthy people in asian countries who just

> love their

> > jewels and cars.

> >

> > In my own personal life...I actually live pretty simply. I shop


> garage

> > sales for one thing and try to buy only what I need. And if I


> more than what

> > I need...like the silk flowers...I make a point to really enjoy

> them and

> > appreciate them. I also shope " cruelty free " more than anyone


> around me...so

> > I am not the enemy.

> >

> > If you have the time or inclination...read my prior post. I am

> totally for

> > unions, I don't like WalMart at all, I voted for the California

> referendum to

> > force employers with more than 50 employees to pay for health

> insurance (it

> > didn't win, sadly) and, I am disgusted with the abuse of labor

> abroad and

> > here...and very empathic towards those Americans whose wages have

> been lowered due

> > to globalization. I have compassion for everyone effected by

> globalization no

> > matter who they are.

> >

> > Kristina

> >

> >

> >

> > In a message dated 11/29/04 1:55:02 PM Pacific Standard Time,

> > writes:

> > well Frag

> > I couldn't agree with you more.

> >

> >

> >

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